The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 4704: Virtue of the Bank

"Sir, our situation is very bad. We only have light firepower, and the opponent has been supported by heavy artillery fire from the rear. We attacked several times, and when we were about to rush in, we were hit by the opponent's heavy artillery. With the above forces, the brethren have suffered heavy casualties." The staff officer reported helplessly.

Wang Bo frowned. They used two regiments and seven infantry battalions. As a result, they couldn't eat one of the opponent's battalions. What's worse, the seven battalions lost more than half of their troops. There were two battalions, and the remaining people were not enough for one and a half people. If the powerful artillery struck down, it was a sacrifice for a company. The casualties were high. It's quite big.

To sum up the reasons, apart from the lack of awareness of heavy artillery by the Persian National Army, because many officers and soldiers have never seen such a large-caliber artillery bombardment, they have no idea about the huge disparity in firepower, and it is a lucky thing to be knocked out. Right. In addition, their tactics are relatively rigid. They even line up to charge before the battle, because if the formation is too scattered, it will lead to an extreme decline in the officer's control of the soldiers. As a result, the Persians sent a dense assault formation, which gave the artillery a good opportunity for bombardment.

The Persian National Army suffered heavy casualties. They paid a very heavy price and still couldn't destroy each other, which made them feel very annoyed, but there was nothing to do. After all, their casualties were too heavy.

"Withdrawal, we change our tactics, the enemy will not attack us like this. Doing so will consume more of our troops, we absolutely can not do this." Wang Bo thought for a while and decided like this. If his troops are used If all of the enemy's forces are lost, his results will become extremely difficult. He didn't want to do such a thing, so, in such a situation, he decided to withdraw his troops and not launch an offensive.

Hear such an order. Many staff members were extremely unconvinced, because the cost of casualties was too great. They were asked to withdraw at once, but they couldn't accept it. After all, no one could accept such a casualty figure. And to no avail.

"The Parthians have launched an offensive. Their offensive is extremely sharp. We can't estimate that if we continue to attack, a huge hole may appear in our own defense line first. We retreat and enter the reverse **** position. The opponent's firepower is too strong. It's fierce. We absolutely can't go on like this." Wang Bo said. The Parthians gave full play to their advantages. For the Persians, this is a disaster. Therefore, they must use their advantages and avoid the reverse **** to ensure the reasonable use of their forces to the greatest extent. As for other things, this is not something he can know. Up.

Shi Chez was hiding in a small crater, he had less than ten bullets. In order to save his life, he desperately burned all the ammunition on his body, and they also added it twice in the middle, but now, the person who sent the ammunition has not come. This made him very anxious.

"Gudong." Shi Chees swallowed desperately, drinking the water long ago. It took a long time for the saliva in his throat, and it took a lot of effort to get some of it. Otherwise, he couldn't do this. But the situation on the other side made him feel very bad.

The Persians seem to be preparing for the next attack, maybe they will be knocked down in the next attack. They can only hide near the fire point, which is the safest place.

Around them, there are corpses everywhere, and the mutilated corpses make them feel fear, the fear before death, not afraid of death, it is fake, all people are afraid of death. Stone Chess saw too many deaths. Death made him extremely disgusted with this war. Many recruits were scared, the Persians were very crazy, and they rushed over in a swarm. The weapon in his hand can't stop them from approaching, and then he fights with the bayonet. The recruits could not resist such an attack at all. The opponent was bayonet when they came up, and the unfortunate person was stabbed. Then yelled, hoping to occasionally get rid of this kind of pain, and then the two sides would choke their necks, and the officer quickly ended the battle with the weapon in his hand, but was soon knocked to the ground by several Persians, some sergeants During the battle, his head was smashed by the opponent. All kinds of corpses were everywhere in the trenches. Stone Chess was lucky, at least he was still alive, and if the Persians were going crazy, they might never be able to stand up again.

