The Wheel-Turning Master

Chapter 25 Peace and Joy

The next morning, I took a look at myself in the mirror.

"I was hurt by wine...and women, and I turned out to be so haggard."

Lin Bai looked at the man in the mirror who was not haggard, and slapped the dressing table fiercely, "From today on, I quit sex!"

This was Lin Bai's words from the bottom of his heart. He had been tired for two consecutive days. Although his body could still bear it, his efforts were wasted in the end.

The reason why Lin Bai ate for two days in a row was to eat enough so that he could practice his internal skills with peace of mind.

Things like female lust are meaningless.

Mu Zhen was getting dressed. When she heard this, she glanced at Lin Bai and said, "I just finished eating and haven't wiped my mouth clean yet, so I'm talking big!"

"What do you know? A woman's opinion!" Lin Bai scolded.

Mu Zhen glared at Lin Bai and said angrily: "How come the anger didn't subside, but instead got worse?"

"Go and cook! I have to go to work in the hospital!" Lin Bai said.

"Stop fussing, you've already eaten!" Mu Zhen put on her clothes and became more and more unhappy, "We're not even married yet, and you just order me around. How can you do it in the future?"

"Every other family is like this! Whose mother-in-law doesn't work?" Lin Bai drew his sword ruthlessly.

When Mu Zhen heard this, she glared at Lin Bai angrily and went straight to the kitchen.

Lin Bai touched her chin and saw that she really didn't look like she was pretending. I just hope that I am being suspicious.

"The purple color that time was really a thorn in my heart. What's the reason? Do you want to try Sister Zhen?" Lin Bai thought secretly.

After breakfast, Lin Bai rushed to the hospital.

It is indeed a bit late today. It is already bright and the sun is uncomfortable for people.

"We must abstain from sex, and first cultivate Wuji Gong to perfection. Then we should indulge in beauty. Isn't that what we do?"

Lin Bai clenched his fists and made up his mind.

He walked slowly all the way, pretending to be out of breath as he hurried on.

When he was approaching Baicaotang, Lin Bai saw a young man in gray clothes holding a sword from a distance, leaning on the door frame of the medical hall, as if waiting for someone.

This young man in gray clothes is not someone else. I saw him in Ren Biao's manor that day.

At that time, Lin Bai guessed that this person was a subordinate of Elder Tong.

Lin Bai kept walking, thinking anxiously: Am I exposed? Impossible. If that were the case, just take it from me. Why come to the hospital to wait for me?

Coming closer, Lin Bai wiped the sweat from his forehead and said in surprise: "Brother, what are you doing here? It's sunny outside, why don't you go in?"

The young man in gray glanced at Lin Bai sharply and said, "You don't need to worry about it."

Lin Bai wiped the sweat on his forehead with his hand again, hesitated to speak, and finally showed a bit of displeasure on his face, saying: "Brother, you are standing here with a sword. Others only think that you are coming to find trouble. Who would dare to come? Ask a doctor?"

The young man in gray clothes glanced at Lin Bai again, turned around, raised the curtain, and entered the hospital.

Lin Bai breathed a sigh of relief and followed in.

In addition to Doctor Bai's grandson and grandson, there was actually a woman in the medical clinic.

The woman was about eighteen years old and taller than her peers. The waist is extremely straight, as if measured with a ruler.

The man wears black clothes, a black skirt and black boots. The sword he carries is also in a black sheath. Only his hair is tied with a red thread.

The girl in black glanced at Lin Bai, then turned her attention to Doctor Bai.

Lin Bai didn't know what the other party's purpose was, so he stood near the door where it was easy to escape, and winked at Xiuxiu.

Xiuxiu looked back, but she didn't wink in reply like usual, she just curled her lips.

There was a moth flying around, Xiu Xiu stared at it.

The atmosphere was a little heavy, but Lin Bai didn't smell murderous intent from the girl in black and the young man in gray.

"Mr. Bai, I was weak and sick when I was young. Senior Sister Bai Wei often prepared medicine for me, took good care of me, and even took me to play. I will always remember it in my heart." The girl in black handed over to Doctor Bai.

Bai Wei is Doctor Bai's daughter and Xiuxiu's mother-in-law. She once joined the Qingyang Sect.

Lin Bai only heard the words of the woman in black and understood that she was also from the Qingyang Sect.

It's just...since she comes from the Qingyang Sect, then the young man in gray should also be from the Qingyang Sect. So, Elder Tong is also a Qingyang sect? Was Pei Wuyong plotted by the Qingyang Faction? But before he died, he asked me to go to the blacksmith shop at the foot of Qingyang Pai Mountain...

