The Wheel-Turning Master

Chapter 208 The sea is wide and the fish can jump

"You should be in no danger, what about us?"

After Xiuxiu made some calculations, someone asked.

Everyone followed the sound and looked over, only to see a woman sitting cross-legged on the ground, with a pale face, disheveled hair, and a large ball of blood on her chest. She was Cheng Shuang.

"You are not in danger." Huang Ruhua comforted her warmly, "Because you don't need to go in, just leave it until you can be useful."

"I..." Cheng Shuang was stunned for a moment and said quickly: "I can still fight!"

"I can fight again!" Huang Ruhua imitated Cheng Shuang's words in a rough voice, then changed to her own voice and continued: "Then stand up first."

Huang Ruhua was quite upright. Seeing Cheng Shuang learn how to speak like Ye Ruoqing, she became interested in helping the weak. Influenced by the fox, he has gained a bit of evil spirit, and his speech has become more and more yin-yang-yin-yang-yin-yang-yang-yang-y, without any of the dejection he had when Tiehuasheng passed away.

Cheng Shuang immediately became angry, glared at Huang Ruhua, and was about to retort, but was stopped by Cheng Daojin.

Huang Ruhua wanted to say more, so Xiuxiu and Ye Ruoqing quickly stopped her. Even the green snake wrapped itself around him and blew on Cheng Shuang.

"Then I won't go in either." Qu Ruyi said matter-of-factly.

"Senior sister, I will take you." Xiuxiu immediately supported Qu Ruyi.

"Actually, I really don't want to go..." Qu Ruyi said.

"Oh, your senior sister is so kind. She knew she was injured and didn't want to drag you down." Huang Ruhua used herself to save others, and she actually sighed, "Then we should take her with us!"

"..." Qu Ruyi was stunned.

Yang Shu didn't have to worry about it. There were Gai Yingqiu, Yang Ai, and brothers Chunyu, so they were all going in.

"She can go, but I can't?" Cheng Shuang fumed.

"You talk too much if you don't have the skills!" Qu Ruyi knew Ye Ruoqing, and saw Cheng Shuang talking, so she came to bury Cheng Shuang.

"Are you the only one capable?" Cheng Shuang was angry.

There was a lot of chaos when there were more women. Lin Bai had a headache due to the noise, so he could only move away and look for He Wenyao.

"Brother Zhuan Lun," He Wenyao no longer looked as chic as before, he forced out a smile that was quite flattering, "I wish I had known Brother Zhuan Lun earlier."

"Why is Qin Fengyu so hesitant?" Lin Bai was polite.

That stinky woman is Qin Rensong's descendant, and Qin Rensong has a good relationship with Yue Fengshu, so Lin Bai came to ask Yue Fengshu's only remaining disciple.

"She is a descendant of Qin Rensong, and she has always been favored by Qin Rensong." He Wenyao was serious and honest, regardless of the fact that he was still vomiting blood and foam at the mouth, "I have met her a few times, but I don't have a deep relationship with her, and I can't say we are familiar with her. Xixia was actually close to her, but Xixia fell into Mianlong Mountain."

Yue Xixia? Which one knows the Xiaguang Escape Technique? Wouldn’t he have died early?

"What is Qin Fengyu's destiny? What is his magical power?" Lin Bai stared into He Wenyao's eyes.

"I don't know either..." Seeing Lin Bai's unkind look, He Wenyao hurriedly said: "I heard Yue Xixia mentioned that her natal life should be a bird. As for what kind of magical power or method she is good at, I really don't know. I just know Her escape speed is extraordinary, far beyond her level."

"Has she had any dealings with people from Jiuyin Mountain? Where did Master Yue find Qin Rensong?" Lin Bai asked again.

"This..." He Wenyao thought for a while and said, "I don't have much contact with her, so I really don't know. As for senior Qin Rensong, I don't know either. Master never tells us this. I only know that Qin Rensong It’s like doing something that is difficult for Master to show up for.”

You don’t know anything about co-writing! Lin Bai has no temper.

"Well, brother Zhuanlun," He Wenyao sat cross-legged on the ground, leaned forward and said to please: "Although I am seriously injured, the arrow is still sharp. I am willing to go forward for my brother and brave the dangers together."

