With each chanting, the husky's body changes slightly, and the hair on its body stands on end, revealing its sharp claws and teeth.

Those blue eyes became fierce, and the temperament of the two fools shrank and disappeared, replaced by a cruel lone wolf.

Those stretching tentacles were cut off by the husky's sharp claws, and Cheng Qing also broke free from the shackles and came to the side of everyone.

"What to do, there are too many of them, just like ants, it is useless to fight hard.

Li Yue looked at more and more strange creatures, and his scalp was a little numb.

Yi Xu's consciousness condensed, manifesting a golden shield of light, which was attached to the wall, preventing the creatures outside from continuing to destroy.

He was still not at ease, and fantasized a few times in succession, and the wall of fire and water curtains all appeared, clinging to the glass to resist the impact of the strange creatures outside.

"Wang Ming, hurry up and hide this store. Yi Xu said.

There are more and more strange creatures outside, and the attack is getting more and more intensive.

In an instant, most of the thick barrier was worn away, and there were signs of shattering.

Yi Xu had to spend all his mental energy just to maintain the light wall, and part of the body's energy was immediately extracted.

"Hidden. Wang Ming's cold voice sounded.

The whole store seems to be covered with a thin veil, and its presence is constantly decreasing, as if it never existed.

A gray mist rose and circled the store.

From the look of the strange creatures outside.

The shop was still there, but it didn't arouse the slightest desire to explore.

Social phobia people always have a way to reduce their presence in the crowd, and Wang Ming is the same.

The creepy creatures lost their target and wandered the streets outside, looking for a living human.

Wang Ming sat cross-legged, and after maintaining

the hidden power, he said, "My hidden power can only last for half an hour, and after half an hour, the hidden effect will disappear. "

People with social phobia will feel safe in the place where they live, and the more confined the space, the stronger the strength.

That's why he was able to hide the entire apartment, but not the small shop.

The store was too dangerous and unnerved to him.

"Good. Li Yue turned on the sweeping mode and packed all the necessities into his school bag, and most of the food only chose some sealed food.

As for those raw foods, some of them already stink, and some of them are even meaty, overgrown with white maggots, and they can't be eaten at all.

Cheng Qing didn't sweep the food like he did, but came to the corner of the book in the store.

After the death of the domineering president Mu Bai and Yin Tianzi, it will take a certain amount of time to recover before they can be summoned again.

Now she has no means of self-defense, and when she is summoned on an impromptu basis, the husky sometimes does not listen to her orders.

So she had to find a new book to defend herself from.

After looking for a long time, Cheng Qing found a book in the corner of the bookshelf.

A strange book, the cover is so blood-red and weird, and there are even a few big words written on it that are indescribable and unrecognizable.

The title of that book is "The Call of Cthulhu."

She immediately picked it up and read, the point of the call of personality anthropomorphism is to have a certain understanding of the book, the deeper the understanding, the more powerful the summoned guy is, and the closer the connection with herself.

As she reads, tentacles slowly reach out of the book.

At this moment, the light curtain covering the outside of the store slowly receded.

Yi Xu put away his somewhat numb arm, took out a quaint mirror, and said,

"It's your turn to play your role."

With that, his arm pierced through the mirror, tearing out a phantom from it.

That's his dark side.

The dark side said helplessly: "Damn, I am not a slave that you call and linger.

Yi Xu gave him a big mouth and said, "The dark side, do you want to taste my warmth or enthusiasm?"

"Well, what the hell do you want me to do?" disgruntled the dark side.

Yi Xu handed him a blood coffin, pointed to the strange creatures wandering the streets

, and said, "Use the power of fantasy to bury the strange creatures outside, and remember to put their corpses and crystals into the blood coffin."

He patted the shoulder that was a little cold on the dark side, looking like a good brother.

Before leaving, he didn't forget to be careful, and sneered at the dark side: "Love you!" and

then walked into the store without looking back, and began to frantically scavenge for supplies, all of which were loaded into the weird store.

In the face of this kind of hard bones, then gnaw a few more times, and have more mental and physical blows, so that you can take the initiative.

After listening to the dark side of the place, he turned on the grumpy mode, beating all the time, and stomped the entire ground in half.



it! Don't let me take the chance to escape, or you'll die a terrible death!

I also experience what it's like to buy for zero dollars.

As the dark side of Yi Xu, he is more greedy for money than Yi Xu.

"Alas!" the dark side sighed, turned to the hordes of strange creatures, and laughed again.

Faith points are all faith points, and these can also be used to level up.

Thinking about the dark side, relying on the hidden power, he set off all kinds of energy in the streets and killed most of the weird creatures in the weaker places.

Wang Ming was taken aback by the sudden appearance of another Yixu, but as a patient with social phobia, he was not good at dealing with people.

Use your skills silently only on the side.

Yi Xu entered the depths of the store and began to scavenge for supplies indiscriminately, and the goods in the living area of the system would not be restocked by themselves, so they needed to replenish themselves.

Store shelves are filled with convenient foods like instant noodles.

People's evaluation of instant noodles fluctuates greatly.

At home, sucking is really full, at school, a rare treasure.

"Instant noodles are a rare delicacy in the last days, so I want them all. Yi

Xu showed his ability to throw all the instant noodles on the shelves into the weird store.

Then, he saw the innate treasure that stifles genes, the transparent shield, and said, "Family planning supplies, the doomsday is a bestseller, I want it!"

At this moment, several muffled sounds suddenly sounded from a bloodstained wooden door.


, what's the sound

? There are still living people in this store? No, if there were living people in this

place, it would have been eaten up long ago.

So this sound must have come from a strange creature.

Yi Xu walked up to the door and tapped a few times to see if there was really a living creature inside.

After knocking for a long time, there was no movement in the door again, as if it had fallen silent all of a sudden.

Just when Yi Xu thought it was his nervous auditory hallucination.


closed wooden door actually opened a crack, revealing the dim space inside, and suddenly a smell of blood wafted out.

The smell of blood?

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