The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 794: Prepare for an outpost

The guerrilla regiment is entirely a voluntary force, and they have no military pay. There is no weapon supply. There is not even an army designation. The Qin Army would never admit the existence of such an armed force. Because this is entirely personal. In addition, the guerrilla cavalry Qin Army is not aware of the existence of such an armed force.

But now, this guerrilla regiment has grown to a size of nearly two thousand people. Among them, there were more than 1,200 infantrymen. They were all stragglers temporarily recruited. They had no actual combat experience at all. It has not undergone any rigorous military training. Before they became soldiers, they were just civilians.

But some other members of this corps have rich combat experience. They all have some military experience. Some of them have twenty years of military career. The reason why they were able to end being a soldier. It was only because of the large-scale disarmament of the Qin army that he was not a soldier. Although they do not fight as soldiers, they still have certain combat experience, and they will launch small-scale offensives against the Huns from time to time. These small-scale military offensives make them a continuous accumulation of combat experience.

And these combat experience is very precious to them. Because experience takes a long time to accumulate. Qin's continuous foreign warfare allowed Qin to accumulate a large number of armed personnel. The employment problem of these armed personnel is actually very difficult to solve. Because they are accustomed to the military career, if they don’t undergo any training. Learn. Or if some adapt to X life, they are easy to get into trouble.

"They are born soldiers." Wang Jian said at a meeting on military issues. The difficulty of the military problem lies in the special nature of the military. Peaceful life is orderly. The life of a soldier is destructive. Therefore, in the domestic construction. There cannot be too many destructive military teams. Otherwise, social security will go wrong.

In order to effectively guide these soldiers. Qin Guo established a large number of security companies. In fact, they are guiding these soldiers on purpose.

After these soldiers retired from active service. They become members of the security company. The nature of their work is still military. Moreover, their salaries have been substantially increased. At the same time, it also solved social problems. And the other eight hundred people in the guerrilla army. All come from these security guards. Or a mercenary.

They have their own social status. Some are still local police officers. Most of them have some savings. There are still a few people who own farms and pastures. It can be said that they have a certain social status. These positions save them from having to fight for money. In other words, their fighting is purely personal psychological will. That is, the Lord who is full of food.

These people joined the war as real volunteers. And the patriotism of the locals stimulated them to join in.

"Tata." There was a rush of horseshoes.

"Call." The cavalry on a horse stopped.

"Colonel. There is a patrol of the Qi Army in front of us. The number is probably more than fifty." The cavalry said.

"Well, continue reconnaissance and see if there is a drum unit behind." An old man in his fifties said. An eagle emblem is pinned to the old man's collar. Usually in the Qin army. Those with the eagle emblem signify the rank of colonel.

Because the Legion is an irregular army, they have close ties with the Qin Army. Many of them have served in the Qin Army and are very familiar with the overall operation of the Qin Army. And what is familiar cannot be familiar anymore.

"Yes, sir" said, and the cavalry turned and left on horseback.

"More than fifty people, we can wait and see." said the colonel.

"We still don't know where the besieged Qin army is. According to our reconnaissance this morning, a Qi army with more than 500 troops is stationed here. The reason for their stay is temporarily clear." The major also serves as a staff officer. Pinned to his collar is a golden shield made of brass. This means that he is the rank of major. The lieutenant colonel is white. Qin Jun currently uses aluminum. Because aluminum is much more precious than brass.

"Their location is specifically in the upper reaches of this river, and the vicinity is relatively open. They just simply built some fortifications there. This is not conducive to offensive for us." The major said.

"En." The colonel nodded looking at the map.

As the Qin Army's guerrilla regiment moves south, the forward of the regiment has entered the middle area of ​​the actual control range of the Qi army and the State of Yan. However, the Qi army did not completely give up advancing in this area. On the contrary, they are still tentative from time to time. Forward. such as. This 500-man force is their tentative offensive force.

"Our current manpower is only more than 300 people." said the colonel.

The guerrilla regiment sent three hundred men to fight the outpost. The people behind them, while advancing, taught the soldiers how to use guns and how to fight. Let them integrate into the war as soon as possible.

