The Wheel-Turning Master

Chapter 345 Another Battle

Nascent Souls from all walks of life arrived one after another, and the momentum of the Northern Expeditionary Alliance surged.

The Yuanyings gathered in the main hall of Songhe Mountain. After discussing for three days, Jiang Xingchi came out and talked nonsense about comradeship and benevolence, and asked Jing Sixui and Meng Yiwei to persuade them to surrender.

After the two came back after being scolded, Jiang Xingchi didn't give up and sent Gu Jiuchong, Yang Shaoan and Cheng Yuanli there again.

Since then, people have been trying to persuade them to surrender every day, but after a few days, it has become a situation where both sides are abusing each other.

Miaomiao also asked Ying to scold her, but Jing Sihui, who was in charge of the matter, saw that Lin Bai didn't show up, so she refused.

More than a month later, all the disciples of Nascent Soul from all walks of life also arrived, and since then, all the Northern Expeditionary Allied Forces have been assembled.

Jing Si retreated to carry Jiang Xingchi's token and became the leader of the coalition forces. After inspecting various places and verifying that everything was correct, he reported to Jiang Xingchi.

Then Jiang Xingchi's troops were divided into eight groups, each with one golden elixir as the main one and three golden elixirs as the secondary ones.

The army set off, and there were fourteen Nascent Souls sitting in command. Longevity Mountain was as calm as water, and no movement was seen.

After a day, the army was separated in all directions of Longevity Mountain. The flying boats were suspended in the sky, and formations were activated to form military formations and become defensive.

And there is a Yuanying in every military formation, and everyone is holding a dark red Ruyi. This wishful thinking seemed to be some kind of magic weapon. Once it was activated, the fire steamed and impacted the endless frost and ice on Longevity Mountain.

This is a way to break the formation. The Eight Yuanying Infants break the formation, and the remaining Six Yuanying Infants provide support, including Yun Wujiu, Jiang Xingchi, Lihuo Taoist, Hehuan Sect Hua Sect Master, Qingxin Xuanmen Mei Linghan and Xuyun Sect Xue Liufeng .

Among these six people, except for Jiang Xingchi, who is the youngest, the other five are people who have experienced hardships and are accustomed to the world.

Lin Bai's battle formation was located due east of Wanshou Mountain, and it was to protect and assist Gu Qingshui.

The leader is Zhu Jianyang, and the other three are Gu Jiuzhong, Tian Guiqin and Li Shouyan.

"Look." Lin Bai stood on the largest flying boat in the battle formation and pointed at Gu Qingshui in the sky in the distance.

I saw Gu Qingshui cross-legged in the void, holding Hong Ruyi in one hand, lighting up the raging fireworks, and then the fireworks formed a line and fell on the frost of Wanshou Mountain.

However, Wanshou Mountain is tall and tall, and Gu Qingshui is like holding a red thread, small and weak.

"This array relies on Longevity Mountain. As long as it is carefully maintained after being opened, it can survive with the endless spiritual energy of the seventh-level blessed land. It cannot be broken easily, and it cannot be obtained by cleverness. We can only find its weak points and slowly wear them out." Lin Bai patted Dugu Jing's head and said, "Think about it carefully."

Dugu Jing was confused. After looking at it for a long time, he felt a coldness invade his body and started to tremble.

Ten days later, the eight red lines connected Wanshou Mountain, but no trace of the formation loosening was seen.

Lin Bai felt a vague sense of ominousness in his heart. After quietly sending word to Aunt Gu, he found a place to sit and meditate.

Now that the third level of the golden elixir was only a thin piece of paper away, Lin Bai happened to have nothing to do, and Zhu Jianyang asked Lin Bai to sit on the flying boat so that he could support everywhere, so he simply asked Miaomiao to come to the door and closed his eyes to meditate.

When he closed his eyes and came to the stone plate, a wisp of blue waves was still there, and the white color of the moon became more intense.

There are traces of light in the gaps between the stone plates under your feet, and when you look up, you can see the stars hanging there.

Subtle spiritual energy invaded and gathered in the center of the stone plate. Lin Bai practiced quietly.

