The Wheel-Turning Master

Chapter 355: Aftermath

Three days have passed since the ancestor Xiang passed the tribulation and became a god.

The Black Wind Mountain area has been renovated long ago, with pavilions, palaces, auspicious clouds and flying cranes, a fairy-like atmosphere.

However, when the breeze blows, there is still a bit of bloody smell. If you look from a distance, you can still remember the scene of Kong Shu's massacre here in the past.

At this moment, all the Yuanyings gathered in the hall. As the owner of this place, Meng Shanhe naturally took the main seat.

There are also Yun Wujiu from Yunxia Sect, Chen Tianren from Daoyin Sect, Zheng Yehe from Jiuyin Mountain, Yang Yangxin from Qiaoshan, Gu Cangsong from Guyang Sect, Zhu Chengzhu from Tianhuo City, Shi Shi Shihuayu, Du Jueming from Jiuzha Mountain and Elder Qin.

There is also a green-skinned fox, held in Lin Bai's arms.

Although there are many people in the hall, no one speaks.

At this moment, all the Yuanyings have long known that they are no longer qualified to make conditions with Qiaoshan.

From now on, there can only be one voice in the entire Zhouhui Mountain, and there can only be one voice in the entire East China Sea.

Now, all Yuanyings only hope that Xiang Wuhui will keep his word and not occupy the seventh-level treasure land all at once, and just be as virtuous as Shoutian Pavilion.

While waiting, a person came from a distance.

Wumuqian wore a Taoist bun, held a whisk, and wore a black and white plaid Taoist robe. He was serious, and those who didn't know him would think that Jiang Xingchi had come.

This person raised his head and chest, stepped into the hall, and bowed to all four directions, and then said: "My master invites Senior Yun of Yunxia Sect, Senior Chen of Daoyin Sect, and Senior Yang of Qiaoshan to Wanshou Mountain for a chat."

After saying that, Wumuqian also glanced at Lin Bai, as if to say: Don't think you can get under the skirt of two Yuanyings and hold a Yuanying fox, but I have Xiang Laozu and my teacher behind me!

"Did you say what it was?" Meng Shanhe asked curiously.

"No." Wumuqian raised his head and replied.

Seeing Wumuqian's bullying attitude, Meng Shanhe said, "I remember you are Wumuchun's junior, and later became Kong Shu's apprentice, and then Jiang Xingchi's apprentice."

"That's right." Wumuqian felt something was wrong, and quickly bowed again.

But it was too late. Meng Shanhe stretched out his hand, took Wumuqian in front of him, and then slapped him.

"You are just a wild dog who messengers, how dare you treat my Yuanying as nothing? Now Shoutian Pavilion is not the boss here, how dare you, a wild dog from outside the domain, be so rampant?" Meng Shanhe was very angry.

In the past, Meng Shanhe was so kind and acted so weakly, but after the old people of Zhou Huishan died and he stopped his sword in Heifeng Mountain, his temper became even bigger. He wanted to kill all the remnants of Shoutian Pavilion before, and now he even ignored Jiang Xingchi's beloved disciples.

No one spoke for Wumuqian, and several people didn't even open their eyes.

"Get lost!" Meng Shanhe threw Wu Muqian out of the hall.

Lin Bai saw Wu Muqian fell more than ten feet outside the hall before he stopped, and he didn't get up, just lying on the ground with red eyes.

"I'm going to Wanshou Mountain to take a look, everyone wait." Yun Wujiu got up.

Yang Yangxin and Chen Zhiyuan followed him out.

After waiting for another day, Chen Tianren and Yang Yangxin didn't come back, only Yun Wujiu came back.

All Yuanying hurried forward and asked what happened, but they didn't dare to ask about the recent situation of Xiang Laozu directly.

"From now on, Zhouhui Mountain has someone guarding it again." Yun Wujiu just said lightly.

All Yuanying knew that Yun Wujiu had seen Xiang Laozu with his own eyes, and he was a towering figure who dominated the whole area.

Then Yun Wujiu asked Meng Shanhe to go to Wanshou Mountain again.

After waiting for half a day, Jiang Xingchi and Meng Shanhe came back together, and the two held each other's arms, like brothers.

The Yuanying knew that the matter had been settled, so they waited for the result.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Xingchi was not in a hurry at all, and ordered Jing Situi to invite a group of Jindan to attend the meeting.

