The Wheel-Turning Master

Chapter 127: Dog-licking, Hunyuan transformation

The cave where Lin Bai rented Chunyu's house was slightly smaller than the Dihuo cave where Jiang's family lived.

This place is called Zhutao Garden. The aura of wood is quite pure and full of vitality.

Perhaps because we are in the land of bamboo waves, we still feel a bit motivated.

If people with the corresponding natal destiny live here, their spiritual practice will be more effective with half the effort.

Lin Bai sat cross-legged, not in a hurry to temper his body, and took out six more flying knives.

Look carefully at each one and touch them carefully, a little more attentively than touching Sister Pei.

After pondering for a long time, Lin Bai pointed out, "Get up!"

One of the flying knives slowly emitted a scorching flame, followed by the second and third.

When the six flying knives lit up one by one, they all trembled and slowly rose from the ground, spinning endlessly around Lin Bai.

Some are fast, some are slow, some are urgent, and some are slow.

After about a cup of tea, six flying knives suddenly lit up, scorching the eyes even more, and the meaning of earthly fire gushed out.

After a while, six flying knives landed on the ground.

Lin Bai was sweating on his forehead. He had used up a lot of energy from the sea of ​​energy, and he even had a headache. This was due to the fatigue of his spiritual consciousness.

Controlling six flying knives at the same time is more tiring than sleeping with Sister Pei six times.

If you only control one handle, it is easier than controlling a flying sword. But if there are too many flying knives, you will be distracted, and you need to have the intention of earth fire. You need to take care of your spiritual power and consciousness, but it will consume more.

Because of this, the power has increased even more.

But that's not a problem. Just return to the stone plate to recover quickly.

Lin Bai came to the stone plate, and when his spiritual power was fully restored, he summoned the mist and turned it into six flying knives, imitating the shape of the fire lin flying knives.

Unlike the jade cicada and the calligraphy, Lin Bai was familiar with the use of the Fire Lin Sword, and Lin Bai could already imitate its meaning.

Sitting cross-legged in the middle of the stone plate, Lin Bai thought about it for a while, and then a flying knife burst into flames, spinning endlessly on the stone plate.

The turbulence of the earthly fire is endless, and its intention to burn all things is even more obvious.

Soon, the six flying knives dissipated and turned into mist again. Lin Bai's face was pale, and there was sweat on his forehead, as if his body had been drained.

The spiritual power is almost exhausted, and the sea of ​​consciousness aches.

Lin Bai closed his eyes for a moment, feeling emotional in his heart.

"It's six times more difficult to control six flying knives than to control only one."

"It's like sleeping with Sister Pei every day. I don't feel tired and feel refreshed. Even if I sleep for six days in a row, it doesn't matter. After all, I don't get tired of eating."

"But if six Sisters Pei suddenly appear, they need to be kept in order, and the emotions of each Sister Pei must be taken into account. They cannot be addicted to any one, nor can they be left behind, or even make them happy at the same time! This is more than difficult. Six times more tired, six times more tired?”

"These are just six Sisters Pei. When I realize other sword intentions in the future, I'm afraid I will have to add six Sisters Zhen and six Girls Jiang. Just thinking about it will give me a headache."

"They have different temperaments, different bodies, one is happy fast, and the other is happy slowly. They also need to be coordinated, come in and out as they please, in an orderly manner, and cooperate with each other. Isn't it more tiring? If they don't fight, it's fine!"

"If you want to practice well, you must have a special destiny. Or you must have perseverance and perseverance, and you need to be extremely talented."

Lin Bai has always been tenacious and firmly believes in the principle that practice makes perfect. If you don’t have enough talent, you have to work hard to make it happen.

Just do it as you say, and spend a lot of effort just practicing the method of multi-control. Rest when you are tired, and practice after resting.

Every time I squeeze out my spiritual power, I won't stop until the sea of ​​consciousness hurts.

Doing this hundreds of times can be considered as making progress. Lin Bai controlled six flying knives at the same time, and made them fly and gallop. With the intention of earth fire, he could extend the time from one-fifteenth of an hour to one-third of a quarter of an hour.

