The Wheel-Turning Master

Chapter 329: An Unwelcome Visitor

Lin Bai was in awe when he heard that this person was Xie Qingxuan.

Lin Bai had previously studied the book Entering the Formation, and he knew that the person who wrote this book must be a person with a broad mind and a long-term vision.

After learning that the person who wrote the book was Xie Qingxuan, Lin Bai became even more yearning and looked forward to meeting him.

I never expected to see him so soon, but looking at this senior's appearance and temperament, he doesn't look like a stubborn person who is painstakingly studying alchemy formations. Instead, he is free and elegant, like the breeze and the bright moon.

Lin Bai leaned over and saluted, guessing that since Xie Qingxuan came here, he might have gotten together with Ancestor Xiang a long time ago. He must have also made great efforts in the matter with Shouting Pavilion, and he even encouraged Ancestor Xiang. .

"It turns out that you have been hooking up with Lao Xiang for a long time." Fox nestled in Xiuxiu's arms, showing no respect in her words, obviously she was used to being lazy.

"Brother Xiang has access to heaven and earth. How can we, those of us who seek the truth, not recognize him?" Xie Qingxuan said with a smile.

After hearing this, the fox looked at Xiang Wu, who was still holding the chess pieces. He was thinking deeply in black clothes and black hair. After all, he did not dare to say sarcastic words.

"It is said that fairies have a keen eye and are best at appraising talented people. When I saw her today, it turned out to be true." Xie Qingxuan looked at Xiuxiu and took out a bright pearl, "The moon shadow in the deep pool should be used as the moon."

"Thank you, senior." Xiuxiu took it respectfully, leaving the fox speechless.

Xie Qingxuan looked at Lin Bai again and said with a smile: "I heard that my little friend is well versed in alchemy formations and his cultivation has improved by leaps and bounds. He is Junior Sister Gu's favorite general. This statement is true."

Lin Bai leaned over to salute again, but no one gave him a gift.

"I heard that you plotted to attack and kill Xia Fenyi and others?" Xie Qingxuan asked again with a smile.

"This junior is dissatisfied with the behavior of people who guard the Tiange Pavilion, and because his friends are trapped by Xia Fenyi, he acts boldly and recklessly when his head is hot." Lin Bai was honest and kind.

"A hot head? I don't think so."

Xie Qingxuan is as free and elegant as the breeze in the mountains, "Speaking of which, I have to thank you very much. Wu Muchun and I were at odds with each other, but your actions allowed him to use your strength to get the Yuliu Mountain incident."

He didn't hide anything.

"But I see that you are indeed capable of resisting the power of the God Transformation Talisman." Xie Qingxuan added.

"I don't dare to praise my seniors." Lin Bai bowed his head.

"He does have some abilities." Xiang Wuhui put down the chess pieces and said in a calm voice, "When he was building the foundation, he could kill the golden elixir. Now that he has swallowed the elixir in his belly, he has a treasure. With the help of the wood demon, he imitated Chen Zhiyuan's sword. He has a natural intention and is no match for him."

Lin Bai quickly saluted Wu Hui.

Xiang Wuhui looked at Lin Bai and said: "You have been tempering your body for many years, you have mastered the alchemy method, you have also practiced formations and talismans, but you have also taken the path of sword cultivation. It is good to have achieved success. However, you have not obtained the meaning of earth fire. "Excellent, imitate Chen Zhiyuan's purity but only get the appearance, not the pure nature of the person. If you want to follow the path of sword cultivation, you should understand your own way and your own sword."

Lin Bai had heard similar words before, and this time he mentioned them to his ancestor again. This was to express his support, or maybe he felt pity for the hard work of going north.

He quickly leaned down and bowed, "Thank you, ancestor, for your support."

Xiang Wuhui didn't say much and looked at the fox in Xiuxiu's arms.

"Li Chenyu, you are so cold that it's hard to get rid of, it's soaked into your bones and marrow, how about the power of becoming a god?" Xiang Wu replied.

"That's all." The fox snorted disdainfully, "If I hadn't saved this little thief for the sake of Xiaoshui, how could I have done this?"

She was very harsh-spoken and even cursed. I don't know if it was because she was still angry or for some other reason.

Xie Qingxuan shook his head and laughed, and said: "The transformation of the spirit is unpredictable, and every gesture is true. The layout left in Wanshou Mountain is extremely powerful, and even fairies are like this. If you come in person..."

