The Wheel-Turning Master

Chapter 36 Black Cicada

People were coming and going on the street.

Before I stepped into the clinic, I heard Doctor Bai coughing slightly.

After entering the door, I saw Doctor Bai drinking medicine, and Xiuxiu stared at him with big eyes, as if she was supervising him.

"I'll be here to see the doctor today, Mr. Bai, please go to the back hall to rest." Lin Bai stepped forward.

"No problem." Doctor Bai waved his hand.

Lin Bai had sharp ears and eyes, and noticed that Doctor Bai's breath was weaker than usual.

"Grandpa, you should rest for a while, we are here!" Xiuxiu took the empty medicine bowl and pulled Doctor Bai to the back hall with one hand.

Lin Bai followed and persuaded Doctor Bai a few more times, and then let Doctor Bai rest.

After coming out of the back hall, Xiuxiu tilted her head and looked at Lin Bai very carefully.

Lin Bai ignored her, just picked up a medical book and waited for the patient to come.

"Why are you late today?" Xiuxiu asked.

"I got up late." Lin Bai said casually.

"Lazy bug." Xiuxiu ground the ink and began to copy the medical book.

After writing for a while, she rubbed her wrists and saw Lin Bai looking down at the medical book, so she mumbled a few words.

Lin Bai looked up at her.

Xiuxiu looked at Lin Bai with a smile, but didn't say anything.

"What's the matter?" Lin Bai asked seriously.

"Are you in a bad mood today? Did you lose money? Why do you look like your wife ran away?" Xiuxiu stared at the purse on Lin Bai's waist.

"How did you see that?" Lin Bai was helpless.

"I just feel it." Xiuxiu tilted her head, smiled at Lin Bai, and asked again: "You seem to look better today."

Lin Bai didn't look in the mirror when she went out today, but she could feel that she had changed from the inside out.

It's not that her appearance has changed, but her spirit has reached a new level.

Lin Bai estimated that it should be because of Mu Zhen's elixir.

The superficial changes should be minimal, that is, he was with Xiuxiu day and night, and she loved to stare at him, so she looked a little.

"When am I not good-looking?" Lin Bai asked back.

"You are naturally good-looking every day. I will put a flower on your head someday." Xiuxiu smiled.

Lin Bai glared at her and ignored her.

"Feel your hand for me." Xiuxiu spoke again.

"How old are you?" Lin Bai raised his eyebrows, thinking that this girl must be disciplined.

"Why? Even if I am not as old as you, I can feel the pulse longer than you!" Xiuxiu was serious.

"Feel the pulse..." Lin Bai stretched out his hand, took a breath, and adjusted his pulse.

Xiuxiu felt it quietly for a long time and said, "No problem, it's fine. You feel mine."

As she spoke, she stretched out her arm.

Lin Bai took the pulse and closed his eyes to listen.

"Very healthy. If you have fewer distracting thoughts, fewer words, and less greed in the future, you will be peaceful and happy, and live a long life." Lin Bai said with a smile.

"You only know how to pick up nice words to fool people." Xiuxiu smiled foolishly.

"Take my pulse too." At this time, the curtain at the door was opened, and it was Pei Ning.

She didn't have any murderous aura, and she didn't wear black, but only a light green skirt. She held a sword in her hand, which made her look more chic and calm like a child of the rivers and lakes.

Lin Bai had a headache. Xiuxiu had noticed that he was a little different today. I wonder if Pei Ning would notice it.

Suppressing the thoughts in his heart, Lin Bai stood up quickly, bowed, and asked curiously: "Why is Miss Pei here?"

"Sister Pei..." Xiuxiu was disciplined by Doctor Bai and didn't let her get too close to Pei Ning, so she was quite unfamiliar with her, and she didn't see her as many times as Lin Bai.

"I heard that Mr. Bai was sick, so I came to see him." Pei Ning walked up, looked at Xiuxiu, and said, "I'm your uncle, not your sister."

Her voice was usually very cold, but now she was soft and a little doting when she looked at Xiuxiu.

Xiuxiu rubbed her hands together and whispered, "I don't have an uncle."

"Is Mr. Bai resting?" Pei Ning asked again.

