The Sima Department of the Qi Army was used to manage the logistics supply of ammunition for the Qi Army. In the age of firearms, the logistics supply of ammunition was as important as a large number of logistics supplies. Frontline soldiers not only need to consume a lot of food, clothing, fuel and other materials, but also need to consume a lot of guns and ammunition. Moreover, firearms and ammunition are the largest consumables for weapons after replacing cold weapons.

However, after all, the Qi army is an army that has not been able to accept the construction of the new army, and some problems still exist.

"Store all the ammunition there. Hurry up." A man with the appearance of a Qi army officer shouted loudly. Then from time to time, I also pointed my finger in the direction.

"Here," some soldiers agreed weakly.

"Those officials are crazy. What do we do with so many ammunition?" a Qi army soldier complained full of complaints.

"Move one by one." An older veteran replied.

The recruits reluctantly carried those heavy ammunition boxes. About half of these ammunition boxes are bullets, and about half are shells, propellants, etc. Others are some gunpowder.

"Put it there." A Qi army soldier said with a gun on his back.

Follow the direction pointed by the Qi army soldier. The soldiers finally saw where they saw. A simple tent half exposed outside. In order to prevent the snow from drenching the ammunition, Qi Jun also specially built some thatched roofs outside. This design can be regarded as a solution to the problem of wet ammunition.

But in fact, Qi Jun did not completely solve this problem. Qi State imports a large amount of ammunition from Qin State and South Korea every day. These ammunition are continuously transported from Qin to South Korea and Wei to Qi.

When Qi was imported, some Qi officials also knew to keep the ammunition dry. Therefore, the scrap rate of ammunition is not very high. But in the process of transportation. Long-distance turbulence and improper handling often cause ammunition to be triggered and major explosions occur. But these did not arouse the attention of Qi officials, they still focus on quantity. Large quantities of ammunition are needed on the front lines. These ammunition must complete the transportation task as soon as possible.

This kind of transportation requirement, which only asks for quantity but not for quality, has caused Qi State to disregard the quality of the ammunition transportation process. Even the storage situation that happened on the front line is very bad, and it is extremely bad.

Most of Qi's ammunition depots are constructed in this simple way. This kind of ammunition storehouse is dug half a foot high on the surface, and then build tents on this foundation. Then build a thatched shed, such a simple device. It is the lowest in terms of safety factor. To know. Thatched sheds and tents are flammable substances, these things are just a little bit, not to mention that there are a lot of ammunition stored in them. The people of Qi people do not have a high level of safety awareness about the safety of weapons and ammunition. This kind of practice without any security awareness will inevitably pay a heavy price.

But there was another problem that made the frontline soldiers of the Qi army complain a lot. After firing a few rounds of the bullets used by their weapons, one bullet will inevitably fail to hit and catch fire. At this time, soldiers of the Qi army had to manually open the valve and take out the bullets. Sometimes when the bullet is difficult to take out, the bayonet is used to pick out the ammunition to complete the manual installation. This brought great inconvenience to the combat effectiveness of the Alignment Army.

In the several battles launched by the Qi army against the besieged Qin army, some of the soldiers of the Qi army died because of the installation of bullets or poor shooting. They often complain that their bullets are fake and shoddy products. They even cursed the Koreans for unscrupulous profiteers.

In fact, these bullets are very good from the factory in Qin to the transportation and storage in South Korea. The probability of stinky bullets basically reaches a dozen bullets out of every 5,000 bullets. The gunpowder used in the trapdoor rifle is still black gunpowder, and the black gunpowder itself is prone to moisture, especially in the case of smooth transportation and improper storage, it is easy to happen such things.

With Qi's pursuit of transportation quantity regardless of transportation quality, the probability of such stinky bombs has been greatly increased. Especially front-line storage has a big problem. For example, this kind of simple ammunition depot. Because it is snowing continuously, especially the tunnel that is half a foot deep is dug. The land was already damp, and Qi Jun did not take any moisture-proof measures to store ammunition in it. The soil contains a lot of water. Even in winter. This dampening effect is also very considerable. The ammunition waits until it is used. There is still patina on the copper surface of some bullets. It can be seen how much the effect of this humidity is.

The officers who manage the storage of ammunition in the Qi Army are very aware of this, but even so, they still store it in this way.

"It's okay, this bullet can definitely make a sound. Let's talk about it. This bullet is bought with money. No need. Isn't it a waste." The officer said so.

Under such management, soldiers use damp bullets to fight. Will greatly affect the fighting of Qi people. And this incident happened in a sneak attack by Qi State on the besieged Qin army.

