The Wheel-Turning Master

Chapter 152 Entering the Valley

Returning along the original route, Lin Bai specifically looked for places with tall and dense trees.

The jackdaws kept wailing, and from time to time, monks who fled in the air were captured by jackdaws.

Lin Bai followed the principle of seeking good fortune and avoiding danger, and he no longer felt anything in his heart.

Along the way, he threw away the storage rings obtained from Wang, the foundation-building master of Qiaoshan Sect, and the two Tianchi Sect disciples.

Anyway, there were jackdaws messing up the situation, and Lin Bai was not afraid of deduction, so there was no need to worry at all, just blame the old jackdaw.

"This fog-shadow jackdaw is really cruel!" Lin Bai murmured.

"Who said it wasn't!" Yang Huan chased up, holding a gourd in one hand and an umbrella in the other, and looking back.

I saw that there was a faint mist pressing down above the sky, emitting a faint fishy smell.

After a while, the fog became wider and wider. Although it was very thin, it blocked the sunlight, making the woods seem deeper.

From time to time, wild beasts wailed, startling the sound of flying feathers flapping their wings.

"The Mist Shadow Jackdaw finally showed his Mist Shadow magical power." Chun Yutong sighed, "The ground in the mountains is peaceful, but a few dozen feet above the ground will become a deadly place for foundation-building cultivators."

"That's right." Lin Bai looked at Yang Huan and asked, "Fellow Daoist Yang, aren't you going to sharpen your Dao heart?" He was very serious.

"When we were drinking before, you always called me Sister Huanhuan." Yang Huan changed the subject.

"Sister Huanhuan."

"Brother Yun."

The three of them were all honest and did not dare to use their magical powers. They returned northward at times fast and sometimes slow. No one mentioned Gu Feixue's troubles.

On the way, they met a lot of people, mostly from Yunxia Sect and Qiaoshan Sects, and some casual cultivators, but few from Jiuyin Mountain.

Most of them were trembling with fear, obviously frightened.

It can be seen that no matter how arrogant they are outside, they really dare to admit their fear when they encounter something.

After four days of grinding, Lin Bai and others finally left Mianlong Mountain.

Seeing the light of day, the three of them felt like they had survived a catastrophe.

Looking back, they saw that the Mianlong Mountain was covered with fog covering a radius of 100 miles, which seemed to hide countless murderous intentions.

The people in the garrison had come to meet them, and Yang Huan and Chun Yutong were taken away by the Yang family.

Gu Feixue's killing of the old crow was witnessed by many people, and it could not be hidden at all.

As an eyewitness, Lin Bai was also taken back by Gu Fang for detailed questioning.

Arrived at the Gu family garrison of Qiaoshan Sect, and entered a large tent.

Sitting cross-legged on it was an old cultivator named Gu Jinzhen, a Jindan cultivator with a big beard.

There was also Gu Fang and an old female cultivator who had built a foundation.

"Senior, Sister Fang, you know I've always been honest..."

"Alas, I was leading the way and entered the crow forest. I tried to persuade her again and again, but Senior Sister Gu stepped on bird shit and thought it was too dirty, so she insisted on flying in the air, which attracted the foundation-building crow."

"I'm not good at fighting, so I quickly turned back to find reinforcements. I happened to meet Senior Sister Yang Huan and Fellow Chun Yutong, so I invited them to help."

"I risked my life and used all my skills to finally take down the foundation-building crow, but I didn't expect the mist-shadow jackdaw to fly from the south... The jackdaw was fierce and stared at Senior Sister Gu to kill. Later, Senior Brother Gu Feng threw out a talisman to block the attack. When the smoke and dust dissipated, they were both gone."

Lin Bai bowed first, and then talked a lot, without a single lie.

Gu Jinzhen closed his eyes and stroked his beard, and remained silent for a long time.

Lin Bai looked at Gu Fang, sighed, and asked, "Sister Fang, are Senior Sister Gu Feixue and Senior Brother Gu Feng safe now?"

"The soul lamp is still alive." Gu Fang's face was also ugly.

"That's good." Lin Bai breathed a sigh of relief, and asked, "Where is Zhu Jianyang?"

