The Wheel-Turning Master

Chapter 313 Conspiracy to rob

Showing courtesy for nothing is either cheating or stealing.

Lin Bai was an honest man. Seeing that Bi Huanqiu was still taking off his clothes, he simply sat down and watched.

In fact, I had seen Bi Huanqiu without covering her body before in the secret realm under the Endless River, but it was just that her body was covered in blood and not as graceful and moving as she was now.

Maybe she had been running around for a long time, so she looked a little weathered. It's just that her skin is too fair and seems to be injured, especially when her hair is spread out, she feels amazing.

After his clothes were gone, Bi Huanqiu still stood, with one hand on his waist and staring at Lin Bai.

She is slightly inferior to Sister Zhen and on par with Sister Huanhuan. The legs are very long, which reminds people of Jiuding Mountain.

The eyes are bold and direct, with almost no hint of shyness, but a sense of determination.

Lin Bai was a calm gentleman who looked at the people in front of him like pink skulls.

Besides, if you put on this posture as soon as you meet, you clearly want something from me!

In the secret realm of Endless River, this woman was tenacious and would rather die than give in. But now she took off her clothes and didn't know what she had gone through.

But think about it, the people in Jiuzheshan are really decent in doing things, and they let you sleep first before making any demands. It's not like the people in Wuqueshan who don't let me sleep or talk to each other, and squeeze them as hard as they can!

Lin Bai thought to himself that if he started directly, how would he be different from an animal?

The tentacles are cold and have a different taste.


"It doesn't taste good." Bi Huanqiu rested for a while before speaking out, "You do the same to Pei Ning? Stop eating it!"

Bi Huanqiu turned over and said, "Are you coming again?"


It was late at night when the two finally stopped.

A light like a bean, Bi Huanqiu saw that Lin Bai's mouth was occupied, and she finally couldn't help but speak.

It turned out that after she went north from Qiaoshan, she carried the name of Jiuzheshan and was always kind to others. She also tried her best to avoid places of chaos. She was peaceful and peaceful. She only encountered two ambushes by rogue cultivators, but she also escaped. Got out.

Not long ago, she stepped into the Zhouhui Mountain Realm and met a mountain patrolling disciple. After she explained her intention, the mountain patrolling disciples did not let her in to see her.

Even if the name of Jiuzhe Mountain is announced again, the mere golden elixir cannot represent Jiuzhe Mountain, and it is not a direct descendant. The people of Shoutian Pavilion have their nostrils turned to the sky, and they don't give face at all.

Bi Huanqiu had no choice but to leave, when he encountered a merchant ship from Shouting Pavilion out.

When Xia Fenyi saw Bi Huanqiu, he invited Bi Huanqiu to board the boat for a chat.

"All the way north, I had known that the people in Shouting Pavilion were always arrogant, so I had no expectations. I never thought that after boarding the merchant ship, Xia Fenyi would be even more rude. He dared to tease me and even let me sleep with him! "

Bi Huanqiu was very disdainful, "Although I didn't come here under the orders of the master's sect, since I'm outside, it's still a face of Jiuzheshan! He asked me to sleep with him? I don't want to sleep with a dog. Sleep with him!"

"..." Lin Bai was immediately stunned after hearing this and looked up at her.

"I'm not talking about you." Bi Huanqiu smiled, pushed Lin Bai's head down again, and continued: "You are different. Although you want to sleep with me, you have not done anything rude, and you sincerely help me, and there is nothing wrong with you." An act of repaying a favor."

Xu was nourished, and Bi Huanqiu's voice became softer and softer, "You killed Senior Brother Ying and others, but you still saved my life. You are not afraid that I will betray you. I will always respect your love."

"I didn't kill Ying Wangtian." Lin Bai said honestly.

"You know whether to kill or not." Bi Huanqiu smiled, stopped mentioning the past events in Jiuzhe Mountain, and continued talking about old things.

Xia Fenyi made a rude request, but Bi Huanqiu naturally refused.

When Bi Huanqiu was about to leave, Xia Fenyi and other three golden elixirs were forced to stay. The two parties could not reach an agreement, so they naturally took action.

However, Bi Huanqiu was afraid of implicating his sect and did not dare to offend too much, so he stayed a few points before taking action. However, there were many people on the other side and it was the home court, so he missed and was captured.

However, during the battle, Xia Fenyi noticed something strange about Bi Huanqiu and asked Bi Huanqiu where the remaining sword intent in his body came from.

