The Wheel-Turning Master

Chapter 47 Preparing to go home

Deep in Tianlang Mountain.

The forest is deep and the trees are lush, and the ground is slippery.

Seven gray figures walked here, each with a sword on his waist, dirty clothes, and a look of vicissitudes and fatigue on his face.

The leader was a man in his thirties, quite handsome.

This group was exactly the disciples of Elder Tong, and they went into the mountain to find the traces of Master Qi.

Originally there were three teams, and they happened to meet on the road and gathered together.

But after days of mountain roads, poor eating and sleeping, everyone was tired.

"Brother Qin, if we keep going like this, when will it end? Why not take a break!" A teenager spoke.

As the teenager spoke, everyone complained for a while.

"Rest? Master went forward alone because we were too slow. You and I don't want to relieve Master's worries, but instead feel lazy. How can we repay Master's kindness?" Brother Qin said with a stern face.

"It's not our credit to find the Immortal Master, and Master will only reward you, how can he care about us?" Someone started to mock.

"That's right! Senior Brother Qin, your sister has married Master's family. Everyone knows that Master treats you as a family member and us as coolies!" Someone else spoke.

When this person spoke, no one complained, but laughed.

"Isn't that family? Speaking of which, our Master and Senior Brother Qin are master and apprentice outside, and brothers at home! They are very harmonious!" Someone followed to ridicule the affair.

"Junior Brother Liu, be careful with your words! Once a teacher, always a father. If you talk nonsense again, don't blame me for not thinking about the friendship of fellow disciples!" Someone also defended Elder Tong.

Seeing that the quarrel was fierce, Senior Brother Qin directly drew out his long sword, and with his whole body, he cut off a big tree as thick as a bowl with one sword.

"If anyone talks nonsense again, don't blame me, Qin Ruzhong, for not recognizing people with his sword!"

Qin Ruzhong showed his skills and immediately shocked everyone.

Although some people still murmured in a low voice after that, no one dared to confront them directly.

The group continued to move forward. After two days, they were caught in a mountain rain. Seeing that the morale of the army was about to collapse again, they suddenly smelled a scent of flowers.

Everyone was shocked and hurried forward to see.

In front of them, there was green grass, lush trees, birds singing, flowers blooming, streams flowing, tigers and deer walking together, just like a blessed land.

"This must be the habitat of Master Qi!" Qin Ruzhong was delighted and said immediately: "Everyone shout "Master" in unison... No! Don't offend the immortal master!"

"That's right! Don't offend the immortal master! Maybe the master and the immortal master are discussing a night of sleeping together..."

"Are you going to die?" The man was covered by someone's mouth before he finished speaking.

Qin Ruzhong pretended not to hear and said in a deep voice: "Everyone divides into three teams, each looking for it, and reunites here half an hour later."

Everyone immediately agreed, cheered up, and entered the blessed land.

After half an hour, no one came back to join them, but gathered at the entrance of the cave.

"Junior Brother Liu, you are always smart, go in and explore first." Qin Ruzhong ordered.

"Why don't you go?" Junior Brother Liu was young, but he was not stupid.

"You are not convinced?" Qin Ruzhong's eyes darkened.

"Why should I be convinced? When Senior Brother Jiang led us to do things, what did we do? You can only drive us away without any benefit! How can I be convinced by you?" Junior Brother Liu retorted.

For a while, everyone agreed with Junior Brother Liu.

Qin Ruzhong glanced at everyone and found that no one stood on his side. He hated his lack of prestige.

"Then let's go in together. Just keep silent and don't disturb the immortal master." Qin Ruzhong compromised.

There was nothing to say about this, so everyone agreed.

A long dragon entered the cave, and after a while, it came to the depths of the cave.

I saw a few rays of light falling from the top of the cave, and black crows circling. On the stone platform in the middle of the cave, there was a corpse, with not much flesh and blood left.

For a moment, everyone was frightened and looked at Qin Ruzhong.

"Come with me to see it." Qin Ruzhong was also very scared, his face was extremely ugly, and his voice was shaking.

