The Wheel-Turning Master

Chapter 149 They are all licking dogs

"Prefer simpler female cultivators? How do you say this?"

Lin Bai felt that she was very innocent, but unfortunately she was not a female nun.

"It's just a talk from experience." Seeing that Lin Bai was very interested, Zhu Jianyang started talking.

It turns out that Jiuyin Mountain is divided into three sects. One sect advocates the way of Hehuan. There is great chaos between brothers and sisters, between masters and disciples, and even between humans and monsters.

When some monks accept disciples, they want to test their abilities first, and the new disciples also have to get along with their senior brothers and sisters. Some people even neglect yin and yang, which is disgusting.

This sect is the Hehuan sect, which has the largest number of people and the most powerful force, accounting for at least 80%. This is where the outside world's prejudice against Jiuyin Mountain comes from.

People of the other group believe that love between men and women is the ultimate principle of heaven and earth and cannot be abandoned, but it cannot be indulged either. It takes love to get along, you can't just say hello and go to sleep.

And we need to pay attention to human ethics, ancestors and descendants, humans and spiritual beasts, are not acceptable. If you really have feelings for a spiritual beast, you have to wait for it to transform.

This faction is the natural faction, accounting for nearly 20%.

The last group goes to the extreme and believes that love is a time-consuming and labor-intensive matter that should be abandoned altogether and does not follow the way of men and women.

This sect is an ascetic sect, and they are all people who practice asceticism.

When the fox was in Jiuyin Mountain, he did not show his human form. He only wandered around as a green fox, looking for people to chat with when he was in a good mood.

Most of the time he talks to female cultivators. When he meets those who are coquettish and indulgent, he talks about the ways of yin and yang. When he meets those who adhere to etiquette, he gives guidance on how to practice and even gives him some gadgets.

Over time, people in Jiuyin Mountain saw that foxes often rewarded people from the ascetic and natural sects, and they thought that foxes liked simpler female nuns.

"In fact, according to the Yang family, Fairy Shen Yu's temperament is changeable, and she changes from one moment to the next. When she was in the Qiaoshan Sect, in addition to sleeping and preaching, she also liked to play with children and sometimes acted as a matchmaker for others."

Zhu Jianyang Fuxu explained, "We gathered in the Qingzaofang area to inquire about each other's information and connect with each other. Once Yang Shao'an of the Yang family Jindan went to the island of Jiuyin Mountain to discuss matters and met Fairy Shen Yu. The fairy said that someone from her mother's family was coming. He should be supported. She took Yang Shaoan to a courtyard and pushed him in. "

"But it gave me a chance?" Lin Bai asked with a smile.

"It's barely a chance." Zhu Jianyang laughed. "There was an unobstructed meeting in the courtyard, and Yang Shaoan happened to be there! Originally, if I didn't mention this matter, no one else would know about it. The people in Jiuyin Mountain would just think it was... It was unusual. But Gu Jiuzhong, the golden elixir of the Gu family, was also invited by the fairy. When the descendants of the Yang and Gu family met frankly, Yang Shaoan said that Gu Jiuzhong was shameless and only slept with others and liked to eat leftovers. Gu Jiuzhong said that Yang Shaoan was a despicable person who only wanted to sleep with old cultivators and had a unique taste. "

"How can you, a majestic golden elixir and a brilliant man among men, not even have this bit of restraint?" Lin Bai smiled, and when Zhu Jianyang smiled too, he said, "But Fairy Shen Yu added medicine to them?"

"It must have been some secret technique." Zhu Jianyang pointed to the roof with a smile, "Later, things got serious, and the Yuan Ying of the Yang and Gu family was disgraced. Both of them were punished and sent home. Got a gag order.”

"Jiuyin Mountain is Fairy Shen Yu's new home, so naturally she has to be a landlord." Lin Baizhen couldn't hold back his laughter. "It's a pity that Fairy Shen Yu is so kind in her work, but the Yang and Gu families don't understand the style."

