The Wheel-Turning Master

Chapter 285: Putting away the knife

He Bingde made no sound anymore, and a faint fire ignited on his body, burning both him and Ying Wangtian into dust.

At this time, the sun was setting over the mountains, staining the sky with blood red.

Mu Zhen waved her sleeves, blowing up the breeze, and the dust from Ying He and the others was scattered in the wind, and they didn't know where they landed.

He beckoned for the storage rings from the two of them, and refused to take anything else.

Mu Zhen checked the storage ring and saw that there was a restriction on it, so she threw it to Lin Bai.

Lin Bai took it and looked at it carefully.

The so-called restriction is also a type of formation, but it uses the spiritual consciousness of the Golden Pill monk as a bridge. Now that the owner of the storage ring is dead, he can only break it by force.

After pondering for a while, Lin Bai opened the door.

After looking through it, there are a lot of good things. In addition to various elixirs, there are also talismans, tokens and other things.

However, if you take these things out, you will be in trouble. Opportunities are in front of you, so don't be greedy for these things.

"Didn't you find the letter from Fairy Deer?" Blood seeped out of Mu Zhen's face again, but she still had a smile on her face.

"No." Lin Bai answered honestly and threw the two storage rings aside.

"Have you slept with her?" Mu Zhen asked suddenly.

"She and I are enemies rather than friends." Lin Bai frowned very seriously.

"Really? Why do I feel that you are different from her." Mu Zhen smiled, "So, have you ever slept with her?"

"No." Lin Bai replied.

Mu Zhen tilted her head slightly, looked at Lin Bai, and finally believed it, but still said: "It seems that she wants to sleep with you!"

"Sister Zhen, I beg you, how could you only focus on bed matters?" Lin Bai immediately refuted.

"That's not bad." Mu Zhen actually agreed, "But after getting along day and night, after living together and dying together, you admired my ability, and I admired your ability. We naturally felt sorry for each other and ended up on the bed."

She nodded her chin, "Didn't Pei Ning get deceived by you like this?"

"Sister Zhen, even when we don't have a bed, Pei Ning and I are still close friends in life and death, and we are worthy of being entrusted with the funeral arrangements." Lin Bai explained in a straight-forward manner.

"This is the difference between Lu Qingyin and Pei Ning. Peining follows you wholeheartedly, but the Lu Fairy has gone far away, precisely because one of you slept while the other did not." Mu Zhen smiled.

"What's the explanation?" Lin Bai really didn't understand.

"Remember, the deepest passage through a woman's heart is..." Mu Zhen leaned into Lin Bai's ear, whispered and smiled, a bit coquettish and a bit shy.

Lin Bai raised his head and asked, "What about you?"

"Of course I'm attracted to your wheel-turning ability." Mu Zhen took off her shyness, only remaining coquettish.

"If it weren't for the great road ahead, I would have stripped you of your clothes!" Lin Bai was aroused by her.

"Come on!" Mu Zhen raised her head and placed one hand on her hip.

Lin Bai ignored her and walked towards the top of the mountain.

"You little pervert, I don't know how many people have slept with me behind my back!" Mu Zhen cursed and quickly followed.

At this time, the two of them had a fierce battle. Although they were not seriously injured, they spent a lot of energy and spiritual energy.

Now that we are getting closer to the top of the mountain, we feel that the burden is heavier. The knife intention in the body can no longer be suppressed. It not only invades the muscles and bones, but also breaks out of the body one after another. The skin is full of small wounds, and drops of blood flow out, and its momentum is difficult to stop.

Lin Bai had the power of Hunyuan Twelve Transformations, so he could still endure it. But Mu Zhen was already stopping every step, which was extremely difficult.

"Yin Yan first introduced the secret method to burn the trapped people, and then activated the beads, which suffered a backlash, and the oil was exhausted. Just now, he forced himself to climb to the top by air, and the burden was heavier than us. I'm afraid the disaster will be worse."

Lin Bai's heart felt more auspicious, but his evil intentions were much weaker. The stone plaque hanging around my neck became warmer and warmer, as if I was returning to my hometown.

"It seems that Mo Yingcheng and the others can't catch up. He is wise. I'm afraid that what I just said has been understood by him, and he only wants to serve your goddaughter." Mu Zhen looked back and looked down the vast mountain, but saw only clouds and mist. , there is no figure of half a person.

The two of them stopped talking and continued climbing to the top of the mountain.

