The Wheel-Turning Master

Chapter 279: One Knife

The blade light came across, no one knew where it came from, but it had the momentum to cover the sun and the moon, and cover the sky and the earth.

Everyone looked from afar, and saw that although the blade light had not yet reached them, the heavy pressure seemed to have torn everything apart.

There was an endless sense of destruction in the vast and magnificent blade light, as if the God Lord who was in charge of killing since ancient times wanted to kill everything in the world, whether it was good or evil.

In less than a breath, the nine people were covered by the true meaning of the Great Dao, and their bodies burst into blood, and then pieces of flesh and blood scattered.

"Bang bang bang!"

Several people's eyeballs burst, and they wailed one after another.

All of them were golden elixir bodies, and their body muscles and bones had long been far beyond the ordinary, but even if the blade light did not reach them, just a gaze would have made them all exhausted.

The nine people had all seen the world, but no matter what, they could not imagine how they could block this knife if it was slashed towards them?

As his mind raced, he thought about whether there was a way to dodge, but he couldn't move at all. Even the idea was vague, as if everything in his mind had been cut off by the knife light!

Looking closely, the knife had no actual target, but it seemed that everything in the world was facing the knife light, as if they were vying to sacrifice.

Everyone had long forgotten the pain of their bodies, and there was no thought in their minds, and even the fear was gone. They just felt that it was a blessing from heaven that they could die under the knife light.

At this moment, a blue stone fell between heaven and earth, blocking the knife light.

The knife light touched the blue stone in an instant, and the blue stone suddenly broke, slightly blocking the knife light.

Then a vast and distant meaning surged out, and thousands of lights flashed. The vast meaning was pure, like the beginning of time, like the beginning of all worlds.

The vast meaning wrapped around the endless knife light, and turned the horizontal knife light to go straight down.

The mighty and majestic sword light dimmed a lot, as if it had been destroyed by time for an unknown period of time, and its power had been reduced by half.

Then there were nine more light pillars pressing on the sword light, and a mountain fell from the sky, suppressing the sword that cut through everything from ancient times to the present.

The afterglow of the sword light slashed on the earth, and a gully that spanned an unknown number of miles tore the earth apart.

The water of the Milky Way fell, like rolling time, covering the unparalleled sword marks.

After a long time, the world returned to tranquility.

There was no sword light, no sense of vastness, only the sound of water.

Finally, everyone came to their senses and found that they were standing on solid ground, and fell to the ground in twos and threes.

Lin Bai felt extremely painful all over his body, as if his skin was torn apart, and the vast sense of destruction was still rippling in his heart, shaking his flesh and blood.

Diligently practicing Hunyuan Body Tempering, the restlessness in my heart gradually weakened, and the damaged parts of my body slowly repaired.

Looking to the side, Mu Zhen's face was extremely pale, with blood on his lips. He sat on the ground in a mess, trembling all over, holding a jade pendant in his hand.

Looking at the others, they were all covered in blood. Ying Wangtian was like a madman, roaring constantly, as if suppressing the severe pain in his body.

Mo Yingcheng's clothes were soaked with blood. He held the sword with one hand, closed his eyes and was cultivating himself, but he was staggering.

Li Wusheng was lying on the ground, his left eye was empty, and blood was all over his face.

The other people were more miserable than each other. Du Changying had only blood holes in his eyes, and he was covering his face and wailing.

However, Yin Yan, who passed the trial first, seemed to be able to bear it. Although he was also covered in blood, he seemed to be fine.

Everyone had a golden elixir body. If it was an ordinary injury, they could actually bear it. Even if their eyes were burst and their limbs and internal organs were damaged, they would never cry out in pain.

But the knife light was so strong that everyone was hurt after just one look. Its destructive intent penetrated into the muscles and internal organs, as if grinding the tendons, bones and internal organs into powder bit by bit!

