The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 811: Break into the machine gun bunker

Qin's machine gun gradually stopped firing. At this time, Qi Jun quickly rushed forward. They finally had a chance to get close to the Qin Army's position.

"Brothers. Charge. Qin Jun's position is right in front of his eyes. Charge quickly." A Qi Jun officer shouted loudly.

"Charge." The soldiers of the Qi army started their crazy charge. Bloody battles usually have two reactions to people. One is timidity, which is a red shock from people's visual senses. The **** and cruel scenes can easily make soldiers feel that they feel the same way. This feeling will make the soldiers feel terrified, afraid that they will encounter the same experience. When this happens, it usually means that soldiers easily turn around and run away. Or to leave the battlefield. Go in another direction.

In another case, the soldiers burst out a positive signal. This signal comes from the perception of collective mental strength, the active spirit of soldiers to fight for part of the collective loss, regardless of personal consequences, this spirit can be called a sense of honor. ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

It is precisely such a Qi army unit with a strong sense of honor that is charging. After they lost most of their troops. For simple revenge, the soldiers burst out all the fighting power they had before.

"Charge." The Qi Army soldier shouted loudly.

"Kill" Qi army soldiers charged forward with bayonets.

"Bang." The soldiers of the Qin Army standing in the machine gun bunker saw the Qi Army soldiers coming in like a tide, so they could only slowly shoot with the revolving rifle in their hands.

"Ping." The Qin Army soldier pulled the bolt skillfully, and the bullet shell made a crisp sound and then flew out of the barrel.

"Kacha." Then the soldiers of the Qin Army quickly reloaded.

"Bang." The soldiers of the Qin Army quickly aimed and fired. A Qi army soldier who rushed was knocked to the ground by a bullet.

"Kacha." The Qin Army soldier pulled the bolt again. Exit the bullet.

"Bang." A Qi army soldier in the distance has already noticed the situation here. Therefore, the Qi army soldiers shot decisively.

"Ah." The Qin Army soldier had just pushed the bullet. He was shot in the chest. After a scream, he fell to the ground.

"Bang." The soldiers of the Qin Army kept shooting inside the bunker. But it takes time to replace the barrel of a machine gun.

"Bang bang bang bang." As the Qi army rushed, they shot back to suppress the Qin army's counterattack.

"Charge." A soldier of the Qi army screamed and rushed into the front position of the Qin army.

"Boom." There was a dull sound. The Qi Army soldier had just jumped into the trench. He was hit in the head by a shovel from a soldier of the Qin Army.

"Bang." A gunshot sounded. The Qi Army soldier who followed quickly fired a shot at the Qin Army soldier in the trench.

"Shooting." Qin Jun's officer shouted loudly.

"Boom." The continuous gunfire sounded again. The soldiers of the Qi Army who had just rushed out were shot by Qin Army's rifle. Many people fell straight into the trenches.

"Grenade." The Qin army officer who came to support shouted loudly.

"Hurry up." Qin Jun's officer shouted loudly.

"Bang. Bang. Woo." The bullet whizzed. The bullet hit the mound next to it.

"Hidden." The officer waved his hand to hide temporarily.

"Swish." A bullet whizzed. The bullet hit the chest of a second-class soldier of the Qin Army nearby.

"Yeah." A muffled snort. The Qin army soldier was shot and fell down.

"Medical soldiers. Hurry up," the officer shouted loudly.

The person behind lowered his body and dragged the wounded Qin Army soldier behind.

"Swish. Suddenly." Flying bullets kept hitting in front of the mound where the Qin army officer was hiding. The splashing sand made the battlefield look very fierce.

"Damn it. People of Qi." The officer cursed loudly.

"Shoot, shoot over there. The people of Qin are hiding there." The Qi army soldier shouted loudly. More bullets came next.

"Boom." This is the sound of rifle shooting.

"Tututu. Tutu." This was the sound of a submachine gun.

"Papa." The pistol also joined in.

The Qi army commando in the distance heard such a voice. I immediately felt full of power in my body.

"It's our people. It's our people. Our reinforcements are here. Kill it." The Qi army soldier shouted loudly.

"Kill." Hear the sound of his reinforcements coming. The morale of the Qi army assault team increased greatly. They began to launch a fierce attack on the soldiers of the Qin Army.

Sometimes in a war, it's just a breath of energy. The morale at the beginning of the double serve was the same. However, the soldiers of the Qi army received the call of their own reinforcements. Morale increased. The soldiers of the Qin Army were a little discouraged at this time. After all, they let the reinforcements of the Qi army. This means that there is a problem on their front. I won't say if I can hold it. The important thing is that there are big problems on this front. This made the soldiers of the Qin Army feel a sense of failure.

"Retreat, hurry up." In desperation, the Qin army sergeants could only give the order to retreat. The officer has died in battle. Only the sergeant is the highest. The Qin Army is a highly-ranked unit. On the battlefield, orders can only be followed by officials.

"Bang." A gunshot sounded.

"Damn it. Retreat." After a burly corporal killed a Qi army commando with a rifle in his hand. Can only retreat helplessly. Qin Jun retreated while fighting. The situation is very unfavorable for them.