Lin Bai and Zhu Jianyang laughed non-stop, both feeling that Fairy Shen Yu's actions were outrageous.

Fairy Shen Yu really has no intention of harming others and only wants to torment them.

Lin Bai smiled and asked: "Fairy Shen Yu returns to Mianlong Mountain this time, what else can she say?"

"Of course there is." Zhu Jianyang took a sip of tea and continued to tell.

In the past, Fairy Shen Yu fell in love with Gu Qingshui from the Gu family. Later, Gu Qingshui realized the Nascent Soul, so they all felt that the fox had special vision and was somewhat able to observe the heaven and earth.

This time, none of the three golden elixirs caught the eye of a fox, and some of the golden elixirs that had a promising path felt thorny in their hearts.

The three sects of Yuanying have no choice but to sum up and send the fox back to his hometown in Mianlong Mountain to save trouble.

The fox was very talkative and agreed immediately. As for the oath not to join the three major sects within a thousand years, the fox did not agree.

The fox's reason was simple. He said he admired the splendor of the human world and wanted to enter the human world again in the future.

He also made a promise to the three major sects, saying that he would send monks from the sect to Mianlong Mountain again. If they could meet by chance, they would renew their old friendship with Yang Chuan. For a period of one year.

That Yang Chuan is the Yang family monk who brought the fox out of the mountain. At that time, Yang Chuan went to Mianlong Mountain to look for an opportunity to build a foundation. He met a fox and succeeded in one fell swoop. Afterwards, Yang Chuan's cultivation improved by leaps and bounds, and he swallowed pills into his belly, but it was a pity that he missed the Yuanying.

Moreover, the fox behaves honestly and does not harm anyone. It is only said that she lives in the place where she met Yang Chuan in the past, and she goes at most two hundred miles deep into Mianlong Mountain. As for the place where Yang Chuan encountered the fox, the Yang family didn't know.

Forget it, if several people are found at the same time, she will choose people from the three major sects first. If you join one of the three major sects, you will never take action against the Nascent Soul of the other two sects within five hundred years. If they are casual cultivators and small sects, they will not take action against the Nascent Soul of the three major sects.

In the fox's words, "The person who makes the fate contract with me must be a human being, not that sect or that sect. As for what will happen in the future, let's talk about it in five hundred years."

Lin Bai secretly wondered, was there some other reason why this fox couldn't live a carefree life and had to get involved with others?

But even if there is an inside story, it is estimated that only the three Nascent Souls will know about it.

"The three major sects' golden elixirs are not good, so why not build the foundation this time?" Lin Bai asked with a smile.

"Just build the foundation." Zhu Jianyang nodded. "The affiliates of the three major sects will probably go this time, but it has been agreed that the golden elixir will not enter the mountain. Fairy Chenyu also said that from Longmenfang, anyone who enters the mountain within 200 miles will be severely punished."

"Even if the golden elixir does not enter the mountain, so many people go to build the foundation. Isn't it a disaster for Fairy Chenyu's hometown?" Lin Bai smiled, always feeling that Fairy Chenyu was playing tricks again.

"You have to know what a Yuanying spirit beast can bring to the cultivators and the sects and families." Zhu Jianyang's eyes showed a bit of yearning, "If you can make a life contract, at least you can raise a golden elixir cultivator for nothing. Even a Yuanying is not impossible."

After he finished speaking, he looked at Lin Bai with a burning gaze.

Lin Bai didn't want to go. The broken place of Mianlong Mountain was full of dragons and snakes, many monsters, and even more ruthless people. At that time, there were three factions fighting against each other, and the situation was even more complicated.

Previously, when Zhu Jianyang asked him what his magical power was, Lin Bai only thought about trying out his sword, but he never thought about going deep into Mianlong Mountain and facing so many peers who were building their foundation.

Even if he had the ability, a large number of ants could kill an elephant. What kind of virtues did the disciples of the three sects have? Lin Bai had seen Qu Ruyi throwing talismans like he didn't care about money!