It can be said that practice makes perfect. At first, Lin Bai couldn't last long in front of Sister Zhen, but later he tried more and his ability improved.

After resting for a while, regaining his spiritual power and cultivating his consciousness, Lin Bai opened his eyes.

After being dazed for a while, I took out Zhu Jianguang's alchemy notes and read his thoughts carefully.

Lin Bai planned to put aside the art of alchemy for a while, focusing on body tempering and flying knives. The advancement of cultivation cannot be stopped, but it can be slower.

After sitting for a while, he left the cave.

It's broad daylight outside. The sound of bamboo waves brings a sense of freshness, making people feel peaceful and free from depression.

I heard that Chun Yutao, the ancestor of the Golden Pill of the Chunyu family, lived deep in the bamboo waves, but I don't know whether it is true or not.

After leaving Zhutao Garden, Lin Bai went to Fengming Pavilion.

Before handing over the Jingjing Pills he refined last time, Lin Bai also wanted to ask about the current situation of the Zhu family.

When they arrived at the place, Zhu Yuling was even more gentle and polite, and the smile on her face never faded.

"Uncle is upstairs." Zhu Yuling's attitude was very good.

Lin Bai took the Gujing Pills, paid the bill with her, and went up to the second floor.

Still the same place. Zhu Jianyang was practicing calligraphy again, but his writing was not good.

"You have water in your body. It seems that the method of body refining has made progress." Zhu Jianyang put away his pen.

"It's just a little gain." Lin Bai poured him some tea.

Zhu Jianyang held the tea cup but did not drink. He pondered for a while and said: "The method of body training is an upright way, but it is time-consuming and labor-intensive, so it seems useless." He was quite approving. "You've achieved a little bit, which is pretty good. However, it only took you two months to complete one line, and only ten months to complete the five elements. After all, you're still a little short of it. You should still focus on cultivation, and don't put the cart before the horse."

He didn't know Lin Bai's secrets, and he couldn't see Lin Bai's innermost feelings. He just thought that Lin Bai was doing it casually, so he gave advice.

Lin Bai naturally agreed.

"By the way," Zhu Jianyang put down the tea cup and said, "Someone from the Crystal Palace came here to inquire about you. Yuling didn't know the purpose of the visit, so she said she didn't know where you lived."

The Crystal Palace is the property of Yunxia Sect.

Lin Bai smiled and said: "It's a friend I met when I went out with Senior Zhu Jianshui. Since the Crystal Palace is looking for me, I guess it's the Taoist friend who sent me a letter. I'll go and have a look later."

Zhu Jianyang felt relieved.

After chatting for a while and asking about the current situation of the Zhu family brothers and sisters, Lin Bai temporarily put aside the matter of alchemy.

Nowadays, with the relationship between Lin Bai and the Zhu family, there is no need to beat around the bush, just speak directly.

After leaving Fengming Pavilion, Lin Bai went to the Crystal Palace.

When Qu Ruyi was taken away by Gao Yuanyuan, she said she would write a letter. Lin Bai was always cautious and timid and didn't want to provoke him, but he didn't expect that Qu Ruyi had great supernatural powers and actually let the steward of the Crystal Palace find the Zhu family.

But this is normal. Qu Ruyi is a newly promoted foundation builder and a descendant of Jindan. His face is indeed bigger than others.

Crystal Palace is located in the north of Xinyi Square and occupies a small area. This is the rule set by the Jindan sects and families and the Qiaoshan sect. Otherwise, if the Nascent Soul Sect exerts its strength, it will definitely steal other businesses’ business.

It's called the Crystal Palace, and the decorations inside are mostly made of glass and coral. It really feels like a water palace in the sea.

The person at the counter was an experienced Qi practitioner with a weathered face, and he was very kind.

"What do you need, fellow Taoist? Please tell me." The old cultivator bowed and smiled.

