The Wheel-Turning Master

Chapter 131 Meeting an old friend

"Heaven and earth are the inns of all things; time is the passer-by of hundreds of generations."

When it was a little light, Lin Bai murmured a sentence and opened the door to go out.

Although he was in an inn and was guaranteed to be safe, Lin Bai still did not dare to be careless and did not sleep all night.

Especially thinking about the Yuanying sword in Qingzaofang in the past, Lin Bai was afraid that another Yuanying would come and destroy Longmenfang with a sword.

After walking a few steps, he saw several receptionists coming up with signs in their hands, and then knocked on the door according to the signs.

I saw a door open, and then the receptionist went in and soon led out a monkey.

This water monkey is a common name, and the formal name is the white-browed water monkey.

The water monkey is light gray all over, with gray eyebrows and yellow eyes. The adult water monkey is about eight feet tall. It has always lived by the lake and is good at swimming. It feeds on fish, water plants, fruits and other things in the water. It has a gentle temperament and is quite intelligent.

The attendants soon led out a group of water monkeys, all wearing muzzles and chains on their limbs.

These water monkeys were clearly just ordinary wild beasts, and they had not yet received spiritual energy. They only had a little spiritual energy and could not be called monsters, but at most they were stronger. At this moment, they were all weak and had no intention of resisting, with tears in their eyes.

"I worked so hard outside, and finally I can rest for two days! What you boasted about last night was nothing, but in the end you only got a few hits!" A forty-year-old female cultivator of Qi training stood at the door, with a loud voice, one hand on her waist, and the other hand pointing at the attendant and scolding, "I ordered a water monkey, but in the end I had to pay with three Tiger and Wolf Pills! That's fine, but even after taking the Tiger and Wolf Pills, I'm still not as good as you!" She spitted on the attendant's face.

There are actually female cultivators drinking tea? Lin Bai was shocked.

The receptionist was holding a very weak water ape in his hand. He also had a helpless expression and said, "Sister Chi Lian, the water ape is indeed a little bit worse. How about I treat you tonight and you can spend a night with me?"

"Bah! Who are you? You still want to sleep with me? Do you really think that you are better than the water ape? You trembled twice, not even as good as a dog!" The female cultivator looked at her with contempt, and then whispered, "I heard that you caught a jade donkey the other day..."

"Sister, that is a demon beast in the late stage of Qi training, can you afford it?" The receptionist was also shocked.

Lin Bai's scalp tingled, and he dared not listen anymore.

In the past, I heard people talk about Longmenfang a lot in Xinyifang, but I didn't see as much as I did in the past two days.

These casual cultivators rely on Mianlong Mountain for their livelihood. Once they enter the mountain, they need to concentrate their minds at all times, their eyes must be bright, their hands must be fast, and their hearts must be ruthless.

Having to guard against teammates' backstabs and monster attacks, his temperament has become more and more different from ordinary people over the years.

Even his hobbies have become more and more unique.

"Compared with the two, Xinyifang is really a paradise on earth. When Sister Zhen recommended me to Qiaoshan, was she worried that I would not follow Pei Ning's dignified path, but would follow the crooked path of monsters?"

Lin Bai muttered and came to the lobby on the first floor.

It was dawn at this time, and the sound of monsters wailing could be heard from time to time outside. There were a few casual cultivators sitting here and there, not talking.

Meals are provided here, but they need to be purchased separately and are not included in the room fee.

Lin Bai always asks about the customs of a place when he goes there, so he went to the counter to ask about food.

After chatting with the female cultivator for a few words, Lin Bai learned that the food here is rarely light, but all monster flesh and blood, which is the wild game hunted from Mianlong Mountain.

Monster bones can often be made into utensils, and their essence and blood are used in talismans, and their fur is even more useful. Animal meat is not easy to prepare, and because it contains spiritual energy, it is used as food.

Some are fishy, ​​some are tough, some are sticky, and some are delicious. It mainly depends on what kind of monster.

"What's the cheapest today?" Lin Bai is always stingy.

"Water ape meat." The female cultivator smiled happily and said, "It contains a little spiritual energy and the meat is strong. There are ape whips, inner and outer kidneys. I was tired last night, and it's just right to replenish it in the morning."