Although most of Yin Yan has no strength to fight anymore, the two of them are still vigilant to prevent any changes.

The mountain road was rugged and winding, and there were rocks and trees. After walking for two quarters of an hour, the two of them could see the top of the mountain in front of them.

That Yin Yan was really perseverant. At this moment, he was lying on the mountain road, with wounds all over his body. The blood was stuck to the dust and gravel. He climbed forward, dragging a long bloody path.

"Mine! Mine! They're all mine!" When Yin Yan saw that Lin Mu and the two were already more than ten feet away, he shouted loudly and moved forward desperately.

There are still bones in his hands, and there is only hatred in his eyes.

Mu Zhen was also at the end of her rope, just trying to hold on.

Lin Bai also felt uncomfortable. The knife intent inside his body was being destroyed, and his muscles, bones, and internal organs seemed to be shattered. The extremely subtle but endless destructive intent was like a millstone, consuming away his flesh, flesh, muscles, bones, and even his cultivation and consciousness.

"He has already exhausted his strength, but with only a heart of Taoism, he can hold on here. It is really admirable." Mu Zhen gasped for air, and his whole body and even the skirt he was wearing were dyed red.

Her eyes were slightly dull, but also seemed to be surging upward.

"Since I left home, I have never been injured like this. After such things, I have seen such people." Mu Zhen bent over, unable to support himself, so he also lay on the ground and crawled forward. "This time I feel so... Come on, it’s already a worthwhile trip.”

She smiled at Lin Bai, and then said: "Lin Zhuanlun, I always thought that there were very few people like me in the world. The more I know, the more I feel that even though you and I are the chosen ones, we are not inferior to you or me." People are like crucian carp crossing the river. Not to mention, there are many people who have a better state of mind, endurance, and even a desire to seek the truth than you and me."

Mu Zhen looked back and looked down at the mountain. "Uncle Mu Yao once told me that the more you see, the more you admire Chen Zhiyuan. I was not convinced before, but now I am a little convinced."

"This is because you climbed the mountain. Not only your realm, vision and state of mind have been elevated." Lin Bai said with a smile.

"You are so good at making people happy. Even if you sleep with Gu Qingshui in the future, I will think it is normal." Mu Zhen said.

"..." Lin Bai did not respond. He raised the gourd and took a sip of wine. Then he bent down and put the mouth of the gourd to Mu Zhen's mouth.

After drinking a sip mixed with blood, Mu Zhen gritted his teeth and continued to crawl forward. "Don't worry about me, move forward!"

Lin Bai nodded slightly, took a deep breath, and continued to move forward to chase Yin Yan.

At this moment, Yin Yan was in front and Mu Zhen was behind. Both of them were climbing on the ground. The former was slow, and the latter was fast.

Lin Bai was the only one who could still stand firmly, but he felt that each step was heavier than the last, so he could only walk slowly.

After another quarter of an hour, Yin Yan had actually climbed to the top of the mountain.

Lin Bai followed closely behind, following the bloody path that Yin Yan had climbed, and finally reached the top.

The top of the mountain was vast, but there was no strong wind. There was a plum tree growing on it, which was not very tall, and it was unknown how long it would live.

However, the tree canopy was so vast that it actually covered most of the top of the mountain.

There were stone men under the tree, each sitting on a stone bench, and there was a stone table between the two of them, playing chess.

Lin Bai took a breath for a while and took another sip of wine.

There was no strong wind on the top of the mountain, but the feeling of carrying a heavy load was even worse, and the sword intent became more violent.

It was as if he was carrying the world on his back and shouldering thousands of stars.

It seemed that he was stepping on the endless sword intent of destruction, as if he would turn into nothingness at any time and become a speck of dust between heaven and earth.

The pain was so intense that it was about to crush his flesh, blood, tendons and bones.

Lin Bai practiced the Hunyuan method, and he also experienced great pain when he first practiced it. However, compared with this time, it was simply incalculable.

Three steps ahead was Yin Yan, within reach.

At this moment, Yin Yan was not dead yet. I don’t know whether it was because of the spirit of seeking the Tao in his chest or because of his body. He was still struggling to crawl forward on the ground, staring straight at the two stone elephants under the plum tree in front of him.

Soon, Yin Yan’s hand, which had been worn out to the point of bones, turned into dust little by little from the fingertips.

“Brother Yin, the road ahead is the road to heaven, and the sword will is even stronger than the way here.” Lin Bai reminded.