These Jindan were not others. Except for Yang Shu and Mo Yingcheng who attended the meeting on behalf of Yang Yangxin and Chen Tianren, the rest of the Jindan were the descendants of the Yuanying who had fallen before.

Since the attack on Shoutian Pavilion, many Yuanying died, including four former people of Shoutian Pavilion, Yuan Jie, Lei Zaixiao, Gui Zhenzi and Mu Lian.

The people who attended the meeting on behalf of these four people were Yuan Qiye, Wang Yueying, Bian Wencai and Mu Ping.

The descendant of Jiuzha Mountain Lihuo Taoist was Jing Situi, and Yan Qingfeng also had descendants present.

There were also Hua Yanling, the descendant of Hua Zongzhu of Hehuan Sect, Li Xuanji, the beloved disciple of Fu Bozi of Yunxia Sect, Sun Shiqi, the descendant of Sun Baopu of Tianyan Sword Sect, Ye Zhoudu, the first disciple of Mei Linghan of Qingxin Xuanmen, and Xue Yunping, the descendant of Xue Liufeng of Xuyun Sect.

Seven Yuanying died in the battle of Black Wind Mountain, and four died in the battle of Wanshou Mountain, so there were eleven Jindan in total.

Seeing that everyone was there, Jiang Xingchi looked at Meng Shanhe and asked, "Brother Meng, what do you think?"

Meng Shanhe glanced at Jiang Xingchi, then looked at the Yuanyings who were recuperating and closing their eyes, and said, "The ancestor asked you and me to make the decision. I am old and stupid, so you decide."

Jiang Xingchi pretended to refuse, but Meng Shanhe forced him to do so. None of the Yuanyings said anything, and they just watched the two of them being hypocritical and polite.

Especially the fox, who actually snored.

After a long time of fussing, Jiang Xingchi finally agreed reluctantly.

"It's only after overcoming all difficulties and fighting bloody battles that we have today." Jiang Xingchi was quite emotional and sighed repeatedly, "Thinking back to yesterday, the voices and smiles of my dear friends, Brother Yuan, Brother Lei, Brother Lihuo, are still fresh in my mind."

Sure enough, when the names of the three Yuanying were mentioned, Yuan Qiye, Wang Yueying and Jing Situi all looked sad, and the other Jindan also had red eyes and could not suppress their sadness.

Wang Yueying had already joined the Jiang family, and now she stepped forward to bow and said, "Senior Jiang, my ancestor died to restore Zhou Huishan. Please don't forget my ancestor's contribution..."

As he spoke, he sobbed and knelt on the ground.

The Jindan felt sorry for each other and knelt down one after another.

"To be able to live today, I dare not forget the contributions of our ancestors. Everyone, get up." Jiang Xingchi was really kind and kind, but he still couldn't afford the golden elixir.

Jiang Xingchi sighed and said: "How can I forget you all after your meritorious service? I promise to my ancestors in this generation that I will give you an explanation and I will not let the injured bleed or shed tears."

All the golden elixirs prostrated themselves again.

With this great righteousness in mind, Jiang Xingchi turned to his ancestor again, and with the support of Zhou Huishan's old friends, he immediately made the first arrangement.

That is, every deceased Nascent Soul, and its descendants can exclusively occupy a fifth-level blessed land.

In Zhouhui Mountain, there are twenty-four fifth-level spiritual lands, among which there are three fifth-level high-grade ones, which are as good as the Xianqiao Blessed Land.

Moreover, where the fifth-level blessed land is located, there must be lower-level blessed lands nearby, and they are all placed under the jurisdiction of the fifth-level blessed land. Some are rich in minerals, and some are suitable for spiritual nourishing plants, which can ensure the continuation of the Taoist tradition in the future.

After being so kind, all the golden elixirs bowed down and thanked Jiang Xingchi first, and then the ancestor.

The Nascent Souls were not fools. When they saw Jiang Xingchi making such arrangements, they knew it was to win over people. But no one can say otherwise, at least it shows that people are nostalgic for the past, which is a great quality.

Eleven of these twenty-four blessed places have been divided.

"Brother Jiang," Meng Shanhe raised an objection, "there are so many people living separately in Zhouhui Mountain, and they come from different places, and they will bring their families with them. After hundreds of years, there will be discord. You don't accept it." I, I don’t agree with you, maybe the civil strife in Zhou Huishan will happen again. What should I do if there is a dispute?”