"I just took the medicine and have gone to bed." Lin Bai said.

"Then it's gone." Pei Ning held the sword in one hand and put the gift box in Xiuxiu's arms with the other hand, "It's a small gift, don't refuse it."

Xiuxiu took it in a hurry, and didn't dare to say no, just looked at Lin Bai, waiting for Lin Bai to make a decision.

"I appreciate your kindness." Lin Bai gestured to Xiuxiu to put it away.

Pei Ning nodded, sat down, stretched out her arm, put it on the table, and said, "Take my pulse too." At the same time, her eyes were fixed on Lin Bai, still smiling.

Her wrist was very white, her fingers were very long, and there were calluses on her knuckles.

"Your body is healthy, no need to take the pulse." Lin Bai said.

Pei Ning didn't say anything, just looked at Lin Bai.

Lin Bai gritted his teeth, sat down, and pressed the pulse gate with two fingers.

The pulse of people with deep internal strength is usually very slow, and Pei Ning is the same.

"With the pulse gate in hand, should I take this opportunity to control her?" Lin Bai thought for a while and thought it was better to forget it.

The other party may have been suspicious, so since he dared to hand over his pulse, he must have something to rely on.

"Miss Pei is in good health, much better than ordinary people." Lin Bai retracted his finger.

"Any other questions?" Pei Ning asked.

"Other questions..." Lin Bai thought for a while and asked: "Is Miss Pei's menstruation not very accurate?"

Pei Ning slapped the sword on the table, and her face turned a little unnatural.

Lin Bai immediately made a judgment. In the past, no one must have said dirty words in front of Sister Pei, and there was no suitor.

"What are you doing? If you don't want to change doctors, just change them. I didn't charge any money. Why are you scaring people?" Xiuxiu stood beside Lin Bai and glared at Pei Ning.

Pei Ning looked at Xiu Xiu, smiled again, and said, "I'm not trying to scare you. What I mean is that I've been practicing martial arts for many years, and my menstrual cycle is indeed not very regular." When she said this, she reached out and touched Xiu Xiu's face, and smiled again, "I'm your uncle, not an outsider. You should be close to me, and I like you too."

Does this mean that I'm an outsider? Lin Bai didn't say anything, just silently guarded.

Xiu Xiu took two steps back, shook her head, and didn't say anything.

For a while, the three people in the clinic didn't speak.

After a long time, Pei Ning picked up the sword, stood up, and said, "I'll go first." After walking two steps, he turned back to look at Lin Bai and asked, "Is there a prescription that can cure it?"

Lin Bai shook his head and said, "Generally speaking, it will be fine after getting married."

Pei Ning nodded, picked up the sword and left.

"Don't learn from her in the future. You will be fierce with a sword." Xiu Xiu warned Lin Bai.

"I'd rather be mean to you than anyone else." Lin Bai pinched her cheeks and found that Xiuxiu seemed to kiss him, not Pei Ning.

"You always pinch my face, really." Xiuxiu pried Lin Bai's hands apart, giggled, and whispered, "Is the pig's trotter expensive?"

She was greedy again.

When it got dark, Lin Bai left the clinic.

He was always careful along the way, and there was nothing unusual.

"No one followed, Pei Ning didn't notice my abnormality? Or did he have other plans?"

Lin Bai was thinking along the way, and before he got home, he saw that Mu Zhen's bun shop was on fire.

Many neighbors carried buckets to put out the fire, and there was chaos everywhere.

He left, and left very resolutely.

Lin Bai looked for a while and went back to his own home.

When he arrived at the door, he took out the key and listened to the movement in the yard first.

There was only the sound of cicadas, and there was nothing wrong.

After opening the door, Lin Bai glanced around, and the yard was the same as before.

Looking at the jujube tree again, there was a black cicada lying on it, chirping non-stop.

Walking two steps forward, the black cicada fluttered and flew over. Lin Bai stretched out his hand and the black cicada fell into his palm.

Soon, the cicada's wings fell off, and there were tiny words on them: It may save your life.

The black cicada slowly turned into a black hairpin, which felt warm to the touch. I didn't know what it was made of, but it seemed to be some kind of tree branch.

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