The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 845: Arrived in Yan State

All Qi army soldiers are very aware of the power of the airship. They fully understand the power of this behemoth. Don't look at this kind of airship moving slowly. But he is very patience. The most important thing is his power.

The machine guns on those airships were almost chasing after themselves. Such powerful weapons made the people of Qi feel very terrified. They are not very afraid of airplanes yet, but they have only fear of airships. Because they can't shake this weapon at all.

"Shoot. Shoot." This time. An officer of the Qi army tried to shoot at the airship with a machine gun in his hand and a rifle. The height of the airship is about eight hundred steps. They kept the bombs at this height.

"Tututu. Tututu." The machine gun began to ring frantically.

\"Ding Ding." The bullet hit the steel plate on the lower part of the airship. The Qin airship is to ensure that the Qin airship is not threatened from the ground. A steel plate was specially installed on the belly of the airship. This design allows Qin's airship to lower its height, conduct frantic sweeps of ground targets, and bombard it more accurately.

"It's useless." At this time, the Qi Guo archer on the side shouted loudly.

"It's useless to shoot." The officer shouted stubbornly.

"It's useless at all. Let's run away." This time. A Qi army soldier shouted loudly. Then turned around and left. In front of him, there were many such soldiers escaping.

"Run," the Qi army soldier shouted loudly as he ran.

"Qin Jun's airship is here." The Qi Jun soldier shouted loudly. They tell their companions in this way. Little did they know that such a call aggravated Qi Jun's panic.

"Hurry up." The shooter beside the machine also started to run away. He thought that such a futile shooting at the airship of the Qin Army was simply not worth it.

And in the sky. Qin's airship pilots were also uncomfortable.

"Damn Qi, where did they get the machine gun?" a pilot shouted loudly.

"I don't know." The shooter on the side shook his head and said.

"It is estimated that they captured it." At this time, a trainee officer came over and said.

"Get ready, we're going to drop the bomb. After dropping the bomb. We're going to shoot the ground at this height. Pay attention." After finishing the trainee officer sent an order to the back.

"Ready to drop the bomb." At this time, the captain's voice came from the microphone.

"Damn it," the pilot shouted.

Driven by a large number of fleeing soldiers, the Qi army only cared about their own safety and gave up resistance at all. Coupled with the overnight battle, the soldiers have already tired a lot.

"Open the hatch." At this time, the airship in the sky had already started dropping bombs.

"Aim." The bomber shouted loudly. The captain drove the airship to maintain a constant speed as much as possible, and cooperated with the bomber's instructions.

"Left one." While aiming with the scope, the bombardier instructed the captain to maintain the course set by the bomber.

"Left one." The captain said at this time.

"Keep the course." The bomber shouted loudly.

"Keep the course." The captain replied at this time.

The airship moved slowly in the direction they intended.

"Start dropping bombs." The bomber was approaching his target at this time. Then press the bombing robot arm.

"Kacha." Then the airship floated upward. This is why those bombs left the magazine.

"Woo." The bomb flew down with howling.

"Okay. Our guest has gone. Then we should have a carnival as much as possible." At this time, the captain felt very relaxed. He began to speak to the soldiers.

"Let's welcome with firecrackers." The captain said loudly.

"Tututu. Tututu." The captain had just finished speaking. The machine gun on Qin's airship began to ring frantically. This is for the Qi army soldiers on the ground. It's disaster. For them, this is not a carnival, but bad luck. Unlucky thing.

"Provide down." The Qi army soldier below shouted loudly. They can only huddle in their trenches. Passively faced the bombing of Qin State.

"Boom. Boom." The bombing of the airship was accurate. Some bombs were accurately dropped into some trenches. The huge explosion blasted some soldiers to pieces. Mud and flying body pieces are everywhere. This makes Qi army soldiers very uncomfortable.

"Boom." The bomb still exploded around them, the huge explosion made the hearts of the Qi Army soldiers tremble. After the bombing was over. It's the **** Qin's bullet flying. The sound of bullets "whooping" was everywhere. These sounds made Qi Army soldiers feel terrible. Because these bullets didn't know when they hit me.

"Puff." A Qi army soldier curled up in the trench was hit in the head by a flying bullet. His head was beaten to pieces in an instant. It's like a watermelon being beaten to pieces. Red and yellow sap flows everywhere. But the soldiers of the Qi army on the side could not care about anything. They don't care about it at all.