"He is not dead either." Gu Fang said.

Lin Bai was really relieved, and quickly took out the body of the old crow, "This is what Senior Sister Gu got, and I temporarily left it with me, and now I am returning it."

Gu Fang nodded and comforted, "You just go and rest."

Lin Bai bowed and went back to his own tent.

Before they arrived, Yang Shu was already waiting.

"Feixue..." Yang Shu asked nervously.

Lin Bai sighed, shook his head and went into the tent.

Yang Shu's eyes were blank, and he was in a daze for a long time. He went into the tent and held Lin Bai.

"Is he really dead?" Yang Shu's eyes were bloodshot, and tears were about to fall.

"No." Lin Bai smiled, "I shook my head, which means I'm not dead."

Yang Shu sat down on the ground and breathed a sigh of relief.

Lin Bai also sat down, but before he could get warm, people from all walks of life came to ask.

This matter cannot be hidden. The killing of jackdaws was too fierce, and all sects and schools suffered losses.

People from Huaqing Sect came to ask, people from Shang Family came to ask, and people from Jiang Family also came to inquire. Even people from Jiuyin Mountain came to ask, and it was a coquettish woman.

Later, people from Yunxia Sect came to ask, which was really lively.

Lin Bai has always been honest and frank, but if there is a question, there must be an answer, without hiding anything.

Of course, he also got a lot of tea and elixir. The female cultivators from Jiuyin Mountain were even more generous. When Lin Bai replied, she took off one piece. In the end, Lin Bai had no choice but to talk to her outside the tent, which saved his innocence.

"Have you ever seen Wang Ping from Qiaoshan Sect?" An old foundation-building cultivator from Qiaoshan Sect came to the door.

"May I ask who Wang Ping is?" Lin Bai was puzzled. "I only know a few Taoist friends from the Gu and Yang families."

"Wang Ping is the direct disciple of the head master." The old cultivator spoke coldly and took out a scroll and threw it out.

The head of Qiaoshan Sect is actually the general affairs head, named Yue Fengshu, who is in the late Jindan stage. Although the Supreme Head has an overall view of Qiaoshan, he usually has to practice in seclusion and rarely handles general affairs, so there is a general affairs head.

However, although he is the general affairs head, his power is not small. He manages all the Jindan sects in Qiaoshan and regulates yin and yang. He is the number one person under the Yuanying in Qiaoshan.

This Yue Fengshu is the direct descendant of the Supreme Head, and he also has three direct disciples.

Lin Bai opened the scroll and saw a graceful young man.

He looked very familiar, as if he had turned to ash. Lin Bai looked at the portrait carefully and thought carefully.

"Have you seen it before?" The old cultivator frowned and asked.

"Well..." Lin Bai touched his chin.

The old cultivator stared at Lin Bai, and finally took out a bottle of pills impatiently, "The Jade Purity Pill of my Qiaoshan Sect can cure all poisons."

Lin Bai immediately put it away and said, "I was in a hurry to escape at that time, and I didn't meet this Senior Brother Wang of your sect."

Rolling up the portrait and returning it with both hands, Lin Bai perfunctorily said, "I think Senior Brother Wang is blessed and will be able to escape the clutches of the Jackdaw."

"He's dead! The lights are off!" The old cultivator put away the portrait and left the tent angrily.

"This man is really rude. Even if someone died in your family, it has nothing to do with me. Why are you yelling at me?" Lin Bai felt particularly wronged.

After two days, Lin Bai did not mention the matter of entering the mountain. He just drank and had fun with the Yang brothers and sisters all day. Gu Fang did not urge him, after all, entering the mountain meant risking his life.

After five or six days, Lin Bai thought that he should go back to his hometown to rest. He would go back to exchange ideas with Sister Pei, eat some fruits, and tease his apprentice.

"Don't worry, wait a moment." After he mentioned it to Gu Fang, she did not let him go.

Lin Bai had no choice but to drink every night and practice during the day.

A month passed quickly, and the fog on Mianlong Mountain had not dissipated, but the hostility of the jackdaws had subsided a little.