"You are the only one left in Master Yue. How can I dare to take you on an adventure?" Lin Bai politely refused, "Senior brother, just wait for a moment. When I get the benefits, I will share it with you."

Divide me? Do you think I look like a fool? An embarrassed smile appeared on He Wenyao's face, "Don't dare, don't dare." He said solemnly, "Then I will pray for my brother outside. I only hope that my brother will succeed and advance on the road."

"Thank you, senior brother." Lin Bai walked away.

The girls over there had finished their quarrel and became quiet.

When Lin Bai asked, he found out that Cheng Shuang was going to go too, and Ye Ruoqing was still taking him with him. He didn't know how the argument came to this result.

In fact, Lin Bai had no intention of blocking people from entering. The road to the great road lies ahead. You can enter if you want. But once you enter, life and death will be determined by your destiny. As for the seriously injured ones, if they could crawl forward, Lin Bai would really be willing to give them a few bottles of pills.

"Go ahead, gentlemen, I'll wait outside." Cheng Daojin said with a smile on his face, "If someone comes again, it would be nice to have someone to report the news. If no one comes, we will go in and look for you after we recover a little. He grabbed Cheng Shuang's wrist again and said, "Although we, my brother and my sister, are both seriously injured, one of us can finally get in. Cheng's visit was not in vain."

This is something that can be carried clearly. Opportunities are present, no one wants to take care of a seriously injured person, and no one wants to have another person to fight for. Even if Cheng Shuang can get in, the chance will be slim and it will be her turn.

Cheng Shuang gritted her teeth. She was seriously injured. Although she had always been harsh and mean-spirited, she could not harden up now that separation was imminent.

Shang Shizhu and Shang Taolang had regrets on their faces, but they couldn't say anything.

"Then let's go!" Qu Ruyi said lazily.

"There's no rush." ​​Lin Bai raised his hand, "I need to be on guard."

As he spoke, he took out the formation flag and said: "I will set up a phantom formation outside the door first. If someone escapes, we won't lose them. If the latter comes again, Brother Cheng and others can resist it a little."

"Senior Brother Zhuan Lun is far-sighted." Ye Ruoqing praised.

"You set up the maze at the foot of the mountain, right?" Huang Ruhua suddenly asked.

"Yes." Lin Bai smiled slightly, "Can you use the power of civil engineering to set up the maze?"

"I've known for a long time that you have bad intentions." Huang Ruhua muttered.

Lin Bai pretended not to hear it, pulled Xiuxiu, and set up the magic sand formation outside the tall stone gate.

This formation was set up by Cheng and Jin Yu to protect the people who stayed outside the gate.

When they came to the open tall stone gate and looked inside, they saw a vast expanse of white, and they didn't know what was inside.

In fact, the best opportunity to enter was to immediately chase Lu Qingyin and others into the house and catch them off guard. By now, if there was an ambush inside, I'm afraid the net had been set up.

However, Lu Qingyin seemed to know the details of this place, and Lin Bai was afraid that there would be more ominous things. If that crazy and weird woman took advantage of it, it would be in trouble.

Moreover, they had to take Xiuxiu and Sister Pei into consideration. Opportunities are small matters, and talents are big matters.

Lin Bai took the lead and stepped into the endless white light.

For a moment, he couldn't open his eyes, and his whole body felt warm and peaceful, cleansing himself from the outside to the inside.

He wanted to make an offensive and defensive posture, but he couldn't help himself. His spiritual consciousness couldn't extend, and his spiritual power couldn't operate.

He felt as if he was in another world.

In a daze, he suddenly felt the world spinning. He opened his eyes and saw the long river again.

When the pebble bluestone was broken and incorporated into the butterfly wings, he saw this long river.

The long river didn't know where it started, nor where it flowed to.

It was mighty and rolling. Its momentum didn't seem to stop for a moment or slow down for a moment because of someone or something.

On the river, endless dust and smoke fell slowly. Looking closely at the dust, it seemed extremely small, but also extremely huge. It was so small that it was silent and invisible with the wind; it was so large that it could accommodate the world.