The soldiers of the Qi army simply did not enjoy the joy of just victory. The appearance of the Qin Heavenly Army indicated that their hard life had just begun, and it also showed that the Qin Army was able to provide some support to his army. at this time. Qin Jun had a real turning point.

At this time, the double hair didn't realize the inflection point. The soldiers on the ground did not feel the inflection point. The people above are in the slaves to change the situation on the front line.

"Woo." A train neighed and stopped on the platform of Yandu's railway station. Yandu is very close to the front line. The closest thing seems to be that as long as the Qi army launches another offensive. Yandu can be captured. It was only less than eighty miles away from the place where Qin Jun was besieged. Not far to the north is a backup airport for the Qin Army.

"Salute." This time. The soldiers of the Qin Army Marine Corps who were waiting on the platform early raised their rifles to salute their officers.

"Very well, boys." Shang Wen took off his hat and gestured in return. The Marines stationed in Yandu had fewer than two platoons. But in order to protect this great celebrity of Qin. They deployed almost all their troops. The security of their embassy was only handed over to four soldiers. Although Shangwen's specifications are much smaller than that. However, it pays great attention to it.

"En. Why didn't I see someone from Yan Guo?" Shang Wen asked at this time.

"That's it, sir. The main institutions of the Yan Kingdom have all been evacuated." A diplomatic official stepped forward and explained.

"What?" Shang Wen asked in surprise.

"Yes, sir. Yandu has no major government agencies now." The civil official explained.

Shangwen thought this was incredible.

"So, how do they manage their capital." Shang Wen asked.

"Their capital is now in the hands of a joint management committee composed of local nobles and merchants. The public order in the city can only be maintained as far as possible. Yandu, now has no defense." A Marine Corps lieutenant stepped forward and said.

Shang Wen's face turned pale. It was the first time he saw such a country.

"Oh my God." Shang Wen finally spit out two words. Yan Guo impressed him too deeply.

"If Qi Jun comes over, I believe that it will not take long before Yandu will be captured." The lieutenant continued.

"The armed forces in the city are very chaotic. Most of them take the opportunity to **** other people's property. The armed forces of the Joint Management Committee are very limited. They are very difficult to maintain law and order." The lieutenant said.

"So, what's going on in our concession." Shang Wen then asked.

"Our concession began to recruit reserve forces. At the same time, a large number of militias were organized to participate. At present, those armed forces dare not collide with us for the time being," the lieutenant said.

And Shang Wen just nodded. Then he stopped talking.

"Then the train is still running now?" Shang Wen said.

"At present, the railway station is still under the control of the Joint Management Committee. However, other armed forces are beginning to develop here." The lieutenant said in detail.

Shang Wen was still speechless, and now he finally knew that Yan Guo was a big mess. Yan Wang's irresponsible attitude makes this a vacuum zone for management. Here is anarchy.

"The current situation is nothing good." Shang Wen said to himself.

"Then we can take the opportunity to accept this place." Yingyu said when she got off the train.

And Shang Wen looked at Yingyu. Then stared at the lieutenant. This idea is too bold. Shangwen believes that the current situation is a bit chaotic. He couldn't stand the chaos.

"Woo." This time. Another train on the platform enters the platform.

"Attention all soldiers. Protect the prime minister." Lieutenant Qin Jun shouted loudly at this time. Because the incoming locomotive was full of Zhao Jun soldiers. A "Zhao" banner shows that they are Zhao Jun.

"Yes, Zhao Jun. Don't be nervous." Shang Wen said calmly.

"You stay honestly." As he said, Yingyu on the side pushed to Shangwen, and then protected himself in front of Shangwen. And Shang Wen was directly pushed to the ground.

"Woo." The train slowly approached the platform.

"Who are you?" the lieutenant asked nervously with a pistol.

"Zhao Jun No. 1 Paratrooper Battalion." An ensign Zhao Jun shouted loudly.

At this time, Lieutenant Qin Jun looked at Lieutenant Zhao Jun vigilantly.

"It's the allies." Shang Wen stood up from the ground and said.

"Yes, it's the allies." The ensign said at this time.

"Allied forces?" The Marine Corps lieutenant did not know about the Western Regions. But when Shang Wen heard that it was a paratrooper battalion, he knew that Zhao Jun's elite troops were coming.

"Allied forces on the battlefield of the Western Regions," the second lieutenant explained.

"Oh." The lieutenant said suddenly.

"My rank is lieutenant, you should salute when you see an Allied lieutenant. Second lieutenant." The lieutenant slowly put down his gun at this time and said proudly.

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