All the people who could enter this place and pass the test were outstanding, but had they ever suffered such a punishment?

Therefore, they all went crazy!

"Ah! Senior sister, save me!" Seeing this, Lin Bai also yelled, forced himself to sit up, trembling as he touched the gourd and took out the pill.

While shouting in pain, Lin Bai touched the gourd, glanced at Ying Wangtian, wondering whether he should kill him at this moment, and then saw Ying Wangtian howling and slapping the ground with one palm.

He was already covered in blood. After slapping his palm, there was a shadow of two wings behind him, and then blood mist rose, emitting a strong bloody aura, but he was no longer crazy, but sat cross-legged peacefully to cultivate.

Seeing that it was impossible to do anything, Lin Bai put away his thoughts, swallowed a handful of pills, and went to Sister Zhen, "Open your mouth."

Mu Zhen opened her mouth obediently, and Lin Bai stuffed all of them in.

"Come." Although Lin Bai was panting, he still forced himself to come to Mo Yingcheng.

He fed Mo Yingcheng the pills and helped Li Wusheng up.

After all, it was a father-daughter relationship. Lin Bai fed the pills and comforted him.

Li Wusheng's burst eye sockets were bleeding. After taking the pills, he felt better. He just nodded tremblingly to express his gratitude.

Lin Bai has always been a kind and sincere gentleman, and he forced himself to feed the pills to everyone one by one.

"Thank you." Only Senior Brother Yin Yan said words of gratitude.

After that, no one spoke, and they just sat cross-legged to recover.

Lin Bai took the time to look around and found that he was still in a mountain cave.

This place was similar to the underwater cave before entering the trial secret realm.

But the gate was nowhere to be seen.

For a moment, Lin Bai couldn't tell whether he had left the secret realm or arrived in a mirror image.

But the auspicious feeling in his heart became stronger and stronger, and the stone tablet hanging around his neck became warmer.

It is clear that there is a great opportunity here! Either a rare treasure or a technique, and it is extremely suitable for oneself!

Lin Bai looked at the entrance when he came, and then closed his eyes and sat quietly again.

When he came to the stone plate, he saw that the trace of green was gone, and the moonlight disappeared. The mist was wrapped in extremely thick layers of black, and the thousands of stars were invisible. The heavy meaning was very deep. Even through the mist, one could still feel the sharp and natural destruction.

"It's time to let Sister Pei take a look..."

Lin Bai muttered, even if he had the ability to track and trace, he didn't dare to easily spy on the source of the black.

Previously, he only looked at the foundation, such as Xiuxiu; or looked at the Nascent Soul, such as Aunt Gu and Sao Hu.

But this time it was not just the Nascent Soul. Under its power, Lin Bai felt that even if Xiang Wu came back, he would end up in ashes. If you spy on such a person, it would be extremely dangerous!

After a moment of calming down, Lin Bai couldn't help but think of the knife that cut through the sky and earth just now.

But just a slight flash of the knife light in his mind, Lin Bai felt his heart tremble, as if the ancient beast was spying on him, ready to devour him at any time.

"Just a glance from a distance, and I was seriously injured, and the sense of destruction invaded my bones and muscles!"

"And now, just a little thought, I feel that the knife is across my neck!"

"What kind of knife is this? Who made it?"

"And this knife that seems to be able to create the world was blocked by the bluestone, and then the blade was moved, as if it swept away the brilliance on the blade, not only eliminating most of the power of this knife, but also suppressed by nine light pillars and a green mountain!"

Lin Bai was stunned for a while, deeply feeling that his level was too low, and he felt like an ant in his heart.

Thinking of the legend that Li Wusheng had said, the endless river here was slashed by a great power, and at that time, it broke a magic weapon of the Wuxiang Taoist Master.

"The scene I just saw, could it be the battle that the Wuxiang Taoist Master fought against the enemy?"

"But that battle has been over for many years. Is it a reappearance of light and shadow?"