"Tututututututututututututututututututututututututututututututututututututututututututututututututututututututututututututututututututututututututututuoqi bang bang bang." Qi army soldiers use their weapons to constantly suppress the Qin army's support force. This is very unfavorable for Qin Jun.

"Kill." A Qi army soldier rushed into the trench. Follow the orders of their officers. The first thing they wanted to kill was the machine gun bunker of the Qin Army.

"Bang." The soldier of the Qi Army armed with a bayonet fired a shot at the entrance of the Qin Army's machine gun bunker.

"Kill." Then the Qi army soldier was about to rush into the machine gun bunker with his bayonet-mounted rifle.

"Bang." A gunshot sounded.

A veteran of the Qin Army inside, with a revolver in his hand, eliminated the Qi Army soldier who tried to enter the machine gun bunker.

"Boom." Then there were two consecutive gunshots. The Qi Army soldiers standing outside the door have not rushed in yet. Was hit by a bullet shot from the bunker. Then fell to the ground and couldn't afford it.

"There is Qin Army inside." A Qi Army soldier shouted loudly.

"Shooting." A Qi army veteran shouted loudly.

"Bang Bang. Bang." The soldiers of the Qi army started shooting randomly. The Qin Army veteran inside hid behind the cover. Reload the bullet. Loading bullets for revolver is a very troublesome thing.

"Come on." After the Qi army soldiers fired randomly. Launched another charge.

"Bang, bang." The Qin Army soldier shot the Qi Army soldiers three times in a row.

The Qi army soldiers who rushed in fell.

The Qin Army veteran after knocking down several Qi Army soldiers in succession. Move the gun quickly and face the door. If the opponent continues to attack, his revolver is very difficult to deal with.

"Come on. Hurry up." Officer Qi Jun shouted loudly from outside. However, no Qi army soldier appeared at the door.

"Hurry up." The Qi Jun officer urged loudly.

"Bang bang." The officer of Qi Jun shot twice with a pistol tentatively. Then he entered cautiously on his side.

"Tutututututututututututututututututututututututututututututututututututututututututututututututututututututututututututututututututututututututututututututututututututuotututututututututututututututututututututututututututututututututututututututututututututututututututuotututututututututututututututututututututututututututututututututututututuotutututututututututututututututututututututututututuotututututututututututututututututututututututuotututututututututututututututututututotututututututututututututututututututututututu.Just when the officer tentatively entered. He was sieved by bullets fired from a machine gun.

After the officer was killed by Qin Jun's machine gun. Only then did the soldiers of the Qi Army realize how useful the opponent's weapon was.

A Qi Army soldier standing outside the door waved his arm and launched an offensive from the Qin Army’s rear shooting port.

The soldiers of the Qi Army nodded, and then they detoured around the back of the veteran of the Qin Army.

At the other end, the Qin army reinforcements who came to support were firmly pressed against the turn of a trench.

The soldiers of the Qi Army kept tilting bullets at the soldiers of the Qin Army with their weapons.

"Grenade. Quick," the officer shouted.

"Ooo. Ooo." But the flying bullet told them. The opponent's bullet is not far away from them.

"Damn it," the officer cursed loudly.

"Prepare the grenade. I said one, two, three. Just throw it." The officer shouted loudly.

"Prepare." The officer pulled out a long-handled grenade.

"Wow." The soldiers took out their grenades and waited for the officer's order.

"One," the officer shouted loudly. Then pull the fuse away.

"Two." The officer shouted loudly. The soldiers also opened the fuse.

"Three. Throw it." The officer threw it out easily.

The soldiers threw grenades into the sky.

"Ah." A soldier was hit by a bullet flying from Qi Jun while waving his arm and throwing a grenade.

"Damn it, I was shot." The soldier Qin Jun shouted loudly. But the grenade he threw did not fly out. Instead, they fell into the trenches.

"Grenade. Lie down." a soldier shouted loudly. Others lie down like conditioned reflexes.

"Boom. Boom. Boom" A continuous explosion sounded.

Qin Jun's grenade exploded beside the Qi Jun soldiers.

"Ah." Qi army soldiers were killed by the explosion. Similarly, Qin Jun also suffered a grenade explosion.

"Bah." A Qin army soldier vomited the mud from their mouths.

"Damn it." The soldiers of the Qin Army were very annoyed.

"Ready to fight." The officer was dizzy when he was blown up, but fortunately he was still fighting.

At the machine gun bunker. Qi Jun has entered a machine gun bunker. The officers of the Qi army are carefully inspecting their victory products. machine gun.

"Here," a Qi army soldier said in a low voice. Another Qi army soldier looked inside the black hole.

"I can't see anything." The Qi Army soldier whispered.

The veteran inside heard exactly this voice. Then turned around and fired at the opponent with a pistol.

"Boom." Two shots shot. The bullet hit a Qi army soldier. The other one shook his body. Hid in the past.

"Bang." The Qi army soldier shot with his rifle.

"Chong." The Qi Army soldiers outside the door heard the signal at this time and started to act.

"Boom." Two consecutive gunshots.

Then the soldiers of the Qi army began to act.

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