The Wheel-Turning Master

Chapter 157: Foundation Building Opportunity

Yunxia Sect.

There are seabirds looming in the clouds on the horizon.

The waves hit the shore, which is dozens of feet high, and the river water pours into a waterfall.

After tracing back to the source of the river and twisting and turning for five or six miles, we saw a lake at the foot of the mountain.

This is Bagua Mountain. There are many bamboo houses around the lake, and there are young men and women coming and going.

Further up the mountain road, there is a small courtyard on the mountainside. A few gray bamboos were inserted as fences, and the three wooden houses were also dilapidated.

There are three bamboo cages under the middle room, almost blocking the door.

There is an old persimmon tree of unknown age in the courtyard, with green persimmons on it and magpies building their nests.

The wide wooden pile is used as a table, and four small wooden piles are used as stools.

The yard is surrounded by mountains, rocks and trees, and the interior and exterior are very clean and tidy. I guess the owner of this place is very particular about people.

Qu Ruyi was wearing men's clothing, sitting carelessly on a wooden stool, with one leg under his buttocks and kicking the other leg, showing no trace of the demeanor of a foundation-building senior.

There was a white mole on the table in front of him, crunching and eating dried fruits; there was also a snow-white fox lying motionless next to it.

It was rumored by outsiders that Qu Chengjia was so angry that Fairy Shen Yu gave her an unpleasant nickname, so she killed the fox raised by her direct descendants.

This matter was a rumor, but Qu Ruyi did receive a scolding. Qu Chengjia asked her to throw away the fox, while he scolded her and said some strange things about foxes.

Qu Ruyi's wings have become much stronger since she established the foundation. He agreed to the ancestor's words in person, but then came a person who was willing to obey the rules and go against the rules, and the snow fox took care of him.

"Eat less!" Qu Ruyi snatched the dried fruit from the mole, "Your mother ate too much and fell into the cave. Do you still want to follow the old path of your mother?"

While she was cursing and training, a young girl came to the door and asked her to give a sermon to Zhu Lianqi.

Yunxia Sect has its own foundation-building teachings, but it also invites young talents to preach from time to time, with the intention of gaining understanding through listening and broadening one's horizons.

Qu Ruyi is good-looking and has no airs. She has always been liked by Qi practitioners, so she is often invited to hold Taoist meetings.

"I understand." Qu Ruyi nodded slightly, barely looking like a senior foundation builder.

After the girl left, another girl came to the door after a while.

The visitor wears well-fitting light green clothes and has a beaded hairpin on his head. He is of medium height, slightly thinner, with dark eyes and a smile, which is very pleasant.

"Xiuxiu, come here quickly!" Qu Ruyi waved quickly.

"Senior sister." Xiuxiu stepped forward and sat down, held the snow fox in her arms, took out a piece of fruit and fed it to it, but the snow fox didn't eat it at all. "The little mole has such a good appetite, how come the little snow fox never gets better?"

"I get angry when you say that! I'm not your master!" Qu Ruyi immediately fumed, "She was angry outside and didn't dare to confront that coquettish person..."

Before she finished speaking, Xiuxiu had already covered Qu Ruyi's mouth.

"Ahem, my ancestor was angry outside, so you come back to find trouble with me? Is it easy for me to raise a fox?" Qu Ruyi grabbed the snow fox's tail, lifted it up hard, and exposed its buttocks, "It's hard for the snow fox. It was in heat, and I was thinking about finding a companion for it, but the ancestor came and scolded me, which scared the snow fox so much that he wouldn't dare to show off! Otherwise, he would have given birth to a baby right now!"

"..." Xiuxiu didn't know what to say.

"Don't talk about this, it's very annoying." Qu Ruyi waved his hand, let go of the fox's tail, and asked, "What did uncle say?"

"Uncle Gao said, you should move forward bravely," Xiuxiu replied.

"What about the ancestor?" Qu Ruyi asked again.

"Master said, don't ask about your future." Xiuxiu returned.

"Didn't I give you anything?" Qu Ruyi chuckled.

"Master and uncle both gave me a talisman to protect myself." Xiuxiu smiled.