"He was very frightened at the time, as if he had seen it before or knew who the sword intention came from."

Bi Huanqiu's face was serious, and he held Lin Bai's head hard, and continued: "After I was captured, Xia Fenyi and the other two repeatedly pressed me, asking me to make the golden elixir explode. They went out to discuss it for half a day, and then He took me back to the gate of Shouting Pavilion. As a result, I was detained for more than ten days. Only Xia Fenyi came to ask a few times, but I didn't see anyone else."

"At that time, they only knew that you were from Jiuzhe Mountain, but they didn't know the details. When you return to the mountain, you should ask the elders in the sect to search for your soul and trace your origin. However, if you want to search for your soul with a golden elixir body, you may need the help of secret methods." Lin Bai said.

"That's what I thought too. Xia Fenyi and the others didn't let me see outsiders, probably because they wanted to take credit!" Bi Huanqiu agreed with Lin Bai's conjecture, and then said: "Then Xia Fenyi and the others took me away. , and went south with the merchant ship. When they arrived at Yinbi Mountain, they were handed over to Meng Yiwei."

"Xia Fenyi probably wanted to flatter him, but it's a pity that the person is not at home, or is in retreat, so he brought you out for fear that someone else would intercept him." Lin Bai said with a smile.

Bi Huanqiu sneered disdainfully and said: "Shoutian Pavilion is guarded by transformed gods, three Yuanyings are in charge, and there is also an old Yuanying from Zhouhuishan. They are still fighting among themselves. It's really ridiculous!"

"Isn't there internal fighting in Jiuzhe Mountain? Your leader, Taoist Lihuo, even brought in foreign aid to do something," Lin Bai said.

"..." Bi Huanqiu glared at Lin Bai and said: "The master is extremely talented. In another three to five hundred years, when his level has improved, he will be able to resolve the affairs of the sect with just one word, just like you did to our ancestors! "

Lin Bai didn't talk to her about this and asked, "Why are you handed over to Meng Yiwei's care again?"

"Shoutian Pavilion's merchant ships always charge very high prices, but Yinbi Mountain can buy them at a reasonable price. Why do you think that is the case? Meng Yiwei and Xia Fenyi are just like the relationship between you and me now!" Bi Huanqiu said.

"..." Lin Bai felt more and more that he had to control his crotch.

"Meng Yiwei didn't know Xia Fenyi's plan, but when she saw my unpretentious words, she thought Xia Fenyi wanted to take advantage of me, and she repeatedly persuaded me to obey! When outsiders saw it, they thought she was so nice to me, but in fact she just wanted to flatter me. That’s all!”

Bi Huanqiu was very disdainful when he mentioned Meng Yiwei, "People say that the people in Shoutian Pavilion are overbearing and rude, but in fact, how good are these Zhou Huishan old people? Xia Fenyi asked Meng Yiwei to lock me in Changshengfang, she But she asked me to go to her store to help identify things. After Tangtang became a god, she was so stingy that it made people laugh! "

Speaking of this, Bi Huanqiu looked at Lin Bai and said with a smile: "Why did she bring you here? What conditions did she impose?"

"Yinbi Mountain is getting more and more difficult. They want to join us in Qiaoshan. Maybe they want to please us. In other words, wouldn't it be easy for her to take advantage of me when you and I are like this?" Lin Bai said with a smile.

"These Zhou Huishan old people are getting more and more heartless. Meng Yiwei used me to please Xia Fenyi, and then came to please you Qiaoshan. It's disgusting!" Bi Huanqiu felt that he was being treated as a commodity and was very angry.

"You have cold qi stagnation in your body. Who did it?" Just now, the feeling of alternating hot and cold was very wonderful. Lin Bai knew that there was something wrong at that time, but he only focused on eating.

"It's Xia Fenyi's secret talisman, which was planted when I was seriously injured."

Bi Huanqiu took Lin Bai's hand, pressed it on her chest, and said: "I always have to endure the pain of ice corroding my organs, flesh and blood, and my cultivation is suppressed. I need to take a pill every three days, otherwise my whole body will feel like falling into an ice cave. I want to die but I can’t!”

Lin Bai sighed, others suffered, but he only knew how to enjoy!

"I'm talking about serious things! How brave and gentle you were in the Endless River Secret Realm, how come you are now..."

Bi Huanqiu saw Lin Bai moving around, pinched Lin Bai, and continued: "Due to the sword intent in my body, the power of the secret method is slowly wearing away, but I still can't leave."