"Boom." The artillery in the distance roared. "Boom." There was a loud explosion. The shell exploded around the Qin army's position.

"Wow." Qin Jun responded, and they fired a flare. Make the whole night shine brightly.

"Swish." A flare hit the sky. The position was suddenly illuminated into daylight.

The flares took a parachute and landed slowly. The ground was quiet.

"Pliers," a Qi Jun covered in this burlap whispered.

"Here." Another Qi army soldier wrapped in burlap handed a pair of pliers.

"Bang." There was a metal sound of broken wire. "Boom." At this time, an artillery shell exploded just in front of the Qin army's position. This explosion was a good cover for the sound of the barbed wire destruction. Qin Jun's guard post didn't know anything about it. The shelling concealed this small sound.

"Xixi Suosuo." At this time, the soldiers of the Qi army cut off several wires in succession. Another Qi Army soldier on the side carefully grasped the barbed wire fences, because there were tins hanging on the barbed wire fences, and these tins would make a "crashing" sound. These noises were enough to expose Qi Jun's sneak attack.

"Run here quickly. Hurry up." A man with the appearance of an officer in Qi State whispered. The latter climbed over carefully. All the costumes of the people behind are made of burlap without exception. These linens have a good camouflage effect. It is close to the color of the land. Although there is snow on the ground, the land has been excavated and uninterrupted shelling, turning it into an irregular terrain of white and black. This kind of terrain creates a sense of visual indifference. This feeling gave the Qi army a great advantage in the sneak attack. The soldiers of the Qi army used this primitive camouflage to quietly approach the front position of the Qin army.

"Hurry up," the officer whispered.

"In an uproar." At this time, a strip of cloth of a soldier was hung out by a wire fence.

"Hush." ​​The officer hissed quietly.

"Don't make any noise," the officer whispered.

The soldiers around just nodded.

"Be careful not to hang your clothes." The officer cautioned.

Then the Qi army commandos went over the barbed wire gap that had just been opened one by one. And two or three soldiers in front of them kept cutting off the barbed wire. Create a good offensive environment for the commandos behind.

And on the other end. The soldiers of the State of Qin huddled in the trenches without daring to stretch their heads.

"Damn Qi people. It's dark night, but his mother is not allowed to sleep." A soldier of the Qin Army shouted loudly. But the sound of the guns was soon masked. Life in the trenches is boring. In addition, the besieged soldiers have been in tension for a long time. It's common occurrences to go on a small run and let your guard down. In this regard, Qin Jun officers repeatedly emphasized. But there is still no way. Because the soldiers are already in a state of exhaustion. This state makes it difficult for soldiers to maintain a high level of alert.

"Did you hear any noise?" a Qin Army soldier asked.

"I heard it. The sound of artillery. We couldn't sleep because of the shock." Another soldier said.

"Oh, okay, I misunderstood it." The Qin Army soldier had no choice but to say.

"Be careful. Watch out for the barbed wire." The officer whispered. After the continuous cutting of the barbed wire. The soldiers of the Qi army finally opened their way into the front position of the Qin army.

The Qi Jun assault team didn't just cut the barbed wire. There is another thing, they also learned how to exclude. This thing is more deadly, that is, landmines. They carefully eliminated it with a bayonet. Then they will go where they want to go. To fight.

"The front is the trench of the Qin Army. We must enter carefully." The officer whispered.

"En. I understand." Several Qi army soldiers nodded silently. Then they began to crawl forward cautiously near the trenches of Qin Jun.

"Look at it." A Qi Army soldier whispered. Another soldier approached Qin Jun's trench carefully, and then quickly stretched his head to check.

What the Qi army soldiers saw was that the trenches were empty and there was nothing. There were no Qin Army soldiers on duty. This is usually a little bit, because they know that the Qin Army's alertness is relatively high, and their soldiers seldom have the ability to take a short distance, and the continuous artillery strikes have reduced the morale of the Qin Army soldiers to a low point. Such a thing Qin Jun did not want to happen and had to happen.

After taking a look, the Qi army soldier made a gesture and quickly turned over and entered the trench.

"Hurry up." The officer commanded another soldier into the trench.

Just when Qi army soldiers entered the trenches one by one. The Qin Army soldier felt wrong. He believes that there is no problem with his hearing, even if there is the sound of guns, he still feels wrong, and the alertness of the soldiers makes them feel that this is a bit wrong. So he walked out of his tunnel.

"Who." The Qin Army soldier frightened.

"Hush." ​​Qi Guo's officer motioned not to make a sound. Everyone stopped speaking.

"Qi people!" At this time, the soldiers of the Qin Army shouted loudly.

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