He sighed and didn't say any more. He just looked at the fox again and said with a smile: "But Xie admires the bravery of fairies."

The fox said nothing.

"Fairy went deep into Wanshou Mountain, can you tell me about your experience?" Xie Qingxuan asked.

This is why Fox and Lin Bai were invited.

The fox sighed and immediately started talking about everything in that small world, but he didn't say what kind of thing she had taken or how to get rid of it.

"How is Kong Shu?" Xiang Wuhui didn't care what the fox stole.

"He acts with moderation, and it can be seen that he has been in battle for a long time. The path he has cultivated is similar to yours. As for who is stronger and who is weaker..."

The fox glanced at Xiang Wuhui and muttered: "They are all better than me anyway."

Her tone was quite aggrieved.

"Visitors from outside the area must be a bit surprising." Xiang Wuhui nodded slightly, as if he was affirming Kong Shu, but also seemed to be disdainful.

"It's only a little surprising." Xie Qingxuan said with a smile.

Xiang Wuhui nodded slightly and said no more.

Seeing that Xiang Wuhui had stopped talking and no one was bothering him, Gu Qingshui picked up Lin Bai and threw Lin Bai to Qiaoshan Hall and asked him to meet Jiang Xingchi.

But the fox didn't know where he took Xiuxiu.

When we came outside the main hall, there were many people gathered here, including those from the Qiaoshan sect and several young people from the Jiuzheshan sect.

Most of them were foundation-building monks. When they saw Lin Bai arriving, they all bowed and saluted.

"Master!" Miaomiao and Jiang Yu immediately rushed forward, their eyes red.

Lin Bai asked everyone to stand up, then looked at the two disciples and asked, "Are you determined to practice?"

When Miaomiao saw her master about to check her homework, she immediately wiped her eyes and said, "Master is suffering outside. I can't sit or stand. How can I have the leisure to practice?"

"Okay!" Lin Bai poked Miaomiao's forehead with his finger, glared at her, looked at Jiang Yu, and asked, "Is she in trouble again?"

"" Jiang Yu thought for a moment, then shook his head.

That means he didn't cause any trouble. Lin Bai glared at Miaomiao again, left his two disciples behind, and entered the main hall.

Jiang Xingchi sat with his eyes closed. Cheng Keshui was discussing matters with Jing Situi, the eldest disciple of Jiuzha Mountain, and Min Hengbo was listening quietly.

"Senior." Lin Bai stepped forward and saluted.

Jiang Xingchi didn't open his eyes either, but just raised his hand slightly, indicating that there was no need for courtesy.

Lin Bai saluted Cheng Jingmin and the other two.

"Junior brother." Cheng Keshui smiled and returned the salute, very cordially.

Jing Situi smiled and returned the salute, also cordially.

Min Hengbo was also very polite, unlike the way he wanted to duel swords as soon as he met in the past.

"Is everything going well?" Jiang Xingchi opened his eyes.

"There were some twists and turns, but I'm finally back." Lin Bai said.

Jiang Xingchi didn't ask any more questions, but looked outside, then stood up and went outside.

Lin Bai and others hurriedly followed.

After leaving the main hall, they saw a green light in the sky, and then fell outside the main hall.

The visitor turned out to be Meng Shanhe, the master of Yinshan Mountain, and there were four other Jindan, all of whom were familiar people.

Except for Meng Yiwei, who was from Yinshan Mountain, the other three Jindan were actually cultivators from Shoutian Pavilion, led by Wu Muqian, with Xia He and Yu Xianping beside him.

There were also seven foundation-building cultivators, all of whom were young people, and judging by their uniforms, they were also from Shoutian Pavilion.

The people from Shoutian Pavilion all looked ugly. Especially Wu Muqian, he did not look at Lin Bai, but Xia He and Yu Xianping stared at Lin Bai, as if they were going to bite him.

"An evil guest has come to our door, please do not dislike it, Brother Jiang." Meng Shanhe smiled bitterly.

"Brother Meng is a guest that I have been looking for." Jiang Xingchi smiled and looked at Wu Muqian and others.

Wu Muqian stepped forward and saluted, saying, "I am Wu Muqian, a disciple of the ancestor Kong of Shoutian Pavilion. I am here with Xia He and Yu Xianping to meet Senior Jiang of Qiaoshan!"

