Wizard Road 49, early January.

Three days ago, Mr. Joyce had led the recruited official wizards to leave the Misty Coast. The Heart of Plants Academy also ushered in a new era.

Heart of Plants Academy, Main Wizard Tower, Meeting Hall.

Green and Ellie sat on the rostrum, and hundreds of wizard representatives from the academy sat below, listening to the academy's development report over the past ten years.

Oaks, who had matured a lot, acted as the reporter.

"The 10-year planning task of the Heart of Plants Academy has been successfully completed, and even exceeded."

"The past 10 years have been an important stage in the development and construction of our academy. During this period, our academy has made great progress in various fields, laying a solid foundation for future development."

"At the same time, our academy has also achieved a qualitative leap, and the overall foundation and strength have reached a new level. In the wizarding world of the Misty Coast, we can be said to have firmly taken root."

"During the 10-year plan, our academy has made remarkable achievements in the economy. In the tenth year of the plan, the academy's internal GDP has reached 830,000W+ magic stones, an increase of 720% compared to before the 10-year plan. The top five pillar industries of the academy are:

Real estate—— It accounts for 26.6%. There is no room for growth at present. In order to attract enough external funds, the college has sold most of the land and shops. In addition, after 10 years of crazy construction, the number of houses and shops has been saturated.

The college expects that the real estate market needs to continue to maintain a prudent policy, with an annual growth rate of about 1%. This is a red ocean. We just need to keep the basic plate stable and the housing prices do not collapse.

Education industry - accounting for 23.5%. At present, there are not many small and medium-sized wizards and independent wizards close to our college. Those who are supposed to come have come, which means that the period of large-scale growth has passed, but according to the feedback from wizards, this is still a blue ocean, and this market still has great potential to be tapped.

Especially in the field of education within the college , some niche markets, such as re-education of graduate apprentices, are recommended to be focused by the college. The education industry can become a permanent pillar industry of the college.

Pharmacy industry - accounting for 18.6%. As a traditional pillar industry of our college, it has also enjoyed the dividends of the development of the times. Our pharmaceutical market has expanded by more than 300% in 10 years, breaking through 80% of the market barriers of the Misty Coast. The exported pharmaceuticals are all over the Misty Coast and have become a famous brand. However, due to the shortage of pharmacists, the growth rate in the future will slow down significantly.

Magic plant cultivation industry - accounting for 12.6%. This industry has benefited from the construction of 6 wizard tower sub-towers. Each wizard tower sub-tower's 10-kilometer safety zone can be developed into a plant plantation. At present, our college's botanical garden The arable area has increased by about 12 times compared with 10 years ago. This is also the future blue ocean market of our college, and it is expected to maintain a high growth rate in the next few decades.

Wizard Market Store Rental and Transaction Tax - Accounting for 6.5%. This industry is also an emerging industry. Each of our 6 Wizard Tower Sub-Towers has built a small market to provide market transactions for internal and external wizards.

The major forces and major business houses of the Misty Coast have also opened shops in our market. This is also an excellent economic growth point. The driving effect of the college's economic development is very good, but the factors affected by the outside world are too great. The departure of Mr. Joyce may have a huge impact on the emerging market. We must be cautious in this regard. ”


“While the economy is growing, the college's employment has also made significant progress.”

“According to the data of the college's statistics department, our college has more than 20,000 registered wizards in the internal academy, with a growth rate of 350%, 100% employment, and an extremely broad employment market, with talents in short supply. The average monthly salary of intermediate wizard apprentices is 300~500 magic stones, an increase of 120%, and the average monthly salary of senior wizard apprentices is 1000~1800 magic stones, an increase of 34%.

Of these additional inner courtyard wizards, 21% are new recruits recruited by the academy from the mortal world, and 79% are talents introduced from various small and medium-sized forces and scattered wizards who have defected.

There are 17,695 wizards from the outer courtyard of the academy, mainly wizards from the outside world who pay for classes and take the path of study classes. After they finish their studies, they leave our academy and have nothing to do with our academy. According to the treaty signed with the Seven Towers Alliance, our academy can only recruit students from the outer courtyard in the past 10 years, so there will be no such thing as outer courtyard students in our academy in the future.

At the same time, there are more than 13,670 affiliated wizards who have registered for permanent residence in the deputy tower of our wizard tower, and more than 50,000 wizards have applied for temporary residence permits.

Therefore, our academy has completely become a large gathering place for wizards with more than 30,000 permanent wizards and nearly 100,000 mobile wizards, and has become the economic, cultural, and resource distribution center of the southern region of the Misty Coast.

In the entire Misty Coast, only the City of Light supported by the Light Fire Wizard Academy in the north has more than 100,000 wizards, and the scale of wizards in our academy can be called the second. ”


“During the 10-year plan, the academy has also made great progress in knowledge research and innovation. ”

"For 10 years, the academy has mobilized all its resources and worked with the two friendly forces, the Bright Fire Academy and the Fran Tower Academy, to jointly study the biological armor technology and achieved quite brilliant results.

The biological armor at the apprentice stage has completed the mass production of the fifth version of biological armor, and currently has 32 units in mass production. Compared with the third version of biological armor worn by Lord Green, the fifth version of biological armor has been greatly improved:

The cost has dropped by 32.8%, and 12 rare resources have been replaced with ordinary resources;

The overall performance has increased by 21.7%, and the endurance has increased to 20 minutes, an increase of 100%;

The maintenance cost has been reduced by 62.5%, and 32 key technologies have been mastered. All parts can be reused and the wizard array can be repaired, which greatly reduces the logistical pressure."

"The biological armor at the first-level formal wizard stage has also completed the initial 1.0 version. Because it involves many secrets, it will not be publicly described here."

"But this first-level biological armor is not yet perfect and needs continuous research and updating, so our academy still needs to continue to invest resources in research."


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