Behind him stood the Yuan Ying sect, who was neither humble nor arrogant. He didn't look like a businessman, and he seemed to treat Lin Bai not as a guest, but as a visiting comrade.

"I'm here, Yun Zhonghe." Lin Bai bowed in return and said with a smile, "I know Taoist Qu Ruyi from your sect. She said before that she had a letter for me and asked me to come to your store to inquire."

Lin Bai did not mention Fengming Pavilion, but only mentioned it to himself.

"It is indeed true. It turns out that you are fellow Taoist Yun. I'm so glad to meet you." The old cultivator smiled and looked at Lin Bai carefully.

When Lin Bai saw that he didn't accept the letter, he knew that there was something more to come.

"Withered wood beneath him, holding the Five Elements in his hand..." the old cultivator spoke.

What is holding the Five Elements in his hand is clearly a jade cicada! This was a secret signal. Qu Ruyi didn't dare to talk about Yu Chan, so he used the Five Elements to prevaricate.

"I'm satisfied." Lin Bai smiled back.

The old cultivator nodded, took out a letter, and presented it with both hands. He said: "I just gave you a test. It was not disrespectful to my Taoist friends, so please forgive me." He took out another jade token and continued: "With this jade token, everything on the first and second floors of my Crystal Palace is 30% off. Whether it’s here or elsewhere, it’s all applicable.”

This is popularity! If you know more friends, you will have more ways to spend spiritual stones!

Don't want it for nothing. Lin Bai naturally accepted it and thanked him again and again.

"If you Taoist friends want to reply, you can leave it to me." The old cultivator was very charitable. "My Yunxia Sect's cargo ship goes to Santongfang once a month. During the period, we will leave some goods for our store. Friendly communication.”

"Thank you, Brother Dao." Lin Bai bowed and saluted. I originally wanted to give him a bottle of Qi Condensing Pill as a token of my gratitude, but thinking that the other party was backed by the Nascent Soul Sect, I was too embarrassed to do so.

After leaving the Crystal Palace, Lin Bai went to Zhutao Garden.

When they were approaching the place, they met Yao Qianyuan and Pei Ning on the road.

"I've already brought you here, how can you thank me?" Yao Qianyuan crossed his arms and looked even more majestic. She didn't leave either, obviously wanting to get some more benefits.

"Thank you, senior sister." Lin Bai pretended not to understand.

Peining also smiled.

The three of them spent two quarters of an hour just talking nonsense.

Yao Qianyuan finally got impatient, "You're so picky, you're thick-skinned, you're timid, you don't look like a casual alchemist! Junior sister Pei, you can brighten your eyes from now on!" After she finished speaking, she turned away and left.

Pei Ning looked at Yao Qianyuan's back and said with a smile: "If you offend her, no one will send you a message in the future."

"It's definitely not like this." Lin Bai was very confident, "As long as I give you a gift next time, she will keep it the same as before."

"Yes, Lin Zhuanlun understands women best. He is good at seducing and coaxing, he is a role model for us." Pei Ning had a smile on her lips, but she also had a strange look on her face.

Lin Bai had long been used to it, so he took her hand and said, "Go and sit in my newly rented cave."

"No." Peining refused.

Lin Bai glanced at her earlobes and saw a slight blush, knowing that she was also moved.

After thinking for a while, Lin Bai said: "Then go to Dihuo Cave Mansion."

Peining didn't nod or say yes.

Sure enough, she accepted life. I probably won’t be able to open it in the new place.

Lin Bai knew that this was the acquiescence. She is usually very cheerful, but when it comes to matters between men and women, she is reserved and introverted.

The two of them went to Fangshi, but Lin Bai didn't let go of her hand, and just pulled her back to the cave.

Lin Bai asked her about what happened at Shanmen, and she complained quite a bit.

It was obvious that after not being close to her for two months, she also lacked someone to talk to. With her tenacious temperament, she would never reveal her true feelings to anyone except Lin Bai, who knew everything about her.

The two of them were just like ordinary lovers, wandering around the market for a long time, just looking at what to buy.