Water ape was last night's tea, right? Drink tea and then eat it? It's outrageous.

Lin Bai rubbed his head and missed the fish soup of ginger fish more and more.

At this moment, Lin Bai felt as if someone was spying on him.

After talking to the female cultivator at the counter calmly, Lin Bai glanced around casually. There were only seven or eight people sitting on the first floor, both men and women, who had not established their foundation. Most of them were dressed roughly, and some wore hats and veils.

There was no familiar figure, and no familiar breath.

However, there were still many people in the inn who had not left the house. Lin Bai was not sure who was looking at him, but he did not notice any malicious intent, so he ignored it and just searched carefully.

"Give me two whips!" A rough voice came to the counter.

"My share will be taken from the water ape that served Sister Chi Lian last night!" Someone else spoke anxiously.

It was the bearded man and the short monk he had seen last night.

Lin Bai felt more and more headache, but he still smiled and said, "You two are here to buy whips?"

"I like this one!" The bearded man looked at Lin Bai and asked, "Daoyou, are you buying one too?"

"I have extraordinary talent and do not need to supplement it." Lin Bai shook his head and said calmly, "Donkeys and horses are not as good as me, let alone a mere water ape."

The bearded man and the short monk looked at each other, both with disbelief.

However, the female cultivator standing at the counter seemed quite interested and asked, "What is your name, Daoyou?"

"I am Lin Zhuanlun." Lin Bai said frankly.

The female cultivator nodded meaningfully, then looked down and said, "As the name suggests, can you really turn the wheel?"

"Turning the wheel like flying." Lin Bai smiled proudly, and seeing that the bearded man and the short cultivator were interested, he said to them, "This is a secret technique. A sister from Jiuyin Mountain saw that I had a good talent, so she taught me the secret technique."

"Jiuyin Mountain? That's really possible." The short monk nodded and looked at Lin Bai carefully. "He looks neat and tidy. He is indeed a seductive man."

Lin Bai smiled indifferently, then left the counter and found a table to sit down, looking like a master. Of course, this master is not the realm of cultivation, but the ability on the couch.

Sure enough, the two immediately surrounded him, looking itchy.

Finally hooked.

"My name is Shang Xiaoshui!" said the man with curly beard.

"My name is Yu Tiangao." The short monk spoke.

The short one preferred Tiangao, and the man with curly beard preferred Yinrou.

"Nice to meet you." Lin Bai said with a smile.

After a few words of idle chat, Shang Xiaoshui and Yu Tiangao asked about the secret technique of the wheel, but Lin Bai always refused to answer.

After another quarter of an hour, the dishes they ordered came up, and they ate them up, and the fishy smell was strong.

At this time, the number of people on the first floor gradually increased. Most of them were casual Qi cultivators, and many of them were sinister and had obviously seen bloodshed.

Lin Bai chatted with Shang Yu for a while, and got a rough idea of ​​their personalities. Shang Xiaoshui was rough and didn't think much; but Yu Tiangao didn't talk much, but when he spoke, he was very smart.

Anyone who has been in Longmenfang for more than ten years has some ability, and you must not just look at the appearance. Lin Bai didn't dare to underestimate them.

After chatting for a long time, Lin Bai couldn't resist, so he talked a little about the secret technique of the wheel.

"You mean, you have to use the hot fire unicorn sand to forge... forge that work?" Shang Xiaoshui's beard trembled, and his face was incredible.

Lin Bai nodded.

"Really?" Yu Tiangao still didn't believe it.

"Three years is a small turn, five years is a big turn." Lin Bai stretched out his hand and said, "I have made some progress, Taoist friend, give it a try."

Yu Tiangao hesitated, but Shang Xiaoshui couldn't hold back, and stretched out his finger, and a small flame fell on Lin Bai's palm.

The flame lasted for a long time, but Lin Bai didn't even burn the skin on his palm.

"It has been tempered by the fire unicorn stone sand, and there are also special wonders in it." Lin Bai smiled indifferently.

Shang Yu and the other two finally believed it a little.

After chatting for a while, Lin Bai and the other two became more familiar with each other, and heard them talk about the beauty of various monsters.