I don't know how long it took, but there was a feeling of excitement in my body, and the golden core of the sea of ​​​​qi trembled, as if it was getting bigger and smaller, and it was forcibly extracting the spiritual energy around the body.

For a moment, I felt a slight headache. Lin Bai wanted to meditate, but suddenly his feet fell into the air and fell into the river.

While drifting with the current, I saw stars and rivers above and below. If I looked carefully, I saw a white cloud.

The clouds were thick, and three of them had their eyes closed. Looking further down, I saw a woman in a thin green shirt holding a red thread.

With a thought in his mind, his vision followed the red line, intruding into the endless ice in front of him, passing by the countless disciples of Shouting Pavilion who were waiting for danger, and ascending to the highest place of Wanshou Mountain.

The spiritual energy here is as rich as water. An old man as old as a dried river is sitting on his back, and there is a young man and woman.

"Senior brother, the formation can't last long." Zou Mi said with his fists clenched.

"We, the inheritors of the transformation gods, have been forced to this point by these insects!" Chi Shangxing looked at Kong Shu with hatred, and asked: "The ancestor really can't come?"

"If you have to rely on the ancestor for everything, then why do you need me to wait?" Kong Shu shook his head slightly and said: "The gap between transforming gods and transforming gods is even greater than the gap between Yuan Ying and practicing Qi. . Our hometown can no longer be saved, and it will be difficult for the remaining people to cross the thousands of miles of snow. "

"Then what should we do now?" Zou Mi asked with a frown: "Heifeng Mountain was massacred by them, and there will be no survivors left. If Wanshou Mountain is destroyed, I'm afraid the same will happen. We have no choice but to fight to the death!"

"Jiang Xingchi borrowed a knife to massacre Heifeng Mountain in order to demonstrate, to ask for war, and to ask for peace." Kong Shu opened his eyes, only to see that his eyes were chaotic and dark yellow, without any trace of energy, "He is here again, We also use war to promote peace. He knows that we don’t want to kill anyone, but we have to fight, so he will sincerely seek peace after this war.”

"Seek peace after the fight?" Chi Shangxing asked.

"It is difficult to return to our homeland, and there are local tigers here. We are in a dilemma." Kong Shu sighed, "He wants to hurt us, and then talk about peace. We are the same, we can only fight! We can only beat them to scare them, Only then can we come up with better conditions.”

"Senior brother, we..." Zou Mi didn't dare to say anything when she heard Kong Shu's words. She couldn't help being shocked, "Is there really no turning point?"

"With the ancestor not here, we are deadlocked. It's not Qiaoshan that's fighting us, but the entire East China Sea. Wanshou Mountain can't be saved." Kong Shu sighed, "I thought that after the Black Wind Mountain incident, we'd be fighting against Wu. I'll come back to talk when I get back, but I didn't expect Xiang Wu to come back..."

"The blood of Black Wind Mountain has not dried yet..." Chi Shangxing gritted his teeth.

"Don't be afraid of death. Aren't there not enough deaths in our hometown? If you want to expand, there will always be deaths." Kong Shu grabbed Zou Mi's hand and said in a deep voice: "You are not good at fighting, don't fight with Gu Qingshui again! This time..."

He looked into the distance and continued: "My great Tianwen Sect can only rely on the legacy of the ancestors to survive."

Lin Bai opened his eyes and was already at the third level of the Golden Core.

There was no sense of peace in his heart, but he felt that the ominous feeling was getting heavier.

He stepped out and came to the flying boat. Looking up at Wanshou Mountain, he felt that the ice was still frozen and there was no sign of damage.

It has been two months since the eight Yuanyings broke the formation together, and this formation is still as solid as a rock.

At this moment, the ice and snow covering Wanshou Mountain, which seemed to be thousands of years old, showed fine cracks.

There was a sound of mourning in Wanshou Mountain, but people from all directions were cheering.

Soon, the cracks in the snow became larger, and then the ice and snow collapsed and fell off with a bang.

A huge roar was heard, and the frost mist rose to the sky.

