Carthage, on the No. 3 easy road.

"Damn it, what's the matter?" Carthage, the armored regiment, the staff officer Major Chengke climbed out of the armored chariot and shouted loudly.

"Sir, the road ahead has been dug up." A second lieutenant shouted loudly.

"Damn it, spread from both sides and pass." Major Chengke shouted very impatiently. The task they received was to quickly detour back to the rear of the rebels, cut off their retreat and launch an attack appropriately to compress the opponent, but they advanced less than fifty kilometers in two days. According to the news from the headquarters, the rebels have jumped out of their attack range. And the speed is faster than them, the above is extremely dissatisfied, and they are called turtle speed. In this regard, Major Chengke was extremely dissatisfied, because they were constantly subjected to various attacks along the way, either by snipers or by planting landmines. Their two armored vehicles suffered poisonous hands. A track that had been blown up in half was completely scrapped. The personnel inside were killed.

The other one was directly blown up. He didn't know how many explosives the damned Rebels had planted on the road. In desperation, they had no choice but to let the infantry advance along both sides of the road, alerting the opponent to use explosives to launch an offensive. As a result, their forward speed suffered a great attack.

"Sir. There are mines on both sides, and the infantry has suffered a great attack. We must find a way to clear the trench." The ensign said.

Major Chengke was very helpless. They didn't have time to continue to spend on this, because it didn't make much sense to spend it, but the resistance army used this primitive method to make it difficult for them to advance.

The Resistance Army is also making continuous progress, and the tanks have left a deep impression on them. This weapon once left them at a loss, but now they have more solutions to deal with such things. Quite simply, trenches can stop me and the others from advancing, and explosives can completely blow up their tanks. Even if it consumes a lot of explosives, it is of great significance to them. Because they have experience in defeating tanks.

"Damn it," Major Chengke cursed loudly. He is just a staff officer, but his task is to move forward quickly, but now, such a goal has been difficult to achieve, in many cases, the enemy they face is too difficult. This is too much trouble for them. They must change such strategies. Let their situation become better, so that they can make their situation much more advantageous.

"Tutu. Tutu. Tutu." A spot of fire suddenly appeared, which posed a great threat to the infantry.

"Damn it." Major Chengke immediately retracted into his armored tank. Such a firepower point hadn't seen what was going on before he disappeared. Some infantrymen were knocked to the ground, but they still had to be careful because they didn't even know where the opponent would appear. The tactics used by the rebels were extremely strange, and they didn't entangle them at all. This makes them unable to catch. The tactics of the rebels made Carthage feel that they used all their power, but in the end they hit a ball of cotton. Many people were annoyed, but there was no way to change this state. Very angry.

But in the face of such a situation, Carthage had nothing to do, because the rebels were originally composed of a group of guerrillas. The joining of the Loma regular army gave them a great technical improvement. Such an improvement actually made Their combat effectiveness has been greatly improved. This improvement. It is an improvement that makes them more beneficial.

State of Zhao, Handan. Prime Minister's House.

"In this regard, my personal opinion is that they need such a plane, because only such a fighter jet can meet their needs to the greatest extent." The Secretary of Defense said.

"But the Carthaginians have no money." Zhao Jia said worriedly. In Carthage, Malta, and in the area controlled by Zhao Guoren, more than 300 aircraft were deployed. The Ministry of National Defense has also increased this ratio, and within a month, this number will exceed the five-hundred mark. It is very easy for the people of Zhao Guoren to provide a batch of planes to the Carthaginians.

"But Prime Minister, they have oil. If we can get more oil transportation by using airplanes to exchange oil, it will be of great help to us." The Secretary of Defense said. Carthage is also an oil-producing country. Relying on oil, a large number of elders have gained a lot of wealth. Not only that, they also solved financial problems. Carthage is a rich country, but because of its wealth, This makes them lose their aggressiveness, and their situation is still very bad, even very bad. Too bad. They themselves feel that it is impossible to complete such a situation. Facing such a situation, they really don't have too many good ways to deal with such a situation.

"Do these damned veterans agree to this?" Zhao Jia said.

It would have been good to exchange weapons for oil. The Kingdom of Zhao needed a lot of oil resources, and the Carthaginians could meet their demand for weapons. However, the Carthaginian elders thought that this would be detrimental to them, because they could use the oil in exchange for a large amount of gold. Make their situation better, and their currency will be more valuable because their gold reserves have increased. They can buy a lot of their favorite products, cotton cloth, tea, and more luxury goods. Regarding weapons, the veterans believe that such things will only depreciate. It is not as good as selling them a car by Zhao Guoren to sell something like this to them. But such things are too dangerous for them.

It is precisely because of the non-cooperation of the Senate that made it difficult for Zhao Guoren to proceed. This is what Zhao Jia worries about.

"The Prime Minister, this matter can be handed over to the other party. This has nothing to do with us. They have to pay some price if they want to get the plane," said the Minister of Defense. The other party is so crazy.

"Try it. We definitely can't do such things easily, otherwise, we won't encounter such things." Zhao Jia said.

Despite many unfavorable circumstances, Zhao Jia decided to give it a try. After all, the impact of the absence of oil on Zhao is still too great. They need so many resources too much. Without these resources, they can't do anything. In this way, Zhao Guoren made his own tentative approach.

In the Yan State and Jinhai District, the southerners of the Yan State began to build their own navy. They first built their own frigates and some destroyers with the Zhao State Navy. With such developments, their situation would be better. development of. In this case, their situation will become much more favorable.

There are more and more merchant ships in Yan, and they naturally need their own navy. Yan people are also aware of this. At the same time, Yan people only occupy a certain scale on the issue of Nanyang oil development, and their proportion is very small. But they saw the importance of the navy. If they had a navy, they could deal with the Yan people in the north. At the same time, they could get even greater concessions on the South Sea oil issue, which greatly stimulated the Yan people. Ambition, they started to do this crazy, because doing so would be extremely beneficial to them. Only by doing this can their situation develop further; otherwise, their situation will only become more unfavorable, and they cannot allow such situations to happen. This is their current situation, and there are still many things they need to do.

This is the situation of the war. There will be a lot of problems they need to handle properly.

A large number of naval ships need to be built in time to meet their needs. In this regard, the people of Zhao are very generous. They actively cooperate with the people of Yan to help them build warships, so that they are capable of self-defense, even though they have developed to a first-class level. The Navy still needs a long, long time to go, but some of these situations are enough to make their situation better. At the same time, the people of Zhao will get an ally they need. Such an ally is of great significance to them. This is an important situation they must face at present, and this situation will meet their needs to the greatest extent.

This is the case of the war, and there are still many things we need to solve.

Zhao Guoren’s naval development thinking is not too clear. They are not interested in some new warships, such as aircraft carriers. They think that such warships are not very meaningful, lack the necessary firepower, and the attack strength of carrier-based aircraft. It is too weak, directly leading to their development status is not too favorable.

Zhao Guoren thinks that such warships are not very meaningful. On the contrary, they walk more formal. In addition to large surface ships, they also pay attention to the research of underwater ships, such as submarines. Zhao Guoren is at the forefront in submarine research. They can easily accomplish many things like this.

They also started research on torpedoes with the people of Qi, because submarine operations must be assisted by large torpedoes. Without these things, their situation is not very good. The submarine's attack is too weak.

At the same time, the people of Zhao Guoren are also trying another way, for example, they load radios into submarines. In this way, they can fight. But these still need them to float to the surface to proceed. In short, Zhao Guoren's emphasis on new aircraft carriers is not too important, they pay too much attention to the importance of submarines.

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