Looking at the somewhat nonsensical monster in front of him, Ye Xuan only had two words in his heart.


How to forget this trick. Ye Xuan was annoyed, in fact, what he and Toad Yue had just defeated was not the real Shouhe, but the Garurio with the empty Shouhe shell. Since the sealing technique of Sand Shinobi Village is not too strong, Ichio Renzhuli must fight mentally with Shouzuru for many years, and basically has no sleep, because as long as he sleeps, he will be dominated by Shouzuru’s will. Perennial lack of sleep. This caused Kaliulo’s current bear that his grandmother did not love his uncle did not love.

But Garyuro killed Ye Xuan’s heart, and in a hurry, he took the initiative to go to sleep and released Shouhe’s will from the seal. Shouhe’s understanding of Wind and Sand was far above Garura, and as soon as he appeared, he brought great pressure to Yexuan.

“Boss Yue, what we just defeated is a fake, this is the real tailed beast.” In the immortal mode, Yexuan can also be regarded as a half-sentient ninja, and he can clearly perceive the terrifying Chakra contained in the body of this huge monster in front of him.

“The tailed beast, it really lives up to its name. But that’s okay, I don’t feel like we’re weaker than it. Toad Yue’s tone was also a little dignified.

“Wind Refining Air Bomb”

Shouhe slapped his stomach sharply, protruding a wind-attribute chakra ball from his mouth, and flew fiercely towards Yogen-hyun and Toad Yue.

“Water Iron Cannonball”

Toad Yue quickly sealed the seal, used a water escape technique, and slammed into Shouhe’s refining bomb, canceling each other out.

“Hey, Xiao Yexuan, you can’t use water escape, Lao Tzu is not good at water escape, can’t restrain this monster.” Toad Yue brandished his long knife and jumped fiercely, narrowing the distance between Yexuan and Shouhe.

“Where will I escape? Only wind and thunder,” Ye Xuan said angrily.

“Then wake up that medium-boy, as long as he wakes up, Shouhe can only go back.” Toad Mountain has already met the Shou Tsuru, and the battle between the two monsters is simply not too spectacular, comparable to Godzilla vs. aliens.

“Breaking the flow of water is extremely groundbreaking”

Ye Xuan jumped up from Toad Yue’s back, raised his sword with one hand in midair, and slashed down fiercely. A blade that was tens of feet long visible to the naked eye appeared on Ye Xuan’s headwind knife, and with Ye Xuan’s swinging of the sword, it slashed fiercely towards Shouhe. In the face of such a fierce attack, although Shouhe wanted to hide, but because he was too large, he did not completely dodge, and was cut off by Yexuan’s knife along with his arm and shoulder.

“Aaaa “Shou Tsuru howled madly in pain while releasing a wind escape. Tens of thousands of Chakra Wind Blades attacked Ye Xuan who had no place to settle in midair.

“Thank you, Boss Toad Yue.” How could Toad Yue watch Ye Xuan turn into shabu mutton. With both legs kicked, between the arrival of the Chakra Wind Blade, he caught Yogen, and took him to a safe place.

“Boy, it’s ruthless enough, you’re going to kill him directly.” But to be honest, your trick is really exciting. Toad Yue looked solemnly at the crazy Shouhe, and said to Yexuan on his back.

“Hehe, it’s okay to study it myself.” Yogen-hyun scratched his head.

Toad Yue tightened the long knife in his hand. “Now we can’t get over at all, this monster is crazy, and it’s surrounded by wind attribute Chakra. I can’t eat a few attacks like this full of chakra. ”

“By the way, with thunder.” Ye Xuan’s eyes lit up. “The human earth and impure water are conductive, as long as the thunder technique is strong enough, maybe it can directly wake up this goods.”

While the two were discussing tactics, there was a surge of sand, and Shouhe’s severed arm slowly grew out.

“Don’t talk nonsense, hurry up and seal it.” Seeing the Shouhe who wanted to pounce on himself, Toad Yue greeted him, and did not forget to instruct Ye Xuan in his mouth.

Ye Xuan replied, holding the headwind in his mouth, and his hands quickly froze.

Sure enough, it is a tailed beast, and the close hand-to-hand combat Toad Yue can’t get the slightest bargain, after all, the Chakra of the crane is too large, and he is not afraid of being injured at all, it is a complete fight. Toad Yue didn’t dare to go crazy with him like this, so he could only find a way to delay.

“Okay, no, stinky boy,” Ye Xuan replied as he froze. Except for the more alternative ninjutsu such as the spiral pill, the rest of the ninjutsu above the super S level require a long time to be sealed.

Yogen-chan also seemed to notice the imprint Yogen-chan on Toad Yue’s back, and released a sand shuriken to hit him. Unfortunately, there was no use for eggs, and they were all stopped by Toad Yue.

“Boss Yue, quickly dodge.” Ye Xuan’s voice was very strange, as if he had endured great pain.

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