"Boom. Boom." The rumble of artillery continued, and they could feel the extremely fierce air wave even in the trenches. They can even hear the sound of shrapnel flying around. It's really a terrible thing.

But now he hopes that such a bombardment can come for a longer time, because it was with the fierce bombardment of these artillery that they passed the peaceful period, otherwise, they would not be able to hold on for such a long time. These fierce artillery. At least 60% of the enemies were wiped out, and on several occasions, the artillery was almost exploded on the edge of their position, and then after a fierce artillery attack, the enemy's attack was completely dismantled. In front of their position, it was as tragic as a slaughterhouse. Stone Chess felt that he might never eat meat again. Even canned meat for him. He didn't want to eat. The situation of the war far exceeded their imagination. This is not a war at all.

Shichez did not wait for the anticipated attack, on the contrary, the Persians retreated. The whole position seemed too quiet after the artillery stopped bombarding. This makes them feel very puzzled. Many people are extremely nervous holding weapons, and then look around for their situation.

Fortunately, their reinforcements arrived soon, which greatly eased their situation. In such a state, their situation was completely eased. But the **** battle is still not over. Under such circumstances, they can finally breathe a sigh of relief if they want to accomplish such a thing.

Bolton was resting on his artillery position. He couldn't remember how many shells they fired. He just felt that he couldn't lift his arm anymore. Many people are very tired lying on the shells to rest, they are too tired. Keep firing. He was thinking, the battle on the front line might be extremely bad. Otherwise, they would not gather so many people and shoot at so many people. This is simply a huge challenge for them.

Bolton doesn't know what the front line will be in a situation, but if they want them to fire, they must rest for at least an hour. Otherwise, they can't take it anymore.

The fierce battle puts the artillery in an extremely tired state. In this state, they can persist, which is already extremely good. To know. Many of their previous situations were carried out under extremely unfavorable circumstances.

Qin State, Xianyang. Few people care about the war situation on the front line. They don't care about the life and death of some soldiers or what happened to them. Maybe they just shook their heads when they read the newspaper. Then say a pity, and then they will do whatever they should. The war has nothing to do with them.

But for the people of Qin, this is a business, and they need to make this kind of business more profitable. Otherwise, they will get nothing. This is the current situation they are in. In this situation, many of their issues must be resolved.

"I also read your report. But our bank also has its own conditions." Li Si met Li Lingtong. For these outsiders, Li Si was very busy, and he directly gave the other party only five minutes to talk. He just put forward some of his conditions.

"Banks can provide some financial assistance. They buy a lot of bonds, but bonds can be exchanged for oil. The more oil is exchanged, the more bonds we buy. Do you understand the meaning?" Li Si asked.

"Understood." Li Lingtong said.

"But." Li Lingtong also wanted to ask about the price of the intermediate exchange and how to operate it. Li Si said that the other party could leave. He is very busy. Too busy that he must save some things to deal with such situations.

"It's honest." Li Lingtong still didn't understand what was going on, and the meeting ended like this. Li Lingtong thinks that the problem is very big.

It's really big, because the funds have to be exchanged for bonds, and then the bonds are exchanged for oil. In this case, the other party sold bonds and exported oil in exchange for funds that could be used for war. It seems that they did not suffer. But this is not the case. This is a trick of the bank.

Banks usually do this, they use extremely low prices, even if their profit margins are very large. But they still feel dissatisfied. Therefore, they resorted to a plan to exchange bonds for oil, allowing the other party to exchange a large amount of oil. In this way, their situation would be much more advantageous. This is their most favorable situation. In such a situation, they only need to lower the price of bonds and exchange more bonds for more oil. The oil can be sold to Zhao Guoren, and the profit in this process is unprecedented. And only with so much profit, they will do a lot of other things to satisfy their own desires. This is the virtue of Qin State Bank, and what they need now is to get the other party's support and agree to do so. If they don't agree, they won't fund the other party, and this is hitting the weakness of the rest of the people. Li Lingtong knew it very reluctantly.

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