Everyone stepped forward reluctantly, and the black crow flew away with a cawing.

The clothes on the corpse were torn and the sternum was broken.

There was not much flesh left on the head, the eyes were empty, the hair and beard were dirty and white, and it was vaguely recognizable that it was an old man.

"Is it Master Qi? Senior Brother Qin, your sister... You are most familiar with Master Qi..." Junior Brother Liu's voice was also trembling.

"Yes... yes." Qin Ruzhong carefully identified the clothes and gave an answer.

As soon as this was said, everyone was shocked.

"Where is the master?" someone asked.

"Let's not mess around here, go out and look for him first." Qin Ruzhong stood up and walked out.

Everyone hurriedly followed.

After going outside and sweeping again, they only encountered wild deer and big insects, where was the shadow of a person?

The seven people had no idea how to deal with it. They had to continue to expand the search range, shouting "Master, Master".

Unfortunately, it was completely useless. At night, everyone hurriedly ate something and went to sleep.

On the second day, they continued to search around the blessed land, but still found nothing.

On the third day, Qin Ruzhong did not dare to delay any longer and prepared to split into two teams, one team to guard here and the other team to go down the mountain to report.

After arguing for a long time, no rules were put forward. First, everyone was afraid, and second, Qin Ruzhong's prestige was insufficient.

"What are you arguing about?"

Suddenly, a voice came, and everyone looked in the direction of the voice, only to see Pei Ning holding a sword, in a disheveled figure and tired.

And there was a person next to her, also in dirty clothes, who was Lin Zhuanlun, who wove mats and sold shoes!

"Where is Elder Tong?" Pei Ning walked forward, his voice tired.

Everyone was silent, their eyes focused on Qin Ruzhong.

"Master hasn't arrived yet, maybe he got lost, he should be here in two days." Qin Ruzhong defended Tong Ruhu.

"Elder Tong is the most useless, I know." Pei Ning was extremely disdainful, and asked again: "Have you found Master Qi?"

The gray-clothed disciples looked at each other, and finally looked at Qin Ruzhong.

"Master... follow me." Qin Ruzhong sighed and led the way.

After entering the cave, Pei Ning saw the remains of the Master and immediately went forward to see.

"I have never seen Master Qi, are you sure this is Master Qi?" Pei Ning looked at Qin Ruzhong.

"Probably... right?" Qin Ruzhong had sweat on his forehead.

"Probably? It seems that your sister has worked in vain." Pei Ning sneered.

"It's better than someone who devotes himself to weaving mats and selling shoes!" Qin Ruzhong immediately retorted.

"Brother Qin, even though I was born in a humble family, I have never done anything wrong!" Lin Bai immediately became anxious, "May I ask, where is the master? Where are the immortal master's relics?"

"What do you mean? Do you think my master has taken the immortal master's relics?" Qin Ruzhong glared at Lin Bai.

"Humph, I didn't say anything, why are you so guilty?" Lin Bai said.

"You yellow mouth boy, how dare you insult my master by stealing the corpse?" Qin Ruzhong drew his sword from its sheath, pointed it at Lin Bai, and said angrily: "Do you want to test the sharpness of my sword?"

"My sword is not bad either!" Lin Bai also drew his sword, but stood behind Pei Ning.

"Put down your swords!" Pei Ning was very impatient.

As she spoke, she didn't look at others, but half squatted down and turned over the remains of the immortal master Qi.

Under the remains, there was a black human figure, obviously soaked in blood.

But there were three small characters engraved on it: Jiuyin Mountain.

"Jiuyin Mountain?" Pei Ning thought silently for a while and looked at everyone.

Everyone shook their heads, none of them had heard of this place.

"Anyway, let's report back to the mountain gate first." Pei Ning sighed, "Xiao Linzi, Junior Brother Liu, Junior Brother Jia, follow me down the mountain. The rest of you stay here, don't let the immortal master's remains be damaged."

"Finally I can go home." Lin Bai sat down on the ground, thinking about what gift he should bring to Xiuxiu.

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