In this way, Ye Xuan and Poor confirmed their relationship, and Ye Xuan wanted to tell Poor about Maitreya and Ziyuan several times, but the words came to his lips and made him swallow back, because whenever he saw the pitiful face with a happy expression, Ye Xuan always couldn’t bear to hurt her.

Perhaps Ye Xuan is such a man, in the face of emotional indecision, he instinctively wants to protect every woman around him, but he has unintentionally hurt all people, but only such shortcomings make Ye Xuan look more like a person than an omnipotent god.

During the time that Konoha was with Poor, Yogengen put aside his identity as the leader of the dark tribe, and even stopped thinking of himself as a ninja, and accompanied Poor every day to run this candy house full of his memories, although life was dull, but it was enjoyable.

But happy times are always short, Yogengen has not forgotten his own affairs, he wants to take Kakashi to the land of ghosts to see Watergate, although it is a little early, but still let them meet, his weight in Kakashi’s heart is not as good as Watergate, maybe there are some words, let Watergate say Kakashi will have an epiphany.

Ye Xuan did not let the poor come to send him, because he was afraid that if the poor wept, he would be reluctant to leave.

On the day before leaving, Poor got up very early and made a simple but very warm breakfast for Yogen, and then prepared some food on the road for Kakashi and Yogen, and when Yogengen got up, Pity helped him sort out his clothes very gently, and watched Yogengen go out with a smile the whole time, as if Yogengen was just going to do a small thing and would come back in a while. But in fact, they all knew that Ye Xuan might not be able to return for several years when he left.

Send Ye Xuan out the door, until Ye Xuan’s figure disappeared from poor sight, poor squatted down softly, crying silently with tears. And Yogen, who didn’t even dare to turn his head, rushed to the entrance of Konoha Village as if fleeing for his life, and had a round with Kakashi, who had been waiting for him for a long time.

Along the way, Yogen’s face was gloomy and terrifying, Kakashi didn’t dare to say a word, he followed behind with his head stuffed, both of them were very fast, and in less than half a day, they reached the border of the Fire Country.

“Take a break here, grab a bite to eat before you go.” Ye Xuan said loudly, and the two of them found a shady place to sit on the ground, and took out the bento box prepared for the two of them.

“Oh, I opened this mountain, I planted this tree, if you want to cross this road, leave the money to buy the road.” A gang of fat and strong bandits appeared out of nowhere, and robbed a girl with a beautiful face.

“Oops.” Ye Xuan snorted and was happy, good guy, this is the first time they have met a mountain thief, and this group of mountain thieves also carries a rough and shoddy Konoha forehead that is obviously drawn by themselves, how funny it is.

“Be serious, be serious, I didn’t see the robbery here. Hurry up and hand over all the silver on your body, and spare you not to die,” the mountain thief at the head said with some embarrassment.

“Wait, wait, wait? Who are you, guarding Konoha’s forehead? Yorugen asked, neither of them wore Konoha’s ninja suits because they had to hurry, Kakashi and Yorugen’s figures were slightly emaciated, and they looked like weak scholars, which was why this gang of stupid thieves robbed them.

“Listen. Lao Tzu is the first knife in the ninja world, the night sword god Yagen, this one next to me is Konoha’s cosplay ninja flag Kakashi, if you know it, call the money out, good, I won’t kill you. The leading ninja shouted loudly.

“Oops.” Ye Xuan laughed so hard that his stomach hurt, and the sadness of parting with the poor disappeared. “Okay Kakashi, when did you become a cosplayer? Did you cosplay? ”

Kakashi laughed awkwardly twice. “I don’t know what’s going on, I went and cleaned them up.” After speaking, Kakashi stood up and pulled out a handful of kunai from behind him.

“Okay, don’t kill them, and save the girls.” Ye Xuan said softly.

Yogengen nodded, and quickly rushed to the opposite group of stupid thieves, a shadow-level powerhouse and a group of ordinary people who were not even ninjas, this was not suspense at all, Kakashi three times five divided by two, just like digging sorghum stalks, all the bandits were put down, and the girl they robbed was carried back.

“Girl, I see that you are gorgeously dressed and have a brilliant temperament, you should not be an ordinary peasant girl, how can you appear here? Also robbed by a gang of thieves? Ye Xuan asked with some concern.

But who knew that the girl didn’t appreciate it at all, and the frightened girl seemed to be glued to Kakashi, and even though Kakashi let go of his hand, the girl still hugged his neck and didn’t give it away, making Kakashi a big red-faced fox.

“Lord Yorugen asked you. Be honest. Kakashi seemed to have been in the dark for a long time, talking to ordinary people who didn’t understand very well, speaking a little stiffly, and just after asking a sentence, it scared the girl to cry.

“Huh, why are you crying? I didn’t bother you, don’t cry first, there is something to say. The girl cried numb her paws for Kakashi to cry, and she circled around the girls left and right, sweating all over her head.

A group of mountain thieves took advantage of Yorugen and Kakashi not paying attention to this side and sneaked away, Yogengen didn’t bother to care about them, this group of stupid thieves just like this bear is estimated to be unable to do anything big. Kakashi was about to chase, but was stopped by Yogenichi.

“Teacher, is it really okay not to chase them? This gang is using your reputation to rob you, which may create a fishing wheel for Konoha. Kakashi said while coaxing the crying girl while worrying about Yogen.

“Let them go, and thanks to this gang of stupid thieves, I’m in a much better mood, as for fame? Hehe, this thing can’t be eaten again, it doesn’t matter, if this gang of people are doing more unrighteousness, they will definitely be punished, so spare their lives this time. Yogen-shen said with a smile, and then reached out and pointed at the crying girl who grabbed Kakashi’s sleeve. You figure out how to put this in order first. ”

Recommend a good book from a friend, the protagonist apprentice of Hong Barren Fantasy, the author is a funny than fat, but the writing is still passable, everyone has time to read it_

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