"A little splash in the long river of time shows the scene at that time?"

"But this knife is so clear, so domineering, as if it were in person, and its power is definitely not fake!"

"That may be... the knife at that time was sealed in the small world by the Wuxiang Taoist Master with the great magical power of the Great Dao of Space, and then appeared at this time with the great magical power of the Great Dao of Time!"

Lin Bai was inexplicably shocked, but also excited: If he could get the true teachings of the Wuxiang Taoist Master, he would be able to chase the stars and the moon, hide in the sky and hide in the earth in the future.

Of course, it is possible that the enemies encountered by the Wuxiang Taoist Master will be encountered again.

After all, people who can be on the same level as Wuxiang Daoist Master have an unknown life span. Most of them should still be alive and are meditating somewhere. Once they open their eyes, they will be able to see the sky and the earth without any shadow!

"The person who attacked should be the one who killed Wuxiang Daoist Master, or his helper."

"Although Wuxiang Daoist Master had to attack repeatedly to block the knife, he seemed to be not at a disadvantage."

"If this is true, the person who attacked should be one of the people who surrounded and killed Wuxiang Daoist Master."

"I don't know how many people there are. According to Sister Zhen, there are a total of nine Daoists, Wuxiang Daozu fell, and the other eight Daoists..."

Lin Bai thought for a long time, but got nothing. He thought about serving Sister Zhen well and then asking a question.

He opened his eyes and saw that everyone was still closing their eyes to recover, so Lin Bai pretended to sit cross-legged.

After a while, he heard someone groaning, which was a sign of improvement in his injuries.

"Lin Zhuanlun!" Ying Wangtian suddenly spoke, his voice was angry, and everyone opened their eyes in shock.

Ying Wangtian was wearing a blood-stained robe, his face was red, and he frowned at Lin Bai and asked, "What kind of elixir did you give me?"

"Of course it's a elixir for healing and restoring vitality!"

Lin Bai's face was pale, but he sneered and said, "Although I am an alchemist, I am a casual cultivator after all, and I have never seen a top-grade elixir."

Stretching out his hand, he said angrily, "Brother Ying, if you think the Jade Dew Pill is not up to standard, please return it! It's a pity that I have good intentions!"

"You..." Ying Wangtian frowned even tighter, "The Jade Dew Pill can heal injuries and calm the mind, and it can restore vitality The effect is the most cooling and gentle. Why does the pill you gave me have a spicy smell? My mind is even more chaotic, and my blood is surging. It is definitely not a healing medicine! "

Ying Wangtian took out a bottle of pills from his storage ring and swallowed it. He stared at Lin Bai and said unhappily: "You are a pill master, can't you even distinguish pills?"

"This..." Seeing that Ying Wangtian did not seem to be pretending, Lin Bai looked at everyone and said: "Brothers and sisters, did you have any abnormalities after taking the Jade Dew Pills?"

"Junior brother's pills are excellent." Yin Yan said with a smile.

The others also nodded.

"Could it be that I'm crazy? I can even misjudge the properties of the elixir?" Seeing that no one believed him, Ying Wangtian became even more annoyed, "In my opinion, what you gave me must be aphrodisiacs for incest and aphrodisiacs!"

"Ah?" Lin Bai suddenly realized, and took out several elixir bottles from the gourd. After comparing them one by one, he smiled apologetically and said, "Brother Mo asked me to refine some Tiger Wolf Pills before. I put them all on hand. I was seriously injured just now and was in a hurry. I didn't pay attention for a while and fed Brother the wrong pill. Please forgive me, Brother!"

"..." Mo Yingcheng was stunned.

Seeing that Ying Wangtian was still angry and the others looked curious, Lin Bai explained, "Tiger Wolf Pills are a famous elixir produced in Qiaoshan. They are most beneficial for dual cultivation and can be used as a bed to enhance pleasure. I have improved them several times and the efficacy is excellent! If you need them, just tell me. The price is fair!"

