The Wheel-Turning Master

Chapter 57 Great Achievement

Morning of the second day.

Lin Bai opened his eyes, washed up, and started cooking.

After a while, Xiuxiu also got up. Her eyes were still a little swollen and she had lost a little weight.

After dinner, Lin Bai boiled water and washed Xiu Xiu's hair.

She was naturally cute and well-behaved, but after washing away her gloomy aura, she looked even more beautiful.

"Xiuxiu is the most beautiful girl on our street." Lin Bai boasted casually.

This is not a lie, Xiu Xiu is indeed a beautiful woman. If it doesn't grow crookedly in the future, it will definitely be prettier than a flower.

But she had to be raised no matter what she looked like, and Lin Bai was willing to give her a few compliments to dispel her depression.

"Really? Do you really think I'm good-looking?" Xiu Xiu was braiding her hair. When she heard this, she immediately looked at Lin Bai, her face still a little red.

"When have I lied to you?" Lin Bai said with a smile.

Xiuxiu smiled innocently, her face seemed to be even redder, she spread out the braided ball head and made a rounder ball.

When I opened the door to the medical clinic, my buttocks were still hot from sitting, and I heard the clatter of horse hooves outside.

Soon, Pei Ning entered the door and looked at Lin Bai.

"What's wrong? Are you in a hurry?" Lin Bai asked.

"It's okay, I'm too lazy to come to you!" Pei Ning's anger seemed to have not subsided, and she stepped forward and said, "That Ruyi..." When she said this, she looked at Xiuxiu and said, "Xiuxiu, help me, uncle." Pour a cup of hot water."

"I'm not a child anymore, you have to avoid me when you talk." Xiu Xiu wasn't stupid either. She muttered, but she walked obediently to the back hall, "Hurry up, you guys!"

"Is she having her period?" Pei Ning asked suddenly, not talking about the girl Ruyi.

"How do I know this? She is still young, it is estimated that it will take two years." Lin Bai frowned and asked, "Are you here?"

"I'm celebrating the 18th of the New Year, so I'm here early!" Pei Ning glared at Lin Bai.

"I mean this month." Lin Bai explained quickly and took out another paper bag. "Look, I've prepared some medicine for you. Go back and fry it to eat..." As he spoke, he threw it to Pei Ning.

This was specially prepared by Lin Bai for Pei Ning last night. It can calm the mind and relieve the depression in the chest. It also has the effect of nourishing blood and warming the body. It is very suitable for unmarried menstruating women.

"..." Peining was stunned for a moment and seemed to laugh in anger.

"What's wrong with Immortal Master Ruyi?" Lin Bai glanced outside.

Pei Ning breathed a sigh of relief, sat down, and said, "Ren Qiaoyun just went to find me and said that Miss Ruyi sent her to deliver a message. She said she was very bored and asked me to take Qu Ruyi to go shopping and see the local customs."

"As soon as the master left, she became slack and slack. How can she become a great person?" Lin Bai was helpless.

According to the plan the two of them agreed on yesterday, they will avoid those immortal masters in the future.

But she never expected that Qu Ruyi would order Pei Ning's sign.

"I promised her and will be there soon." Peining said.

"It's true." Lin Bai also agreed with Peining's approach.

The two of them had met with the immortal masters before. Immortal Master Qu Chengjiaqu was quite gentle in his words, but he was also very aggressive in his attacks.

And the two of them are not stupid. They know that those immortal masters are very kind when they are friendly, and they are very quick to fear when they fall out.

The strength is not equal, and they never regard ordinary people as the same kind, and they can kill them whenever they want.

There was no way to resist, so I could only lie down.

"Why don't you come to me?" Lin Bai thought.

"Do you still want to sleep with an immortal master?" Peining frowned displeased.

"I...I didn't!" Lin Bai immediately straightened his face and warned: "Be careful with the one named Song Qing. I think he has a lot of thoughts. As for Miss Ruyi, she seems to have been pampered since she was a child, and her nature is somewhat righteous. You do have some... Haha, just smooth it along."

"You don't need to teach me!" Peining stood up, walked a few steps outside, then turned back and grabbed the medicine bag on the table.

When she went out, the sound of horse hoofbeats sounded, and Xiu Xiucai came out of the back hall, seemingly unhappy.

After a few days, Xiuxiu regained her composure and talked more.

Since then, Lin Bai has been living in the medical clinic, working at sunrise and resting at sunset. He only runs the medical clinic with Xiuxiu and doesn't care about anything else.

One month passes in a blink of an eye.

Xiuxiu has become talkative again as usual. She has a smile on her face all day long and she doesn't know why she is happy.

News of the disaster in the north came from time to time. Many people said that the rebel army was going to attack, but there was no sign of it.

Pei Ning was busy with work. I heard that she spent the whole day eating, drinking and playing with Qu Ruyi. She made Qu Ruyi very comfortable and was rewarded with several bottles of elixirs. However, she never said anything about her practice.

As for Immortal Master Song Qing, he has never been seen.

At the beginning of the day, it was still dark outside.

Lin Bai opened his eyes and slowly exhaled, followed by a thunderous sound all over his body, but the outside world did not hear the sound.

After one month of hard training, Wuji Gong has been completed.

The internal energy in the Dantian is surging, and the muscles and veins are connected without obstruction. The breath is long, the whole person is full of energy, and there seems to be endless strength.

According to Pei Ning, when the Wuji Kung Fu has been cultivated to the extreme, the depth of inner strength is unparalleled in the world.

Once you reach this level, you can easily master both swords and Qinggong.

To the point where the moves are meaningless.

In the dark room, Lin Bai stretched out his hand, sucked in his inner strength, and the sword fell into his hand.