As expected, Jiang Xingchi attached great importance to Meng Shanhe's words and twisted his beard in deep thought.

"You guys talk first, I'm going back to meditate." Yun Wujiu didn't bother to deal with it and went straight out. Then Gao Yuanyuan came in to discuss matters on behalf of his teacher.

Zhu Yuanying didn't speak a word and watched Jiang Xingchi and Meng Shanhe's performance quietly.

After waiting for a while, seeing that Jiang Xingchi still couldn't come up with an idea, the fox finally couldn't help it anymore, jumped out of Lin Bai's arms, landed on Lin Bai's head, and said: "Then let all these people go to Zhouhui Mountain together, wouldn't it be good?" They were separated from their original family!”

"What the fairy said makes sense!" Jiang Xingchi realized it immediately and said to Meng Shanhe: "From now on, Brother Meng will take care of these people."

Meng Shanhe repeatedly refused, saying that he was not a talented manager, and that it was difficult to convince the public. Finally, he said: "In the past, Ancestor Xiang was in charge of Xianqiao, and now Ancestor Xiang is in charge of Wanshou Mountain. What is the difference between Qiaoshan and Zhouhuishan?" Each other? How about a group of people from Qiaoshan also join me in Zhouhuishan, and then choose one person to take charge of it, wouldn’t it be nice?”

"This..." Jiang Xingchi caressed his beard and murmured, looking at the Nascent Souls. Unfortunately, the Nascent Souls were too lazy to pay attention and all of them remained silent.

"This is naturally excellent. Zhou Huishan is the inheritance of the gods, and my generation has reached a higher level." Jiang Xingchi responded, looked at Yang Shu, and asked: "Senior Brother Yang, do you have anything to say?"

"The ancestors of our family have said that we must obey the orders of our seniors!" Yang Shu immediately hit him.

Jiang Xingchi looked at Lin Bai again.

"The same goes for Ancestor Gu!" Lin Bai said immediately, adding by the way, "Senior Zou has no objections either!"

As soon as he said this, Jin Dan on the field couldn't help but look over, and even Yuanying Gao Xiu took a second look.

"Okay!" Jiang Xingchi was very satisfied, "Then it's settled!"

"Did you decide early or just today?" Guyang sent Guzang Songjianqiaoshan people to eat up Zhou Huishan and wipe them clean. He couldn't help but mocked.

Jiang Xingchi ignored him, but Jing Sixui took the lead and knelt down, saying: "Zhou Huishan is vast, and the juniors and seniors recommend Senior Meng as the leader!"

Wang Yueying immediately said: "I am the old queen of Zhou Huishan, and I would like to take senior Jiang as the head of the family!"

Sure enough, as soon as Wang Yueying spoke out, all the golden elixirs also started making noises, saying that they only recognized Senior Jiang.

The fox rolled his eyes, tickled Lin Bai's nose with his tail, and said to himself, who doesn't know that you two are both Jiang Xingchi's people, what are you talking about here?

All the Yuanyings naturally understood that on another day, a few golden elixirs would not be qualified to go to the palace, so why should they make the decision on behalf of the late Yuanying? But now the voices of each one were getting louder than the last! This Jiang Xingchi is really used to being a hypocritical gentleman. He relies on the transformation of gods. Even if you directly say that you want to be the leader, who can do anything to you? I just came to do this!

Sure enough, Jiang Xingchi said some nonsense about his lack of talent and poor moral character. He also said that Brother Du is smarter than me, Brother Meng is more virtuous than me, and Brother Zhu is better at business than me. Finally he said: "Why do you think I, a Qiaoshan barbarian, was elected as the leader of the land that returns to the mountains thousands of miles away this week?"

He raised his hand and lowered it, and said sternly: "Don't mention this matter again until I explain it to the ancestor."

Lin Bai watched silently, thinking to herself that if Xiao Yu'er had one-tenth of the shame of her ancestor, how could she be led astray by Miaomiao!

Jiang Xingchi suppressed the matter of nominating the leader, but began to issue orders again.

The descendants of the deceased Nascent Soul can all be allocated a blessed land in Zhouhui Mountain, but they must fill in the immortal population.

For example, the grandson Baopu of Tianyan Sword Sect and his successor Sun Shiqi could obtain a blessed land by themselves, but they needed to transfer people from Tianyan Sword Sect to fill up the blessed land.

