Qin's crazy **** behavior made the people of Qin lose their minds. They one-sidedly believed that it was not safe to use those local slaves. This lack of trust led the people of Qin to choose an extremely **** act of revenge. Such retaliation will have serious consequences. The power of human revenge is extremely fearful at any cost. Because their emotions are difficult to control.

Many things like this have happened in the north. This crazy act of revenge has pushed the slaves into an abyss in blood, but no one came out to save them. What Qin people saw was that they had suffered serious losses, and these losses were natural. It's going to make these slaves pay the price.

And Qin Jun reacted quickly. And this scene was also recorded by war reporters.

"On the second day of February, for unknown reasons, there was a sudden serious riot in the slaves here. The scout cavalry sent by the garrison in the small town got the news." The reporter wrote in his diary.

Qin was temporarily stationed in this unknown town. They were originally a cavalry company that Qin transferred to the north. Their task is to attack the Xiongnu because of the cold conditions in the north. The cavalry units of the Qin State began to move south from the northern defensive positions, and these cavalry units moved south to temporarily garrison at this time.

"According to the news from Captain Mazi. Thousands of slaves gathered in several nearby farms to riot. They set fire to our own houses, fodder warehouses, and killed all the cattle and sheep. The farmer's family was brutally killed. Qin’s wife was insulted to death by many people. The owner was cut off and hung up high. Such atrocities angered all the cavalry. They vowed to retaliate wildly against the slaves." The reporter wrote in his diary. .

"However, we do not currently have much armed forces in this small town. The population of this small town is very small. There are less than five hundred people who can take up arms, including women and old people. The total number is less than three hundred. They only It can barely guarantee that the town can withstand several crazy attacks by slaves. The cavalry unit has more than one hundred men, and their mobile advantage is enough for our town to have a good security guarantee." The reporter wrote in his notebook. Tao. In the reporter's opinion. Qin's garrison should not take the initiative to attack. They should remain defensive. Only in this way can the safety of the town be guaranteed. In order to avoid more losses continue to occur.

Although the reporter's opinion is somewhat selfish. But it is not unreasonable that the losses of the ranchers in northern Qin are increasing unconsciously. They cannot accept such a large loss.

"What else?" Captain Mazi, who wrote in the reporter's notebook, asked his subordinates.

"There are a lot of slaves. They are in groups, like sheep and cows ramming around." A scout cavalry said.

"In other words, they have no direction." Captain Mazi asked.

"Yes. It seems so." His men replied.

"Oh." People call Captain Mazi because of Mazi's face. Captain Mazi is very burly, he was born as an infantryman. Later, the Qin State disarmed, and because of good performance, he entered the military academy. After a brief study in the military academy, he was assigned to the Northern Cavalry as a trainee officer. The platoon leader, then the company commander. The maneuvering operations in the north made him combative and extremely aggressive.

"Those who order us, take a good rest, we have to leave at any time." Captain Mazi gave the order like this.

"Sir, don't we defend our town?" the subordinate asked.

"Defense, such a small town still needs our defense, kidding." Captain Mazi said disdainfully. From the beginning, he had no plan to defend, for him. Cavalry troops are not suitable for defense at all, and their character does not like defense.

Defense is a disaster for the cavalry.

"We are cavalry, not for defense. We are for offense." Captain Mazi said fiercely. When he said that, he threw his whip, then turned and left.

"Then what should we do in this small town?" asked the mayor of the small town who also served as the local sheriff.

"Lieutenant, please tell us what we should do now?" the town mayor asked politely.

"We can't help it." The lieutenant shrugged. Since such an order was issued above, he can only do so.

"Didn't you hear? We are cavalry, not for defense." The lieutenant repeated the captain's command.

The lieutenant turned and left after speaking. They have their own tasks, and they are indifferent to the small town.

"A bunch of **** dog bastards." The town mayor scolded fiercely. For him, the safety of the town was hit here.

"Your Excellency, what should we do?" the militia captain asked.

