The Wheel-Turning Master

Chapter 375 Entering

The five Nascent Souls gathered together, and each had their own background. Lin Bai and Pei Ning did not dare to say a word.

Xie Qingxuan was born in Zhou Huishan, and he can be regarded as a god.

Yuexia Toad is a little inferior, but he can still be related to the Tianwen Sect of the Huashen Sect.

The newly arrived Zhou Wuji is even more extraordinary. He is the beloved disciple of Juexin, the ancestor of the Ten Thousand Immortals Alliance, and comes from the Holy Land of Zhongzhou.

As for the Wood Demon, not to mention, he comes from the same sect as Mu Zhen, and his background is even greater.

That Chengfengzi was a member of Zanju. He was born in the Southern Heaven Territory and wandered to the Northern Wilderness Territory. Not only did he know people from Zhongzhou, but he also had contacts with people from the East China Sea Territory and the West Xuan Territory. He really had a wide range of contacts.

Of course, Yuexia Toad was actually an extra. They didn't want to find her at first, but when they met her, Xie Qingxuan snatched her away.

But it was precisely because of this that people from the five states gathered together.

Chengfengzi probably had been waiting for a long time. After the introduction, he stopped being polite and walked directly to the deepest part of the cave.

There is a broken stone door at the deepest point. There is a thick layer of moss on it and there are vines climbing on it. There is nothing mysterious about it.

Wu Yuanying was sitting in front of the door, and Chengfengzi talked about how to break the door.

According to Chengfengzi, the lake was once a blessed place where the master of Xuanyin was born.

After Xuanyin Master realized the Nascent Soul, he realized that there was something different at the bottom of the lake. There was actually a connected small world.

At this point, the master of Xuanyin returned to heaven and earth, set up a stone gate to isolate the outside world, and then meditated.

Later, the master of Xuanyin was promoted to the state of divine transformation here, but for some unknown reason, he moved to the far north soon, and instead achieved the position of Taoist master in the far north.

According to Chengfengzi's speculation, he believed that the master of Xuanyin rarely interacted with others, presumably because he had not received any guidance from monks since he entered Taoism, but he cultivated Taoism on his own with the blessing of fate.

And since this secret realm can help Xuantu become a god, there must be something left behind.

After arguing for a long time, it turned out that Chengfengzi only vaguely felt that there was a treasure in it, but he didn't know what magic was there, whether it was dangerous or safe!

But Zhou Wuji and Xie Qingxuan didn't say anything about this, but were very interested.

"Brother Xie is the master of the formation, we all listen to him." Chengfengzi looked at Xie Qingxuan.

Xie Qingxuan smiled slightly and said: "Junior brother, I am not good at studying, but I have some experience, so I can barely give it a try."

"Let's talk about it first." Zhou Wuji smiled, "All fellow Taoists also know that my master is entangled with Huo Wenfei, but I came out when I had time. If it takes too long to open this stone gate, I can't do it. Stay with me."

"Of course I know that Senior Brother Zhou is busy, so I have made arrangements a long time ago." Xie Qingxuan was very appropriate, "It can take as little as three to five days, and at most two or three months."

Zhou Wuji thought for a while and then looked at Chengfengzi.

Chengfengzi looked around at all the Nascent Souls, with no smile on his face, and said word by word: "My heavenly calamity is imminent, and I swear with my Taoist heart! When I enter this place, I will only take one thing, and you must try your best to help me! After it is completed, the rest will I will do my best to help you achieve your goals!”

At this point, Chengfengzi paused, and then continued: "No matter if you have any grudges or not, you must not fight when you enter this place!"

"Okay!" When Zhou Wuji saw everyone looking over, he smiled boldly and said, "Then let's explore the Taoist master's old residence!"

"I am willing to help senior brother achieve enlightenment!" Xie Qingxuan said.

The Wood Demon and the Moon Toad also expressed their opinions.

Wu Yuanying's discussion has been decided. Xie Qingxuan immediately took out a batch of plates and said, "Junior, step aside!"

After hearing this, Lin Bai and the other four people quickly bowed and stepped away.