"You heard me right, right? Kowtow, they won't be able to show their shame and refuse to give you." Qu Ruyi was extremely proud, "We are the only ones who have gone out, otherwise we can still have fun." She caught the mole and let it go. When he reached his lap, he asked again: "This time I go out to look for opportunities to build a foundation. Do you know what to do?"

"I know." Xiuxiu nodded. She had listened to many seniors from the same sect talking about the Apocalypse, read many classics, and had to be given pointers in person by various teachers.

This is also one of the foundations of the sect, there are rules to follow in everything. Even the extremely ethereal Foundation Building Apocalypse still has the valuable experience of many predecessors.

"That's good, but you still need to be careful." Qu Ruyi said as if he had been there before, "You have many elders protecting you at home, but it's different outside. They are all cunning people. Some people even smile when you meet them. , stabbed in the back.”

"Yes." Xiuxiu nodded.

"Also, if it is really necessary to retreat, you should retreat and stay useful. Just like Uncle Gao, break and stand again!" Qu Ruyi lifted the back of the mole's neck, stroked it, and said: " If you are in the Qiaoshan area at that time, many sects and families can ask for help, just show your sign. If you are in the north near Jiuyin Mountain, you must not ask them for help, otherwise even if you come back safely, my uncle. Uncle Shi, and your master, don’t recognize you anymore.”

"Xiu Xiu understands." Xiu Xiu said very well, "I will not disgrace our Yunxia Sect."

"Actually, there may not be any danger. We may just build the foundation in peace and quiet."

Qu Ruyi was very serious, "You just need to remember one sentence."

Xiuxiu waited for a long time and saw that Qu Ruyi hadn't spoken yet, so she praised him: "Senior sister, teach me."

"You need to have perseverance and an indomitable heart!" Qu Ruyi looked up at the sky, scratching the mole with his hand, a look that had weathered the weather, "When I was building the foundation, there were thousands of difficulties and dangers, but I never I had no intention of shrinking, but persisted, and then I gained enlightenment." She seemed to be recalling the glorious past, and sighed, "At that time, I was covered in blood, and my fuel was exhausted, but I didn't say a word of mercy. Say goodbye. Boss Liu was also deeply impressed by me. He said that if it weren't for the seriousness of the matter, he would definitely swore a sworn relationship with me and drink happily for a few days!"

Xiuxiu was stroking the fox's fur. After hearing this, she pressed her forehead with one hand and whispered, "What happened next?"

"Later, with my perseverance and intelligence, I slowly consumed Boss Liu to death." Qu Ruyi said.

"Senior sister didn't seem to say that before..." Xiu Xiu said.

"Then you must have remembered it wrong." Qu Ruyi said very seriously, "I never mentioned the matter of building the foundation when I was preaching outside. Even if the ancestor came to ask, I didn't tell her in detail."

"..." Xiu Xiu could only nod and asked in a low voice: "What about Senior Yun Zhonghe? Didn't Senior Sister say that he is quite capable?"

"Him?" Qu Ruyi smiled disdainfully, "At that time, all his methods were restrained and he fell to the ground. Yun Zhonghe asked me to escape and avenge him in the future." Qu Ruyi pinched the back of the mole's neck and said, Seriously: "Can I walk alone? No! I said at that time, you and I share the same feelings of adversity, how can I leave you alone? Even if I die, I, Qu Ruyi, will never abandon my friends! Yun Zhonghe Tears My face was full of tears and I couldn't speak for a long time."

"..." Xiuxiu stroked the fur of the snow fox and saw Qu Ruyi looking at her expectantly. She could only chime in, "It must be because of this incident that senior Yun Zhonghe never forgets his senior sister and sends letters to say hello from time to time. Also sent various gifts.”

"That's right." Qu Ruyi asked with a smile: "Xiuxiu, have you learned it?"

Xiuxiu didn't say anything. After a while, she said, "Sister, you can lie to Xiuxiu, but just don't fool yourself. Xiuxiu was fooled by you..."

Before she finished speaking, Qu Ruyi became angry and started to rub her face hard with her white palms.

Qu Ruyi still couldn't understand her hatred, and touched her hands randomly again. Xiuxiu protected her chest with both hands, and quickly begged for mercy.

The snow fox couldn't stand it, so he jumped on the table and lay down.

"Xiu Xiu," Qu Ruyi retracted her hand and said with a smile, "I haven't grown much in age, but I am getting more and more promising in other places."

