The Wheel-Turning Master

Chapter 73 Is this Ji?

The Golden Turtle Island is northwest of the Stone Island, about 20,000 to 30,000 miles away.

The Purple Bamboo Boat can travel about 200 miles in an hour, and it also has to guard against beasts in the sea and evil birds in the sky, so it can only travel less than 2,000 miles a day.

After half a month of slow sailing and countless hardships, they finally saw the Golden Turtle Island in the sky.

The four people were in a very bad situation. Lin Bai and Pei Ning had little spiritual power left, and their spiritual stones were almost used up.

Song Qing and Zhang Han were even more than ten years older, with dry white hair, increasingly cloudy eyes, and cracked faces and hands.

After another half day of slow sailing, the entire Golden Turtle Island could be seen in the sky.

The Golden Turtle Island is shaped like its name, similar to a turtle. There is a large oval island in the middle, about one mile long and wide. There are four small islands connected to it on the side, shaped like a turtle's foot.

There is another island to the east of the oval island, which is a turtle... a turtle head. It is more than a hundred feet high, with lush trees and flying birds circling.

"The island is as its name suggests!" Lin Bai exclaimed.

"Brother Lin is indeed... a skilled and courageous person!" Song Qing said tremblingly, "Don't worry, with me as a hostage, Huang Ruchao will not dare to do anything. I will also help you a lot and help you get out of here!"

"Me too!" Zhang Han immediately followed.

"Then I'll have to trouble you two brothers." Lin Bai clasped his fists and thanked him sincerely, "I will never forget this kindness!"

"You and I are brothers, you are welcome." Song Qing looked serious.

Pei Ning didn't pay any attention to the hypocritical words of the three people, but just looked at the Golden Turtle Island.

After walking slowly forward for a while, he could already see the main hall on the oval main island of the Golden Turtle Island.

Soon, a beam of light flew over, and a hearty laugh was heard from a hundred feet away.

"Hahaha! Junior Brother Song, Old Brother Zhang, you two are free, I can..."

An old Taoist priest wearing a yellow robe with cloud patterns flew over and saw the situation in the purple bamboo boat. He turned around and ran away without finishing his words.

"..." Lin Bai and Pei Ning were speechless.

"Old Huang is getting more and more timid." Zhang Han sighed.

Song Qing shook his head and said nothing.

But after waiting for another quarter of an hour, Huang Ruchao flew over again.

Huang Ruchao asked loudly from more than ten feet away: "Zhang Han, why are you in such a ghostly state?"

Zhang Han sighed, he didn't dare to speak, just looked at Lin Bai.

Lin Bai nodded slightly.

"Junior Brother Song and I were hit by the dead wood cicada magic." Zhang Han's voice was extremely hoarse.

Huang Ruchao was stunned for a moment, his face changed twice, and he said again: "Junior Brother Song, is it true?"

"Indeed." Song Qing said in a sad tone: "Senior Brother Huang, now that we are hostages, there is no need to say more."

Huang Ruchao pondered for a long time and said: "The two young Taoist friends are really brave! Aren't you afraid of the revenge of my Yunxia Sect?"

"It's really helpless, please forgive me." Lin Bai smiled and replied.

Huang Ruchao sighed and said: "Then let's go down to discuss!" As he spoke, he looked at Song Zhang hesitantly, as if he was quite anxious.

Huang Ruchao was in front, and Zizhuzhou followed behind.

Soon they landed in front of the main hall in the center of Jinbie Island.

Lin Bai put Zizhuzhou into the storage ring, and Pei Ning and Song Zhang took a look around.

The spiritual energy here is more abundant than that of Shattered Stone Island, but it is also limited. But the advantage is that the range is extremely large and endless.

Huang Ruchao stood at the entrance of the hall, and there were seven old Qigong practitioners with surprised faces, more than ten feet away from Lin Pei and the others.

"Please enter the hall to discuss!" Huang Ruchao spoke loudly, and he flicked his sleeves and went straight into the hall.

Lin Bai didn't dare to enter, but smiled and said, "Senior Huang, we are passing through here, just asking for convenience, we can talk here."

Huang Ruchao stopped and looked back at Lin Bai and Pei Ning.

"What do you two want to do? Jin Bie Island is far away overseas, where can you two escape to?"

Huang Ruchao frowned and sighed, "Why don't I do it, you release Song Qing and Zhang Han, and I will let you two go."

Lin Bai and Pei Ning were not stupid, so they didn't believe this nonsense.

Taking a step forward, Lin Bai bowed slightly and said, "Senior Huang, we..."

