"Leo Road, high-speed stars solve it

" "Leo ~ (look at me Leo Light Wave~

)" "..." "Beep


The duckbill baby screamed and lost the ability to fight, (இдஇ; )

"Duckbill baby~


duckbill baby loses the ability to fight, and Leo Lu wins, so the winner is Ling Feng!"


" "Brother is so handsome, I love it so much~" ٩(๑ ́3'๑)۶

"Niu Bu ah brother~


"Alas ~ Come back ~ Duckbill baby" Listening to the praise and praise of the surrounding classmates to Ling Feng, Wang Yuehan helplessly took the duckbill baby back ╯_╰, although he knew that he could not win with a high probability, but losing like this is really unacceptable, ಥ_ಥ

Looking at the frustrated Wang Yuehan, Ling Feng's rare gentleman took the initiative to comfort the lost Wang Yuehan

, "Young sister, you don't have to be sad, you are actually very powerful, you are also the best among your peers, but the bond between you and the duckbill baby does not seem to be so deep, cultivate a relationship with the duckbill baby, I believe you will become very powerful! ( ง •̀_•́)ง" Before Wang Yuehan could move Ling Feng, he directly changed his tone, "But this time I won the competition unceremoniously~"~(

̄▽ ̄~)~"..." Wang Yuehan heard Ling Feng's first half of the sentence, originally thought that this guy was quite good, but the second half of the sentence directly choked, "..." The corner of Wang Yuehan's

mouth twitched

, "Then that's it~Goodbye young lady"~( ̄▽ ̄~)~

After saying that, Ling Feng walked down the field to find Tang

Xueqin without looking back, looking at the departing Ling Feng, the corners of Wang Yuehan's mouth rose slightly

, "This guy actually feels good unexpectedly~


"How about it, Xueqin, am I handsome?" Ling Feng said to Tang Xueqin (●°u°●) "

Handsome, why not handsome, our Ling Dashao just comforted the lost girl, but the look is too handsome!" Tang Xueqin said in a strange manner

, "..." Ling Feng said, what the hell, could it be...

"Xueqin, are you jealous?" said Ling Feng with some uncertainty,

"Huh... How is it possible" Tang Xueqin said with a disdainful smile ( ́A')


""Xueqin, you learned badly~" Ling Feng said a little like crying,

"Who do you think you learned from "눈_눈"

? Ling Feng said indignantly

, "Stare~~" 눈_눈

Tang Xueqin didn't say anything, but it seemed that he said everything....


Ling Feng's expression froze

, "Xueqin~ You don't want to say that you learned from me, do you?"

"What do you think

, "눈_눈"..."

"Eh~Xueqin~Let's go see the fat man, I don't know if he finished fighting" Ling Feng hurriedly used the Dafa to change the topic, this can't be answered, is it possible to teach yourself a lesson?" "Huh~heh~" →_→ Looking at such a botched ability to divert the topic, Tang Xueqin also felt funny, "(>_<)

Then... Let's go.

After saying that, Tang Xueqin took the lead in turning around, ready to leave,

hearing these words, Ling Feng was completely relieved, and hurriedly followed Tang Xueqin. He also knew that his ability to change the topic was really Katy Dog shook his head when he saw it~ Since Xueqin said this, it means that she let herself go

, but what Ling Feng didn't see was - Tang Xueqin grimaced when he turned around, and his skin was really happy (//∇//) Tang Xueqin

: (๑><๑) Ling Feng: (



When the two went to the battlefield of No. 008 together, as expected, Fatty Wang was really still poisoning the disgusting opponent...

