"If we want to call, we can only call the 3rd Infantry Division currently in reserve, and this division must be equipped with all horses to fight. Otherwise, their mobility will be greatly affected." Wang Jian suggested.

"En. Yes. That's it." King Qin affirmed.

Immediately, King Qin issued an order. Then it was sent to Lantian Daying in Qin State by telegram. ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Qin's 3rd Infantry Division will take a train from here to the north. But currently Qin can quickly mobilize the troops of only one division, the number of which is about 15,000, and the number of combat personnel is less than 10,000. Whether less than 10,000 people can change the situation is still unknown.

Sometimes the development of the situation is unexpected. For example, in the south, the Chu people have quietly opened the first step of the slave door.

"Shhh." A Chu militant held a flintlock in one hand, and then signaled his companion behind him not to act rashly with the other hand.

The companions who saw the gesture lowered their bodies, and then maintained a high level of vigilance.

"Slag scum." In the bushes not far away, a local aboriginal was beckoning the Chu people to move on. Then they disappeared among the dense bushes.

"What do you mean?" a Chu countryman on the side asked.

"I don't know, it seems to signal us to move on, don't be afraid of anything," said the Chu militant who took the lead.

"Dregs." Just when the leader was discussing with the militants of Chu State on the side. Suddenly a local aboriginal came out.

"Oh, Mathieu land. It's all right." The aboriginal said something that was difficult for Chu people to understand.

"What do you mean?" Chu people can only shook their heads to show that they don't understand. Differences in language make it difficult for both parties to reach a consensus in communication. But the indigenous people quickly understood what the people of Chu meant.

The natives pointed their fingers in the direction not far away. Then gestured in the same posture as someone.

"He meant that there seems to be a tribe not far away, we have to be careful." The Chu countryman on the side explained.

"Who knows what they mean, but we should act in our own way," said the Chu countryman who took the lead.

"Everyone disperse and move forward carefully." Chu said. Speaking of the Chu people beckoning to the indigenous people, they understood what they meant, and then proceeded slowly.

At the foot of the mountain not far away, there was a small primitive tribe. The mist on the mountain covered the mountains. Although it was midwinter in the Central Plains, there was no chill here. On the contrary, what I felt here was a kind of tranquility. , Peaceful.

Among the small tribes, men are lighting fires and cleaning what they hunted in the mountains, while women are helping to prepare something. The simple atmosphere of the primitive tribe rushed to his face.

"Bang." Just when Chu people checked this small tribe. There was a gunshot.

"Boom." Two gunshots followed. The gunfire was like a bolt from the blue sky. All of a sudden, the peace of the peaceful primitive tribe was broken. The war broke out.

"Ahhhhhhh." The indigenous people immediately launched their sharp offensive towards this small tribe. They have a new weapon, a musket. From civilization's overly powerful weapons, but they obviously overestimated the power of the muskets at this time, and they even launched an offensive from a very long distance. I don't know if the bullet can hit it.

"Papa." The bullet hit the wooden fence. The hit sawdust flew everywhere. Although the bullet could not hit the indigenous people in the tribe, it made the indigenous people feel terrified. This weapon that emitted lightning and thunder made these indigenous people who had never seen anything suddenly entered a kind of fear of power. .

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh) They killed this indigenous primitive tribe.

"Mother, the natives fired too early. We were not prepared." The Chu people behind complained that they were very dissatisfied with their ally. Because they always do what they want. There is no way, the language of both sides still has obstacles. This obstacle directly leads to their inability to communicate fluently.

"Come on, kill those **** aboriginals." Chu people shouted loudly at this time.

"Kill." Chu people also quickly stepped forward at this time, they were advancing in the bushes.

The Chu people, the local aboriginals, launched a tribal war that is not counted in history.

The reason why the people of Chu were involved in such a war. From the idea of ​​a businessman from Chu State.

The local indigenous people. The merchants of Chu thought that this was a group of Vietnamese people in the south, but they didn't find it because of the distance. Therefore, their initial understanding of the Yue people was barbaric. The brutality reached the point of greed. Thought of this. The business talents of Chu had a bold test.

