The Wheel-Turning Master

Chapter 294 Origin

The candlelight flickered, reflecting on the two of them.

After not seeing each other for a long time, Sister Huanhuan became more gentle, and Lin Bai felt that Qiaoshan was his home.

At midnight, Lin Bai finally remembered Aunt Gu's words not to indulge in women, and was frightened. When he saw that there was no one around, he calmed down.

Accustomed to being bullied by foxes, Lin Bai was afraid that Aunt Gu would be infected with the bad habits of foxes.

After putting on her clothes, Yang Huan's face was still flushed, and she was still in a daze, as if she had drunk too much wine.

She came forward softly, humming for a while, and then asked about going out.

Lin Bai did not hide it and told her one by one. When it came to the knife intention, Yang Huan felt so distressed that her body kept sliding down.

"Sister Huanhuan, you are so good." There was no way, Lin Bai could only accept the kindness of the beauty.

After the commotion, Lin Bai asked about the business.

"Is there anything going on between the three sects now? Are there any unusual movements in Jiuyin Mountain and Yunxia Sect?" Both Lin Bai and his disciples have grudges against Jiuyin Mountain, and they are neither on good terms with Yunxia Sect.

Having lived in Qiaoshan for a long time, he naturally pays special attention to the movements of Jiuyin Mountain and Yunxia Sect.

Now Qiaoshan has just lost a Yuanying, and only three Yuanying are left to guard it. Yunxia Sect also has three Yuanying, but Jiuyin Mountain is weak.

However, Qiaoshan still sits firmly at the top of the three sects, just because of the ancestor Xiang.

"Since Lu Haike's death, the three sects have been extremely peaceful. It's just that the north is getting more chaotic..." Yang Huan is a Yuanying, so he is well-informed.

Lin Bai only knew about the chaos in the north before, and didn't know the details, nor had he been there, so he had no interest in it, but since Sister Zhen was going there, Lin Bai became interested.

After asking carefully, Lin Bai found that Sister Huanhuan didn't know much, and only knew a general idea.

Due to the chaos in the north, the prices of elixirs and talismans there have soared, and fewer and fewer people are working alone, but more and more people are traveling in groups.

Jiuyin Mountain is a little closer, and has made a lot of money in recent years. The various sects in Qiaoshan also transport supplies there from time to time. Although Yunxia Sect is the farthest, it has also taken advantage of the situation.

Moreover, because Qiaoshan is rich and stable, with prosperous trade and all kinds of supplies, people from the north will choose Qiaoshan as their first choice when they go south to purchase.

In recent years, the north has become more and more violent, and the three sects feel that something is wrong, so they pay attention to the news from the merchants and travelers, and also send people to inquire about the news.

Although it is difficult to find out the details, the beginning of the war has been roughly figured out.

In fact, the seeds of the chaos have been planted long ago, but it has only become more and more serious in recent years.

Thousands of miles to the north, there is a place adjacent to the Northern Wilderness, in which there is a sect called Zhouhui Mountain.

Zhouhui Mountain is guarded by a Divine Transformation cultivator, and it is extremely prosperous. There are many forces within a radius of ten thousand miles. The number of Yuanying alone exceeds the sum of the three sects in Qiaoshan, not to mention that there are many Jindan and countless spiritual lands.

But later, the Divine Transformation cultivator died for unknown reasons, and Zhouhui Mountain was leaderless for a while. Moreover, the business was too big, and there were too many vassal forces in the sect, not to mention the various families in the sect.

Without the supervision of the Divine Transformation cultivator, the Yuanying in the sect could no longer be reconciled, and they all coveted the place where the Divine Transformation cultivator could practice meditation.

The blessed land was called Wanshou Mountain Blessed Land, and it was rumored that the spiritual land grade was as high as the seventh grade. The spiritual energy was as full as water, and being in it was like wandering in a sea of ​​spiritual energy. It was one of the few high-level blessed lands in the East China Sea.

If a Yuanying cultivator wants to forcibly climb to the God of Transformation and break through the obstacles of the Great Dao, he needs a high-level spiritual land as a basis when he crosses the thunder tribulation. At least a sixth-level upper-grade spiritual land is needed.

Now that the seventh-level spiritual land is in front of him, his cultivation will undoubtedly be faster, and there is more hope for the road to advancing to the God of Transformation.