"Before I saw him like that, I thought that he was afraid of being real, and he was going to change his mind, and he didn't use this disgusting combination technique, and as a result... Well, the opponent is Liu Sheng~ That's okay, come on, fat (^_^)


On the battlefield

, Liu Shengzheng had an expression of eating Jin Qiula, and Wang Yue, who was opposite him, was smiling simply

, "Liu Sheng~ You can't do it, how are you embarrassed to go to our class to smash the field at your level? By the way, you seem to owe me Brother Feng a super gem, remember it! (^~^)

""Dead fat man, don't use a stand-in and protection if you have the ability, see if I don't beat you up as dad, and I owe Ling Feng the super power gem I have already given to the principal" Liu Sheng replied, Liu Sheng's

whole person is like a powder keg, that is really a little bit to explode ah~ Losing a super power gem to Ling Feng was regarded as a great shame by him, after returning home, my father almost didn't break my leg after knowing about it, and it was all tears, woo-woo (┯_┯).

And now this Wang Yue not only jumped to mock himself, but also took out the matter of losing to Ling Feng with a super gem and whipped the corpse, which was simply tearing open his already scabbed wound again, he not only wanted to tear it open, but also sprinkle salt on it. Uncle can endure, aunt can not bear; aunt can endure, he Liu Sheng can not endure <('^ ́)>.

"I don't, if you have the ability, you will hit me ah~Slightly ~

" Liu Sheng: (▼皿▼#)

"Little flame monkey uses provocation~" "Hehe, even if you can't only use attack skills, what about the little kabi beast collision

" "hi~ko

~" "click

~" "Huh~ come well, the little flame monkey uses splitting tiles~

" "

Splitting tiles?" Ling Feng said strangely, because he remembered that the data panel of the little flame monkey was not split before, so he decisively used the Eye of Exploration

, [Little Flame Monkey: Strength: Intermediate (12) Attribute: Fire System Characteristic: Fierce Fire Gender: Male Personality: Impatient Props: Imposing Belt Potential: Quasi-Heavenly King> Dojo Talent: B+>B Skills: Grab, Glaring, Spark, Provocation, Flame Fist, Flame Kick, Bodybuilding, Splitting Tiles].

〈Evaluation: A small flame monkey with medium potential and talent, with great perseverance, but because of the owner's excessive training and long-term whipping, its body is extremely weak, and its potential and talent have also declined, it is recommended to relax and treat it"

"Huh? Ling Feng frowned, "Liu Sheng actually mistreated his Pokémon?"

"What's wrong~ Xiao Feng" Seeing Ling Feng's solemn face, Tang Xueqin asked curiously,

"This little flame monkey's state is not right

" "Is the state wrong?"

Ling Feng didn't say anything more, just silently sent a message to his uncle

, on the battlefield -

the little flame monkey's splitting tile successfully hit the little kabi beast, of course, it was also damaged by the impact of the little kabi beast~"Little kabi beast,

use the impact again

~" "Kabi

~", "Little flame monkey uses splitting tile~

" "hi~ko~"

But the state of the little flame monkey does not look good, just now the little Kabi beast's old injury attacked, kneeling on the battlefield was ended by a hit

by the little Kabi beast, seeing that the little flame monkey not only did not attack, but was also defeated by the little Kabi beast impact, Liu Sheng completely broke the defense

, "Waste ~ waste ~ Little flame monkey quickly stand up for me" Liu Sheng yelled,


Hearing Liu Sheng's angry voice, the little flame monkey struggled to stand up but couldn't stand steadily, and finally fell to the ground

, "Waste ~ waste ~ Little flame monkey that waste quickly stand up for me, kill that little kabi beast for me, hurry up" ╰(‵□′)╯"

..." The

people present frowned when they heard Liu Sheng's words, and then saw the little flame monkey who was still struggling on the field, Although it is a poisoned state, it should not be

hit by the little kabi beast and can't get up with a hit, they all perceive that the state of the little flame monkey is wrong, and the little flame monkey is not in a very good physical state, after the opening game, it was hit by the poison of the little kabi beast, and then the poison has been grinding its physical strength, plus just hit another impact, really can't stand up, Liu Sheng's words just now became the last straw that crushed the monkey.

"Boom~" The

little flame monkey fell directly on the battlefield and fell unconscious.


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