Lin Bai pondered for a while and asked, "What are you going to do?"

"I haven't said anything about the sword intention yet, but Xia Fenyi and others know that I come from Jiuzhe Mountain."

Bi Huanqiu slapped Lin Bai's hand away and said angrily: "The trip to the north was originally something I felt in my heart, and I seemed to have come by chance. But I didn't expect that even if I was imprisoned, my teacher would be implicated!"

"Xia Fenyi and the other three knew about the sword intent in your body, but they couldn't report it when they came back. This is because they are trying to find a place for a rare thing. I think they won't spread the word about it." Lin Bai held her shoulders and said, "You want to kill me. them?"

Bi Huanqiu clenched his fists and nodded fiercely.

Lin Bai was silent.

Although Xia Fenyi has long been disliked, if he takes action, it will involve too much!

Killing a mere golden elixir is naturally not a big deal. It's just that Xia Fenyi is a descendant of the Xia head of Shouting Pavilion, and he is backed by a high-level cultivator of the Transformation God.

Over the years, Shoutian Pavilion has been standing thousands of miles away from the Three Yuan Yings. No one dares to compete. This is because the gods are here to guard it.

If a golden elixir dies, the God Transformation Master may not be free to take care of it, but there is no guarantee that he will actually take action!

If the God Transformation Master took action, Lin Bai felt that even if he was not afraid of the deduction, he might be captured by the God Transformation Master within a few steps!

This is one of them.

The second is that Jiang Xingchi went all the way north to follow the fate of no return. It was definitely not the benevolent thing he said, but he must have another purpose.

If Xia Fenyi was killed without authorization, would it ruin Ancestor Xiang's plan? Moreover, Jiang Xingchi is very deep in the city and does not reveal the slightest intention, so he might find out the clues.

The other is the third one. Xia Fenyi is in charge of the merchant ship, and he is the descendant of the leader. He must have a secret treasure with him, so he may not be able to kill him quickly. And there are two helpers who also need to be solved together.

Comparatively speaking, the third point is the easiest to solve. As long as the arrangements are well made and the formation is used to lure Xia Fenyi and three people out, it is not difficult to kill them.

However, Xia Fenyi took the caravan south and it would take three to five months to return. Lin Bai was afraid that Jiang Xingchi would go directly to Shouting Pavilion, and he would have to follow him without even a chance to snipe!

"Don't think too much." Bi Huanqiu came up and said, "You have been thinking for a long time, and you clearly have the intention to help me. I am very grateful. You didn't repay your kindness when you saved me last time. How can you do it this time?" Put you in danger?"

Her voice was tender and her body was cold and cold, "This matter is too involved, and I have exposed myself again. Even if I die, they will find Jiuzhe Mountain, so I might as well give it a try. I just hope After you return to Qiaoshan, go to Jiuzhe Mountain and tell Senior Brother Jing to let them be on guard."

It was not like this last time in the Endless River Secret Realm, but this time it actually had the intention of entrusting an orphan!

"The remaining sword intent in your body can consume the secret talisman magical power planted by Xia Fenyi. In this case, if there is more sword intent in the body, it will all be consumed."

Lin Bai was soft-hearted, and when he saw her tenderness, he thought of rescuing her. After all, he was able to experience the hardships together and get a taste of it again.

"It works naturally." Bi Huanqiu had seen Lin Bai send and receive swords, so she didn't ask for more details and said, "It's just that if you really do this, Xia Fenyi will know immediately, and I'm afraid he will soon Just rushed over."

Lin Bai didn't say anything, and only carefully described the advantages and disadvantages of the enemy and ourselves.

Xia Fenyi and three other people took a merchant ship with a lot of manpower, and every time they stopped at a large sect, they had to lure the snake out of the hole.

Moreover, these three people have high status and are backed by Shouting Pavilion. If they are left behind, there will be endless troubles for the master.

If you want to attack and kill, you need to make a good plan.

After thinking about it for a while, I couldn't come up with a perfect solution.

However, Bi Huanqiu was open-minded. He put his hands around Lin Bai's neck and kept rubbing, "I just found out about this kind of joy today. Life is short..."

Just now she was shouting about beating and killing, but now she has become a pretty girl with a pink face?

Lin Bai had no choice but to obey.

"You can continue as usual and wait for my arrangements." On the second day, Lin Bai said goodbye.

After leaving the cave, there was no one around except for Meng Yiwei standing in front of the cave door not far away.

She looked middle-aged, but her charm had not diminished. She looked at Lin Bai with a smile.