People say that the great way needs to be fought for, and opportunities need to be fought for even more, but the Yuanying fox can only be said to be the icing on the cake for him.

It is good to have more Yuanying foxes, but if there are no Yuanying foxes, he should still live his life. Practice, discuss the way, pay accommodation fees, and fight disciples every day.

Qiaoshan is also a peaceful place. As long as he doesn't go out and wander around, he will definitely get the golden elixir peacefully.

What Lin Bai thought before was that if he served the fox with his body, he would bite his teeth and go up; if he wanted to fight with others, then forget it.

As for the mysterious sayings of eye contact and chance encounters, Lin Bai thought he was not so shameless.

Not everyone is as lovable as Xiao Xiuxiu.

Lin Bai looked at Zhu Jianyang and knew that he had something in mind. The Zhu family was weak and needed a magic needle to stabilize the sea.

Zhu Yushu, his family, had just established his foundation and was the future pillar. He must not take risks. Therefore, the only person the Zhu family could bring out was Zhu Jianyang, and the rest were too old.

"Fairy Chen Yu is a green fox. My natal star is a green sheep, so I have a chance." Zhu Jianyang expressed his attitude and did not invite him.

This time, they had to go deep into the Mianlong Mountain, which was full of dangers. Zhu Jianyang did not force them and only let Lin Bai make the choice.

Lin Bai thought silently for a while and felt that he had Sister Pei above him and Xiao Miaomiao below him, so there was no need to set foot in that extremely dangerous place.

Close your eyes, look inward at your natal star first, and then calm down.

Seek good fortune and avoid evil, there is no good omen, and no sense of danger.

"I think..." Lin Bai was about to refuse politely, but suddenly he felt a little disappointed.

It was as if there was a thread connected to a very far place, swaying in the wind and rain, and about to break at any time.

A few years ago, Zhu Jianshui and Zhu Yushu wanted to find Zhu Yuyan's body. Lin Bai had a premonition at that time that if he didn't go, he would lose something extremely important.

Now it seems that if he didn't go that time, Qu Ruyi would probably not be able to survive, and the Zhu family's aunt and nephew would not be able to survive, let alone Heican.

Of course, if it weren't for me, I'm afraid there would be another turn of events.

At that time, the feeling in my heart was quite strong, but now it was vague, as if thousands of mountains and rivers blocked it, and countless mists separated it.

The matter involved Yuanying, involving many sects and families. Besides, the fox chose Gu Qingshui when she was in the Jindan realm. Who knows if the fox has some ability to calculate and know good and bad luck.

This is the way of yin and yang in numerology.

Thinking carefully, the only acquaintance in Mianlong Mountain is Huang Ruhua.

Besides, Lin Bai and Huang Ruhua were old friends. Huang Ruhua was a sincere person and did not treat Lin Bai as an outsider.

When they entered the mountain before, she really helped sincerely. That day, after Jiang Yatou completed the foundation building, the three of them drank and chatted happily.

Lin Bai remembered clearly that Huang Ruhua once said that she had picked up a fox and raised it for a long time, but because Tie Huasheng thought the fox was too coquettish, Huang Ruhua let the fox go and got a small yellow bird to raise. I don’t know if the fox raised by Huang Ruhua has any connection with Fairy Chen Yu.

Apart from Huang Ruhua, Lin Bai thinks that Zhu Jianyang may also be lost in Mianlong Mountain.

Apart from these two people, it doesn’t matter whether others live or die. He didn’t have much friendship with Gu Fang, and Yang Shu only drank with him once, let alone Chun Yutong.

“The road is difficult, and it is good to get help from spirit beasts. But if you force it, it will hurt yourself.” Lin Bai advised tactfully.

"Weren't you quite interested before?" Zhu Jianyang said with a smile.

"At that time, I only thought about whether I could get something for free, and didn't think about fighting for my life." Lin Bai told the truth.