Jiang Xingchi stroked his beard and praised, "I never thought that Senior Brother Kong would accept you as his disciple. You have a keen eye."

This sounded like a compliment, but not a compliment.

"You are all outstanding people." Jiang Xingchi seemed quite happy. He pointed at Jing Situi and introduced him, "Brother Meng, this is Jing Situi, the master of Jiuzha Mountain and the eldest disciple of Brother Lihuo Dao."

Jing Situi immediately stepped forward and saluted Meng Shanhe, and then saluted Wu Muqian and others.

Meng Shanhe raised his eyebrows, and Wu Muqian and the other three hesitated for a moment before saluting.

Jiang Xingchi nodded at Min Hengbo again and introduced him, "This child is a disciple of Senior Brother Chen of Daoyin Sect. His name is Min Hengbo and he is also a sword cultivator. You should get to know him well in the future."

Min Hengbo never thought that she would see such a scene when she came to send someone off. She didn't know why the people from Shoutian Pavilion came to Qiaoshan. Anyway, she just watched the fun, after all, Senior Brother asked her to stay for a few more days.

After returning the gift, Jiang Xingchi casually nodded at Cheng Keshui and Lin Bai and said, "This is Cheng Keshui, the general affairs director of my Qiaoshan Sect. As for Lin Zhuanlun, I believe you all know him. You may as well let him take you around later."

Jiang Xingchi was very friendly to Wu Muqian and others.

After the introduction, Jiang Xingchi affectionately pulled Meng Shanhe into the hall, and a group of Jindan followed.

The other foundation-building cultivators of Shoutian Pavilion were not qualified to enter, and were led aside by Cheng Shuang and Cheng Daojin to talk.

The news that the Lord of Qiaoshan killed Yu Liushan of Shoutian Pavilion had spread a long time ago, but now the people of Shoutian Pavilion came to visit, and it was Yinshan who did it. I don’t know what it means. Anyway, the disciples of Qiaoshan kept talking about it.

A group of people looked at the foundation builders of Shoutian Pavilion from a distance, full of curiosity, pointing out their clothes from time to time, and whispering.

"Look at the seven of them, three of them are wearing animal skins, like savages." Miaomiao hid aside, folded her arms and tilted her head, muttering: "Look at that person, there is a fox tail on his neck, no wonder the fairy wants to steal their things!"

"The theft of treasures has not been determined yet, it’s just a rumor in the market, senior sister, don’t talk nonsense." Jiang Yu is a cautious person, and immediately reminded in a low voice.

"What rumor? I think it’s true." Miaomiao was very confident, "In my opinion, Master must have participated! Alas, thinking about how pure Master was back then, wasn’t he killed by the fairy..."

Jiang Yu couldn’t stand it anymore, and quickly covered Miaomiao’s mouth.

"Say less." Jiang Yu was obviously older, but because she joined the sect late, she became a junior sister, but she always did the work of a senior sister. "The fairy has returned. You know what kind of temperament she has! The junior sister may not be able to protect you!"

"..." Miaomiao bit Jiang Yu's hand, and then she was free to speak. She hummed twice, which was considered as admitting it. While looking at the foundation building of Shoutian Pavilion, she whispered: "Is your sister out of retreat?"

"Out of retreat." Jiang Yu said.

"Tsk..." Miaomiao shook her head, with a mocking look, "She came out of retreat as soon as the master came back, and it's obvious that she wants to take the master!"

Jiang Yu held his forehead and was speechless.

Miaomiao looked like a wise man, saying, "Your sister is a demander. Although the harmony of yin and yang is the truth, Master has to accompany the young master's wife, discuss the Dao with Master Huanhuan, and has been traveling for so long. His health is already poor, how can he bear your sister?" She held her hands in front of her chest and said seriously, "Your sister is definitely not a good person. Talk to her and tell her not to play with Master!"

"Why don't you go and tell her?" Jiang Yu couldn't stand it anymore.

"How dare I? I always get scolded for no reason!" Miaomiao finally revealed the private grudge, and then said, "I can see clearly that the young master's wife is thin-skinned and easy to talk to, Master Huanhuan is the best at giving herself away, and your sister is the most cunning."

"My sister said you are the most cunning." Jiang Yu retorted.

