South Korea, Xinzheng. Supreme Command.

"What is the attitude of the people of the Qin Kingdom? Do they think that this is enough? The Anxi people are nakedly challenging our authority. If this is the case, the face of the Central Plains country will be completely ashamed." Han Shu said angrily. . Han Shu is very disgusted with the shameless practice of the Parthians through joining the country, because it is a kind of aggression. Such an act deserves greater sanctions, otherwise, many of their things will not be able to proceed.

"Well, the king, the attitude of the people of Qin is very vague. Their reaction to this incident is acquiescence, and they have not made any specific views so far. It seems that they have already admitted such a result." Zhang Liang said. .

"Are they acquiescing?" Han Shu said. She was very surprised when she heard such a news. There were even too many accidents.

"My Majesty, this is nothing, because the newly appointed Deputy Prime Minister seems to have a great positive relationship with the State of Anthion. The trade between the State of Qin and the State of Anthion has increased a lot, and the State of Qin imported a large amount of cheaply through some cheap methods. Oil, the price of this oil is much cheaper than the price of oil we export to Qin, which greatly promotes the development of the Qin people’s automobile industry. Not only that, but the trade between Qin and the Anxi people has also increased. Many, especially many machinery and military enterprises, have greatly increased their profits by exporting some technology, even equipment, and semi-finished products. All these have allowed these enterprises to get a lot of benefits. With the support of such people, they will naturally form a great favorable situation for Qin, and the people of Qin will not make a diplomatic unfavorable situation for their own benefit. This is an inevitable choice. "Zhang Liang said.

"Damn Li Si." Han Shu scolded after listening, because after Li Si came to power, many policies have changed. For example, Feng Quji actively maintains friendly diplomatic relations with Koreans, and in many places expressed his desire to treat South Korea. The formation of great help, but the actual situation is that Li Si always delays such things in various ways, for example, the funds provided, he always said that their lack of funds is very serious.

Recently, he has put out a lot of projects, demanding the redistribution of funds from the gold that the government sells. This move was opposed by Feng Quji. Although it did not reach the situation that Li Si expected, Qin wanted to help South Korea. People, it seems that it will take some time. Or, it is even more difficult. In such a situation, Zhang Liang has been prepared for the worst. That is, it is impossible to get help from the State of Qin in this kind of thing. There is a relationship between the Shangwen government and the Korean government. Friendly relations are disintegrating little by little. South Korea must find a new diplomatic partner. If this is the case, Zhang Liang is already thinking about this problem.

Qi is not suitable, because Qi and South Korea cannot reconcile the Qingzhou and Qingcheng issues at all. This is a historical issue, but South Korea has nothing to do about it, and the stubborn Qi people will always think that such a problem cannot be reconciled. Solve, because this is an important basis for improving the relationship between the two sides, but South Koreans cannot go to the sea. If that happens, the entire Korean navy will be in a huge disadvantage. This will cause a lot of losses, and the Koreans cannot accept it, but the Qi people will continue to struggle with this issue, and the situation will never end. Unable to unlock.

It seems that the state of Chu can achieve such a situation, because the state of Chu will be better. Chu and Qi have always had a very delicate relationship, and the focus of the battle between the two sides is also very much. In recent years, there have been frequent frictions between the two sides on economic and trade issues, because the people of Qi are secretly expanding the colony, and the people of Chu absolutely cannot tolerate such a sneaky move. Therefore, South Korea and Qi are not possible at all. The only feasible way is to make a relatively good deal between South Korea and Qi. In this case, their situation may be better. This is their most important move at the moment. Up.

"We will let things go for the time being. Regarding the Persian issue, we must show such an attitude. We support them. However, we have not yet finally supported them. Under such a situation, we must Try to avoid war as much as possible, or join the war prematurely. In this case, we can only express our attitude, but we must avoid war." Han Shu said, this sounds very contradictory, but it is not at all contradictory. , Because the Koreans want this kind of situation, which is good for them, and that's it. As for the others, they will not ask too much.

"We understand this, Lord." Zhang Liang said. In this regard, Zhang Liang is very clear that for a place like Persia, Koreans are not willing to participate excessively in it. The most is to deploy some air power, but the air power will not be too much. After all, this has a great deal with them. Relationship, their financial power cannot allocate a lot of energy on this, which poses a great threat to them. He should be very clear about this situation.

Therefore, the only best way is to give up such a situation and just show such an attitude.

"It's not enough to just express an attitude. We need to do other things, at least to make our situation look more favorable, so that the Persians can see support for such a situation. In this case, they can also have some hope. This is very important to us." Zhang Liang said.

"I agree with your view, such a view, is very crucial. It is also very beneficial." Han Shu said.

"So, my lord, I think that economic sanctions should be imposed on the Parthians, at least to give them a certain blow in trade. In this way, the Parthians can see our attitude." Zhang Liang said. Han Shu nodded in agreement.

But in fact, it makes no sense to do so, because there are not many trades between Koreans and the Shabbats. It is even better to use less pitiful to describe their situation. Their situation is indeed such a disadvantage, not only that. In many cases, many of their things are actually not too good. For example, the petroleum trade products between South Korea and the Shah are in conflict. In addition, the oil price of the Shah people is too cheap, especially for the large customer of Qin, the Shah people deliberately used an extreme method to suppress, such a situation, the situation will become extremely unfavorable, so As a result, the situation will be a huge disadvantage to them. This situation will put their situation in a more unfavorable situation.

Therefore, economic sanctions, especially trade sanctions, are simply scratching the surface. Meaningless.

But Zhang Liang believes that this can show an attitude and give the Persians some comfort. The Koreans are on their side. As long as such a goal is achieved, it will be fine. The Koreans are comforting the Persians.

In the office of Weiman, the Northern Government of Yan State.

"Our people have caused great riots in the south, even though there are many, many troops on the other side's continuous suppression. The Goguryeo people are also involved, but they have nothing to do, the riots have become bigger, and in the north, we The guerrilla tactics constantly harass them, and the Goguryeo people seem to be unable to do anything. Their army is incompetent. It is impossible to launch further military operations." The staff said excitedly. It seems that this is their own victory for Yan people.

"This situation is very good. I personally agree with this. We should continue to do this. However, the Goguryeo people want to talk to us." Wei Man said.

Weiman knew why the Goguryeo people talked to them. The reason is simple. The situation of their army is very unfavorable. It is even said that their condition is largely in a very unfavorable situation. Most of their recruits have caused poor combat effectiveness and can't do anything. However, Goguryeo’s inability to perform in the military directly led to their passiveness in diplomatic negotiations. On the contrary, Wei Man took the initiative, because they created riots to varying degrees and attacked. Low-cost combat methods have made him a lot of profits. For him, he is very able to withstand such favorable consumption, but some of their situations are very helpless. In such a situation, they have many things. Can't solve such a thing further. Under such circumstances, many of their things are difficult to proceed.

This is the most unfavorable situation for them at present. If this situation continues, what the result is, their losses will become even greater.

Therefore, in such a situation, choosing to negotiate is also an advantage and a strategy. It can be said that this approach is extremely effective.

"Sir, if we do this, do we have some losses, or that this is a conspiracy of the Goguryeo people." The staff said.

"Our goal is gold, not the other party’s conspiracy. No matter what the other party is, we only need gold. If we don’t talk about it, we continue to stand still like this. What will happen, we may also invest in more other things. This is a huge bad thing for us. If this situation continues, what else can we do?" Wei Man asked rhetorically.

"Gold, only a large amount of gold can make our situation favorable." Wei Man said.

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