"Yes, who doesn't have a lucky thought? The three major sects are no exception." Zhu Jianyang sighed, "It's just that my family is getting more and more difficult. This time, one is for the family, two is to play a supporting role for the Gu family, and three is for myself." He pointed outside and said, "It's important for people to know themselves, how can I not know myself? My family has no golden elixir, but we can occupy Fengming Mountain. It's all because of the Gu family. Otherwise, Shang and Chunyu would have driven my family away long ago."

Lin Bai nodded and said, "What if there is something you can't bear to say?"

"I just hope you can raise Miaomiao into a talent." Zhu Jianyang said with a smile.

"When will we set off?" Lin Bai asked.

"Gu Fang will be here soon. If we want to join the game, we need the approval of the three major sects." Zhu Jianyang said.

"So you are just making things easier for them, and you are responsible for guarding and dying for them?" Lin Bai asked with a smile.

"Guarding is fine, but dying for them is not necessary. The Qiaoshan Sect still has some dignity, and they won't force us." Zhu Jianyang said with a smile.

"In that case, I'd like to go and see more." Lin Bai said with a smile: "In the cave at the bottom of the lake, the senior was the one-man army, and today I can finally follow in his footsteps and see the glory of the three sects."

Lin Bai planned to go and see it. When the time comes, he will first inform Huang Ruhua and ask her to avoid it. Secondly, he will try not to enter the mountain. Although he has been indebted to the Zhu family, he has already paid back a lot of favors, but this friendship has been maintained.

Of course, he will not accompany Zhu Jianyang to die. But if Zhu Jianyang dies in Mianlong Mountain, Lin Bai will definitely teach Miaomiao well and train her into a golden elixir. If Miaomiao is not competitive, he will pick another seedling from the Zhu family and return a golden elixir cultivator to the Zhu family.

They have been friends for a long time and their friendship is deep. Lin Bai has always been loyal.

"Just wait for the news." Zhu Jianyang was very happy to see that Lin Bai was willing to go, and whispered: "There is only one thing. If you can invite the blessing of heaven, you must enter the mountain gate of Qiaoshan Sect."

Lin Bai naturally understood.

After the two of them discussed and agreed, Lin Bai said goodbye.

He went to Tianchi Pavilion and asked Yao Qianyuan to send a message to Pei Ning.

They were an old couple, so they had to discuss any major matters with Sister Pei.

After a night, Pei Ning went down the mountain.

"Since you have feelings in your heart, it's okay to go and have a look." Pei Ning didn't say much. She was always bold. "Since I am a sword cultivator, isn't it a good opportunity to hone my skills? If I have already established my foundation, I must go and try it!"

"I'm not a pure sword cultivator. I'm first a pill master." Lin Bai argued.

"Don't talk nonsense." Pei Ning pushed Lin Bai down. "I'm in a hurry to go back to practice. There are a lot of annoying things in the sect recently!"

She was very proactive this time and was very open.

After eating the small melon, Lin Bai went to find the big melon.

"My ancestor gave the order to send only three people and not to let me go." Jiang Xiaobai sneered disdainfully, "What do you mean by feeling something in your heart? I think you just want to sleep with a slutty fox! With a body of a Nascent Soul, can you sleep with it?" She also added, "If you touch a fox and get stained with slutty smell, don't come to me in the future!"

After eating a lot of melon, Lin Bai wiped his mouth and slapped her hand away.

The two of them went down the black tower together, and Lin Bai talked about calves with Miaomiao for a while.

After a while, a Jiang family member led Gu Fang to come.

"Why are you here?" Gu Fang asked casually when she saw Lin Bai.

Lin Bai could only explain a few words.

Gu Fang didn't know if she heard it or not, waved to let Jiang Yu and Miaomiao leave, and invited Jiang Xiaobai to Mianlong Mountain.

Jiang Xiaobai refused.

Although the Jiang family is also a vassal of the Qiaoshan Sect, the Jiang family actually has a better relationship with the Yang family of the Qiaoshan Sect.

Gu Fang didn't force it, but looked at Lin Bai instead.