"What? What can we do?" the militia captain said.

"We can only defend our own town by ourselves." The town mayor said helplessly. The town mayor is a scholar. There is a good way to manage the town. Moreover, I behaved politely. He is a Confucian scholar from six countries. Around forty age. I was elected the mayor of this small town because of the election. Because the state has great freedom, he can manage the town in his own way. It can be said. This small town has become his personal fief. He sees the town as his life. Now his town is under threat. He decided to defend his town at all costs. So, from the beginning, he put his hope in the temporary garrison in the small town. Because that is Qin's regular army. However, the performance of this regular Qin army did not make him very satisfied, because they should defend the town, but the cavalry company adopted an offensive posture, regardless of the safety of the town.

"Or, let's sue them to the military court. This kind of thing. The military court should take care of it." The militia captain suggested.

"Martial courts. Military courts are very busy now. They can't control these." The town mayor has always opposed the use of codes to manage the town. Therefore, the militia captain's suggestion was extremely disgusting.

But considering the safety of the town. He is also not opposed to suing the military court. But are military courts in charge? And is it useful to sue now?

The answer is obvious. The military court was able to manage this matter, but at that time the army had already moved out of the town, and the safety of the town was still not guaranteed. Such a thing. Small town growth is unwilling to do it.

"Even if you can manage, the army was no longer in the town at that time. If the slave army came over, then our town would no longer exist. Therefore, the safety of our town still depends on our own. Understand?\"Small The mayor of the town warned.

"Now, organize our militia. Put barbed wire, sandbags, and trenches on the main roads of the town. We have to rely on ourselves to resist the slave army." The town said helplessly.

"We can also request reinforcements by telegram." The militia captain continued.

"Don't ask. The telegram is full of information about slave riots. Qin's army has already been dispatched. It is impossible for us to get too many reinforcements here. Let's defend the town by ourselves." The mayor said at this time. .

"We can give it a try," the militia captain insisted.

But the mayor of the town turned and left at this time. When I left, I kept shaking my hand to indicate that it would not work. The militia captain petitioned to accept this fact. Regarding the war, they are still unwilling to these new immigrants from the Qin country. After all, they are used to a peaceful life. For things like this riot disrupting life. They are not used to it at all.

The militia captain can only accept the facts, and then gather the team to organize defensive positions to resist.

"It's almost assembled. Hurry up." The militia captain shouted, standing in the square. His heart is very heavy. Because the cavalry company doesn't care about the safety of the town at all, they insist on launching an offensive. For them, this is very bad news.

The militia team was procrastinated, and the procrastination did not look like an army. In fact, they were not an army at all.

More than thirty women stood in a row with their weapons. They are the women's platoon of this militia. Some of them don't have guns, and some don't have pistols around their waists. Because they are women, their strength is small. Only a few middle-aged women are carrying spears.

There are still many young figures in the team. They are teenagers in the small town. In their memory, they don't know what a war is, or what a war is about. Some of them were excited, while others showed some nervousness. They had no idea about the assembly. They just stood in vain and chatted with each other.

"We are all standing." The militia captain shouted in an angry tone. But the effect is very bad. The team is still very sparse.

"Bang." Seeing such a scene. The captain of the militia finally got angry. He drew his gun and fired a shot into the sky. Then the team slowly stood up at this time. At this time, they realized that they seemed to have entered a war zone now.

"Everyone, listen to me." At this time the town mayor stood up and said.

At this time, people calmed down and listened to the mayor. The town residents respect the town mayor.

"Now the slaves are forming teams everywhere, slaughtering us everywhere. They rob us of property and insult women. Such barbarians need us to resist together." The town mayor said.

"However, the regular army of the Qin State, they need to take the initiative to intercept and kill those compatriots who actively attacked our other places. The regular army cannot protect our town." The town mayor said.

"Ah. What about our safety? We are paying taxes. Qin's regular army should protect us." The residents of the town quickly discussed.