"We are cavalry. Fast combat is our advantage. Of course, we can also sneak attacks. The problem is that we don’t have heavy guys. We can’t sneak attacks on the Qi army camps that have built complete fortifications, as long as some of them take up weapons and shoot. . Our cavalry will be finished." said the colonel.

In fact, this is true, with the rifle entering the era of smokeless powder. Of course, this is only for the Qin Army and some military organizations. The rifle has been greatly improved in terms of range and power. These improvements are a nightmare for the cavalry. The speed of the cavalry is an advantage, but the emergence of machine guns and the acceleration of the rate of fire have become a new nightmare for the cavalry. But in the current field situation, there is nothing to replace the cavalry's high-speed mobility. This puts the cavalry in an extremely embarrassing position.

"Then what shall we do?" the major asked.

"We can attack a team of fifty people. But we don't eat them." said the colonel.

"Don't eat them." The major said with some incomprehension.

"Yes, we won't eat them." said the colonel.

"On their way back, we are here to give them a look. And here, it is the only way for the camp to send troops to support. In this way, we are here to set up an ambush and beat the opponent. One measure is not enough, but we just beat the opponent. . Then we rode out of here. Then we attacked each other’s camp. Of course, we must at the right time.” said the colonel.

"At the right time, the problem is that there are opponents' defensive forces in the camp. They have built perfect fortifications, which is a disaster for us. We launch an offensive. Are there some...". The major asked.

"The right timing is very important, and we can use another way to enter the camp. We need to know how we attacked the Xiongnu camp. We will attack the Qi army camp now. Do you understand?" The colonel's style of play is very good. simple. That is to give play to the mobile combat style of the Qin Army. Take advantage of Qin's firepower. Qin Jun does have a certain advantage in firepower. Their rifles are far greater in range, speed, and power than the Qi Army. The forward troops of the Qi Army are only equipped with valve rifles, and some recruits are still holding old-fashioned flintlocks. I don’t know how Qi Jun’s logistics supplies are. Because the flintlock bullets are very difficult to match.

"Okay. Let's allocate our forces now. We will divide our forces into two, and use the speed advantage of the cavalry to gather at the periphery of the Qi army camp. We are going to fight a battle." said the colonel.

"The key to the two forces is time and cooperation. We must seize the time tightly." The colonel emphasized.

"We must first send a force to kill the opponent's patrols, but not to wipe out all of them, but to attract the opponents to send troops to assist. This is the key to our victory. Therefore, we need to put the enemy at a certain distance to solve the problem. They have Come for a certain amount of time to support. At this time, another group ambushes the opponent on the road. Similarly, it will not wipe out all the enemies." said the colonel.

Although everyone has questions, they are listening carefully.

"Then, the two forces were all gathered together and concentrated on launching an attack on the opponent's camp." said the colonel.

"I think this plan is good, but if we completely annihilate our opponents, there will still be a certain amount of pressure. Moreover, if we do not grasp the timing, it is easy to fatten the opponent and cause a great opportunity. Moreover, we are cavalry. Infantry combat. To be honest, I still have no confidence." said the major.

"We are not attacking with cavalry. Rather, we use the rapid mobility of cavalry to launch an ambush. What we have to do is dismount and fight." The colonel looked at the major and said.

"Battle?" the major asked.

"Yes, we have to fight on foot. Do you know why we won when fighting the Huns?" the colonel asked.

"I don't know." The major shook his head. He never summarized these. His rank of major was appointed by himself. It also means that he has never attended a regular military school. Similarly, the colonel himself had not been to a military school. But he summed it up.

"The Huns only fight on the horse, and we are not only fighting on the horse. We also dismount and fight. Not only can we use the cavalry to quickly deploy our speed advantage. At the same time, we also dismount the infantry combat effectiveness. In this way. At some points, we played a fixed role." The colonel said.

The major still shook his head. He didn't understand what the colonel meant. And he didn't understand. What the **** the colonel is going to say. But he believes that the colonel's tactics are somewhat inappropriate. Where are these improper places? He didn't know it himself. But the colonel may have another meaning. The major thought so himself.

"Of course. There will be temporary changes in our plan. But the previous changes are not very big." said the colonel.

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