“If you want to climb the road to heaven, how can you be free of injury and pain?” Yin Yan’s voice was hoarse, as if he had rust, and he kept moving forward.

Soon, his fingers were worn away little by little, and the bones and flesh seemed to be wiped away, without even a speck of dust.

Yin Yan continued to move forward, and his right hand disappeared little by little, leaving only his wrist, but not even a drop of blood.

"It's harder than climbing to the sky." Mu Zhen also climbed up, and reminded, "Yin Yan, your method is wrong."

"Wrong?" Yin Yan really stopped, lying on the ground and looking back, looking at Lin Mu and the other two who were only three or five steps away from him, without any fear on his face, but disdainfully said: "You two are a hundred times better than me, but in terms of the heart of seeking the Tao, I, Yin Yan, am no worse than you!"

"Brother Yin, your will to prove the Tao is indeed admirable, but this place is definitely not something that the Jindan realm can withstand."

Lin Bai took another sip of wine, looked at the two stone statues under the plum tree, and said: "Besides, the heart of seeking the Tao is not the heart of seeking death. Brother Yin, there is obviously no way ahead, but you are obsessed with moving forward. Is it for death? Or for seeking the Tao?"

Yin Yan was stunned, then looked disdainful, spit out a few mouthfuls of blood, and said: "You don't know how difficult it is for me to seek the Tao, how can you know my determination to seek the Tao?"

As he spoke, he continued to crawl forward. Both hands were gone, wiped out by the endless sense of destruction.

Yin Yan endured the weight and the sword intent, stared at the two people under the plum tree with one eye, and moved forward with difficulty.

"How?" Mu Zhen looked at Lin Bai, asking if there was any way.

"What about you?" Lin Bai asked back.

"The sword intent has been flowing over the years, and its power has been worn away. Only one in a hundred remains. However, most of the remaining sword intent is gathered on the top of the mountain, which is also a high mountain for us."

Mu Zhen gritted her teeth, forced herself to stand up, and took out the copper bowl again.

She took a breath, and the copper bowl had a faint light, slowly covering the three steps around her, covering Lin Bai as well.

"In my opinion, I'm afraid it won't last long." Mu Zhen looked at the copper bowl with a distressed look.

"We have to give it a try." Lin Bai said.

Mu Zhen nodded, stepped forward, and Lin Bai followed.

Seeing that Lin Mu and the other two had magic weapons to protect themselves, Yin Yan became more anxious, hissing, stretching his broken arm forward, and advancing with his legs.

The copper bowl's defense was extremely strong, blocking most of the knife intent. Although the destructive intent was still boiling inside and outside the body, he could still hold it.

Soon, the two were level with Yin Yan, and the light emitted by the copper bowl became dimmer, but the two were not like Yin Yan, whose limbs were wiped out by the destructive knife intent.

Passing Yin Yan, the light of the copper bowl became dimmer. The blood stains on Mu Zhen's face could not cover up the paleness.

She stopped, and her whole body burst into a subtle crackling sound, followed by countless blood arrows gushing out.

Mu Zhen finally couldn't hold on any longer, kneeling on one knee, holding the copper bowl with one hand, eyes covered with blood, "No!"

"Hahaha!" Yin Yan laughed, "This is a dead end, all your magical powers are useless, you force the magic weapon, and hurt yourself! Haha, what can you do?"

Yin Yan continued to crawl forward, and most of his arms had disappeared.

"Brother Yin, you attacked us two earlier, and you could say that you were seeking an opportunity. Now the situation has reversed, but even though we have become enemies of life and death, we two have never laughed at your desire to seek the truth, but have always respected you. Why are you mocking me now? Brother Yin, you can't achieve the truth, have you ever thought that it is because of your bad character?" Lin Bai said.

"..." Yin Yan was stunned, and then his face became fierce again, saying: "Kill me if you want! Why should I be afraid?"

"Just now you were kneeling on the ground begging for mercy, but now you are talking hard." Lin Bai was also very disdainful, "I respect your determination to seek the truth, so I won't kill you first. When you see that I have taken the opportunity, it won't be too late to do it!"

Yin Yan's mouth was bleeding, and he didn't crawl forward. Instead, he sat up, looked at his broken arm with his one eye, and stared at Lin Bai gloomily.

"Now the sea is boundless and the mountain is topless, let's see how you can do it!" Yin Yan squeezed out a sentence.