"Quiet, everyone is quiet." The town mayor said loudly. But residents are more concerned about the safety of their own town. But at the same time, they transferred the responsibility to the regular army of the Qin State.

They think that the regular army should not be too much at this time. They should shed down to protect the safety of the town. It's too bad to leave at this time.

"Bang." Seeing the town mayor yelled vigorously and did not stop the town residents from stopping the discussion. At this time, the militia captain raised his gun to the sky with a shot.

After the gunfire. The town residents finally calmed down. They only realized it at this time. They should hear what the town mayor thinks.

"Since we can't rely on the regular army, then we have to rely on ourselves. We still have hundreds of militiamen on hand, and we can rely on our strength to defend our town." The town mayor said.

"Ah." The residents were in an uproar, they couldn't believe the result.

"Believe in ourselves, for everyone's safety. And for the sake of our homeland, we can definitely defend our homeland." The town mayor said.

Although the residents of the small town are unwilling to accept this fact, this is the situation and they can only accept it. The next thing is. They want to defend. Subsequently, the militia captain began to try to arrange some fortifications.

Hundreds of people will defend a small town. Resist the attack of thousands of Huns who are bigger than them. The residents of the town are still a little unconfident. For this reason, for the sake of their own safety, they began to actively construct fortifications.

"Enough barbed wire." A young Qin country boy wiped his sweat and asked.

"Not enough. Our enemy is the Huns. They will ride horses, wield the swords in their hands, and chop off your heads. Only these barbed wire fences can prevent them from rushing over. And the more the better, the denser the better. Only in this way So that we can be safer." A Qin countryman said.

"Oh. That's it. The more I get these wire fences, the better." The boy continued to arrange the wire fences. Because he heard when his head was cut off. He suddenly felt a little chill on his neck, at this time. He felt that the war was really close to them. A sense of fear came, making him feel a trace of fear, for his own safety. He decided to arrange more and more barbed wire.

In fact, the best weapon for defensive cavalry is a defensive position composed of barbed wire and machine guns. The crazy charge of the cavalry is undoubtedly suicide. Even a small number of Qin people can defend against an attack by a large army of cavalry. The reason why the Xiongnu cavalry could not win the battle. It is because the Qin people built such a complete set of fortifications along the border line. Even if these fortifications are only guarded by a few people, the Huns cannot break through such a line of defense, because those **** barbed wire fences will stop their horses. . Those machine guns can kill any of them.

The militia cannot pin their hopes on the regular army. They can only arrange their defensive positions quietly. There is no combat manual that can teach them how to install barbed wire and the construction of various fortifications. They can only figure it out by themselves.

The militias put their hope on the fortifications, while the Qin regular army focused on how to eliminate more slave riots.

"Tell me about the situation you detected." Captain Mazi asked a cavalry who had just returned from a nearby reconnaissance.

"In a ranch twenty miles to the east of us, there is a group of slaves gathered there. Their number is about 500 people. They are setting fire to the warehouse there. It is estimated that they will stay there for a while." The cavalry said. .

At this time, Captain Mazi quickly marked it on the map.

"There is also a group of slaves not far west of us. They are a little farther away. They are small in number, only more than two hundred people. They are heading here." The cavalry said.

"Then there is no other situation around." The cavalry introduced in detail.

"En." Captain Mazi wrote on the map.

"Then what should we do?" the cavalry who came back from the reconnaissance asked.

"This kind of thing is not something you can deal with. You go down and rest first. We will fight soon." Captain Mazi said.

"It's the sir." The cavalry turned and left as he said.

"There are two hundred people here, they are moving in our direction." Captain Mazi said and marked on the map.

"And there are five hundred people here, they are burning. We have to choose that wave of enemies to kill them." The cavalry captain said to himself.

"I think we should defeat our current two hundred people. They are threatening the safety of our town." The lieutenant on the side suggested.

"It is also our responsibility to ensure the safety of the town," the lieutenant suggested.