Lin Bai didn't understand, but was greatly shocked.

"I heard you two say that you were deceived last night. I wonder who Yun Zhonghe is? I am also a little cautious." Lin Bai asked casually.

The bearded Shang Xiaoshui was not very thoughtful, and he immediately started talking.

It turned out that the so-called Yun Zhonghe came to Longmenfang ten days ago, and then found someone to enter Mianlong Mountain.

There are many monsters in Mianlong Mountain. Going into the mountain means risking your life, so most people form teams and few go it alone.

Those who form teams are either acquaintances who have known each other for a long time or have high-level cultivators to support them. Otherwise, no one dares to form a team casually.

Yun Zhonghe is a girl of seventeen or eighteen years old. She looks harmless, simple and ignorant. She greets everyone she sees and always smiles foolishly. Judging from her behavior, she must be a disciple of the sect and a good baby who has never been out of the house.

No one dares to form a team with such a person, for fear of being a burden. And because she is probably a disciple of the sect, this place is not far from Qiaoshan and Yunxia Sect, so no one dares to bully her openly.

"My brother and I took her into the mountains with good intentions, acted as guides, and helped her kill two monsters. But when it came time to sort out the materials, we were poisoned by some kind of incense and fainted. When we woke up, the storage ring was gone, and all the monster materials were taken away! If my brother and I hadn't fought for a while and got some things, we wouldn't have been able to eat the monkey whip, let alone the monkey feces!" The curly-bearded Shang Xiaoshui sighed.

"We thought she looked like a sect disciple, so we wanted to make friends with her, but we didn't expect..." Yu Tiangao sighed.

"This person is so vicious!" Lin Bai slammed the table in anger, "Brothers, what does Yun Zhonghe look like? If I meet him when I go into the mountains this time, I will kill him as soon as possible!"

The curly-bearded Shang Xiaoshui described for a long time, but couldn't say anything. Yu Tiangao, although he spoke little, always got to the point.

Lin Bai was sure that Yun Zhonghe was indeed a pseudonym of Jiang Yatou!

However, Lin Bai did not believe what Shang Yu and the other two said. Although Jiang Yatou had a naughty temper, she was a child of the Jiang family with strict family rules and had never made mistakes in major issues.

Therefore, if Shang Yu and the other two really helped others, Jiang Yatou was out looking for opportunities. If she was happy, she might even give more spiritual stones to thank the guide.

But Jiang Yatou cheated them. With her cleverness, she must have seen that Shang Yu and the other two had other intentions, so she punished them slightly.

People who had never traveled far away actually cheated the casual cultivators who had lived for many years. Jiang Yatou was really capable.

"When will you two go into the mountains again? You may as well go together then." Lin Bai made an invitation with a desire.

Since these two people could be cheated by Jiang Yatou, Lin Bai had a better impression of them because he could cheat them. If they really had bad intentions, he might as well let them suffer again.

"Take a break before going!" Shang Xiaoshui said with a smile.

Yu Tiangao didn't say anything, just nodded.

"Okay." Lin Bai nodded, "We'll go together then."

After a while, there were more and more casual cultivators here. They gathered in groups of three or two, mostly chatting about trivial matters, and few talked about what they had learned in the mountains.

Some bold cultivators even flirted openly in broad daylight.

However, there were also those who tried to gather information from each other, but they all found a place to talk privately.

Lin Bai was becoming more and more knowledgeable.

After another half an hour, several neatly dressed Qigong cultivators came, who were the receptionists of the shops in Longmenfang.

"Quiet." A foundation-building cultivator spoke.

The lobby really quieted down, and then the Qigong attendants of the shops came forward one by one, saying that they wanted to buy certain spiritual materials, certain monsters, etc.

Most of them were rare and precious things, and they didn't ask to get them, but to let the casual cultivators who came into the mountain keep an eye out.

This move was to spread the word, in case some casual cultivators got something and traveled thousands of miles to Xinyifang or Haishifang in the east.

Some shops that were more concerned even made picture albums to teach people to distinguish spiritual materials or monsters, and to tell their characteristics and where they like to live.