When he returned to Dihuo Cave Mansion, he was stopped by Jiang Chun.

"This is a letter from my little sister." Jiang Chun took out a letter.

"Young sister? Jiang Yu?" Lin Bai asked with a smile.

"It's her." Jiang Chun smiled.

After receiving the letter, he returned to the cave and closed the door.

"A little sister, a little sister." Pei Ning sat down with a smile on her face, "No matter how many sisters the Jiang family has, they can't escape Lin Zhuanlun's grasp."

"Don't talk nonsense." Lin Bai made a serious look, "That little girl is only six years old."

"A monk has a long life, so what if he is short of ten or a hundred years? Just sit back and wait." Pei Ning smiled.

Lin Bai couldn't help her, so he just opened the letter and read it.

The handwriting is quite neat, and his medical skills are three points better than Xiu Xiu's copy. The letter didn't say anything, except that his knife-throwing skills had improved slightly.

However, the little girl used the title "Sir", which was extremely polite.

Lin Bai was very relieved.

Pei Ning came up to take a look and said, "Congratulations to Lin Zhuanlun for accepting a disciple."

"Then you are the master's wife." Lin Bai smiled and took out Qu Ruyi's letter to prove her innocence.

"A letter from Qu Ruyi." Lin Bai handed it to her.

Pei Ning didn't say anything more. He opened the letter and smiled. He glanced at Lin Bai again, with a playful look on his face.

Seeing this, Lin Bai thought to himself, is Qu Ruyi stupid? Saying dirty words in the letter? Isn't she afraid that it will be intercepted?

He snatched it and took a look. There really was no dirty words.

The letter first said that she had returned home and everything was stable at home. This was a hint that Xiuxiu could eat and drink.

Then he talked a few more nonsense words, and then changed the pen style, saying that Yun Daoyou had a noble character, and Yun Daoyou's Taoist partner should also be an extraordinary person, so he wanted Yun Daoyou's Taoist partner to reply to the letter.

Finally, there were a few common words of blessing.

This Qu Ruyi is really sick! If she coveted Yuchan, Lin Bai would never say a bad word about her, but she actually wanted to cut off the firewood and thought about his woman!

I was very angry! Looking at Pei Ning again, she had taken out a pen and paper and wrote.

"What are you writing!" Lin Bai snatched the pen and paper, grabbed Pei Ning's wrist, and pulled her to the low couch.

After several ups and downs, Pei Ning was finally subdued. She stopped making trouble, and the coolness in her eyes disappeared, but tenderness.

"What did you say when you saw Jiang girl last time?" Lin Bai asked.

Pei Ning's body was still trembling slightly. She took a long time to calm down before glaring at Lin Bai.

"I didn't say anything, just some gossip." Pei Ning's face was flushed, lying on her side and looking at Lin Bai, with a smile on the corner of her mouth.

Lin Bai knew that Sister Pei was extremely alert and must have seen something.

"Work hard." Pei Ning patted Lin Bai and said, "I told you before that my cultivation level is far behind yours. I still need to learn sword skills, so it's difficult for me to go down the mountain often. Since that girl is willing, what are you afraid of?" She rested her chin on Lin Bai's shoulder, blew the wind, and smiled, "It's a waste if you don't eat. It will also make me feel more relaxed."

Lin Bai was unsure and just laughed it off.

But in the next few times, Lin Bai worked harder.

After two days of hard work, Lin Bai sent Pei Ning back. First, he gave Jiang Yu's reply to Jiang Chun, and then handed Qu Ruyi's reply to the Crystal Palace.

After chatting with Yao Qianyuan for a few words, Lin Bai gave a bottle of Qi Condensation Pill, and then returned to Chunyu's Zhutao Garden.

As soon as he entered the garden, two people followed him.

Most of the people who came and went here were foundation-building cultivators, and Lin Bai always walked by the roadside.

He made way for a little bit, and when he looked up, he saw that they were acquaintances.

It was Yang Shu and Chunyu Tong. The two of them were talking, and it was obvious that the former was the main one.

