"Buzzing." Qin Jun's aircraft aerial reconnaissance encountered some resistance. Qi soldiers mainly from the ground fired at them with rifles. Without any choice. The air reconnaissance plane of the Qin Army stopped reconnaissance and returned to the base.

The soldiers of the Qi Army also sent off the Qin Army's reconnaissance plane with their rifles.

"Bang Bang." The soldiers of the Qi Army were still using more advanced smokeless powder guns to shoot into the sky. They also know that their bullets are running out. But so what. These things are all sent from above. They don't feel distressed. Therefore, despite the rifle's range, it is no longer possible to shoot the reconnaissance aircraft. But the Qi army soldiers still wasted the only bullets in their hands.

"It's over. My bullet is finished." A Qi army soldier stopped shooting. His bullet bag was already empty.

"Bang." A gunshot sounded. The soldiers on the side also stopped shooting.

"My bullets are also out," the soldier said.

The lower-ranking officer on the side watched the planes in the sky intently, and did not shoot at the soldiers. He doesn't care at all.

"Fucking. Stop shooting." A mid-level Qi army officer roared loudly. Same as other senior generals of the Qi army. Qi Jun all wear helmets made of armor pieces. The more refined the armor of the helmet is. The higher his official position.

"Bang." A soldier pulled the trigger when the officer yelled. The gunshot made him never hear the officer's order.

"I'm deaf." The officer kicked it. The soldier is preparing to load the second bullet. Immediately after that, he was kicked to the ground.

The Qi army soldier who was kicked down lay aggrievedly on the ground.

"Stop shooting for me." The officer roared roughly.

The soldiers stopped shooting at this time. They watched this scene blankly.

"Stand up for me. Lying on the ground to hatch the chicken." The officer sneered.

And some soldiers smiled slightly, obviously such a joke made the soldiers feel very funny.

"Save bullets," the officer shouted loudly. Then leave. And the soldier stood up with a grieved expression on his face. This happened not only to the Qi army, but also to the armed forces of various countries. Officers are often rude to soldiers. The tempers of soldiers are like this. Although some upper-level officers behaved very gentle and love soldiers like a child. However, most middle-level and lower-level officers treated the soldiers rudely. Especially those recruits. If there is not much ability. Officers, veterans will not bully outside. Most recruits are bullied by officers and veterans. Such things are not uncommon. And on the battlefield. The most dead are recruits. The recruits first came to the battlefield, many of them only learned some elementary shooting, or other training. Face a complex battlefield environment. They also lack the corresponding resilience.

Soldiers with only basic training can hardly survive in a complex and changeable battlefield. And some veterans deliberately assigned some of the most dangerous tasks to those recruits. Especially the task of charging ahead. All to the recruits.

Thus. The casualty rate of recruits will increase rapidly. such as. This time, the assault force of the Qi army that attacked the Qin army. Before the charge, the Qi army officers vigorously agitated the new recruits of the Qi army. And an exception was given to a generous supply of food. While charging. Most of these recruits are placed forward. They charge at the front line. It is very immoral to launch such a charge. It was also a very irresponsible offense. Such offensive recruits would die under the first wave of violent machine gun fire from the Qin army. Plus the barrier effect of barbed wire. These recruits will soon be sent to the barbed wire. Then he was hit by a machine gun. The corpse pressed the **** barbed wire. When the recruits were almost dead. Those veterans would step on the bodies of these recruits to rush to the front.

The battlefield is extremely cruel. The death rate of recruits in the Qi army is the highest. In the eyes of the veteran. There is no survival time of three months at all. The most is to die. Therefore, their attitude towards recruits is very bad. Because there is no need to know the name of the dead person.

The officers were also numb to this, and they couldn't remember the names of the recruits. They themselves didn't know how many recruits were killed in this way. The younger the soldiers are. The faster you die. And those veterans know how to hide from bullets. they know. After the weapon is upgraded. No armor can resist this thing. Want to save your life. Only let the people in front use their bodies to resist those **** bullets. It is such a selfish idea. This resulted in a high mortality rate among recruits in the Qi army. Very high.

One after another, the lives of the young soldiers were buried under the barrel of the Qin Army's machine gun. And their family. The thoughts of loved ones for soldiers. And more than ten years of growth time. A sentence was drawn at the moment the bullet killed the soldier. A full stop of life. The war is so cruel.

"Don't laugh." An veteran yelled at the others as the soldier looked sadly.

"What's wrong. Are those recruits not funny?" said a Qi army veteran.

"It's not funny at all. Are we seeing fewer recruits? Do you think this will let the recruits die. Can we feel at ease?" the veteran asked.

"I know it's uncomfortable. But." The veteran's face also became solemn.

"There is no way. Really. There is no way." The veteran said, feeling a little aggrieved.

"This is a **** war. A war of the dead. We just want to survive. To survive. Understand?" The veteran gave himself an excuse that everyone would find.

But the veteran said nothing. he knows. This is an excuse. If the recruits are sent to death with this result. War will devour the conscience of people. The veteran didn't know why he fought. Why go to war. But he knows. The war he fought for him. It doesn't make any sense. No. Not at all.

The cruelty of war is testing humanity. At the same time, it is also the best performance platform for extremeizing human nature. Is good. Still evil. None of these can be said clearly. But the kind of qualities that people show requires people to think deeply.

The war continues. The test of humanity continues. Soldiers with dual-engine combat are all undergoing such a test. And some people or some equipment are also recording the humanity of Qin Jun.

"Laugh." An officer who also serves as a war correspondent held up a camera to shoot.

However, the subjects he photographed were expressionless.

"Sir. You better understand." A sergeant stepped forward and said.

"What do you mean?" the officer asked.

"A very good companion of his. Unfortunately, he was shot this morning. He died. He was killed by the opponent's sniper." The sergeant replied.

"Oh." The officer just nodded. Then silently looked at the soldier. And that soldier is like a statue. The soldiers around looked at him like a statue. Looked at him silently.

People after losing important things. I always want to try my best to restore him. Or reminisce about him. The soldier on the side just watched silently. Just watched silently.

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