Moreover, these people who were transferred here will become disciples of the Zhou Hui sect in the future, and will no longer be members of the Tianyan Sword Sect. As for the Tianyan Sword Sect, it will naturally be inherited by the remaining people, and the Zhou Hui Sect can protect it for thousands of years, preventing outsiders from attacking it.

In this way, it is really the best of both worlds to continue the inheritance of the late Yuanying and branch out to join the Huashen Sect. In a few hundred years, when the population has multiplied, Zhouhui Mountain will surely be restored to its former glory.

As for where the blessed land will be allocated to the various golden elixirs, we need to discuss it later.

Then Jiang Xingchi sent out the golden elixir from many generations of deceased Yuanying out of the hall, and then discussed serious matters with the Yuanying.

According to Jiang Xingchi, everyone went back to their own homes, but Zhouhui Mountain was willing to divide a blessed land, and each Yuanying could send people to fill it.

Of course, the divided land was also under the command of Zhouhui Mountain, and the people sent by each sect also belonged to Zhouhui Sect.

The Yuanying on the scene knew that even if the people who moved to Zhouhui Mountain missed their old sects, as long as a thousand or hundred years passed, would these people recognize the so-called Yuanying sect of their hometown, or the Zhouhui Sect guarded by Huashen? This is self-evident.

But this is an open conspiracy. As long as the Huashen ancestor is there, everyone will definitely call themselves disciples of Zhouhui Sect in the future.

The Yuanyings quarreled for a while and were unwilling to separate. Jiang Xingchi said that he wanted to give up Qiaoshan, but no one dared to take it. Jiang Xingchi asked everyone what they wanted, and the Yuanyings couldn't say one, two, or three.

After all, the leader Yun Wujiu was not there, and Meng Shanhe, an old friend of Zhou Huishan, had become a traitor to Jiang Xingchi. Mo Yingcheng, who came on behalf of Chen Tianren, pretended to be a saw-mouthed gourd, and the scattered fox deliberately snored loudly. The descendants of the deceased Yuanying were also subdued by Jiang Xingchi. There was also a ancestor of the God of Transformation sitting behind, and the Yuanyings were really helpless.

After a long time of commotion, the hall was as noisy as a mortal market. Jiang Xingchi and Meng Shanhe were one soft and one hard. In the end, the Yuanyings pinched their noses and accepted the matter of transferring to the immortal world.

Jiang Xingchi was still kind after all, and signed a contract with the Yuanyings to agree on various matters.

For example, in the future, the various sects shall not attack without reason. If there is a conflict, they can go to Wanshou Mountain for mediation.

In addition, no matter which family has a hope of advancing to the God of Transformation, they can also go to Wanshou Mountain for advice, and preach to the ancestor once a sixty years, and the Yuanying can ask in person.

Most importantly, if you want to borrow the blessed land to survive the catastrophe, it is naturally no problem. You can borrow it for at least twenty years, at most a hundred years, and you will have the protection and guidance of the ancestor. But if you can achieve the transformation of the gods, you need to join the Zhouhui Sect.

When you reach the Yuanying realm, your obsession with the sect is far less than your desire to ascend to the transformation of the gods. Therefore, the Yuanyings are willing to march north because they are hung up by this blessed land for advancing to the transformation of the gods, and they are looking forward to further progress in the future.

Now that the agreement has been made, and the ancestor Xiang is not like the Shoutian Pavilion, although everyone is dissatisfied with Jiang Xingchi on the surface, they have no objections in their hearts.

Jiang Xingchi is a decent man. He signed the contract, went to Wanshou Mountain, and asked the ancestor to leave a seal in person. The Yuanyings are convinced.

The big things are settled, and the rest are small things. Gu Qingshui has occupied Menghu, Zou Mi has obtained Qinfang Pool, and Fox has asked for the Taohuayuan blessed land. The Yuanyings quarreled for a while about the division of the blessed land and each pointed out the territory.

Jiang Xingchi called all the Jindan again, and discussed amicably for two days, and decided who would be theirs.

All matters were finally settled, and all parties were reluctantly satisfied. Of course, Jiang Xingchi was not overbearing, and said that if anyone was dissatisfied, they could go to Wanshou Mountain to argue.

Lin Bai saw that the matter was almost settled, so he hurried back to report. (End of this chapter)

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