Lin Bai was a respectable man, so he bowed and saluted.

Chunyu Tong glanced at Lin Bai, but ignored him. Yang Shu nodded slightly, and then said, "Aren't you the one from the Jiang family who made the Tiger and Wolf Pill? Why are you here?"

Yang Shu smiled, looked at Chunyu Tong, and asked, "Brother Chunyu, your family's business is getting bigger and bigger."

Chunyu Tong smiled and said, "Although my Chunyu family is not as rich as the Jiang family, we will not make Tiger and Wolf Pills for profit."

After that, Chunyu Tong bowed to Yang Shu and said, "I'll go back first." After that, he went straight out of Zhutao Garden.

Yang Shu returned the greeting, looked at Lin Bai again, and said, "Why are you here?"

As he spoke, he walked forward.

Lin Bai had to follow, saying, "I have learned a technique, and I need to be in a place where wood energy is flourishing. That's why I asked someone to give me a glimpse of the Golden Elixir Spiritual Land."

"Are you going to Yao Qianyuan?" Yang Shu walked in front with his hands behind his back.

"Senior, you have a keen eye." Lin Bai said honestly. Last time at Jiang's house, he and Yao Qianyuan were seen by others.

And Lin Bai also wanted to be honest. Anyway, telling the truth is always right, and it also seems innocent.

Yang Shu walked along the path, entered the depths of the bamboo forest, and came to a yard.

This place looks expensive.

It was dark at this time, and the bamboo forest was even deeper, with only the faint chirping of insects.

After entering the yard, a male cultivator of Qigong came out to pay his respects.

"You go." Yang Shu waved his hand.

The male cultivator of Qigong walked out, and Lin Bai pretended to be stupid and walked out too.

"Why are you leaving?" Yang Shu smiled and said, "I have something else to ask you."

He opened the door, entered the house, and began to take off his Taoist robe.

He took it off in two or three seconds, without caring about the presence of people.

Lin Bai was stunned, thinking, what are you doing?

Yang Shu glanced at Lin Bai and saw that Lin Bai was on the defensive. He laughed and pushed open a small door without explaining.

There was a large wooden barrel inside, with various spiritual materials floating on it, all kinds of colors.

Yang Shu stepped in, gritting his teeth, as if enduring the pain.

This is to temper the body with spiritual materials!

After a pause, Yang Shu's face turned purple and green, and he didn't know what strange method it was.

He closed his eyes, clenched his teeth, and asked, "I heard that you are good friends with the Zhu family?"

"Junior has indeed received favors from the Zhu family." Lin Bai didn't know what he meant.

"How is his family now?" Yang Shu asked again.

"I don't know. But the golden elixir is gone, so it's probably not going to work." Lin Bai only said what everyone knew, and thought about his intention carefully.

I heard from Senior Zhu Jianyang before that his family had some friendship with a Yuanying from Qiaoshan School. However, with the death of the head of the Zhu family, no one can speak to that Yuanying.

And now looking at Yang Shu's appearance, it is clear that he is not familiar with the Zhu family. He is also a Yuanying, so it must be that the one who has a history with the Zhu family is not his family. Otherwise, Senior Zhu Jianyang would have given some advice.

"The Jindan family, without Jindan, no matter how many foundations it has, it is just an empty shell. What's more, there are only a few old ones left." Yang Shu sighed.

Unable to tell what he was thinking, Lin Bai remained silent, thinking that he would have to ask Senior Zhu Jianyang another day to see what he said.

Just as he was about to leave, Yang Shu suddenly frowned and said, "There are people coming from outside. Go and chase them away."

"Yes." Lin Bai didn't hear the person coming at all. But Ji Zhu said so, so he had no choice but to comply.

After leaving the door, he saw a person standing in the bamboo forest outside the yard.

The moonlight is soft and the shadows are independent. The sound of bamboo waves makes people more emotional.

"Little pervert?" Gai Yingqiu stood at the entrance of the courtyard and frowned.

Do I have such a bad reputation? Lin Bai bowed in salute and said, "Senior Sister Gai."