In less than two quarters of an hour, the attendants of these shops left in a hurry, as if they were just going through the motions.

"Fellow Daoists!" After the shop attendants left, a Qigong female cultivator in her forties stood up and said angrily, "Who knows the traitor Yun Zhonghe?"

This was the Chi Lian sister who wanted to ride a donkey. She looked ordinary, but there was a charm between her eyebrows.

Lin Bai touched his chin and didn't dare to say anything.

"I recognize her!" Shang Xiaoshui slammed the table and stood up, his beard trembling. "Sister Chi Lian, have you also been deceived by her?"

The female cultivator named Chi Lian snorted coldly, raised her hands and clenched them tightly.

"I just came back from the mountains yesterday, and I also know that witch!" An old Taoist stood up and cursed. "I showed her the way with good intentions, but she... Hehe, people's hearts are not as they used to be."

Lin Bai looked over. The old Taoist had a strong blood on his body. How could he have the face to say "people's hearts are not as they used to be?"

"I also saw her in the mountains!" A young male cultivator spoke up and said, "She cheated me of my magic weapon and humiliated me!" The cultivator bowed to all four directions and asked, "Everyone, if anyone knows her whereabouts, please let me know."

This person is a Qi training cultivator, about twenty years old, with a beautiful face. The person sitting at the same table with him is a beautiful woman in her thirties, who is a foundation-building cultivator.

How much sin has Jiang girl committed? Using my name to do bad things?

However, these people did not talk about the specific incident, so it is believed that Jiang Yatou did not attack for no reason.

Lin Bai slammed the table in anger, "I will kill this kind of monster!"

"Daoyou, have you also been deceived?" The male cultivator next to the beautiful woman asked.

"That's not the case." Lin Bai told the truth, "But this person is so vicious. If I meet her in the future when I enter the mountain, I am afraid that she will also deceive me!" Lin Bai was very angry, "I hate liars the most!"

When this was said, no one resonated, but it caused laughter and boos.

Lin Bai did not say much.

Many casual cultivators talked for a long time, saying that if they met Yun Zhonghe after entering the mountain, they would not let her have an easy time.

The male cultivator next to the beautiful woman even offered a reward, which showed that he was really angry.

After the commotion, all the casual cultivators dispersed.

Lin Bai was still searching for the person who was observing him, thinking that Jiang Yatou was here too?

At this moment, a female cultivator wearing a bamboo hat walked out and came to Lin Bai. She sneered and said, "That Yun Zhonghe didn't bully you, why are you making such a fuss?"

Her voice was hoarse and her face was ugly. She threw out a bottle of Qi-nourishing Pills and said, "Take care of your Qi! Don't get angry."

After that, she actually walked out directly.

"Don't leave if you dare!" Lin Bai held the bottle of Qi-nourishing Pills in his hand, and said angrily, and then followed.

"Brother Lin, that woman is clearly trying to lure you out!" Yu Tiangao said.

"That's right!" The bearded Shang Xiaoshui also spoke.

But the two of them reminded him, but their butts didn't leave the stool.

Lin Bai chased out of the inn and hurriedly followed.

"Sleeping water ape, eating water ape, Taoist friend is getting better now." The woman in the bamboo hat still had a hoarse voice, but her tone was smiling.

"I haven't eaten yet." Lin Bai hurriedly explained, and asked: "Why are you here?"

"Why can't I be here?" The woman continued to walk forward and said: "Shang Xiaoshui and Yu Tiangao are not good people. Their surname is Yu Shang, and you will be in trouble if you meet them. Don't get too close to them, and don't go out with them." She stopped, looked at Lin Bai, and said: "The favor of the nourishing pill in the past has been repaid."

"You gave me spiritual stones in the past, and the matter of the nourishing pill is long over." Lin Bai smiled, "There is no favor between you and me, only human feelings."

The woman is Huang Ruhua.

Huang Ruhua bit her lower lip and said: "You are the best at saying nice things and good at confusing people. Daoist Xiao Jiang is right."

"Do you know where she is?" Lin Bai asked curiously.

"She is catching water apes for you, saying that she wants you to have many wives and concubines." Huang Ruhua smiled.

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