The world is divided into two colors, a Crimson-stained Blood Moon and a purple-dominated Corruption.

The intersection of the two worlds has become the destination of living beings, and the corpses of living beings have actually been cast into high walls.

It seems to have become an invisible wall separating the two worlds, difficult to cross.

Yi Xu's gaze gradually moved down, and the brand-new train faded its original color, and a thick layer of iron filings adhered to it.

And what surprised him the most was that the train actually jumped in the air, surrounded by white clouds.

"This world is too terrifying, if human beings can't defeat those strange creatures, then human beings can only be annihilated in the long river of history.

Yi Xu sighed.

Suddenly, the train jolted, and a pair of giant arms stretched out from each carriage to stabilize the direction of the body.

Along with this, there were hard arms growing from the outer walls of the train, and the palms on the top of them secreted black liquid, probably quenched venom, and the black was a little reflective.

Yi Xu's eyes looked forward, and at the front of the train was actually a terrifying creature made of several human heads.

At this time, he realized how ferocious the strange world was, and what he was facing.

A gigantic creature made of countless human limbs and grievances, resembling a caterpillar in the human world.

When the time comes, the caterpillar will digest all the humans and strange creatures in its body and grow.

Can he really defeat it? Yi Xu was in a trance for a moment, but then he calmed down and could not retreat, because he had no chance to choose.

"Boss, is it safe up there? Your employees are waiting for the flowers to thank you, and if you don't die, you will squeak.

Behind Yi Xu, there was the shout of the ghost hime.

"Is your boss still alive?

Onihime's voice pulled Yi Xu back from the edge of dissociation.

He leaned into the hole, resisted the air current, and said to the two people below, "Come up."

Cheng Qing successfully climbed onto the train with the power of the ghost queen, and barely stood firm with his strengthened body.

And the ghost queen turned into a streamer and entered the weird shop in Yi Xu's wrist.

"This ......" Cheng Qing turned her head and glanced around, she was so shocked that she couldn't speak, she said worriedly: "I don't know if my parents are still alive."

"I'm afraid I don't have a chance.

Yi Xu waited for her to slow down for a while before the two of them walked towards the center of the train.

The bulging stiff arm on the ground grew longer and longer, and Yi Xu tried to pull one out.

A strong smell of blood suddenly overflowed, and a piece of black flesh was actually attached to the hard arm, and the whole train trembled a few times.

Then there was a female wail.

"What is this?" asked Cheng Qing.

Yi Xu replied

, "Have you noticed that this train is like a worm, these raised arms are its fluff, and the black liquid held in the palm is probably venom.

"We have to be careful to avoid it.

"Otherwise, I'm afraid I'll die."

Cheng Qing nodded a little scared.

Yi Xu thought to himself, as time passed, the train would slowly recover, and it might sense that two humans were slowly approaching it, so be careful with every step now.

The two men walked cautiously on this road paved with human limbs, and when you looked over, you could see how desperate it was to have arms of different sizes all over the place.

At this moment, at Cheng Qing's feet, a childish face appeared, and then a string of words came out.

"Sister, I'm in so much pain, can you soothe me? "

My body is embedded in the iron sheet, I can't escape, save me, save me!"

bursts of magic sounds filled his brain, Cheng Qing's thinking froze, and his eyes suddenly lost focus.

"Don't listen to him!" Yi Xu quickly reminded.

It's a pity that it didn't have any effect, Cheng Qing's body tilted, and he was almost about to fall.

"I told you not to listen to him.

Yi Xu clenched his fist and slammed it the child's face, making a loud noise.


This voice pulled the distracted Cheng Qing back to reality, and she looked at Yi Xu blankly, looking at her at a loss.

"Brother, why are you doing this, don't you like children? I'm so miserable, please save me. The

child's voice was slightly weeping.

"You guessed it, what I hate most is people like you who are dead and want to interfere with the living.

"Take your brains and die again."

Yi Xu smashed it many times in a row, until the child's face shrank inward and he could no longer make a sound.

After beating the child, he raised his eyes and stared at Cheng Qing, and said solemnly:

"This train is caused by the grievances and limbs of countless passengers, I think you should understand its dangerousness."

"If you fall into this trap again, I won't necessarily have my hands free to help you.

"Since it is cooperation, then you should understand that the two sides have mutual use value, which is cooperation, if you are a burden, I will definitely leave you and stay away alone." "

Do you understand?"

Cheng Qing looked at the arms scattered around him, and said with a wry smile: "I'm sorry, it's the first time I encountered this kind of thing, and I can't react a little, I'll be careful."

Cheng Qing understands that everyone does not owe anything to others since they were born.

If you ask others to protect you, it will only lead to resentment from others.

Besides, in the last days, relying on others will only die faster, and only your own growth is the king.

Yi Xu listened to her answer, and didn't say anything more, and the two continued to walk forward.

It's just that the road forward is more difficult, and with each step, different human mouths appear on the ground, uttering all kinds of demagogic words.

This time, the book in Cheng Qing's hand was held high, and whenever a face spoke, it would be hit by the ocean of knowledge, and he couldn't spit out half a word.

And Yi Xu is even more relaxed, whenever a face appears, he will step on it, leaving a series of footprints.

There are no dangers along the way.

"There are two cars left, and here we are. Yi Xu said in a low voice.

"Got it. Cheng Qing said tiredly.

The violent air currents in the air were constantly blowing, and both of them were a little tired.

Suddenly, all the arms on the ground stretched out, forming a huge bone web that blocked the two men's continued progress.

"In front of it is a forbidden place for living beings, and it is forbidden to enter. "There were many souls screaming in the air, and each soul seemed to be on the verge of tyranny.

"Sure enough, the control center of this supernatural train is at the front of the locomotive.

Yi Xu's blood-colored red coffin appeared in the air, smashing the net in front of him.

But I didn't expect that all the souls were so strong in defense, and with all their strength, the blood coffin still couldn't smash a gap, and even rebounded back.

The ghosts that had been embedded in the ground were furious, and many terrifying faces suddenly appeared on the roof of the carriage, looking at them in unison.

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