"Start the formation!" Zhu Jianyang shouted immediately, and saw the golden light covering the many flying boats in the army formation.

But this place is very close to Wanshou Mountain. The endless ice and snow avalanche, the cold fog came first, and its momentum instantly submerged the army formation, and the protective magic formation was immediately unable to support it. The low-level disciples were immediately covered by ice and frost, and the group of Jindan also felt cold inside and outside.

Lin Bai held the gourd in his hand. There was no ice and snow around him, but he still felt like falling into an ice cave, just like the feeling of being attacked by the amulet of the god transformation that day.

At this moment, a red light came, and everyone seemed to be warmed by the warm sun, and the coldness in their bodies was greatly reduced.

But before they could feel at ease, they saw a huge hand made of ice condensed in the vast cold fog of Wanshou Mountain stretched out and grabbed the white cloud in the sky.

"The formation is back!" Gu Qingshui's voice came, and then a red line shot up into the sky, followed by two, three, and a total of eleven red lines heading towards the giant hand.

A roar came from the top of Longevity Mountain, and the pressure of the God of Transformation continued. The army formations all around trembled, and the protective formation that was finally re-established was broken again. Countless Qi training disciples collapsed, and some died on the spot. Many foundation-building cultivators bled from all seven orifices, and a group of golden elixirs could not stand steadily.

Looking at the sky above Longevity Mountain again, a huge figure stood alone between heaven and earth, with ice condensed around him for ten thousand years, and it seemed that he could freeze everything in the world with his gestures.

"This is the remnant of the God of Transformation formation, nothing to be afraid of!" Jiang Xingchi's voice shook the four directions.

Soon, eleven red lines entangled the huge figure, and then another red line joined. But after a while, as the giant figure attracted the cold air, one red line was missing, and then another one was missing.

At this time, the snow, frost and cold fog that broke the formation gradually disappeared, and a flying boat was seen pressing down on Wanshou Mountain.

"Take the Yunyan Pill! Forward!" Zhu Jianyang saw that his side suffered heavy casualties, but still ordered the army to move forward to fight.

Gu Jiuzhong and others also gritted their teeth and went to meet the flying boat coming from Wanshou Mountain.

There were five flying boats on their side, but most of them were injured. The opponent's flying boat had only one bow, but it was surging.

The two sides were about to set up their formations for a battle, but they were blown by the cold wind from the sky. All of them fell down at once, and they became a situation of you in me and me in you, and then they fought together again.

"The so-called military battle is really ridiculous. No matter how many ants there are, they will be crushed to death with one foot!" Zhu Jianyang finally became the leader, but he was dispersed before he could have a good time. He was really angry.

The Yuanyings in the sky were fighting, the Jindan foundation-building battles in the air, and many Qi trainings on the ground were fighting for their lives.

"Never pluck wild pheasant feathers again!" Miaomiao's lips were bloody, she was panting, her hair and eyebrows were burned clean, and she stood back to back with Jiang Yu.

At this moment, the cold fog gradually disappeared, but there was still a chill, and the sound of fighting and the smell of blood were everywhere.

"The Gate of Wonders!" Miaomiao waved the gourd forward, and a flying sword immediately lost its direction. Then Jiang Yu reached forward and caught the flying sword in his hand and stuffed it into the gourd.

The two women fought and moved forward, but before they could catch their breath, they heard a scream from the front, "Senior Sister, help me!"

Dugu Jing covered his abdomen and fled back with blood all over his face.

"You retreat!" Miaomiao immediately stepped forward to protect Dugu Jing and fled backwards. She and Jiang Yu walked forward side by side, and did not forget to shout, "Who will fight with me..."

A gray light was seen escaping rapidly in front of them, and the sword was scorching. It was a middle-aged foundation-building cultivator, his face covered in blood, laughing wildly from time to time, clearly mad.

Several flying swords immediately pierced through the bodies of several Qi-training cultivators, and severely injured another foundation-building cultivator, and then attacked Miaomiao.

"This group of swords is not as good as Master's Wife!" Miaomiao did not dare to shout, and acted cautiously with Jiang Yu. The two of them used their own methods to barely block the seventeen flying swords, and then saw a giant mountain phantom pressing down on the side.