"I asked for it for a friend of mine." Seeing that the blame had been put on him, Mo Yingcheng pinched his nose and tried to explain.

"..." Everyone looked at Lin Bai, then at Mo Yingcheng, whose face was getting paler, and said nothing.

"Since it was an unintentional mistake, there is no need to blame him." Yin Yan smiled and tried to smooth things over.

"Unintentional mistake? He was fed so many Tiger and Wolf Pills when he was seriously injured. Was it to harm or save people?" Du Changying suddenly spoke, his eyes were completely blank. At this moment, the wound had stopped bleeding and was slowly recovering.

"Next time Senior Brother Du is injured again, Junior Brother will never save the wrong person again." Lin Bai smiled.

This was a mockery of Du Changying for being ungrateful and provoking.

"Okay." Ying Wangtian waved his hand, suppressed the blood rushing in his body, and said: "Let's set off in an hour, everyone heal as soon as possible!"

The most noble person spoke, and everyone naturally obeyed.

Everyone had a golden elixir body, and with the help of elixirs, they recovered most of their injuries in just half an hour, and their exploded eyeballs had grown back.

But the extremely subtle but endless sense of destruction could not be completely eliminated.

Seeing that an hour had passed, everyone stood up.

They changed into clean Taoist robes. Although their injuries were no longer visible, some of them still looked pale.

"Have the seniors in your sect who have been through trials encountered what happened today? What should we do here?" Lin Bai sent a message to Li Wusheng.

Li Wusheng's face was still pale, and he glared at Lin Bai and shook his head slightly.

Lin Bai didn't know where he had offended her. It was clear that the king and his subjects were in harmony in the secret realm of the trial!

"Let's go!" Ying Wangtian said, stepped forward, and walked out along the way.

It can be seen that he seemed to have some understanding of this place and knew what to do.

This place is exactly the same as the cave under the Endless River. Ying Wangtian walked along the retreat path.

Everyone followed immediately.

"We were all seriously injured just now, but Junior Brother Zhuanlun was the first one to get up. I see that Junior Brother has not been in the Dan stage for long, which is very rare." Du Changying approached Lin Bai and said with a smile.

"It's just that I practiced some body tempering methods. I didn't expect it to be useful. I'm sorry to make you laugh." Lin Bai also smiled gently, as if the two of them had never had a quarrel just now.

"Hehe, body tempering? Senior Brother Ying has been tempering his body for a hundred years, why can't he bear it as well as you?" Du Changying laughed strangely.

Lin Bai smiled but didn't answer.

The people in front stopped. Ying Wangtian stood in the passage, turned around, and looked at Du Changying with a bad face.

"Brother, I actually want to say..."

Before Du Changying finished speaking, Ying Wangtian interrupted coldly, saying: "Want to say that I tempered my body to a dog?"

"How dare I?" Du Changying hurriedly explained.

"You are the descendant of the wine fairy Du Jueming, why don't you dare?" Ying Wangtian said no more and continued to move forward.

"Brother Du, how can you say what you think in your heart? Are you also like the wine fairy, drinking too much?" Mu Zhen laughed at the side.

That Ying Wangtian was stunned again and snorted coldly.

Du Changying glared at Mu Zhen in annoyance, but the latter ignored him.

Everyone came out of the passage one after another and saw a huge gully running east and west, stretching for miles. There was no water in it, only a sense of desolation.

Nine stone pillars stood solemnly, with towering mountains on top.

Ying Wangtian looked up, squinting as if to see through the clouds, with a look of anticipation and joy on his face.

Lin Bai felt even more blessed, and the ethereal feeling went straight to the top of the mountain.

"Mountains are high and beautiful, and beautiful people are beautiful." Mu Zhen couldn't help but applaud when he saw the mountain reaching into the clouds, like a pillar supporting the sky.

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