The Wheel-Turning Master

Chapter 224: Recruiting a Disciple

Standing on the stone plate, you can see the boundless stars and moon when you look up, and you can see the vast earth when you look down.

With a slight thought, the surrounding water surged, reflecting the stars in the sky. A giant tree rises from the ground, seeming to pierce the sky.

Endless starlight fell and condensed on the giant branches and leaves.

Stone tables, stone benches and stone monuments reappear in Wuxiang’s old residence.

Lin Bai bowed to Song Qing and saw waves coming in, submerging Song Qing in the turbulent rapids.

Seeing the long river again, Lin Bai looked from the bank and saw Song Qing falling to the bottom of the river, every detail appearing.

He seemed to be dispersed into a trickle of water, heading downstream, unable to discern where he was going.

Perhaps one day, when no one in the world remembers Song and Qing Dynasty anymore, the trickling water he turned into will stop.

It’s just that the immortal master who was so high in the past is now no more than the size of dust and a few drops of water. There are very few people who remember his name.

"The long river is churning, everlasting, and the mud and sand are falling. Brother Li once said that we should not be trapped in the mud, but Brother Song, you are already stuck in the land of mud and sand."

"Brother Song, you are the water of the long river of your destiny. You have built the foundation early and you are proud of your youth. When you encounter a sudden disaster, it is like a big river that is blocked, difficult and slow. In this way, you use life as a long river, the difficulties of life and the difficulties of the people as a long river, and you can become a self-made elixir. Argument."

"Brother Li said that your alchemy theory is also unusually tight. I didn't understand it before, but now I understand it a little bit."

"You have "Qing" in your name. When you are turbid, you use the turbid situation to write elixirs. Although you claim to be a good elixir, it is not really superior."

“Don’t use it because the water is clear, and don’t use it because the water is turbid.”

"From my point of view, heaven and earth are a prison, and time is a long river. You and I are all wrapped up in it. It will not be slower because of our sadness, nor will it be faster because of our joy."

"I've got a small boat, but I just need to travel upstream. The road is long and difficult."

Lin Bai stretched out his hand, and a gourd and ladle appeared in his hand. Take a ladle of water.

If you look closely at the water, it seems that there is endless meaning, as if everything is contained in it. However, if you want to delve into it, you can't do it.

"The level is still too low."

The heart moved again, and everything returned to normal.

After sitting for a while, Lin Bai opened his eyes.

Looking around, I saw a light layer of dust had accumulated in the cave.

Counting the days, more than two months have passed.

He took out the stone tablet from his collar and looked at it carefully. There seemed to be a cave in it.

Previously on the stone plate, let alone imitating the long river of time, even this small stone tablet could not condense a corner.

Now that I have worn it for a few days, I have realized something in my heart. I can use the power of the stone tablet to observe the vastness of the long river of time.

After making two furnaces of tiger and wolf pills, Lin Bai saw some letters at the door of the cave and took them to read.

All wonderfully written. Except for a few regular letters of greetings, most of them were written on behalf of others.

For example, Tian Wanjun invited Lin Bai to preach at Fengming Mountain, Jiang Xiaobai invited to Yuhu to preach, and Sister Pei also wrote to say that they had something to discuss.

"Gu Yao didn't write a letter, even Aunt Gu didn't write a letter. The fox didn't worry about me either..."

Lin Bai stood up and opened the cave door.

Now that you have obtained the elixir theory, you need to take care of all the chores and then practice it quietly.

"The fox said someone was preaching. Could it be that he was bluffing me again?"

Lin Bai cursed a few foxes and went to Yuhu.

After not seeing each other for more than two months, the three girls, Miaomiao, seemed to have grown taller.

Each of the three girls has their own merits. Jiang Yu is the longest and has the most stable and down-to-earth temperament. She is not as naughty as her sister, and has the air of a gentleman and an honest person.

Ye Qingmeng is still younger, and his eyebrows are somewhat similar to Ye Ruoqing's, but he is more nimble and well-behaved.

Miaomiao is not even remotely similar to her father, either in appearance or temperament.

"Welcome Master to come out of seclusion!" Miaomiao was the most lively and the best at talking about things.

"No need to kneel down." Lin Bai held her up.

"Being idle is also idle." Miao Miao replied.

"..." Lin Bai glared at her, then asked about Ye Qingmeng and Jiang Yu's practice. After making a few remarks, he looked at Miaomiao and asked, "Why is your master looking for me?"

"I don't know." Miaomiao shook her head and said, "She came with that senior Xiaoqu, and she also chatted with Sister Xiaoyuer's sister for a long time."

She pointed to the black tower and said: "Master, if you want to know the details, why not go up to the tower and ask."