"I know. But, do you know? The town can withstand the attack of more than two hundred people. Moreover, they can't get close to the town at all. The residents of the town can resist their attack by themselves," the captain said.

"The crux of the problem is, how can we eat this group of enemies." The captain's attention was focused on the five hundred people.

"It is far more honorable and more profitable to defeat them than to defeat two hundred people," the captain said.

"Moreover, these five hundred people don't have a clear offensive direction. The slaves are just moving toward where they are of interest. This is the key information we can use." The captain said confidently.

"So, we have to take the opportunity to beat them in an ambush," the captain said.

"Then, we can also attack the team of two hundred people." The lieutenant said.

"Yeah. Okay." The captain thought for a while and said.

"But what will happen to our ammunition? Let's eat these five hundred people." The captain's mind is still on the five hundred people. He believes that the interests of five hundred people are far greater than those of two hundred people. More than one hundred people defeated five hundred people, and it is easy to get a medal for such a result. Soldiers are thinking about getting the Medal of Honor, but they ignore the safety of the people. This is something that military laws did not expect.

In this way, the battle plan was formulated in accordance with the interests.

"Beep beep. Beep." The trumpet sounded quickly and quickly. The horse hooves of the Qin's cavalry made a rapid sound of "Da Da Da."

"503 Cavalry Company assembled. 503 Cavalry Company assembled." A cavalry lieutenant shouted loudly. And Qin's cavalry quickly drove their horses into three neat rows.

"The cavalry company is assembled." A sergeant chief checked the number and quickly reported.

"Very good." The lieutenant nodded in praise as he looked at the cavalry quickly assembled.

"Alright. Our battle mission is out. Destroy the slaves of more than 500 people in the east." The lieutenant shouted loudly.

"Kill, kill. Kill." The cavalry shouted loudly with their rifles brandishing their sabers.

"Go." The lieutenant then ordered.

"Da da da." The front cavalry leader carrying a triangular black flag rushed out first.

Then there was a sound of "Da Da Da." Qin's cavalry set off.

"Da Da Da." The cavalry's hoofs made a "boom boom boom." sound. They quickly passed in front of the fortifications built by the residents of the town.

The residents of the town watched the cavalry fly by in front of them. Watching the flying dust. They don't know what to say.

"Don't look. They won't care about us. We can only rely on ourselves." Some people looked at the cavalry who had gone away and said.

"We can only rely on ourselves." As he said, a young man began to dig his trenches.

The cavalry marched towards their other battlefield. The residents of small towns can only rely on their weapons to defend their hometowns. The reporter thought that only by following the army can we get a lot of news materials, so he set off with the cavalry. The front battlefield told him. There is big news happening there.

In the northern part of the Qin Kingdom, many such things happened, and the army seldom took the initiative to take up the defensive work of the city. Most of the militias themselves take on the defensive work of the city. Fortunately, they do not lack weapons, and they can use their advantages in weapons to strengthen their defenses. Instead, the regular army began their regular warfare. That is the field battle. They believe that they can only achieve higher results in a field environment. Know that their opponents are slaves, and those slaves don't have many weapons. In front of the cavalry charge, they are often vulnerable. So, in their opinion. Attacking slaves is a great opportunity to increase their military exploits.

Driven by the military medal, they embarked on their adventurous journey. Without hesitation, they handed over the defense of the city to their reserve and militia organization. But they themselves snatched those glorious victories. But in fact, those results are not so easy to grab.

The situation in the north remains chaotic. The North also involved more energy from the Qin State to maintain their situation in the North. As a result, the State of Qin could not turn his attention to the Six Nations in a short period of time, and they lacked some attention to what happened in the Six Nations. These lack of attention have increased the opportunities for the development of the six countries.

The one who wants to change the most is Qin’s neighbor, South Korea. The upper echelons of South Korea began to consider how they should legally incorporate Chen into their territory. They have longed for Chen for a long time. And this is South Korea’s only territorial expansion so far, which is of great significance.

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