The Wheel-Turning Master

Chapter 106 The Vicious Man

The setting sun was reflected in the lake, and Lin Bai thought of Xiuxiu for no reason.

Her original destiny was the moon shadow in the deep pool. If she could see this scene, she would feel something.

Lin Bai waved away his distracting thoughts and asked, "Do you want to go down to the lake?"

"Yes." Huang Ruhua nodded.

"Let me rest for a while." Without waiting for Huang Ruhua to respond, Lin Bai swallowed a pill of nourishing qi and sat cross-legged.

Huang Ruhua glanced at Lin Bai, then turned to a hidden place and silently guarded the surroundings.

On the stone plate, Lin Bai sat cross-legged in meditation.

There were white moonlight spots on the outer fog, and Xiuxiu was idle again.

Along the way, Huang Ruhua was too cautious. Although all casual cultivators were like this, she was frightened at the slightest movement, as if there was a golden elixir chasing her.

At first, Lin Bai thought she had discovered Senior Zhu Jianyang hanging behind her, but after traveling together for more than ten days, Lin Bai was sure that Huang Ruhua did not find someone behind her, she was just alert and afraid.

Lin Bai calmed down and concentrated his mind, without feeling anything in his heart, and did not know whether there was good or bad luck ahead.

This ability to avoid danger and seek good fortune is his own innate magical power, which is related to himself. It is much stronger than the Water Phase Questioning Heart Sutra and generally will not fail.

Unless the person involved is at a very high level, or has a special innate life.

"This means that going down to the lake is not very dangerous, at least it will not endanger your life."

Lin Bai still did not dare to be careless.

For more than half a month, Lin Bai has been thinking about the meaning of earth fire on the stone plate, and he has some insights. If the Fire Scale Sword is out, it should be able to stop two or three Qi training cultivators.

If you are in danger, there are also talismans to save your life. There is also Zhu Jianyang who follows secretly, which is considered a backup.

As long as it is not a fierce foundation, such as Tie Huasheng, it will be safe. If it was a golden elixir, it would definitely be over.

But this is unlikely. There is no reason why a dignified golden elixir would spend time and effort to calculate a small Qi training.

When he opened his eyes, it was half dark.

"Is there anything unusual?" Lin Bai looked at Huang Ruhua who was approaching.

Huang Ruhua shook her head slightly and said, "When you go down to the lake later, listen to me and I will never let you get hurt." She was quite confident and kind in her words.

Lin Bai nodded.

The two of them each made a hand gesture, surrounded themselves with spiritual power, and dived into the lake. There were fish and shrimps playing, and turtles and tortoises walking together.

Huang Ruhua led the way in front, and Lin Bai followed.

The lake was very deep. The two dived more than ten feet, came to the bottom of the lake, and continued to move forward.

After groping for a quarter of an hour, they saw dense water plants and messy rocks, without any abnormality.

Huang Ruhua moved a rock covered with water plants, and a small cave appeared. She waved to Lin Bai and entered the cave.

Lin Bai followed and walked a few more feet forward. The cave became much brighter, but it was still full of water.

The two walked one after the other for a hundred feet, then went up and came out of the water.

Lin Bai estimated that this was from the bottom of the lake into the inner part of the mountain.

This place was dark and humid, and the spiritual energy was much richer than outside, and the water was abundant.

The two landed, and Huang Ruhua took a fluorite in her hand and walked deeper into the cave.

This cave was crooked, sometimes up and sometimes down, slippery and dark, as if it was a natural thing. There was nothing unusual, only a few shrimps, crabs, turtles, and many toads.

After walking for a while, fluorescence appeared in front. A Qigong cultivator in black appeared, with a cautious and defensive look on his face, staring at Lin Bai.

Huang Ruhua walked forward, frowned and asked: "Is everything okay here?"

"Everything is fine." The Qigong cultivator replied.

Huang Ruhua nodded, a relaxed smile appeared on her face, she waved to Lin Bai and continued forward.

Lin Bai followed silently, but he felt a little strange: how come this gatekeeper seemed to respect Huang Ruhua? And Huang Ruhua seemed to be superior. It didn't seem like cooperation, but there seemed to be a hierarchy.