With the treasure land in front of him, the Zhou Huishan sect is in chaos, and they all want to take it for themselves.

Such a high-level blessed land is like a delicacy, and no outsiders dare to fight for it. However, a group of gluttons emerged in the sect.

Sometimes they formed alliances, sometimes they formed alliances, and nearly twenty Yuanyings fought for more than two hundred years. Later, they threw away the literary fight and started a physical fight.

First, various Jindans died on behalf of Yuanying, and later many Yuanyings simply died directly, fighting their brains out, and even after four Yuanyings died, they began to mourn.

In the end, everyone saw that there was no point in fighting to the death, after all, they were all family members. Then someone came forward and gathered everyone together to sit down and discuss the ownership of the blessed land.

Because of the two hundred years of war, not only the Yuanying were tired, but also the clans and sects below the Yuanying were tired, so no one wanted to monopolize the blessed land.

However, after many years of war, even if they were from the same sect, after two hundred years, the Jindan and foundation-building cultivators below had already killed each other, and the hatred was difficult to resolve for a while.

After talking for more than a hundred years, the Yuanying of various sects also tried their best to eliminate the hatred. When they were about to be unified again, a Yuanying cultivator suddenly came from the north.

The cultivator said that his surname was Xia and he came from the Northern Wilderness. He inspected the place on behalf of the ancestor and then said that he had taken a fancy to this treasure land.

Although Zhouhui Mountain is adjacent to the Northern Wilderness, it rarely interacts with the cultivators of the Northern Wilderness. It is because the place is extremely desolate and has to pass through the thousands of miles of snow-capped mountains. There are countless dangers and monsters, and most of the cultivators are savage. Ordinary Yuanying are unwilling to trek.

However, the Yuanying of Zhou Huishan gave face to the visitor from the Northern Wilderness. They just beat him up and drove him away without offending him to death.

Then, within two years, another visitor came from the Northern Wilderness. He was a Divine Transformation cultivator.

The Divine Transformation cultivator also brought the Yuanying of Xia who had come before. Now the Yuanying of Zhou Huishan were at a loss.

However, the Divine Transformation cultivator was a high-level cultivator and very cultured. Although he directly occupied the blessed land of Wanshou Mountain, he did not call for fighting and killing. He only allowed the Yuanying of Zhou Huishan to pay homage.

The cultivators are respected by their realm. Zhou Huishan had fought for hundreds of years, because everyone was in the Nascent Soul realm, and their strength was not much different, so it was difficult to determine the winner. Now that the high-level cultivator of the God of Transformation had come, they all left with their tails between their legs.

The high-level cultivator of the God of Transformation was also very friendly. He said that he wanted to practice in Wanshou Mountain, and he did not like bloodshed and violence, nor did he like to make noise, so that the Yuanying of Zhou Huishan could not fight again.

Moreover, the high-level cultivator of the God of Transformation said that he would establish a sect here and establish the Shoutian Pavilion. If the Yuanying of Zhou Huishan were willing, they could serve as vassals and they would be able to maintain peace. If they were unwilling, they would not be forced.

Seeing that the high-level cultivator of the God of Transformation was friendly, the Yuanying did not dare to argue any more.

Moreover, it was not shameful to be a vassal of the God of Transformation. Anyway, Zhou Huishan was originally a sect of the God of Transformation, so they all surrendered.

Only three Yuanying were not convinced, and they actually took their clansmen and sects to the south to find another place to settle down.

It's a pity that many Yuanyings of Zhouhui Mountain fought for hundreds of years, and the fruits were picked by others for nothing.

However, things changed later. Many Yuanyings who surrendered to Shoutian Pavilion stayed and occupied the original place.

But the Divine Transformation cultivator actually had descendants in the Northern Wilderness.

It was said that Shoutian Pavilion was founded, but in fact the whole sect was relocated. Therefore, cultivators in the Northern Wilderness gradually migrated here, mostly Qi training cultivators, and tens of thousands of ordinary cultivators.

Zhouhui Mountain had already lost three Yuanyings, and the three places were naturally occupied by Shoutian Pavilion. Moreover, there were not many people from the Northern Wilderness, and everyone could squeeze in, after all, Zhouhui Mountain was vast.