Soon, each of the Five Yuanyings occupied one side, each holding a command flag. Not long after, I heard the sound of cicadas chirping, and then there were waves of water.

Lin Bai felt it carefully and knew that what the wood demon cultivated should be a certain branch of the Time Avenue, and it had entered the realm.

There is still a feeling of surging water here, but I am not aware of the water. Instead, I feel like a person is like a boat, rising with the waves, and I feel like I am drifting in all directions with no support.

This true meaning seemed to be consistent with some kind of space avenue. Lin Bai couldn't help but think of Lu Haike. The two of them seemed to be riding on the wave.

But Lu Haike moved by force, like a fishing boat involuntarily; but this person seemed to be singing on a boat rising with the waves, feeling as if he was riding the wind and waves, moving forward at will.

A brief comparison will tell you the difference.

Lin Bai didn't dare to look at Zhou Wuji for fear of attracting attention.

However, seeing that Chengfengzi and Yuexiachan didn't seem to be making much difference, Lin Bai remembered that he had borrowed the power of space and time from Fox and Xiuxiu, just like Xie Qingxuan had borrowed the power of Wood Demon and Zhou Wuxian today.

Lin Bai and the other four people were fascinated by it, and they all hoped to experience it more so that they could benefit from it.

Three days passed before I knew it, and the female cultivator named Qing'er dragged the male cultivator over. "When I came here earlier, I saw Senior Sister Pei guarding your door, and I saw two people who seemed to have a good understanding of each other. They must be Taoist companions for many years, right?"

"The two of us have known each other since we were young." Lin Bai smiled and said politely, "I'm in Xia Lin Zhuan Lun, and I haven't asked you for your names yet."

"My name is Sun Yuqing, and this is my senior brother Wang Qiukai." Sun Yuqing was lively and asked with a smile: "Whose family do you two come from the East China Sea? Do you know the new god of transformation in Zhou Huishan?"

Lin Bai smiled and said: "I dare not lie to my senior sister. Ancestor Xiang was born in the Qiaoshan Sect. After advancing to become a god, he became the master of Zhouhuishan. I once made a living in Qiaoshan, and now I can be regarded as a descendant of Zhouhuishan."

"Oh." Sun Yuqing nodded as if he understood, "I understand. You caused heavy casualties to the Tianwen Sect's Shouting Pavilion branch. Now you are here to find out if they will take revenge, right?"

"Senior sister is extremely clever," Lin Bai said.

"Don't worry." Sun Yuqing waved his hand gently and said: "The Tianwen Sect can't shrink back and won't last long. You can be safe and sound."

"Thank you for your advice, Senior Sister." Lin Bai acted as if he was relieved.

"Actually, you don't have to worry." Sun Yuqing looked disdainful, "The branch of Tianwen Sect that left has already rotted. I heard that Zou Mi is also a slut. A Yuanying cultivator, she was actually angry with another Yuanying for a male lover! As soon as Kong Shu died, she surrendered and made love with that male cultivator every day! Haha, but I haven't heard that she practiced the way of Yin and Yang! It can be seen that she has long lost the character of the younger generation of the God Transformation. She is determined to escape. Can such a person make any progress in the future? The Northern Wilderness is full of chaotic barbarians, most of whom have no shame, which shows that Zou Mi is still a barbarian. How can he succeed if he can't even control his lust? How can the Tianwen Sect succeed?"

"Senior Sister, Senior Zou is actually not that bad." Lin Bai couldn't help but say a fair word to Zou Mi, and at the same time secretly cursed the person who spread the rumor in his heart!

"She joined Zhou Huishan, and you speak for her?" Sun Yuqing smiled happily and asked in a low voice: "Who is her male lover? What is so special about him that two Yuanyings fight for him?"

"I have been practicing in seclusion for many years and don't know." Lin Bai said.

Sun Yuqing looked at Pei Ning again.

"I have never known about this." Pei Ning said.

