The Wheel-Turning Master

Chapter 42 Tracking

Elder Tong assigned matters and everyone rode away.

Lin Bai's sharp ears could still distinguish the discussion of the gray-clothed swordsmen in the sound of horse hooves.

"Miss Pei is a bit angry today and doesn't give any face to Master. Could it be that she took the wrong medicine?"

"Why did you take the wrong medicine? I think it's probably because Lin Zhuanlun was weak and didn't take good care of her!"

"I see, no wonder Lin Zhuan Lun Kungfu is introduced to us. Our junior sister Pei knows how to catch the fish in the best possible way!"

Pei Ning's temper was really bad just now. Lin Bai guessed it was because Xiuxiu didn't boil eggs for her.

"Bring your things with you, don't lose them." Peining rode forward.

"..." Lin Bai quickly checked the things again.

Two iron tires were carried on the back, and the quiver was hung on the saddle. There was also a long sword, which Lin Bai held in one hand.

Apart from that, there was nothing else, not even a change of clothes.

When I got on the horse, I was not used to it at first, but after a while I became comfortable.

No matter what it is, if you ride it a lot, you will be able to control it freely.

After catching up with Peining, the two of them walked out of the North City gate together.

According to what Elder Tong said, Immortal Master Qi saw purple energy rising from the north of Huaxi County, but the distance was too far to determine where it was.

However, it is roughly certain that it is in Tianlang Mountain, but Tianlang Mountain stretches for thousands of miles. Even if hundreds of people are thrown into it, let alone dozens of people, it is like finding a needle in a haystack.

So I can only touch it slowly and do my best.

This trip was divided into seven teams, four of which went directly up the mountain; the other two teams walked around the eastern foot of Tianlang Mountain.

Pei Ning and Lin Bai investigated from the western foot of Tianlang Mountain.

It's getting colder today, but it's only a little hot at noon.

The two of them walked along the foothills without entering the mountain. However, whenever he encounters a village at the foot of the mountain, Pei Ning will definitely come down and inquire carefully about any visions, noises, or unusual things.

Five days passed in a row, and we only traveled more than a hundred miles in circles.

I didn't gain much, but I heard a lot of mountain ghost legends, mostly the words of foolish men and women.

The two of them were not in a hurry. Two days later, they met a village. Lin Bai bought new clothes, had a big meal with Pei Ning, and continued to investigate.

In the afternoon, we came to a village.

Lin Bai had inquired beforehand that this village was called Taoist Fen. Half of the village farmed and the other half relied on hunting. There were less than a hundred households.

Taoist Tomb Village is located at the foot of the mountain. The houses are of various heights and are mostly surrounded by fences.

Arriving at the end of the village, Lin Bai threw out a few coins and asked the children who were playing to lead the way to Muramasa's house.

The village chief was an old man in his fifties or sixties. As soon as he saw the tall horse and the visitor with a sword and bow, he called him a noble man.

After a few polite words, Muramasa invited Lin Bai and Pei Ning to sit down in the courtyard, then asked his wife to pour tea, and then asked: "I wonder what the two nobles are here for?"

Pei Ning looked around the fenced yard, looked at Lin Bai, and motioned for Lin Bai to ask.

Lin Bai was used to being called upon in the past few days, so he didn't beat around the bush and asked directly: "About a month ago, did you hear or see anything unusual in the mountains in your village?"

"If you want to talk about weird things, they happen every year. This year just after spring, a wolf took away Xianglin's baby, and a black bear stole Tang Laosan's clothes." Muramasa frowned and thought carefully, then asked: "I wonder what the noble Lord is asking about?"

"Things about gods and ghosts," Lin Bai said.

"Immortals..." Muramasa thought for a long time, clapped his hands, and said happily: "There really are some! Last month, Li Huozi went up the mountain and said he saw immortals flying in the sky!"

Pei Ning was picking walnuts to eat. When he heard this, he immediately looked at Lin Bai.

Lin Bai looked at her and then looked at Muramasa and said, "I would also like Muramasa to invite Li Huozi to come over and talk."

"This is easy to handle!" Muramasa immediately waved and asked the children who were watching the horses to go find Li Huozi.

Soon, the group of chirping children came back, as well as a group of adults, both men and women, who came to see the stranger.

"Huozi, come here quickly! The noble man wants to ask you about the gods!" Muramasa spoke to Li Huozi much more harshly.

Li Huozi lived up to his name, with a slightly split upper lip and a slight limp in his left leg, but his clothes were quite clean.

He walked closer, his face timid, and he was obviously a villager who had never seen the world.

"Let me ask you, have you really seen a god?" Lin Bai asked with a smile, very kindly.

"I saw it, I really saw it!" When Li Huozi said this, he got excited. He pointed to the mountain and said: "The gods are flying in the sky! My beard has grown! They don't believe me, they say I'm crazy... "

Lin Bai took a closer look at Li Huozi and felt that there was indeed something wrong with this man, but he could not be said to be stupid.

"How did you see me that day, and why did you go up the mountain? Tell me honestly and in full." Peining spoke up.

"This child has no mother, it's a long story. About a month ago, the weather wasn't very cold at that time..."

Li Huozi regained his energy and was no longer afraid. He said: "I got up early in the morning to pick up dung. When I came back, I didn't see my woman. I'll look for you in the east and I'll look in the west..." He was talking about something, but what he said was completely meaningless. pause.

Lin Bai and Pei Ning listened with great interest.

After a long while, Li Huozi finally finished speaking, and Pei Ning poured him a bowl of water himself.

Lin Bai also figured out the reason.

It turned out that after Li Huozi couldn't find his mother-in-law that day, he was in a hurry and thought about the past of hungry wolves coming down the mountain to look for food in the Taoist grave village, so he went up the mountain to look for her.

After walking for a long time, he didn't find his wife, but heard shouting. Then he saw a long-bearded immortal in the distance, with purple air covering his body, flying deeper into the mountain.

Finally, Li Huozi knelt down and kowtowed for a long time, and went back to the village to tell people, but no one believed him.

Lin Bai looked at Pei Ning, and Pei Ning nodded slightly. The two thought they had found the right place.

"Did you find your wife?" Pei Ning looked at Li Huozi.

"Of course! God bless you!" Li Huozi's face was full of smiles, "It turns out that my woman thought our toilet was smelly, so she borrowed the toilet of Wang Er next door to urinate. My woman doesn't know how to live, and that feces is a good thing!"

As soon as he said this, the villagers who were watching laughed.

Pei Ning did not mind Li Huozi's vulgar words, but just nodded, took out a silver ingot and threw it to him, admonishing him: "Don't go to pick up manure in the future, take good care of your woman, and don't let her leave your sight. I will come again in two years. If someone bullies you, just tell me."

Li Huozi took the silver ingot and knelt on the ground to thank him.

After driving away the villagers who were watching the fun, Lin Bai took out the silver money and asked the village chief to find someone to feed the horses and kill chickens and geese.

After eating and drinking, they rested in a thatched house of the village chief at night. Pei Ning slept on the bed and Lin Bai slept on the ground.

The next morning, the two got up early, washed up, and had a full meal.

Prepared some salt, took some cakes, and handed the horses to the village chief for care.

Everything was ready, Lin Bai and Pei Ning went into the mountains.

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