"Zhu Jianyang said he wanted to invite you to go with him, what do you think?" Gu Fang asked with a smile.

"I am just an alchemist, I usually make a living by refining pills, I dare not see the slightest bit of war. It is a blessing from heaven to be able to build a foundation, I dare not expect anything else." Lin Bai sighed, ignoring Jiang Xiaomei's sneer, and said: "You should remember where the water comes from, I always want to help Sister Fang."

"You are sensible." Gu Fang was very satisfied with these words, nodded slightly, and said: "The Zhu family has the help of my Gu family, you have the help of the Zhu family, you are not an outsider."

Lin Bai shook his head and said: "I don't know the Gu family."

"What?" Gu Fang frowned.

"I only know Sister Fang." Lin Bai was very thick-skinned. "The two Yuanyings of the Gu family are too high and too far away. How can I cling to them? But Sister Fang is right in front of me. She meets me many times and takes good care of me. She also asks Brother Jiang to help her. I have always remembered it in my heart."

"You, you!" Gu Fang smiled, pointed at Lin Bai with her finger, and said, "You are just too sincere and honest!" She patted her chest, "My last name is Gu. If you are good friends with me, you are naturally good friends with the Gu family!"

"That's right." Jiang Xiaobai also smiled, "Some people are just too honest." She took Gu Fang's arm and said, "Sister, when we get to Longmenfang, please take care of him more. Honest people are the easiest to be bullied."

Lin Bai nodded, thinking that his service was not in vain.

The three of them talked for a while, and Gu Fang took Lin Bai away.

First go to Fengming Pavilion, take Zhu Jianyang, go out of Xinyifang, and board a flying boat.

The flying boat is not big, with dozens of foundation building and hundreds of Qi training. These Qi training disciples probably came to do odd jobs and see the world.

Zhu Jianyang has a wide range of contacts, and he took Lin Bai to meet people along the way. Most of them are Gu family disciples, and there are also descendants of Qiaoshan Sect's Jindan, and Huaqing Sect's foundation building.

The flying boat is not fast, and from time to time there are people boarding, and some people come to ask questions.

It took three days to reach Longmenfang.

After two years, there are no independent cultivators in Longmenfang. There are three other camps outside, which are the garrisons of the three major sects.

According to Gu Fang, there are three sects' Yuanying guarding Longmenfang, and there are also dozens of Jindan.

There is no ban on independent cultivators entering the mountain, and the fox has also said that no one is allowed to stop them.

The three major sects are confident and are not afraid of independent cultivators making trouble. If it is one-on-one, independent cultivators are naturally strong, but if it is many-on-many, independent cultivators have less advantages.

This time, the three major sects are one fox and the other is experience.

As soon as Lin Bai got off the flying boat, he saw another flying boat falling.

The first person to jump down was Yang Shu.

"Hey, you're here to have fun again?" Yang Shu saw Lin Bai and stepped forward to hold his shoulders.

This man is not serious. Lin Bai had to say: "Brother Yang is here to seek opportunities too?"

"It's not my turn!" Yang Shu waved his hand, "Ancestor Chen Yu doesn't like me, I just came out to take a look."

"There will always be a chance." Lin Bai perfunctorily.

After waiting for a while, Yang Shu didn't speak.

Lin Bai tilted his head and saw Yang Shu staring straight at the Gu family's flying boat.

There was a female foundation-building cultivator on it, about 23 or 24 years old, holding a sword and standing alone, listening to a person practicing qi.

The female foundation-building cultivator got off the flying boat and followed the Qi-training cultivator to the Qiaoshan station.

"Senior...Senior Sister," Yang Shu stumbled forward, "Senior Sister Gu, why are you here too?"

His voice was trembling, as if he couldn't contain his excitement.

Lin Bai hurriedly stepped forward and helped Yang Shu, thinking to himself, is this the person that Yang Shu has been longing for?