In fact, the old people of Zhouhui Mountain originally planned to make friends with the people from the Northern Wilderness, after all, they all worshipped as vassals of the high-level cultivators of the Divine Transformation.

But the cultivators in the Northern Wilderness have always had bad tempers and kept giving birth. After a few hundred years, they were greedy and wanted to rob the spiritual land of the original Yuanying cultivators of Zhouhui Mountain.

In fact, there are not many Yuanying in Shoutian Pavilion. Apart from the Xia monk who came first, there are two young Yuanying. In terms of number, they cannot compare with the Yuanying forces in the old Zhouhuishan area.

However, Shoutian Pavilion is guarded by Huashen, and the Yuanyings of Zhouhuishan dare not turn their faces. They can only say a few harsh words and let the younger generation fight.

Later, more and more people came to Shoutian Pavilion, and the contradictions naturally became more and more serious. The old Zhouhuishan people wanted to find the Huashen ancestor to seek justice, but the Huashen ancestor was either in seclusion or in meditation, and they could not find anyone.

After enduring for more than three hundred years, the old Zhouhuishan people did not integrate into Shoutian Pavilion, and the contradictions became more and more intense, and many disputes occurred.

Seeing that the Huashen ancestor did not care about the matter, the Yuanyings of Zhouhuishan were extremely disappointed, and they could not resist. They simply slapped their heads and took their clansmen and sects to the south without taking this bird's anger.

There were three other Yuanying families who led their clansmen and sects to wait for more than a hundred years, and finally waited for the God-Transforming Ancestor to come out of retreat, and they cried and asked for justice.

The high-level cultivator of the God-Transforming Ancestor didn't even bother to look at this kind of shitty thing, and waved his hand, asking the remaining three families to discuss with the Xia cultivator.

This naturally didn't work out. The Xia cultivator was the head of the Shoutian Pavilion, and because the God-Transforming Ancestor was guarding, he always acted tough and didn't take the Yuanying cultivators of the same level seriously.

The remaining three Zhou Huishan old people were stunned. They didn't expect that the dignified God-Transforming cultivator was so unreliable. But there was no other way, so they led their clansmen and sects to the south with tears.

However, the south was all owned by someone, and there were many territories that were originally seized by the old people of Zhou Huishan.

The place where the Yuanying practiced needed to be a fifth-level spiritual land to be considered suitable, and it was often occupied by Yuanying sects, so the land was naturally difficult to seize. If we take a step back and try to seize the fourth-level spiritual land of the Golden Core, most of the people there are still below the Nascent Soul stage, so we still have to fight.

However, those who left Zhou Huishan first had the advantage of being the first mover, and they could still seize a place to live with their combined efforts. Now they have settled down, and they can subdue many vassals with their Nascent Soul stage.

The three Nascent Souls who still had hope for the high cultivation of the God of Transformation were in a more difficult situation.

Since the death of the God of Transformation in Zhou Huishan, a thousand years have passed, and the once famous sect has long been lost in the long river of time. The blessed land of Wanshoushan has been occupied by the cuckoo and changed its name.

The old people of Zhou Huishan scattered in all directions are like wanderers who have left their hometowns, drifting without support.

Of the seventeen Nascent Souls who once fought for the precious land of the God of Transformation, four died in internal fighting. The first three Nascent Souls who left the mountain joined their clansmen and disciples, and one of them died while fighting for a place to live.

Among the five Yuanyings who left in the second batch, two fled alone, leaving their families and sects behind, and their whereabouts are unknown. The other three took their clansmen to grab a piece of land, but they have not yet gained a firm foothold.

The place where the chaos in the north is now is the third batch of Zhou Huishan old people who went south.

There were originally three Yuanyings, and one of them somehow received a call for peace from Shoutian Pavilion halfway through the journey and turned back. Of the other two Yuanyings, one left, and only one was left to forcibly occupy a place and compete with a local sect.

Of the seventeen people in the past, four died of old age in the old place of Zhou Huishan, and the other two were newly promoted Yuanyings, who were the second batch of people who left.

The remaining Yuanying of the third batch is six or seven thousand miles away from Qiaoshan, where there has been endless fighting for many years.

Although the Yuanying is now alone, at least the old people of Zhou Huishan are still there, and they can help from time to time, and they are evenly matched with the local forces.