"Fighting is not my forte!" Miaomiao muttered, and was about to use the gourd to block it again, when she saw the giant mountain phantom being pierced by a flying knife.

Following the flying knife, the person who drew the knife could no longer be seen, only faint stars.

"Master just glanced at us, and I felt that he looked disgusted!" Jiang Yu said ashamedly.

Miaomiao's old face flushed, and said: "I can't hide my strength anymore, I have to be serious!"

"When have you and I ever concealed it?" Jiang Yu threw out the fishing rod and asked in surprise.

Miaomiao ignored him.

It was extremely chaotic here. The two women fought for a short time. Their tacit understanding over the years took effect. Miaomiao was in charge of defense and also observed the four directions. Once someone attacked, she would use her magic to divert the attack, and then Jiangyu would counterattack, which always worked wonders.

It was unknown how long it had been, but the sky returned to peace, and the Yuanyings were nowhere to be found.

Not long after, the gongs and drums sounded from the direction of Wanshou Mountain and Songhe Mountain, and both sides stopped fighting.

There was blood everywhere on Wanshou Mountain. Miaomiao and Jiang Yu looked around and saw broken bodies everywhere, most of them were practicing Qi and building foundation.

There were still many people who were not dead, but they were exhausted and seemed to have lost their souls.

"I remember there were three people who self-destructed Jindan?" Miaomiao was in a very embarrassed state, holding a broken sword in her hand, and her shoulder was bloody.

Jiang Yu held a half-broken fishing rod in his hand, with a huge wound on his chest and abdomen, and his eyes were extremely blank.

"Sister, why do you think we have to fight? Can't we sit down and talk properly?" Jiang Yu asked.

"We can only talk after fighting, and we can't talk without fighting!" Miaomiao panted.

The two were talking, and they saw the master in front of them, and there was another person next to him, who was Wumuqian.

But the master's Taoist robe was clean, but Wumuqian had two blood holes on his body and looked depressed.

Soon, Zhu Jianyang also came close with blood on his face. Miaomiao and Jiangyu were sent to treat the wounded before they rested.

"How many dead and wounded?" Lin Bai looked around. At this moment, the ice and snow had melted away, and blood mixed with ice water, flowing along the cracks in the rocks.

"It's not counted yet. There must be three or four thousand on our side alone..." Zhu Jianyang smiled bitterly, looked at Wumuqian, and said, "Fellow Daoist Wumu, your sect has such a deep foundation that we can't even catch up."

"Isn't he also a prisoner, a bird in a cage?" Wumuqian sighed.

Lin Bai said no more, and took Wumuqian to Songhe Mountain.

When they arrived, they saw many Jindan monks gathered on the top of Songhe Mountain, all of them bowed their heads and kept silent.

"Senior." Yuan Wuchen stepped forward and saluted, whispering: "The ancestor was injured and has gone to Huludao to recuperate. She asked you to represent her in the discussion."

"Is the injury serious?" Lin Bai asked with concern.

Yuan Wuchen shook his head blankly, obviously not sure.

"Is your apprentice okay?" Jiang Xiaobai also came up. She was seriously injured and had not participated in the battle, but she was not injured.

"It's okay, just saw blood." Lin Bai pushed Wu Muqian in front of him and asked: "What's wrong?"

"Four died." Jiang Xiaobai whispered.

Four more Yuanying died? Lin Bai held back the headache and asked: "Who are they?"

"Senior Lihuo of Jiuzha Mountain, Hua Zongzhu of Hehuan Sect, Senior Mei of Qingxin Xuanmen, and Senior Xue of Xuyun Sect." Jiang Xiaobai said.

Why are people dying in Jiuzha Mountain so many times? Even the leader of a sect is lost? Lin Bai rubbed his brows and asked, "Where is Senior Du Jueming from Jiuzha Mountain?"

"He ran away again." Jiang Xiaobai said.

"Hiss..." Lin Bai didn't know whether to admire or despise him. He just felt that the long-legged fairy was really capable! (End of this chapter)

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