After saying these words, she took the hands of Ye Qingmeng and Jiang Yu and said: "Master wants to go up to discuss important matters, and it may be delayed for a long time. Let's stay down below and not let anyone disturb Master's purity."

This girl is getting bigger and bigger and more capable. Not only can he observe words and colors, but he can also detect every detail clearly, and even share his worries for his teacher without leaving any trace.

"It's not in vain that I've been in pain for so many years." Lin Bai muttered in his heart and climbed up to the black tower.

Although Jiang Xiaobai was a lot of mischief, he was actually extremely hardworking. Since building the foundation, he has been concentrating on his cultivation and has made rapid progress along the way, rarely leaving the Black Tower.

Apart from spending time with Lin Bai from time to time, I haven't relaxed at all about my spiritual practice.

When they reached the top floor, they saw her sitting cross-legged. She changed from her usual wide robe and wore a dark green palace dress.

She was naturally well-behaved and had slender branches and fruitful fruits. Now she was white and half exposed, and she looked even more like an unbudded flower at this moment. It's just that his eyes are bright and his smile doesn't look like a good person.

This was how she looked when she was manipulated in the past.

It's not difficult to guess. Since Miaomiao said that Sister Pei came to talk to Jiang Yatou, Jiang Yu's apprenticeship must have been decided.

Lin Bai has always been soft-hearted and listens to Sister Pei the most. Therefore, as long as Sister Pei lets the news go, Lin Bai can't do anything about it.

But this girl Jiang Yu is not bad. Lin Bai considers himself a modest gentleman, so it is appropriate to have a disciple who is like a gentleman.

"You were in harmony before, because you practiced the method of Hunyuan body tempering diligently."

Jiang Xiaobai sat cross-legged on the futon, slightly raised her head and looked at him, and then continued: "Now there is a deep light in your eyes, and you seem to be unaffected by worldly affairs. You are like an old man who has seen all the vicissitudes of life, and a child with vigor and vitality."

She stretched out her hand, motioned Lin Bai to sit down, and asked with a smile: "Have you gained anything?"

In the past, when the two met, they usually ranked who was better before discussing the Tao, but now they discussed the Tao first.

"I have been in seclusion for a long time and have gained something." Lin Bai smiled back, "I have drafted a theory of alchemy."

"In this case, it must be very suitable for me."

Jiang Xiaobai smiled and stood up, "Come behind the bookshelf." She was very happy, "Let me taste it!"

"..." Lin Bai wanted to chat with her for a while, but she showed her true colors in just a few words. She was not as steady as her sister!

After eating the fruit and wiping her mouth, the two chatted again.

Lin Bai asked about the external affairs during the retreat, and learned that Qiaoshan was peaceful and nothing had happened.

"My ancestor asked me to find you, saying that there was something to discuss." Jiang Xiaobai said with a smile.

Since Lin Bai returned to Qiaoshan, he has not yet communicated with Jiang Xingchi. He must have made some moves on his side, or there is another reason.

"Also, you are idle anyway, just accept Xiaoyuer." Jiang Xiaobai's clothes were half covered, and the blush on his face had not faded. He continued: "I mean, accept a disciple."

"I know." Lin Bai agreed.

Anyway, De Lu Zhenjing and Jiang Yu are compatible, so accept a disciple.

Speaking of which, if this is the case, the skills of the two disciples were obtained from the high-level cultivation of the Nascent Soul.

Miaomiao Xiu's fundamental Taoism is the solution to all the wonderful mysteries, which was given by the fox.

And the fox got it from the wood monster. It was the fox who instructed the wood monster in the past, so the wood monster lived in the cave and imitated the cicada pupa, and achieved the Tao of the Nascent Soul. Therefore, the wood demon gave a lot of things to the fox, and Lin Bai only heard the fox mention it briefly.

There is also the matter of the jade cicada. Thinking of this, Lin Bai felt that both he and Miaomiao, the master and disciple, were actually blessed by the wood demon.

Drinking water and remembering its source, it can even be linked to Sister Zhen.

"I just don't know where Senior Wood Demon has gone, and what happened to Sister Zhen. When I was planning the alchemy theory before, I saw Senior Wood Demon talking to the old ancestor Xiang in the long river of time, but from beginning to end, I didn't see a corner of Sister Zhen's clothes..."

"At that time, I realized the truth and penetrated the world, which was naturally stronger than other times. I could even hear a little about the secrets of the Nascent Soul. Sister Zhen can only be a golden elixir now, but I haven't seen her figure. I guess she has a secret, or there is another reason. I just don't know when I can see her?"

Lin Bai had just eaten fruit and wanted fruit again.

I went out for something and came back too late, so I didn't code a little. I'll make up for it another day

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