"Why are you here?" Gai Yingqiu looked at Lin Bai curiously and asked, "Where is Senior Brother Yang?"

"Senior Brother Yang is currently tempering his body in a medicinal bath. It's not convenient to see you." Lin Bai was very sincere.

"That's it." Gai Yingqiu didn't seem to hear what Lin Bai meant, "I'll just wait."

"Senior Yang said that body tempering will be tomorrow." Lin Bai was very sincere, "Senior Sister Gai, if you have something to do, you might as well come back another day."

Lin Bai didn't want to offend anyone and tried to be gentle.

"This..." Gai Yingqiu sighed, with a look of concern on his face, "He has to take care of the city guards, and he can't delay his practice. He also has to temper his body, so don't get exhausted."

Lin Bai didn't say anything. He finally understood what kind of person Gai Yingqiu was.

Gai Yingqiu struggled for a while, then took out a wooden box and said, "Please give it to Senior Brother Yang for me. This is Tianchi borneol, which has the effect of calming the mind and relieving fatigue. It is also helpful for spiritual practice." Her tone was actually gentle. many.

Lin Bai held the wooden box in his hand and said seriously: "I will pass it on for Senior Sister."

"Thank you very much. Please send me another message to ask Senior Brother Yang not to work too hard." Gai Yingqiu actually took out a bottle of Qi Condensing Pill and gave it to Lin Bai.

I also have a day to receive gifts? Lin Bai accepted it unceremoniously.

Gai Yingqiu nodded and walked away with three turns.

Lin Bai held the wooden box, entered the house, and came to Yang Shu.

"Senior, senior sister Gai Yingqiu sent me the Tianchi borneol. I also asked you not to work too hard." Lin Bai opened the wooden box and revealed six small boxes inside.

Yang Shu didn't open his eyes at all, "You can take it." His tone was extremely indifferent.

This Tianchi borneol is a specialty of Tianchi pie, and it is not cheap. Lin Bai estimated that even if Gai Yingqiu was from the Tianchi sect, if she could find this thing, she might have spent all the salary she had saved for half a year on it.

But the gift was passed on without anyone even looking at it.

Asking what love is in the world is really a waste of money.

"This..." Lin Bai wanted to accept it, but felt that it was not good.

Yang Shu opened his eyes and looked at Lin Bai, and said, "Are you trying to say that Gai Yingqiu is gentle and beautiful, chaste and polite, but I turned a blind eye?"

"It can't be hidden from the eyes of seniors." Lin Bai sighed, saying to himself that I really didn't think so much.

"You don't understand." Yang Shu raised his head and looked at the roof, "The road is ahead, but women mislead people. The love between men and women blocks the way forward."

He looked like a sage, but his expression seemed to be thinking about something.

"Senior will not be indebted to the descendants of Nascent Soul, it's true that every word is precious!" Lin Bai didn't agree, but he looked like he agreed and was taught.

Yang Shu glanced at Lin Bai and said with a smile: "You kid, act better next time! You are already mixed up with Yao Qianyuan, how can you still cut off your lust?" He waved his hand and signaled to leave.

After retreating, Lin Bai closed the door to his room, then closed the courtyard door, and returned to his cave.

Concentrate and meditate, with no obstacles in your mind. Lin Bai started to have a spiritual energy tempering body.

The hint of vitality blends into the flesh and blood texture. The rushing water of the past gradually turned into gurgling water, and then into the lushness of trees.

Lin Bai only felt that there were seeds left in the flesh and blood texture, and then they sprouted and grew up, endlessly.

Wood's spiritual energy tempers the body, making flesh and blood more condensed.

From then on, Lin Bai never went out and only practiced every day. In addition, he also practiced the flying knife technique every day.

Two months have passed in the blink of an eye, and I have been tempering my body with wood spiritual energy on the stone plate for about twelve years.

From then on, the five elements are all prepared and turned into one, achieving the success of one turn and achieving the state of Hunyuan.

Lin Bai opened his eyes and took a closer look at his changes.

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