"Two honest people." Sun Yuqing shook her head and smiled. She nodded at Lin Bai and said, "You look good, and you seem to have practiced the method of tempering the body. You should be able to withstand the attack of the Nascent Soul. You can also go to Zou Mi and try. Maybe if you please her, she can give you some benefits."

"Junior sister!" Wang Qiuxie, who had been silent, spoke up. He frowned and said, "Don't talk about people behind their backs. When Kong Shu fought with Master, Zou Mi also helped. Although she was far from being as good as him, she was determined after all. Even if Zou Mi was scared by Chen Tianren, she would not indulge in lust. It must be because she joined Zhou Huishan and those who came back maliciously slandered her. Fellow Daoist Zhuanlun and Fellow Daoist Pei have never heard of it, which shows that Zou Mi is also upright and has no bad reputation. Don't believe in rumors."

Sun Yuqing pouted and said nothing more.

Lin Bai watched silently. One of the brothers and sisters was calm, while the other was lively. Especially Sun Yuqing, she must be favored by her teacher, otherwise she would not be so temperamental.

Qu Ruyi used to be like this!

"Brother Wang, Sister Sun, excuse me." Lin Bai said with a smile: "Why did Ancestor Juexin go north to cause trouble for Huashen Sect? Did they offend Ancestor Juexin? Or was there another reason?"

As Lin Bai spoke, he looked at the two of them. They did not show any signs of vigilance. It was obvious that Lin Bai was not the first to ask this question.

"To be honest, we don't know either." Wang Qiuxie was sincere. "I know that you are still worried about whether our Wanxian League will go south to the East China Sea. I still say this. We don't know."

"Thank you for telling me." Lin Bai originally guessed that they didn't know, so he just asked. Seeing that the other party was sincere, he also bowed sincerely to express his gratitude.

"Brother Zhuanlun came to the Northern Wilderness to gather information. How did you get here? Senior Xie brought you here?" Sun Yuqing asked curiously.

"Alas." Lin Bai sighed, "We were originally in Qiushui Sword Sect to make friends and gather information. Later, Qiushui Sword Sect and Yuxin Yiyi Sect planned to attack Tianshan Sect. We met Senior Yue who escaped, and then we came here with Senior Yue."

Lin Bai didn't tell a single lie.

"Qiushui Sword Sect? Yuxin Yiyi Sect? Why haven't you heard of it?" Sun Yuqing seemed to have never heard of it, and looked at Wang Qiukai curiously.

"A small sect in the Wanli Lake area." Wang Qiukai said.

"Why did they fight?" Sun Yuqing asked again, but Wang Qiukai didn't want to say more, so Sun Yuqing looked at Lin Bai again.

There was no way, so Lin Bai started to talk.

After a while, the cicadas suddenly chirped loudly, and the four people felt as if they had turned into an ownerless flying boat, rising and falling with the waves, sometimes falling into the sea, and sometimes drifting into the air.

"Junior Sister Yue!" Xie Qingxuan shouted.

"Stop!" A full moon appeared, and the breath of the Yuanyings stabilized. Lin Bai and the other four also recovered.

"Hahaha! What a wood demon! What a Zhou Wuji!" Cheng Fengzi's hair and beard were all spread out, and his hands were raised high, as if holding up the world, "Yin and Yang complement each other, get up!"

As he spoke, Cheng Fengzi pushed out his hands, and the hair and beards of the people turned black and white, and the shadows alternated between light and dark.

All the moss vines on the stone door were retracted. Xie Qingxuan used the formation to absorb the power of the wood demon and Zhou Wuji, and then Cheng Fengzi presided over it. The stone door slowly rose.

"Let's go!" Cheng Fengzi did not try, and directly turned into a breeze and entered the door.

Xie Qingxuan took a breath, "Please come in!" He looked at Lin Bai and others behind him again, and reminded them: "Although there are many opportunities here, they cannot be applied to you. You should focus on increasing your knowledge."

After speaking, Xie Qingxuan stepped inside, followed by the wood demon.

Yuexiachan waved his sleeves to wrap up Lin Pei and Zhou Wuji picked up his two apprentices Sun and Wang and rushed in together. (End of this chapter)

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