"She will wrongly accuse an honest man like me." Miaomiao muttered.

Jiang Yu stopped talking and looked at the Zhujis of Shouting Pavilion talking to the Cheng Daojin brothers and sisters of the Cheng family, and asked, "Why did Shouting Pavilion come to the door? What are they going to do?"

"What else can be done? I think it's probably to sue for peace." Miaomiao casually pointed out, "Although his family's ancestor of the gods is not at home, it's not like he won't come back. Bear with this for now, and it won't be too late to settle the matter later. "

"Then you won't come to ask for peace, right?" Jiang Yu was puzzled.

"I definitely won't ask for peace, I'm probably trying to drag it out." Miaomiao put her hands on her hips, very confident, "How powerful is Xiang Ancestor. I won't fight if you let me go. Even if I lose face now, I'll find you later. Just come back!”

She has always been able to bend and stretch, and she feels that others are the same.

Jiang Yu thought for a while and nodded, as if he was convinced.

While the two were chatting, they saw a foundation-building monk from Shoutian Pavilion and Cheng Daojin stepping forward side by side.

"I am guarding the Tiange Pavilion, Xia Ying." The female cultivator of the Foundation Establishment looked at the disciples of Qiaoshan, loudly announced their names, and raised her head and said: "I have heard for a long time that the heroes of Qiaoshan are like crucian carp crossing the river. I am lucky enough to be here today. I want to I need to ask for advice!”

This is a challenge, how can we not accept it? A group of people gathered around, making a lot of noise and pointing.

However, Qiaoshan has not been affected by war for many years, and the monks are a bit reserved. Even if there are some who are good at fighting, they will not show up for a while.

Cheng Daojin said with a smile: "Senior sister is willing, so I, a disciple of Qiaoshan, should accompany me. How can I compare with you in detail?"

"No need to bother, just send three people from each group to fight, regardless of death or injury." Xia Ying looked around at the Qiaoshan disciples.

Not long ago, Xiang Wuhui destroyed Yuliu Mountain of Yuanying. How could the lower-ranking disciples of Qiaoshan think too much about it? They were just like Yourong Yan. After hearing this, they started to make noises one after another.

"Look, the big shots are talking inside, but Zhu Ji shows up to fight. I think they are strong on the outside and weak on the inside. It's probably because they are talking about peace!" Miaomiao saw Cheng Daojin smiled at herself and returned from a distance. Yi smiled, then turned his head and whispered to Jiang Yu: "Your Jiang Qingzhi married a fool, right? Why is he smiling at us?"

When he went north before, Jiang Xingchi promised Jiang Qingzhi of the Jiang family to Cheng Daojin of the Cheng family as a token of appeasement.

"It's nothing." Jiang Yu said immediately.

The crowd over there was noisy, and three monks had already emerged, all of whom were good at fighting, and among them was Gu Wushang.

"Can Lao Gu still fight? It's better to let Gu Lianzhu go. He can hold back from crying even when he is beaten, and at least he can still have some dignity." Miaomiao couldn't help laughing.

Just as they were watching the excitement, Xia Ying from Shoutian Pavilion crossed her arms and said loudly: "I heard that Senior Guishan Zhuanlun has two disciples under his seat. I wonder if they are here today?"

As she spoke, Xia Ying looked around everyone, her eyes falling on Miaomiao and Jiang Yu from a distance.

This is a challenge!

"I finally know why Cheng Daojin smiled at us!" Miaomiao pretended to be as calm as the wind, and whispered to Jiang Yu: "Master is so good at fighting, and Lao Cheng thought that we two can also fight! Lao Cheng Wrong me!"

"Senior sister, don't lose your momentum!" Jiang Yu knew it best and knew he had to take on the challenge today.

Miaomiao gritted her teeth and took a step forward. Jiang Yu immediately followed.

The two women are calm and confident, and they really have a bit of a master's style.

"Miaomiao, we are all old people in Qiaoshan, don't lose our status!" someone shouted.

"Miaomiao, Xiao Yu'er, be energetic!" Gu Lianzhu led a group of people and shouted.

Miaomiao immediately straightened her clothes, smoothed her sleeves, and strode forward.

The people in Qiaoshan behind them saw Miaomiao's demeanor and gave a thumbs up, "Okay, okay! Well done, Miaomiao!" (End of this chapter)

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