They exchanged the civilized goods they brought for a large number of local prisoners of war for the local indigenous people. These prisoners of war were originally used to kill, or to do other things. The local civilization started slowly. The tribe the Chu people came into contact with was still a relatively fast-growing tribe. Among them, there were signs of slash-and-burn cultivation, but they still could not meet the needs of their rapid population growth. Their men still needed to hunt for supplements from time to time, or It is fishing for fish in the sea. This indigenous tribe is undergoing transformation, and their development is slow and orderly. This kind of development will take a long time, but the people of Chu are here. The normal order of civilization here has been disrupted.

According to the development model of indigenous people, wars between indigenous tribes broke out frequently. There are also countless tribes, large and small. There are many reasons for the outbreak of war. For the reproduction of offspring, tribes must fight for women. For food, they have to fight for the land. In short, there will be a few battles like this from time to time. Wars broke out frequently. Let the indigenous people here are full of combative habits. The people of Chu naturally knew this.

The indigenous people like what the Chu people bring, but they prefer another thing brought by the Chu people, the musket, a weapon that can make a loud noise and shoot any animal. Talking about the indigenous people is amazed. In order to obtain such weapons, the indigenous people took out all the male prisoners of war. Even to get such a weapon. They did not hesitate to take out female prisoners of war, or women from the tribe, to accompany the guests. Such a move naturally won the interests of Chu merchants, who exchanged a few muskets with the prisoners of war they most wanted.

After the indigenous people got the musket. They couldn’t wait to start their aggression and expansion. Although they had only just learned how to shoot guns under the guidance of the Chu people, they were full of confidence. Such weapons were enough for them to win a huge victory, so they approached a nearby tribe. An attack was launched. The battle began like this.

"Bang." Then there was another shot. An adult man from the tribe was hit and a huge hole of blood was punched out of the man's body. Then fell slowly, the caliber of the flintlock is generally very large. If you are hit, you are either dead or injured.


"Wow." And that primitive tribe is fighting hard. They used blow arrows to counterattack their enemies.

Blow arrows flew out. The poison dart hit an aboriginal who was charging. The aboriginal just struggled and fell to the ground. There is a burst of poison on the blow arrow. This poison is very poisonous and the attack time is very fast. The people of Chu are extremely disgusted with this weapon.

"Puff." In retaliation, the indigenous people rushed over and slashed and killed each other's adult man with the exchanged bronze sword.

"Wow." Primitive bows and arrows also came in handy, but this long-range weapon was only available to the offensive side. The defense side does not have such a weapon, because the level of development of tribal civilization is different. The weapons of the two sides are naturally different.

"Bang. Bang." At this moment. The people of Chu were also killed. The musket in their hands became the sharpest weapon. Those tribal men who tried to resist were all shot and killed by flying bullets.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. All of a sudden, the other people in the tribe were frightened. Many people in the tribes cover their ears, they are afraid of this thunder-like weapon, they think this is a punishment for them by the gods, primitive tribes have a natural worship of nature, and this worship It suddenly became a lethal weapon in the hands of Chu people.

"Oh oh oh." Seeing that the indigenous people who didn't resist all of a sudden took the opportunity to kill them all at once. They kill the man when they see it. When you see a woman, hold it down and insult it on the spot. Such a brutal scene makes people feel heart-wrenching. Not only violence but also brutality.

"Alright, late, let the indigenous people take advantage of all the advantages." A Chu countryman shouted loudly.

"Kill." Chu people quickly rushed over at this time. They also joined the looting of an unknown tribe. This tribe will suffer their destruction.

"Puff." A bayonet stabbed into the hands of the tribe men who were trying to resist. And those men who did not resist the tribe became the captives of the Chu people. The horror of fighting these men ended, and the women of those tribes became the tools of venting for the Chu people and the indigenous people who attacked with them. They publicly insulted these women in front of the prisoners of war, but the Chu people felt extremely stimulate. And some Chu people who couldn't understand it held these prisoners of war. Others searched the tribe for other good things.

Barbaric, bloody, and violent, this kind of war is the beginning of the colonial war. The Chu merchants are using such violence to promote the progress of this civilization. History is always advancing with blood and tears.

The indigenous people got what they wanted. The Chu people also got what they wanted. The other tribe paid a heavy price for this.

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