Lin Bai took out the sheath and flicked it, holding the hilt of the sword and slowly injecting internal power.

For a moment, internal energy surged out, and the sword trembled. After a few breaths, a dazzling light suddenly emerged from the sword.

As soon as the sword light came out, it immediately illuminated the entire room, a hundred times more dazzling than a candle.

Slowly reducing his strength, Lin Bai was not tired, and his internal energy in his dantian was still full.

Seeing the sword light again, and it was from himself, Lin Bai did not have the amazing feeling when he first saw Pei Wuyong use the sword light.

The reason is simple, once you have seen the sea, you will never be impressed. After seeing the immortal master walking in the sky and seeing the wonderful magic power in front of you, the sword light is really not worth mentioning.

Although he also got the magic formula that can enter the Tao, but if Master Qu did not leave, he and Pei Ning did not dare to learn it at all, for fear of revealing some flaws.

Before the great power of the golden elixir, Lin Bai felt that even if he and Pei Ning risked their lives, they could not stop it... Let alone the golden elixir, they could not even stop the attack of the foundation building.

Looking back now, it was really lucky to be able to take down Master Qi at that time. If Master Qi was not tied up and his skills were suppressed by the purple air, he and Pei Ning would have been killed.

Lin Bai was about to get up and wash up when he heard a movement in Xiuxiu's room next door.

The sound of dressing, putting on shoes, opening and closing doors, going to the stove to light the fire, boiling water, and then washing up.

Recently, this girl has been very hardworking, taking care of laundry, cooking, sewing and other things, and not letting Lin Bai interfere at all.

Lin Bai is used to a hard life, and he doesn't think that men are superior to women, but every time he wants to help, Xiuxiu always says with a serious face: This is what women should do, you are not allowed to interfere.

"This girl needs to be taught well."

Lin Bai thought while leaving the room.

After washing up, he sat in front of the stove with Xiuxiu, waiting for the porridge to cook while chatting about something.

Xiuxiu is lively and active. Usually, when there is nothing to do in the clinic, she likes to go to the street to listen to the gossip of the old ladies.

Whenever she hears something, she comes back and tells Lin Bai exactly what she has said.

"There was a man named Fugui on the street in front. His family was prosperous, but he got addicted to gambling. He lost all his family shops and fields outside the city, and his father was so angry. But the woman he was engaged to didn't leave him and was very good..."

Xiuxiu was very good at talking, not only could she make things better, but she could also occasionally say some truths to encourage Lin Bai.

After breakfast, she opened the door of the clinic.

Not long after, Pei Ning came again.

These days, she took Qu Ruyi to stroll around Huaxi County every day, drinking tea and listening to music, attending wedding banquets and funerals, and even going to brothels. She was very happy.

But she never left Huaxi County. Lin Bai and Pei Ning speculated that it was probably because Qu Ruyi received the order from Master Qu Xian that she couldn't go far.

"What's wrong?" Lin Bai was used to it. Pei Ning would come here when he had time.

"It's been a month..." Pei Ning said this and looked at Xiuxiu.

She was just trying to find a reason to chase Xiuxiu away, but Xiuxiu had already walked to the back hall, saying, "I know, I know, you two want to whisper. I'm still young, I can't listen, I can't see..."

"You better hurry up, don't dawdle and let others see!" Xiuxiu finally said.

She was so young, but she had already learned the skill of being weird.

"She has a lot of resentment." Pei Ning watched Xiuxiu walk into the back hall and laughed.

Lin Bai smiled and said, "What happened? Did Qu Ruyi force you to take her to a brothel again?"

"Not this time..." Pei Ning looked exhausted, "I just wonder why that immortal Qu hasn't come back yet. It's been a month, and you haven't found him yet? How is your immortal master's best friend?"

"What best friend? We are not familiar with each other..." Lin Bai immediately distanced himself from the matter, and then said with a righteous face, "We can't do anything, just wait."

"I can only wish good luck to the immortal master of Jiuyin Mountain." Pei Ning sighed.

Lin Bai was actually worried about Sister Zhen, but his strength was not enough in front of Jindan, so he couldn't help even if he wanted to, and could only watch.

"You seem a little..." Pei Ning frowned at Lin Bai, then grabbed Lin Bai's hand.

The surging internal force immediately poured in, but was immediately blocked. Pei Ning used all his strength, but it was difficult to shake the other party.

"Wuji Gong is perfect, you are too fast!" Pei Ning sighed, as if he was very tired.

The two talked nonsense for a few more words, and Pei Ning left again.

When the sound of horse hooves was heard outside, Xiuxiu came out from the back hall.

She didn't say anything, came to Lin Bai, tilted her head and looked at Lin Bai's face carefully, as if looking for something.

"What are you looking at?" Lin Bai touched his face, thinking that I was as chaste as jade, could there be a pimple on my face?

"You whisper all day long, and your relationship is so good. You two are unmarried, do you have that private... private affair?" Xiuxiu asked in a low voice.

"..." Lin Bai was a little confused.

"Also, did you two just secretly..." Xiuxiu tilted her head, her voice was like a mosquito, her face was still red, and she muttered: "Did you kiss secretly?"

"Don't go to the street to listen to those old women's nonsense in the future!" Lin Bai immediately gave an order, acting like an adult, "Go and copy the Wenbing Tiaobian ten times!"

"You dare to do it but dare not let others say it? Shame on you!" Xiuxiu pouted and ran to the back hall without listening to Lin Bai's words.

But a few days later, Lin Bai found that Xiuxiu got rid of her bun and changed her hairstyle, which was similar to Pei Ning.

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