However, the dust, no matter how big or small, all fell into the long river, and was completely swallowed up by a wave, and carried away by the long river.

Under the long river, there are more clear places and fewer turbid places. The former can be studied in detail; the latter is hazy, and even the appearance is blurred.

"The dust of history, the long river of time? What does big or small mean? What is clear and turbid?"

Lin Bai didn't have time to think, just carefully observed the dust of the river, hoping to reproduce it in the stone plate.

The waves hit the shore, and the shoes and socks were soaked. Under this stimulation, Lin Bai felt that he had stepped on the ground. He opened his eyes and was about to be on guard, but he saw that there was no one around.

There was no feeling of good or bad in his heart.

There was no sense of sealing in the sea of ​​consciousness and the sea of ​​qi. Everything was fine with himself, and there was nothing abnormal.

He looked down at his shoes, which were already withered and dilapidated, as if they had experienced countless years.

"Someone in my hometown said that I was a slut, and now it's true."

When I lifted my foot lightly, my shoes turned into dust and fell into the grass under my feet.

The stone gate was not visible behind me, only the cliff wall thousands of feet high.

Looking around, it was all green grass. There were short trees and bushes, and few tall trees, and the view was excellent.

The stars were brilliant, and the full moon was bright.

Everywhere I looked, there were fireflies and butterflies.

Looking forward, there were flying birds and cranes, green deer and white tigers. There were foxes on the back of turtles, and squirrels on the branches had their mouths stretched wide.

Looking into the distance, under the moon disk and high in the sky, there was a line of egrets spreading their wings.

Going further ahead, I saw that there seemed to be rippling water a few miles away, reflecting the bright moon and stars in the sky.

Across the water, there was a small island. There was a huge tree on it that was as tall as a hill.

The starlight in the sky slowly flowed down, like a river pouring down, and all fell on the giant tree.

The tree was full of little lights, but I didn't know what they were. But from a distance, it looked like stars fell from the Milky Way and were hung on the tall trees, and I felt as small as an ant.

There was a natural state and a sense of harmony here, as if no one had ever set foot here.

But everything here was motionless, as if time and space did not exist.

Birds spread their wings and hung in the air, neither moving forward nor backward. Butterflies folded their wings and landed on the stamens, and fireflies were motionless, emitting only a faint dim light.

Even the wind here was fixed: several green leaves fluttered, becoming traces of the wind.

Lin Bai stepped on the grass, which was soft and cool. But when he lifted his foot again, the green grass slowly returned to its original state.

He raised his hand to pinch a firefly, looked at it carefully, and then let go of his hand, and the firefly slowly returned to its original place.

He then took a leaf and gently crushed it. But the broken leaf slowly recovered and floated back to its original place.

Lin Bai summoned the leaves again, wanting to set them on fire, but he didn't dare to do it.

"Although I don't feel anything in my heart, I still have to wait for Brother Li to come and ask him. I'm not a coward, I'm just cautious."

Lin Bai closed his eyes and came to the stone plate.

I saw that the aquamarine line of Aunt Gu's chain had disappeared, obviously isolated.

And outside the mist, there was endless white light.

The white light could not pierce the mist, but only rolled slowly.

There was spiritual energy overflowing here, which did not belong to the five elements, but was as thin and white as silk, as if it was something that nurtured white light.

Opening his eyes, Lin Bai took out new shoes and put them on.

"Why are the shoes Miaomiao gave me a little uncomfortable?"

Lin Bai cursed Miaomiao in his heart, walked forward a few steps, observed for a while, and explored the surrounding area of ​​100 feet.

At this moment, there seemed to be water waves and a little light where he had just stood, and then Li Xinghe walked out of it.

He wore a black Taoist robe and tied his hair with pine branches. He looked the same, as calm as before, but there was a reflection of the Milky Way in his eyes.

"Brother Li," Lin Bai did not step forward, but asked curiously: "What strange things did you see when you entered this place just now?"

"Miles, endless milky ways." Li Xinghe said with a smile.

"Galaxy?" Lin Bai shook his head slightly and said, "But that's not the case for me. I saw the long river and the dust, and all kinds of emotions arose in my heart."

"The frustration in your heart must be because you have seen too little." Li Xinghe said with a smile.