The name of this female nun from the Gu family was Gu Feixue. Lin Bai was introduced by Zhu Jianyang, so she recognized her but didn't say anything to her.

Just because Gu Feixue has a very cold temperament, no one likes to talk to him.

Gu Feixue kept walking, not looking at Yang Shu at all, and just said lightly: "I am happy to go out."

"It's good to go out and see the world." Yang Shu followed with a smile on his face.

Lin Bai wanted to leave, but followed him again, thinking that this time he would be able to talk to Gai Yingqiu more when he went back.

"What's wrong with you?" Gu Feixue chased people away.

"It's nothing." Yang Shu said cheerfully, unlike his usual appearance, "It's just that I haven't seen my senior sister for a long time, and I was wondering...when did my senior sister come out of seclusion?"

Gu Feixue ignored it and just followed Lianqi who led the way.

Soon, when he came to a tent, Lianqi saluted respectfully and then left.

Gu Feixue entered the tent, looked around, and then sat on the only futon.

"This place is shabby. I feel sorry for Senior Sister." Yang Shu said with a flattering look on his face, "I brought a lot of things to bring to Senior Sister later, and it can also be used as a temporary residence." He pulled Lin Bai over and said: "Brother Yun and I will help you arrange it later. We are not outsiders."

"No need." Gu Feixue frowned.

"Sister, do you want to enter the mountain?" Yang Shu asked again.

"When you encounter a bottleneck, come out for a walk." Gu Feixue said after a while.


Hearing this, Yang Shu quickly took out a wooden box and offered it to him, saying, "This is Yunxia Sect's Huayuan Pill. It's not the kind on the market, but a refined one. I've taken one pill, and it's really effective. It can help break through bottlenecks." ”

Lin Bai looked at it silently, feeling that the wooden box looked familiar. Wasn't it a gift from Gai Yingqiu?

You don’t even change the box?

Lin Bai didn't know what to say.

"I am a sword cultivator. When I encounter a bottleneck, I look for a way to break the situation with my sword. I don't need pills to help." Gu Feixue frowned even more.

"You have to try it." Yang Shu moved forward and put the wooden box on the low table.

Lin Bai pulled Yang Shu and thought, "You must be a bit jealous."

"I want to rest." Gu Feixue said.

"It's dangerous in the mountains, senior sister, you need to be careful, but you want me to accompany you? I'm not good at killing, but I still have some tricks to trap the enemy." Yang Shu was still saying.

"Get out." Gu Feixue said shamelessly, her voice low and very unhappy.

"Yes, yes." Yang Shu quickly bent down and got out of the tent.

Lin Bai also immediately followed him out.

"You," Gu Feixue said, waving his sleeves, and the wooden box on the table flew into Lin Bai's arms, "give it back to Yang...Yang, whatever you want."

He didn't even remember Yang Shu's name.

Lin Bai could only obey and go to Yang Shu.

"There is no reason to take back the things you sent out. Please help me send it back, brother." Yang Shu is a decent person.

I'm just an errand boy, right? I am building a foundation, who do you think I am? Lin Bai didn't move.

Yang Shu took out the spirit stones, ten of which were of medium quality.

That was pretty much it. Lin Bai walked back and saw Gu Feixue again.

Gu Feixue was very impatient, "If he doesn't want it, just take it and don't bother me!"

Eh? After going round and round for more than a year, this Huayuan Dan is back in my hands?

Lin Bai went to see Yang Shu again.

"Can she accept it?" Yang Shu asked eagerly.

Lin Bai pressed the storage ring on his hand and nodded slightly.

"That's good." Yang Shu was very happy, "Oh, I haven't seen her for a long time, why is she still so cold?"

"Yes." Lin Bai said perfunctorily.

"But this is good. At least I said a few words and accepted my things. In the future, if the road can go further, I will also count on my efforts." Yang Shu looked at the blue sky from a distance, affectionately, "Actually, you can see it from a distance. One look at her makes me satisfied.”

Lin Bai pressed his forehead, feeling that this sentence sounded familiar.

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