There was no sign of seeking good fortune and avoiding danger, so Lin Bai followed and walked forward.

After walking for a quarter of an hour, the front suddenly opened up, and a cave with a radius of 100 feet appeared in front of him.

The cave was four or five feet high, and a green fluorite was inlaid on the wall every few steps, which made the cave look even more weird.

At the end of the cave, there was a stone table with several things on it. Behind the stone table was a skeleton, still wearing a tattered loose Taoist robe.

This should be the owner of the cave. Unfortunately, it is impossible to tell how long he has been dead, and the patterns on the Taoist robe are unrecognizable, so I don't know his identity.

There was a corpse kneeling in front of the stone table. The flesh and bones were rotten. It should have been dead not long ago. It was facing the owner of the cave.

Lin Bai looked at the back of the corpse and saw a wooden hairpin on its hair. It seemed to be Wang Zizai.

With the stone table as the center of the circle, it was probably where the illusion array was. Once you enter it, you will enter the illusion array.

More than ten feet to the left of the stone table, there was a person lying. It was Zhu Yumao. It was unknown whether he was injured and unconscious, or for some other reason. There was also a young man practicing Qi, who was meditating with his eyes closed.

Then, Lin Bai looked at the stone platform next to Zhu Yumao.

The stone platform was three feet high and covered with moss. A person sat cross-legged on it. The man's Taoist robe was tattered and dirty, and the background color could not be seen. Black and white hair mixed, beard messy, head deeply drooped. The right hand was on the knee, and the left arm was empty.

This person faintly exuded a decadent aura. The person was not dead yet. Judging from the breath, he should be a foundation-building cultivator.

The body of a cultivator is cleansed by spiritual energy, and even if injured, it can recover very quickly. If the limbs are damaged, they can slowly grow back.

This person is a foundation-building cultivator, but his left arm is empty. Needless to say, the person who broke his arm either used a weapon similar to the Green Mark Knife, or has a special life, or is at a high level.

Lin Bai speculated that this person should have been injured by a master. It is very likely that it was done by Jindan.

But even so, he is also a foundation-building cultivator!

Lin Bai leaned against the wall of the cave and did not escape.

Now that he has seen the foundation-building cultivator, he is afraid that he can't escape. Besides, Zhu Yumao is still here, and he needs to find out the whole story.

And there is no warning in his heart, which shows that this person has no intention of killing for the time being.

Besides, even if the foundation-building cultivator is injured, it is not worth it to work hard for half a year just to capture a mere Qi training shrimp.

It can be seen that he really needs help. It's just that Huang Ruhua lied and didn't make it clear.

"Master!" Huang Ruhua ran forward and knelt down in front of the foundation-building cultivator, with a look of concern on her face.

The foundation-building cultivator didn't respond, and didn't even move.

Huang Ruhua took out various things from the storage ring, put them on the stone platform, and said: "Master, according to what you said, I only bought these things, and I didn't dare to buy more, for fear of leaving traces."

After speaking, she saw that the foundation-building cultivator still had no reaction, so she stood up, stood beside the stone platform, looked at Lin Bai from a distance, and saluted.

"Fellow Daoist Huang, I treat people with sincerity, and you treat me like this?" Lin Bai took out the Fire Scale Sword.

Huang Ruhua smiled awkwardly and said, "I didn't mean to do that, but I had to do it." She sighed and said, "I sincerely invited you to break the formation."

Lin Bai said nothing, looking at Huang Ruhua while being wary of the foundation-building.

"I didn't lie to you before." Huang Ruhua was quite sincere, "My master was in trouble, and I lived in Xinyifang. That Wang Zizai invited me to go with him, and later Wang Zizai died here, all of which were true. It's just that on my way back, I met my master, so I asked him to come here to take charge."

"May I ask your name, esteemed master?" Lin Bai felt that the foundation-building looked more and more familiar.

"This..." Huang Ruhua was even more embarrassed, "In fact, you must know my master, everyone in Xinyifang knows him..."

She hesitated, seeming a little embarrassed.

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