The White Wizard's efforts will yield a hundredfold rewards

Chapter 218 Great Achievements in One Hundred Years of Development (I)

Time flies.

Since the shocking battle in which Lord Green became famous a hundred years ago, the Heart of Plants Academy has successfully protected its own interests. Lord Green, who is known as the first official wizard of the Misty Coast, has taken charge, and the Heart of Plants Academy has ushered in a century of peaceful development.

In the past hundred years, the Heart of Plants Academy has changed a lot and has become more and more beautiful.

Every year, the development achievements of the academy are much better than the previous year, and with each passing year, the foundation of the academy has become deeper and deeper.

According to the statistics of the academy, the average development speed of the Heart of Plants Academy in the past 100 years is about 5 times faster than that of other wizard academies in the same period. In other words, the development achievements of the Heart of Plants Academy in the past 100 years are equivalent to the development achievements of other wizard academies in 500 years.

Just look at the number of official wizards.

In the past 100 years, after the entire Misty Coast lost more than 100 official wizards at once (those who died and went to the wizard world of Middle-earth), a large amount of resources were left for the wizard apprentices below.

This is the most relaxed period of time for apprentice wizards to be promoted to formal wizards in the Misty Coast in the past thousand years, with the most relaxed resources and pressure from the upper level. Coupled with the effect of a new round of elemental recovery, the elemental concentration of the entire eastern coastline of the Misty Coast has increased by about 20%, and the difficulty of cultivating various resources has been reduced a lot.

All these factors have led to the prosperity of the formal wizards in the Misty Coast in the past 100 years, and these 100 years are also known as the "Golden 100 Years of the Misty Coast".


148 years of wizard road.

There are 19 formal wizards and above in the Heart of Plants Academy, 7 new formal wizards with orthodox inheritance (their natal witchcraft is the plant protection force field of the botany school), and 12 new vassal formal wizards (their natal witchcraft is not the botany school, but other types of inheritance.).

It accounts for 7+12/164u003d11.6% of the new formal wizards (164) in the Misty Coast in the past 100 years, ranking first among the major wizard academies in the Misty Coast.

The 10 newly added official wizards of the second-place Bright Fire Wizard Academy were far behind. It is said that some wizards of the Bright Fire Wizard Academy also developed a mental bottleneck for this reason. They forcibly overcame this mental bottleneck, but ultimately failed.

The current Plant Heart Academy is truly the first force and the first wizard academy in the Misty Coast.

In order to better promote the development experience of the academy and promote the civilization development of the wizard world, Lord Green also specially organized people to summarize the 100-year development experience of the Plant Heart Academy and listed a series of great achievements in the 100-year development.

(In fact, in order to gain more world contribution, Green wrote these 100-year achievements into a book and spread it widely in the Misty Coast.)


The first of the 100-year achievements of the Plant Heart Academy -

Becoming the commercial center, financial center, knowledge exchange center, and civilization center of the Misty Coast wizard world.

These four centers all show that the Plant Heart Academy has become the real No. 1 in the Misty Coast. It is estimated that Lord Joyce will be surprised when he returns.

First of all, the commercial center. The six sub-towers of the Plant Heart Academy have built six small markets. Lord Green has a far-sighted vision and has made a customized development plan for these six small wizard markets. Each wizard market has its own development focus.

Therefore, the six wizard markets complement each other and exchange what they have. At the same time, they have always adhered to the principle of fair and just market transactions and paid great attention to the transaction safety of wizards. For 100 years, they have been severely cracking down on all kinds of illegal and criminal activities and striving to protect the personal and property safety of customers, making the wizard market of the Plant Heart Academy the safest market on the Misty Coast and accumulating countless reputations.

This can be seen from the real estate prices of the sub-towers of the wizard tower. The current average house price has more than doubled compared to 100 years ago.

Countless peddlers and vendors gather in various small markets, and major forces will open shops in the market of Plant Heart Academy to sell various specialties.........

So, there is a popular saying in Misty Coast now, if you want to buy something, just go to Plant Heart Academy. If there is no Plant Heart Academy, then don't look for it, you can't buy it in Misty Coast.


Second, it is a financial center. The first bank in the Misty Coast wizard world is the Plant Heart Academy Commercial Bank, which was also established under the leadership of Lord Green.

Lord Green established a complete commercial banking system, from deposit collection to lending, and issued a whole set of bank policies suitable for Misty Coast after the magic modification.

This Plant Heart Academy Commercial Bank was established in the 20th year of the Golden Hundred Years, which greatly strengthened the status of Plant Heart Academy as a commercial center, and also helped countless small vendors to grow and develop.

All the funds and precious resources of the entire Misty Coast wizarding world flowed to the Plant Heart Academy. The bank also launched bearer magic stone stubs, which were specially designed for some shady transactions and personal services. Among the six wizarding markets, one of them even organized an underground dark market, and business was extremely prosperous.

It is said that the monthly transaction flow of this underground dark market can be ranked second among the six wizard markets. In addition, these six wizard tower sub-towers are completely open to everyone in the entire Misty Coast. Therefore, many real black wizards will come here to sell stolen goods and purchase supplies.


The third knowledge exchange center is because in the 30th year of the Golden Hundred Years, the Heart of Plants Academy broke through many constraints and reopened the teaching and tutoring class for casual wizards.

This move has brought the favor of countless grassroots casual wizards to the Heart of Plants Academy, and also created the reputation of the Heart of Plants Academy as a holy place among the casual wizard group. This also attracted many wizard academies to follow suit in the later period. The Heart of Plants Academy almost changed the way and method of knowledge exchange in the Misty Coast by itself.

The Heart of Plants Academy never treats knowledge as a treasure, and it has always been a principle.

Knowledge is valuable. As long as you can take out enough magic stones, you can learn whatever you want. That's how the 12 vassal formal wizards were born.

They are all outstanding among the independent wizards, but because their foundation is already set, they cannot switch to the Botanical School of the Heart of Plants Academy. Therefore, Lord Green specially helps them find a wizard path that suits them. Anyone who has hope can give it a try.

And they are all grateful. After becoming official wizards, they swear a destiny oath and join the Heart of Plants Academy.


The last civilization center is naturally because the wizard heritage of the Heart of Plants Academy is the most and most complete in the Misty Coast, and more than 80% of the wizard heritage is open to everyone, as long as there is a magic stone.

In the ten years when Joyce was exposed as a second-level wizard, hundreds of small and medium-sized forces and countless independent wizards joined the Heart of Plants Academy, and their heritage was naturally copied and placed in the library of the Heart of Plants Academy.

In this golden hundred years, Lord Green has never given up the search for wizard knowledge. He has continuously absorbed wizard inheritance from independent wizards. At the same time, Lord Green has actively promoted innovative research on wizard knowledge and founded an authoritative newspaper, "Innovation Weekly", and has devoted a lot of resources to encourage wizards to actively innovate research and actively submit articles for publication.

After a hundred years of development, the Heart of Plants Academy has naturally become the civilization center of the Misty Coast.

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