"I don't dare to compare with senior sister." Xiuxiu smiled with a red face.

"You don't dare to compete with me? You're trying to outdo both of us!" Qu Ruyi grabbed Xiuxiu's arm and looked like she was being naughty, "Let me see!"

Xiuxiu hehehe hides.

The two of them were noisy for a long time, and after seeing each other at noon, Qu Ruyi hurriedly took Xiuxiu out again.

More than a hundred miles to the west, you will reach the west coast of Yunxia Island.

Looking into the distance, there are no mountains or land, only the boundless sea with misty clouds. Just like the road, we know that there is a road ahead, but it is still unclear and the journey is difficult.

There is a small island here called Wanggui Island. It is the starting point of the Yunxia Sect's cargo route, and also the place where many passenger ships come and go.

Xiuxiu's apocalyptic opportunity is out there, and she needs to take the flying boat in the door to go elsewhere.

"Senior sister," Xiu Xiu took out an exquisite wooden box when she came to the flying boat, "If I come back safely, I must not forget what you promised me. If something happens to me outside, please help me pack up my things at home. And this Please send it back to me, senior sister." As he spoke, he thrust the wooden box into Qu Ruyi's hand.

"No, no, no!" Qu Ruyi refused. She grabbed Xiuxiu's ear, leaned against her and whispered, "When you come back safely, I have something great to tell you."

Xiuxiu smiled and asked: "What good thing? Could it be that Senior Yun Zhonghe is coming to find you?"

"I don't want to see him!" Qu Ruyi was immediately angry. "He said that he was not close to women, but he thought I was a close friend. I actually believed his lies! Now that I have thought about it, he was just fooling me!"

Qu Ruyi held Xiuxiu's hand and warned seriously: "You must never believe a man's words."

Xiuxiu nodded in agreement. She was used to hearing Qu Ruyi say unreliable things from time to time.

"This is for you." Qu Ruyi took out a small purse and tied it around Xiuxiu's waist, "Maybe it can be used to explore the road. His mother died for me, and he can be called a loyal person for generations. Don't treat it badly."

Xiuxiu patted "Zhongliang" and nodded seriously.

"By the way, did you take into account this time when I went out?" Qu Ruyi asked curiously, "When I went out last time, you said that I was born to die, which is quite understandable."

"Senior sister, you forced me to make a prediction last time, but I actually didn't see anything." Xiuxiu looked helpless, "I'll forget it this time, it seems like nothing."

"Is there any danger of life or death?" Qu Ruyi asked concernedly.

"Nothing." Xiuxiu shook her head.

"It's fine if you don't have it." Qu Ruyi breathed a sigh of relief, "Maybe just go out for a good meal. It's not like me. It took a lot of effort and injuries all over the body to save others and save myself. I narrowly escaped death and survived. Opportunity.”

She pinched Xiuxiu's cheek and said, "You must come back safely."

Xiuxiu nodded seriously.

The two sisters chatted for a while, and Qu Ruyi took Xiuxiu to meet Feizhou's steward and exchanged many words with each other.

After waiting another half an hour, the flying boat left the ground.

Xiuxiu saw that she was getting farther and farther away from Qu Ruyi, and her figure became smaller and smaller, and suddenly she felt empty in her heart.

Looking into the distance, I saw the red sun reflecting on the sea, giving it a golden color. A sudden roar passed by, with a solitary shadow but no trace.

Until nightfall, Xiuxiu sat alone in the cabin. He had no intention of practicing, so he lay down to rest.

I just couldn't sleep, and I felt sad. I heard the waves rolling in the river and the sea, and I felt that the night was long and dark.

I put on my clothes and sat up, counting the cold stars outside all night.

The flying boat was very stable. After five days, I landed two or three hundred miles away.

There is a market here, called Haishifang. There are many people coming and going, mainly for the transportation of goods from north to south. There are several coastal families and sects here, but they are not powerful. Most of them are under the command of Yunxia Sect and are considered vassals.

To the northwest of Haishifang is the direction of Qiaoshan, and to the southwest is Mianlong Mountain.

The flying boat still needs to go to Qiaoshan. Xiuxiu thanked the steward and got off the boat and boarded Haishifang.