"The sea is boundless and the sky is the shore. The mountain is high and I am the peak." Lin Bai held the black gourd and stepped forward.

"Don't be provoked by him!" Mu Zhen said hurriedly.

Lin Bai ignored it. After leaving the protection of the copper bowl, he felt that he was trapped in an endless sea of ​​fire and fell into a bottomless abyss.

His whole body seemed to be torn into dust inside and out. Not only the flesh and bones, but also the mind was melted into nothingness.

Previously, every time Yin Yan climbed a little, his fingers were worn away. Now Lin Bai has made merit with the twelve turns of Hunyuan, but every step forward is also extremely difficult.

There is no intact part of his body. The flesh and blood slipped away bit by bit and then fell into dust. There were cracks on the bones and muscles, and the internal organs seemed to be kneaded into a ball.

Even the golden elixir seemed unstable, as if it was pulled by some avenue and would dissipate at any time and return to the avenue to heaven and earth.

After walking forward for ninety-nine steps, Lin Bai knew that his body was on the verge of collapse. If he went forward, he was afraid that his golden elixir would shatter before he was wiped out by the endless destructive sword intent.

He was only ten feet away from the stone statue under the plum tree, but he could not move forward any further.

Lin Bai sat cross-legged and examined himself. White bones could be seen everywhere on his limbs, and his internal organs were already riddled with holes.

Looking inside himself, the golden elixir that separated yin and yang with black and white was extremely violent, and it seemed that it would burst at any time, or dissipate.

"He is in a dilemma!" Yin Yan opened his one eye wide and swallowed a pill.

"He is living towards death and looking for a way to break the situation. What are you waiting for?" Mu Zhen turned his head and glanced at Yin Yan, with a mocking look on his face.

"..." Yin Yan was stunned for a moment. He knew that Mu Zhen meant that he was already doomed to die, so he ignored it.

Mu Zhen held the copper bowl in her hand and looked at Lin Bai again.

At this time, she was a hundred steps away from Lin Bai, and could only see him sitting cross-legged with his back to her.

"What are you going to do?" Mu Zhen asked loudly.

"Imitate the method of the Taoist Wuxiang." Lin Bai replied.

"Imitate what? How to imitate?" Yin Yan immediately asked in confusion.

"Do you need help?" Mu Zhen knew that Lin Bai had been thinking about the endless destructive sword intent here, and wanted to lead a trace of it into the mysterious gourd.

"I'll try it first." Lin Bai replied with a smile.

After saying that, he pressed his hand on the gourd, and stared at the stone statue under the plum tree in front of him for a moment, and Lin Bai closed his eyes.

When he came to the stone plate, he saw the fog surging, extremely violent. A wisp of green in it seemed unstable, as if it would be triggered at any time.

The moon-white color disappeared in an instant, and was annihilated by the fog.

Countless stars in the fog seemed to have lost their trajectory, and the outside was wrapped in endless black.

After recovering slightly and stabilizing his consciousness, Lin Bai opened his eyes and tapped the gourd lightly.

One flying knife after another flew out, without the burning fire intent or pure sword intent, just like ordinary, circling around Lin Bai.

"Are you trying to suppress the sword intent? Don't you know that the person who drew the sword must be a great power of the same level as the Wuxiang Dao Master, who is close to the Dao. Are you trying to compete with the Heavenly Dao?" Yin Yan looked at the flying knives in the sky and was puzzled.

Mu Zhen was too lazy to speak, just sat down, holding the copper bowl in his hand, swallowed a handful of pills, and waited quietly.

After a long time, the flying knives were still circling, but they could only be around Lin Bai. It was extremely difficult to spread outward every time.

After waiting for another hour, Mu Zhen saw that the flying knives showed signs of instability.

Then a mist was seen spreading out, then covering Lin Bai, and then the flying knives were hidden in it.

There was no wind on the top of the mountain, all under the canopy of the plum tree.

"If we follow the method of Wuxiang Daoist Master, we should first move the blade, which requires the Great Dao of Space, and then use the Great Dao of Time to wipe out most of the power, and finally suppress this blade that seems to be able to destroy the world and cut off time and the galaxy."

Mu Zhen murmured, and suddenly felt the mist tremble slightly, as if there were stars, and then heard the sound of waves hitting the shore.

But her injuries were too severe, and when she listened carefully, she only heard the faint sound of cicadas.

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