The weird game of the ancient gods

Chapter 417 Whispers in Dreams

Xia Yu couldn't help but worry a little. Will he have nightmares about aliens at night?

What if you wake up tomorrow and find that aliens have invaded the earth, or that there are flying saucers and Martian spacecraft everywhere in the sky, it will be great fun.

Thinking about it, it shouldn't be possible. The nightmare will only reappear in a 'certain way', rather than completely. It's like he dreamed of zombies, but in reality it was just a masked man.

However, Xia Yu didn't dare to gamble. Fortunately, he had already prepared for this. It seemed that he had to use that move.

He went straight downstairs and bought a bunch of drinks from the supermarket downstairs.

Coke, orange juice, mineral water, beer, whatever I can drink, I bought some, and I also bought a watermelon.

I filled two big bags and carried them back home.

Katlana was a little surprised: "Why did you buy so many drinks?"

"Of course it's for drinking." Xia Yu said, unscrewing a bottle of orange juice and drinking it, downing the bottle in one go.

He drank and watched movies to pass the time. Katlana was still immersed in the joy of walking on the moon. She asked Xia Yu when he would go for a ride in outer space again. Xia Yu naturally agreed. In the end, the two of them were affectionate again.

By the time it was past eleven o'clock, the exhausted Katrana fell into a deep sleep, but Xia Yu was still very energetic.

He continued to drink. In one night, Xia Yu drank three bottles of drinks, two bottles of beer, and gnawed half a watermelon.

Waiting until twelve o'clock arrived, Xia Yu suddenly fell asleep as the bell rang.

Xia Yu heard a strange snapping sound, which soon became dense and harsh.

He opened his eyes and found that he was sitting at the computer desk by the window. The pattering sound was coming from the glass of the window. It was rain. The raindrops fell on the window and made a pattering sound. It was the noise. source.

He looked out the window and found that it was still dark outside. It seemed that it would be a long time before dawn. Xia Yu was a little confused and vaguely felt that he had overlooked something important. Suddenly, a bolt of lightning pierced the darkness, reflecting a black figure.

Xia Yu was startled, and when he looked outside again, all he saw was darkness.

He felt a little panicked and stood up and walked to the living room. He was eager to find someone to accompany him.

Katrana? Xia Yu shouted twice, but no sound came from Katlana's room.

He pushed the door open and found the room empty.

Where is Katrana? There was doubt in his heart. At this time, a voice suddenly came from behind, "I'm here...come to me..." The voice was vague, vaguely like Katlana's voice. Xia Yu hurriedly chased after her. Got out.

When he ran to the street, he found that it was already dawn outside, but it was still dark.

At this moment, he was standing on the street of the magic city. There was no one around him. Xia Yu was walking along the street. The shops on the street had their doors closed. Occasionally he saw one open the door, but the door was also empty. Not a thing, not a person.

On the empty street, there was only the sound of raindrops falling.

Continuously, the rain was getting heavier and heavier, with a cold atmosphere. He looked up at the sky. The dark sky showed a light gray color, mixed with a hint of dark red, and the clouds were rotating, as if a storm was about to take shape. , which made him feel a little uneasy.

"Katlana!" He shouted without any response, but when he looked around, he saw a figure passing by and disappearing around the corner of the street.

He hurriedly chased after him, but the rain became heavier and heavier. The cold raindrops kept falling on his body, flowing through his skin, taking away the body temperature and making Xia Yu feel a chill.

But he kept chasing that person. The figure appeared occasionally, but always disappeared in a flash. Whenever he couldn't find the figure of the other person, a faint voice would echo in his ears again. .

He seemed to be following a phantom, running wildly along the deserted streets. However, except for the phantom, there was no one in the whole city, only dead silence. Gradually, he forgot his purpose and just ran aimlessly. Then, following that weird voice.

As he walked, the front suddenly became open. He didn't know when, the tall buildings in the city suddenly turned into ruins and wreckage. He vaguely felt that the scene in front of him looked familiar, but he couldn't remember where he had seen it before. .