The three major sects and their affiliates also went in and out of Mianlong Mountain from time to time, and gradually found that as long as they did not fly in the air, it would not be a big deal. In some places with high and dense forests and steep canyons, it would not be a problem even if they used their magical powers.

If a jackdaw happened to fly over his head, he only needed to restrain his breath. As long as he did not provoke it and his qi was not locked, it was usually not dangerous.

To put it bluntly, the sky is the territory of jackdaws, and flying is forbidden.

Some people blamed Gu Feixue for this, while others said it was the fox's order. Anyway, it was very noisy. Fewer and fewer people from the three sects entered the mountain. The sound of waves came from Jiuyin Mountain every day, which made the disciples of Qiaoshan Sect and Yunxia Sect have wild thoughts.

That night, the full moon was half hidden, the wind was rustling, and Yang Huan came to visit with wine.

In fact, she came every day, but she came less often after Lin Bai finished drinking the monkey wine. This is the warmth and coldness of the world for Jiumengzi.

Yang Huan poured the wine she brought with her, and after drinking more than a dozen glasses, she asked about the monkey wine again.

In fact, she asked several times where the monkey wine was obtained. Although Lin Bai had never been there, he had asked Huang Ruhua and knew the approximate location, but he could not tell her.

"The mountain has been quite peaceful recently, and the jackdaws have become familiar with their tempers. I plan to go into the mountain again to have a look." Yang Huan held the wine gourd and said seriously, "I have a feeling in my heart, and I will gain something this time." Her cheeks were red with wine, and she whispered, "Brother Yun, I have always admired your drinking capacity and regarded you as a confidant. How about it? Dare you follow me into the mountain to pursue that great opportunity?"

You are fooling me again, do you think I am stupid? Still looking for opportunities? Want to open a bar?

"Sister Huanhuan will go to find Chunyu Tong herself." Lin Bai smiled.

"He went into the mountain with Yang Bing, and I don't know when he will come back." Yang Huan sighed.

"So that's it." Lin Bai pondered for a moment, and then said, "Actually, there is something I didn't tell you. The last time I took wine from the monkeys' territory, I had already exhausted all the fish and destroyed all the places where they made wine. If you want to get monkey wine again, I'm afraid you will have to wait for ten or eight years."

Yang Huan was stunned.

After a long time, Yang Huan drank a few big mouthfuls and wiped her mouth casually. She was very angry and even more aggrieved. "People say that the ancestors planted trees and the later generations enjoyed the shade. It's okay that you didn't plant trees, but you cut down other people's trees? Why do you smash the pot after eating? And curse your mother after drinking milk?" She was furious.

"Let's not talk about this first." Lin Bai waved her hand and asked, "Sister Huanhuan, when will you enter the mountain? I will follow you then!"

Lin Bai picked up the wine bowl.

"No." Yang Huan snatched Lin Bai's wine bowl, she drank it all in one gulp, patted her butt, threw down the wine bowl, and left directly.

This is the ruthlessness of a drunkard.

After Yang Huan was angry and left, Lin Bai sat in meditation to practice.

Three days later, Gu Fang sent someone to invite Lin Bai to talk.

There was no choice but to go. When he arrived in Gu Fang's tent, the old Jindan cultivator Gu Jinzhen was also there.

After paying his respects, Lin Bai didn't say a word, thinking that it must be bad.

"I got a lot of things from the old crow last time. They should be yours. I'll give them to you later." Gu Fang asked Lin Bai to sit down first and poured him some fragrant tea.

It's been more than a month, and you just remembered this? Lin Bai immediately understood that the visitor had bad intentions and must have something to ask for.

Sure enough, before Lin Bai could refuse, Gu Fang said again: "You will get a lot of benefits." After she finished her nonsense, she got down to business, "You've been resting here for more than a month, why don't you go into the mountains again and look for Feixue."

Gu Feixue is the darling of the Gu family, but she is also a troublemaker, so Lin Bai doesn't want to care.

"Sister Fang, it's not that I don't want to. It's just that you have all gone there several times. If they can't find her, how can I find her?" Lin Bai declined politely, and then said: "Besides, with Sister Gu's temperament, even if I find her, I can never bring her back."

"You just need to find her." Gu Fang took out a letter, "Give it to her, she will reply."