"Maybe." Lin Bai pointed to the distance and said: "This place seems to have been forgotten by time, abandoned by space, and everything is still. If it is moved, it will slowly recover, and if the shape is scattered, it will return to its original state. ”

"Who can transcend time?" Li Xinghe shook his head slightly and said, "There is something special here, that's why there is this vision."

"Brother Li has been here?" Lin Bai asked with a smile.

"I have dreamed of coming back to this place countless times." Li Xinghe smiled and asked, "You haven't gone ahead to look for that ethereal opportunity?"

"To be honest, Brother Li, I don't have to come on this trip. It's just that some evil people separated Xiuxiu and me. Later, Fairy Shen Yu threw Xiuxiu here, so I took the risk and came here." Lin Bai explained with a smile, "Otherwise, I would never have joined in the fun. As for chance, I'm lucky to have it. If not, my trip will be a success."

"You can see clearly." Li Xinghe raised his head and looked at the sky.

The two were chatting, and soon they saw brothers Yang Ai and Chunyu entering.

Then came Huang Ruhua and Cheng Shuang, Yang Shu and Gai Yingqiu.

Then came Xiuxiu and Qu Ruyi, and finally Peining.

After a brief discussion, everyone found that Lin Bai and Li Xinghe were still in the first place, Pei Ning was in the back, Chunyu brothers were on the left, and Yang Ai and Huang Ruhua were on the right.

"No matter how well-organized the formation is, it is difficult to withstand a sneak attack. You need to know how to respond." Cheng Shuang was riding on the green snake's back, talking nonstop.

"How do you respond?" Yang Shu also rode a green snake to look for Cheng Shuang to quarrel with.

"I don't know, maybe Gu Feixue knows." Cheng Shuang said.

Yang Shu and Gai Yingqiu were both anxious, and Ye Ruoqing did not try to dissuade him. He only looked at Li Xinghe's back in front of him.

Xiuxiu didn't have any temper at all. She opened her mouth and gave a few casual words of advice, then looked at Lin Bai's back in front of her.

After walking five miles, they saw a river blocking the road.

The water ripples. There are fish jumping out of the water, causing splashes, but they are still.

"Brother Li, I boldly temper my body with the light of stars, in an attempt to integrate myself into the river of stars." Lin Bai stopped and pointed at the fish jumping out of the water, "Just like this fish, I can move freely wherever I want. , using the method of becoming a star to escape."

"The vastness of the sea means that the fish can leap. It's wonderful." Li Xinghe clapped his hands and praised, saying, "You have a much higher intention than what I originally thought."

"I would like to hear the details." Lin Bai asked curiously.

"I just compare myself to the stars, participating in Shang Yin. Or I am a jade scale, and it is transformed into the power of heaven. The stars move around, and I become a star escape." Li Xinghe said very clearly, "Although I have a star escape, If you follow the time, you will always have a track to follow. It’s not like you, who uses the stars as rivers and seas.

"Brother Li, can you swim freely now?" Lin Bai asked with a smile.

This is actually a bit too much. It is about trying to find out other people’s secrets.

However, Li Xinghe was not angry. Instead, he smiled and said, "My name is Xinghe, and I am the stars."

"How to break the Star Escape?" Lin Bai asked the old man again.

"If you want to use the method of planet escape, you must first connect to the stars and galaxies."

Li Xinghe smiled lightly and said: "Cut off the connection between people and stars, and star escape will be restrained. The laws in the world are inherently mutually reinforcing and restraining each other; the things in the world are inherently dependent on misfortunes and blessings. There is no perfect method, and there is no perfect thing. . The way of heaven is still incomplete, let alone those of us who are trying to climb up to the way of heaven."

He pointed to the tall tree in front of him and said: "The master here must stand upright, but he no longer exists at this moment. What's more, just you and me, just trying to escape? The road is long and long, but it is coming, step by step. Build the foundation of the apocalypse So, the theory of alchemy is like this. There is no supreme method, and there is no supreme person. There is only the desire to seek the way."

Lin Bai didn't answer.

"Anything gained?" Li Xinghe asked.

Lin Bai nodded slightly.

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