Lin Bai quickly stepped forward and saluted with a smile.

"Fellow Taoist Master Zhuan Lun." Meng Yiwei returned the greeting and invited Lin Bai into the cave. While pouring tea, he said with a smile: "I have to meet an old friend, why are you leaving so soon?"

Lin Bai smiled and said, "I want to have a chat with Senior Sister."

"Oh?" Meng Yiwei smiled, "Can she be criticized?"

"..." What are these words? Lin Bai was stunned.

"It's just that Bi Huanqiu is the person Xia Fenyi asked me to guard after all." Meng Yiwei blinked and looked like someone who had come before, "Junior brother has taken over now, but I don't know how to explain to Xia Fenyi."

This is a condition and a benefit.

Lin Bai held the teacup and waited for Meng Yiwei's words.

"She must have told you everything, right? Committing yourself to the Sky Guarding Pavilion is nothing. Others have no way of thinking about it." Meng Yiwei saw Lin Bai's face glowing red and whispered: "No one knows about your affairs, and neither do I." I won’t tell anyone about it, let alone talk to Xia Fenyi.”

"Senior sister is very kind." Lin Bai said.

"There is no need to say whether it is heavy or not." Meng Yiwei sighed quietly, "The world is difficult, and it is even more difficult for me to live in Hidden Mountain. The head of the family intends to move south and join Qiaoshan. You must be able to see it. I heard that junior brother not only has to Senior Jiang has great love, and he is also Senior Gu’s favorite general..."

This is because he knows that there is no new Yuanying in the Hidden Mountains, his future is bleak, and there are too many enemies outside, so he wants to find a reliable backer!

Lin Bai estimated that whoever took in these old people from Zhou Huishan would be waiting for poison to occupy the magpie's nest!

"Senior sister and I hit it off as old friends, and we will definitely lobby for Hidden Mountain! When we return to the mountain gate, I will ask senior sister to accompany me so that I can introduce Senior Gu to senior sister." Lin Bai was righteous and Lingran.

"With your words, I feel relieved." Meng Yiwei breathed a sigh of relief.

Lin Bai held Meng Yiwei's hand and said, "Old Ancestor Gu has always been easy to talk to. If Senior Sister moves south to Qiaoshan, Senior Sister's lineage will have to follow Old Ancestor Gu's orders!"

"This is natural! As long as Senior Gu is willing to protect you! Then we will all listen to you." Seeing that Lin Bai still didn't let go, Meng Yiwei smiled sweetly, "Even I am yours. If you think I am old, my family will and several wonderful nephews.”

"What did you say, senior sister? I love the most charming senior sister in my life." Lin Bai said with a smile.

"I can't live without you." After hearing this, Meng Yiwei started to grasp it and withdrew his hand.

"Senior sister, Bi Huanqiu has been restrained. I don't know..." Lin Bai also looked like he was in power.

"That's Xia Fenyi's unique secret method. It can't be solved easily. Don't be too troublesome. Also, don't talk about your affairs to the outside world. Xia Fenyi is not easy to deal with."

Meng Yiwei was not afraid of Lin Bai stealing people, but he was afraid that Lin Bai would steal people away.

After appeasing this man, Lin Bai returned to Yinbi Mountain.

"Are you back?" Jiang Xingchi was playing chess with Meng Shanhe, with Cheng Yuanli and a young man Jin Dan accompanying him.

Jiang Xingchi picked up a chess piece, glanced at Lin Bai, and then looked at the chessboard again.

"Meeting friends is a small matter, but seniors' matters are more important. That's why I came back to take orders after meeting each other once." Lin Bai said respectfully.

"This kid is quite sensible." Meng Shanhe smiled and said, "But I don't need you to serve me anymore."

Lin Bai didn't know what he meant.

Jiang Xingchi stroked his beard and smiled, and said: "Brother Meng valued it and gave me a secret treasure. I gained a lot after enlightenment and plan to retreat."

"How long will senior be in seclusion?" Lin Bai always felt that it was a coincidence.

"As little as three or five months, more than that, I'll tell you something else." Jiang Xingchi said casually.

It is advisable to return in three to five months during the Summer Equinox, so you will be in seclusion for three to five months? Lin Bai always felt that Jiang Xingchi was holding something back.

"Put it away." Jiang Xingchi threw a sunspot and slowly landed in front of Lin Bai, "If something happens, break the chess piece."

Lin Bai took it respectfully, thinking to himself, could this be considered a secret?

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