After a circle, the ethereal opportunity faintly pointed to the southwest.

"My foundation-building opportunity is in Mianlong Mountain?" Xiuxiu followed her heart and headed west.

Taking the purple bamboo boat, he was careful all the way to avoid the casual cultivators coming and going.

Not daring to go into the mountain alone, Xiuxiu planned to go to Longmenfang first to meet Uncle Poyunzi, or at least find a map or something.

After five days, they finally arrived at Longmenfang. Seeing the banner of Yunxia Sect, Xiuxiu breathed a sigh of relief.

"Xiuxiu? Why are you here?" A male foundation-building cultivator who was patrolling found Xiuxiu and hurried forward to ask.

Xiuxiu did not talk about the apocalypse, but only said that she came to pay a visit to Poyunzi.

Arriving at the Yunxia Sect's headquarters, they found the tent in the middle, and a female cultivator was guarding the tent.

"Senior Sister Meng." Xiuxiu saluted.

"Are you in the mountains?" Sister Meng seemed to be familiar with Xiuxiu and knew why Xiuxiu came.

Xiuxiu smiled bitterly and nodded. She was not a fool who didn't know what was happening outside the window. She knew that there were many troubles in Mianlong Mountain recently.

"Wait a moment, Master is talking to Uncle Gu of Qiaoshan Sect." Sister Meng held Xiuxiu's hand and shook her head and sighed repeatedly.

Xiuxiu didn't say anything, just stood at the entrance of the tent.

After waiting for an hour, an old golden elixir came out.

Senior Sister Meng let Xiuxiu enter the tent.

After entering the tent, she saw Po Yunzi sitting cross-legged on the table in a slovenly manner, as if thinking about something.

"Uncle Master." Xiuxiu knelt down to pay her respects.

"Is the opportunity in the mountains?" Po Yunzi asked, stroking his beard.

"Yes." Xiuxiu answered.

"Now the mountain is closed, all the disciples of my Yunxia Sect have withdrawn, only the people of Jiuyin Mountain and Qiaoshan are left."

Po Yunzi shook his head slightly, "The internal strife of Qiaoshan Sect seems to have other problems. Jiuyin Mountain has taken the lead and has already carried out assassinations and ambushes in the mountain." He stared at Xiuxiu and asked in a deep voice: "You haven't built your foundation yet, and you are not good at fighting. You will die in the mountain. Do you still want to go into the mountain?"

Xiuxiu knelt on the ground and replied: "Xiuxiu has been taught by my master and uncles and uncles. The road is difficult, and we should know the difficulties but not be afraid of them."

"Good! Qu Chengjia finally taught a seedling!" Po Yunzi laughed and said: "This time I entered Although Mianlong Mountain is a place of life and death, if you have this heart, you will succeed!" He stroked his beard with relief, and then reminded, "If you meet the disciples of Qiaoshan in the mountains, you must be a little careful. If you meet people from Jiuyin Mountain, avoid them if you can, if you can't..."

Xiuxiu immediately said: "Xiuxiu will never disgrace the reputation of the master."

Poyunzi nodded, very satisfied, and smiled: "Your master, your uncle, and I are all from the old master's lineage, and you are also the old master's direct descendant. We don't need to distinguish between high and low with others, but we must always be three points higher than others."

"Yes." Xiuxiu was very well-behaved.

"Good child." Poyunzi took out a piece of animal skin with a small sword lightly carved on it. "In times of crisis, it is always useful." He threw it gently and landed in front of Xiuxiu.

"Thank you, uncle." Xiuxiu kowtowed again.

"And this," Po Yunzi really didn't treat Xiuxiu as an outsider, and took out another animal skin, "This is a map of the mountains, with mountain paths, monsters' residences, temperaments, and abilities all marked. But the deeper you go, the harder it is to understand, so you need to be careful."

"Xiuxiu, remember this." Xiuxiu got the thing, and she was not so scared anymore.

"Okay, let Meng Yuan take you to rest for a night, and then let her tell you about everything. It won't be too late to enter the mountain tomorrow." Po Yunzi was very kind.

Xiuxiu kowtowed again to thank him, and went out of the tent to find Meng Yuan.

After resting for a night, Xiuxiu remembered everything Meng Yuan said about entering the mountain.

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