"The complexity of the situation and the number of forces are simply dazzling."

After Yang Huan finished his general explanation, he gave an evaluation, "If it is one or two Yuanying, even if they bring a few Jindan, some sects can still accept them. But they often bring thousands or even tens of thousands of people, and no family dares to accept them, so they can only open up a place on their own. Or they forcibly occupy a place first, and then it takes hundreds or thousands of years before they can gain a foothold."

"One side is a sect that has lost its homeland, and the other side is aborigines who have lived in the local area for a long time. The hatred is hard to resolve. The two sides are already jealous of each other, and they will never be able to calm down without clearing out each other's holes."

Lin Bai shook his head helplessly and continued: "Actually, the culprit was the Shouting Pavilion from the Northern Wilderness Territory."

"But no one dares to argue with Huashen Gaoxiu." Yang Huan spread his hands.

"Then Shoutian Pavilion is originally in the Northern Wasteland, so how can it go south to seize other people's territory?" Lin Bai asked again.

"No one knows." Yang Huan shook his head, "There are fewer people going to the Northern Wilderness Territory than to the Southern Heaven Territory. Generally speaking, Nascent Souls are reluctant to go out about matters outside the territory, so naturally there is no information."

Lin Bai nodded, thinking that Sister Zhen was probably going there to find out the reason.

"What the old people in Zhou Huishan are doing now is no different from the people from Shoutian Pavilion who came from the Northern Wilderness Territory." Lin Bai said.

"Who says it isn't?" Yang Huan also smiled helplessly, "I heard that people from Shouting Pavilion also went south to sell elixirs and talismans. They have all kinds of things needed for war. All warring parties sell them, but the price is a little more expensive. It's not as good as We have good quality and low prices.”

"It's really inappropriate..." Lin Bai was shocked, and couldn't help but think of Miaomiao, and said, "You know the good things Miaomiao did, right?"

After hearing this, Yang Huan pursed her lips and smiled, "Miaomiao's ability to make money has even been praised by my uncle."

"..." She was shameless as a disciple, and her face as a master was also dull. Lin Bai asked in a low voice, "What did she do with the spiritual stone she got?"

"I heard from Xiao Yu'er that Miaomiao went the way of Gu Yao to buy spiritual materials, went the way of Sister Jiang Yu to buy magic weapons, went the way of Yunxia Sect Meng Yuan to buy elixirs, and then went the way of Yang Shu to get to know Beifang. Those who came to buy it really made a fortune," Yang Huan said.

Gu Yao is still here to benefit from co-writing? Then she blackmailed Miaomiao again, wouldn't it mean that she had eaten her twice? You are really bullying my apprentice! Lin Bai held his forehead and didn't know what to say.

"She is still young and has an undecided temperament. At that time, she was sent to Fengming Pavilion to serve as a steward. Naturally, she wanted to do more things." Yang Huan spoke for Miaomiao.

"You also benefited from her?" Lin Bai asked.

Yang Huan smiled and said nothing.

"..." Lin Bai was completely convinced, feeling that this apprentice was really better than his master.

"Although she ripped off the skin of a tiger, she didn't make any big mistakes. Don't blame her." Yang Huan's eyes were like water, and he softly pleaded for Miaomiao.

Lin Bai originally wanted to say a few words about the way of being a believer, but Sister Huanhuan had already arrived.

At dawn, the two of them talked about practicing.

Yang Huan established his foundation very early, and he and his clan brother Yang Shu have always been the most promising golden elixir seeds in the family.

When Lin Bai formed the elixir, she had already built the ninth level of the foundation. Now it is almost complete, and within two or three years at most, she will have to go through the tribulation to seek the elixir.

Thunder disaster is full of difficulties and dangers, which is why she becomes more gentle and searching.

"The gourd I gave you has an extraordinary origin. You should learn its magical effects carefully, or you may be able to use it during the calamity." Lin Bai's mysterious gourd was strange, and the other gourds also had different magical effects.

"My destiny is the jade gourd, which is compatible with this gourd." Yang Huan took out the gourd placed next to him and looked at Lin Bai softly, with even more eagerness in his eyes.

"I have to teach Miaomiao a lesson." Lin Bai remembered Aunt Gu's words and did not dare to stay any longer.

"Maybe they have already come this way." Yang Huan understood Miaomiao better.

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