Lin Bai's brain turned into mush.

Doctor Bai sighed and said, "Bai Wei is a doctor and she is your senior sister. This is what she should do."

"Senior Sister Bai is no worse than my biological sisters to me." The girl in black smiled, looked at Xiuxiu, and waved to her, "Are you Xiuxiu? Come here."

Xiuxiu stepped forward stupidly, without her usual cleverness.

The girl in black pinched Xiu Xiu's cheek and said with a smile: "I'm afraid she's a bit greedy." As she spoke, she pinched Xiu Xiu's shoulders and arms, and also rubbed her head.

"It's a good seedling. It would be better if it can endure hardship." The girl in black made a judgment.

Xiuxiu was in a daze. She usually talked a lot, but now she was silent.

Doctor Bai was so frightened that he quickly stepped forward to hold Xiuxiu and said hurriedly: "Xiuxiu is indeed a good candidate to be a doctor."

The girl in black looked at Doctor Bai in slight surprise, then smiled with relief, then looked at Lin Bai and asked, "Are you Lin Zhuanlun, Mr. Bai's apprentice?"

A young woman directly calls the word "turning wheel", either she is coquettish or she does not understand the meaning at all.

This person should be the latter.

Lin Bai cupped his hands, then straightened up and said, "I do need Mr. Bai to teach me medical skills, but my surname is Lin and my name is Bai. I have been weaving mats and selling shoes for generations, and I don't have the name of wheel runner."

The girl in black looked at the young man in gray with some doubts. Apparently her news came from the man in gray.

The young man in gray clothes just smiled and said nothing.

"I am rude, please don't take it to heart, brother Lin." The girl in black bowed politely, and it was unknown whether it was her nature or for Doctor Bai's sake.

Lin Bai returned the gift and said nothing more.

The girl in black turned her eyes to Doctor Bai again and said, "I came here in a hurry today and didn't prepare any gifts. I will make up for Xiuxiu tomorrow."

"I dare not trouble you." Doctor Bai took Xiuxiu and hesitated before asking, "I want to ask when... Bai Wei will come back?"

Lin Bai had talked to Doctor Bai before, and Doctor Bai believed that Bai Wei, Xiuxiu's mother, was probably dead. If he asked again now, he was afraid that Doctor Bai would not give up.

The girl in black restrained her expression and said, "Senior Sister Bai went on a long journey, and I haven't seen her for a long time. Maybe something tripped her up, and she will be back after she finishes her business."

Doctor Bai nodded when he heard it, but didn't say anything. Only his eyes were slightly red and his waist was bent a little.

"Mr. Bai, I have something else to do. I will visit you again tomorrow." The black-clothed girl bowed.

"Miss Pei, take care." Doctor Bai was not interested.

Pei? Surname Pei? Lin Bai immediately thought of Pei Wuyong, and wondered what the relationship was between this Miss Pei and Pei Wuyong.

"No need to see you off." The black-clothed girl smiled at Xiuxiu, then looked at the gray-clothed young man and said, "Brother Jiang, let's go." As she spoke, she stepped out of the door.

The gray-clothed young man followed with a sword in his arms, without saying a word.

"Mr. Bai, what's her name? She looks very noble, but she's wearing all black." Lin Bai asked again.

"She calls herself Pei Ning." Doctor Bai said.

Lin Bai nodded and didn't ask any more questions, but he thought of Pei Wuyong and the bamboo board with "Peace and Joy" written on it.

"For you." Xiuxiu came back to her senses at this moment. She took out a small purse and handed it to Lin Bai, saying, "You can use this to store money in the future. Remember to prevent thieves. Put it next to your pillow when you sleep." Then she looked worried and asked, "Have you... spent all the money?"

She didn't seem to care about Pei Ning's visit just now.

Lin Bai took the purse and looked at it carefully. There were two herbal leaves embroidered on it, which seemed to be white lily leaves, but the needlework was really poor, like earthworms.

"I didn't dare to spend it. I saved it and waited to get married." Lin Bai rubbed her little head.

"That's good."

Xiuxiu breathed a sigh of relief, then frowned and solemnly warned, "Remember, don't gamble, they are all cheaters. Don't go to those dark houses. If someone calls you to sleep, you must not..."

Doctor Bai slapped Xiuxiu on the head and said angrily, "Go and copy the Treatise on Febrile Diseases ten times! Where are you listening to these messy things all day? You are not allowed to go out in the future!"

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