Before he finished speaking, he heard a buzzing sound, and then heard a shrill voice.

Lin Bai and Pei Ning were startled. Pei Ning continued to hold the sword tightly against Song Qing's neck. Lin Bai turned around to look.

Only to see a green light coming with great momentum.

"Who attacked my Yunxia Sect disciples?"

Huang Ruchao immediately flew up, and a shadow of the sea appeared behind him. He pushed out with two palms and shouted: "The blue sea is rising!"

With a loud bang, Huang Ruchao fell from the sky, and the light also stopped, and an old Taoist in green robes appeared.

At this moment, a burst of earth-yellow light lit up, and the shadow was like a tortoise shell, covering the hall, covering a hundred feet in radius.

"Uncle, there are still our people outside!" An old cultivator of Qi training said anxiously.

"I can't take care of it!" Huang Ruchao's face was ashen, and he only looked outside the formation.

Soon, five more lights fell behind the old Taoist in green robes, and they were all foundation-building cultivators!

One of the old men in black robes was surprised and said, "How could these idiots open the protective array so quickly? Did they prepare in advance? Or did our whereabouts leak out? That's not right! They can't know!"

The green-robed man didn't say anything, but just looked at Song and Zhang in the protective array.

Huang Ruchao panted heavily, looked at Lin Bai and Pei Ning, and said, "Thanks to you, I made arrangements early and was ready to open the protective array at any time."

"Thanks to us?" Lin Bai and Pei Ning looked at each other.

At this time, an old Qi practitioner ran out of the hall and said anxiously, "Uncle Master, the sect has been informed!"

"Okay, okay!"

Huang Ruchao breathed a sigh of relief and said: "Now that the magic circle has been opened and the gate has been summoned, we only need to hold it for two or three days."

The seven qi training disciples in the formation responded suddenly.

The six foundation builders outside the protective formation discussed briefly, and then each flew out. Then they heard several screams, which must have killed the Jinlu Island disciples who were patrolling outside.

Soon, the six foundation builders came to the formation again, and they all took out their skills, whether they were flying swords, talismans, or their own magical powers, trying to forcefully break the formation!

Lin Bai and Pei Ning looked at each other in silence. They clearly came to cause trouble, but ended up being trapped in the protective formation.

And looking at the offensive of everyone outside, it is obvious that it is extremely brutal...

The six foundation builders outside were attacking endlessly, and the tortoise shell protective formation appeared and disappeared, but they were all blocked.

When Huang Ruchao and others entered the hall, no one came to talk to Lin Pei and others.

"The timing of our arrival seems not right..." Lin Bai said.

Peining nodded.

Both of them looked towards the main hall and saw Huang Ruchao sitting cross-legged in the middle with his hands pressed in a circle. The other seven Qi practitioners were surrounding him, seemingly using their spiritual power to maintain the formation.

"Brother Song, can this protective array last for two days?" Lin Bai asked.

Song Qing collapsed on the ground, shook his head and said, "It's hard to say."

Looking at Zhang Han again, Zhang Han kept shaking his head and said: "You two understand why our Golden Turtle Island needs three foundation builders to guard it? It is precisely the rotation of three foundation builders that can keep the formation unbreakable."

Pei Ning looked at the six foundation builders outside the protective formation and asked, "Is this auspicious?"

"We are in the protective formation and are safe now, and Huang Ruchao is not in a hurry to deal with us. It should be... a blessing, right?" Lin Bai said.

"Where did these people outside come from?" Lin Bai had practiced meditation for a long time. Although he was unsure at the moment, he was not panicking.

"Who knows?" Zhang Han shook his head, with a sad look on his old face, and said, "Maybe it's the demons from Jiuyin Mountain! They come here every few decades! Nothing happened before..."

"What are they here for, the main ingredient of Huayuan Dan?" Pei Ning asked again.

"There is nothing else to do here, so I must have come here for this." Zhang Han laughed bitterly, "The Huayuan Pill is used by the foundation-building monks to break through the levels, and it is valuable."

"You two, don't be stunned, go in and help quickly!" Song Qing's face was ashen. He originally wanted to move around on Jinli Island, but now he was in a bigger crisis. "When the others come in, we will all be finished."

Lin Bai and Pei Ning were even more speechless.

Why do you become teammates with someone?

But looking at the ferocious looks of the six people outside the formation, it was obvious that they were not willing to reason.

Lin Bai and Pei Ning found that they seemed to have really become teammates with Huang Ruchao and others.

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