Gu Fang took out a small bell and explained the magic in detail.

It turned out that this bell was called the Swallow Return Bell. The one held by Lin Bai was a swallow, and the one held by Gu Feixue was a nest. As long as the two were within ten miles, there would be a sound.

I haven't agreed yet, right? Lin Bai didn't know what to say. This Gu family was too strong.

"This..." Lin Bai sighed, "I am just an alchemist. I can't carry anything on my shoulders or lift my hands. I don't even dare to kill a chicken. I was frightened in the mountains last time, and I really don't dare to go into the mountains again."

"If you can find her, my family will allow you to make a condition." Gu Jinzhen suddenly spoke.

The condition of the Yuanying family! Why do they still let her go out to play when they value Gu Feixue so much?

Well, Jindan spoke, Lin Bai really didn't dare to give face.

"In this case, I, Yun Zhonghe, dare not do my best?" Lin Bai agreed decisively, thinking that he could handle it and everyone would look good.

Putting the bell on his wrist, Lin Bai asked again: "Then who should I follow?"

"Most of the people are in the mountains now. If you meet my Gu family, you can follow them." Gu Fang said.

So I am still alone? Lin Bai had no choice but to chat for a few more words and then said goodbye and left.

Since I have entered the mountains, I might as well do something else.

Lin Bai went to the Tianchi garrison to look for Gai Qiuyan and Yao Qianchi, but he didn't see them. They were still in the mountains.

"I'll go into the mountains tomorrow, hoping to meet my two brothers." Lin Bai shouted a few words and went back to rest.

After a while, the Yang siblings came over.

Ever since Yang Huan heard about Lin Bai's mess, he has rarely interacted with Lin Bai. This time, it's probably not a good thing.

"Brother, are you going into the mountains?" Yang Shu held Lin Bai's hand, very eager.

How did it spread so fast? Lin Bai had no choice but to nod.

"Okay! Going into the mountains is good!" Yang Shu quickly poured wine, "If you meet Feixue, please persuade her to come back."

"Of course." Lin Bai immediately agreed, and didn't dare to look at Yang Huan, for fear that she would follow and ruin his big plan.

After talking for a long time, the Yang siblings left.

But after a while, Yang Huan came again.

"Are you going to get more wine?" Yang Huan asked.

"It's really gone." Lin Bai wanted to stay in the cave for a few days, and by the way, he wanted to cheat a few people from Tianchi Sect and live a miserable life.

"You swear." Yang Huan seemed to be prepared, "Just say that if the monkey wine is really gone, you will never drink, sleep with women, and be drenched in bird droppings for the rest of your life." She was very serious and added, "Swear on your life. Come on!"

This drunkard is too cruel! Lin Bai didn't say anything.

"Together! Let's go into the mountains together!" Yang Huan pulled Lin Bai's sleeve and acted like a spoiled child with a smile.

Lin Bai still didn't say anything, and Yang Huan didn't leave either, and kept saying nice things.

There was no way, the drunkard was throwing a tantrum, and the shameless one was just pestering. Lin Bai had to make three rules with her, no drinking in the mountains, no unauthorized actions, and must follow orders.

The next morning, Lin Bai and Yang Huan went into the mountains together.

Walking through the forest, Lin Bai met people from time to time, so he asked Zhu Jianyang and Gu Feixue whereabouts, but no one knew.

After three days, the two of them lingered, bypassed the old crow forest, and came to the waterfall.

Lin Bai asked Yang Huan to stay behind under the pretext of investigation, and he went to the cave where he and Jiang Yatou had made love in the past.

The storage ring was still there, and Lin Bai only took the talisman inside.

After meeting Yang Huan, the two continued to head south.

They hurried along the crooked road, trying to avoid monsters. This place has been more than a hundred miles deep into the Sleeping Dragon Mountain, and it is becoming increasingly sparsely populated.

In the past, Lin Bai followed Huang Ruhua into this place, but today there is a different person beside him.

Not long after, they saw a valley, which was the valley where Huang Ruhua and his apprentice lived in the past.

At that time, there were disaster clouds outside the sky, beasts roared, birds chirped, and the world was silent. Now things have changed, and there is no human habitation.

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