As he passed through this desolate ruins, the sea suddenly appeared in front of him.

Xia Yu stood on the coast. The deep seawater stretched as far as the eye could see. The dark color was like a bottomless abyss. The seawater surged under the heavy rain. The strong wind blew, lightning and thunder, and the violent sea made Xia Yu stop in his tracks. He felt inexplicably Feeling a little scared.

However, the whispering voice sounded in the ears again, "Come to me... I am here..." The voice seemed to become clearer, and another lightning flashed across, and at that moment, a shadow The outline flashed in the water, like a huge and twisted face.

Xia Yu stood there like a man possessed, forgetting his fear. The waves crashed on the shore and soaked his trousers. When the cold seawater spread to his calves, he felt something entangled in him. The slippery and sticky feeling startled him, and Xia Yu almost screamed and jumped up.


Xia Yu suddenly woke up from his dream. The warm sunlight shone through the gap in the curtains and fell on his face, making him feel the warmth of the sun.

Phew, it turned out to be just a nightmare.

He panted vigorously, feeling that this nightmare was particularly terrifying. However, when he recalled the dream carefully, he suddenly felt that it was not that scary after all.

What are you dreaming about? It was raining, the streets were deserted, Katrana was gone, and...his consciousness was blurred for a while, but he could no longer recall any more content.

This is the shortcoming of dreams. No matter how clear the dream is, you won't be able to remember much after you wake up.

Xia Yu suddenly felt that something was wrong. If his nightmare really came true, wouldn't it be——

"Katlana!" He rushed out of the bedroom, only to see Katlana sitting at the dining table eating breakfast.

"What's wrong?" Katlana asked in surprise.

Xia Yu breathed a long sigh of relief.

"It's nothing, I just miss you a little."

He hugged Catlana and smelled the scent of her perfume, which made him feel reassured.

"What nightmare did you have last night?"

"I dreamed that it rained heavily, and then the streets were empty and you were gone."

"It doesn't sound too scary, does it?"

"It's a bit strange, but it really scared me in my dream."

Katrana kissed him comfortingly, "Don't worry, the power of the nightmare card won't make everyone disappear, right?"

Xia Yu shook his head, "Probably not. The nightmare card will be presented in a certain way, that is to say, it will not be exactly the same as the dream. Just like the previous zombie nightmare turned into a masked man, I guess most It’s a similar effect, but it’s raining, and it’s very likely that it will really rain—wait a minute, I’ll come as soon as I can.”

He said and rushed into the bathroom.

Five minutes later, Xia Yu came out. He took an apple and gnawed it as he went downstairs.

When we walked to the street, it was indeed cloudy outside. Although it was already past eight o'clock in the morning, the sky was dark, and soon after, raindrops fell.

The rain was quite heavy.

Xia Yu saw people running away in panic, and soon there were almost no people on the street.

In a sense, this can be regarded as a reappearance of last night's nightmare.

It's raining heavily - there is no one on the street, but when it rains heavily, people will naturally hide, and there will be no one on the street. I don't know why I feel so scary in my dream.

He vaguely remembered that he dreamed of something else in his dream, but he couldn't remember it.

Could it be that you really dreamed about aliens, but forgot about them? If we forget, will the scene in the nightmare reappear in reality?

Xia Yu was a little suspicious all day long, and at night, he finally determined that it was just his hallucination.

He was very satisfied with his plan. Originally, he was worried that he would have nightmares about alien invasion, but it seemed that the impact of the body on dreams was much more intuitive than the impact of psychology on dreams.

As long as you drink more water, you can affect changes in your subconscious mind. Speaking of which, this was the inspiration he got from watching Inception.

Things like heavy rain can barely be considered a nightmare.

In this case, all you need to do is continue to drink more water.

Seeing that it was eleven o'clock, Xia Yu took out another box of beer that he had prepared and drank it.

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