"Ox, I don't know much about logistics support."

"But everyone has their own expertise..."

"I believe in your strength, Ox, and you won't hold me back in this regard."

Green smiled and said:

"In the future..."

"I will leave the logistics support of the biological armor to you."

"If you need my help and cooperation, just tell me."

"Now, Ox, tell me in detail about this awesome and cool armor."

"I am more interested in its past and present, its strengths, and how to protect my life."


"Okay, Green..."

"Logistics support is my job, and I will do my best."

Ox also signed a letter of guarantee.

Then he began to explain this biological armor to Green.

"The biological armor project is a grand project that our academy started 32 years ago."

"At that time..."

"There were very few top wizard apprentices in our academy, and the senior wizard apprentices were not good at fighting. When competing for resource points with those dark wizards in the Misty Islands, they were frequently at a disadvantage."


"The great official wizard, Mr. Joyce, took the lead in organizing and carrying out this biological armor project."

"Its main purpose is to develop a life-saving armor that can effectively protect the lives of senior wizard apprentices, help them survive, and even use it to impact the top wizard apprentices."

...... .

"Over the past thirty years..."

"The academy has invested countless resources, mobilized thousands of middle and senior wizard apprentices, and top mentors from all walks of life to participate in this great plan."

"The academy has fully utilized the advantages of our white wizards, who are highly united and cooperative, not afraid of sacrifice, not afraid of difficulties, and concentrate their efforts to accomplish great things, and have overcome countless difficulties."

Ox's expression was full of solemnity and dignity, as if he was narrating a magnificent historical poem...

"In the end, we launched three versions of biological armor."

"After various experiments, the first two generations of biological armor were More or less, there are some fatal defects, and now the college has scrapped and retired them..."

"The fourth generation of biological armor is still in the laboratory, undergoing technical demonstrations, and it will take another seven or eight years to come out."



Ox paused for a while, strengthened his tone, and continued:

"Now this third version of biological armor is the main force of our college!"

"This is developed by the college..."

"The first one..."

"There are no fatal defects, the cost performance is within the acceptable range, and the protection has reached the design indicators of biological armor Armor."


"The college plans to mass-produce the third version of biological armor on a small scale to solve the problem of insufficient top combat power in our college during the wizard apprentice stage."

"Experimenter Green..."

"The No. 8 biological armor you see now is the latest mass-produced armor. This is the last of the first batch of 8 armors."


"Next, I will explain to you the basic parameters and design concept of this biological armor."

"Biological armor is an innovation in armor research and development by taking advantage of our college's ability to cultivate magical plants."

"This set of armor uses a 6+1 mode. "

"6 refers to the six main parts of this set of armor:


Back armor;

Left arm armor;

Right arm armor;

Left leg armor;

Right leg armor."

"These six main parts are all made of hundred-refined black steel, mixed with a large amount of rare witchcraft materials, such as gold essence, mithril, red copper........."

"Each part is engraved with a six-pointed star witch array, and the magic item makers use secret methods to strengthen it to the level of high-level magic items."

"So just based on the material properties of this set of armor itself, it can resist witchcraft attacks or physical strikes below 30 degrees of intensity. ”

“This is the last line of defense of this armor when you are attacked suddenly, which can prevent you from being killed instantly...”

“Therefore, it is not recommended to rely on the armor material itself to take the attack, because this will greatly reduce the service life of the armor and greatly increase the cost of maintenance and repair, of course, except for experimental testing...”


“At the same time...”

“These 6 magic array components form a positive and negative triangle protective hexagram magic array.”

“When you put on this set of protective magic array armor, you can activate this positive and negative triangle protective hexagram magic array by posing a specific posture.”

“It will stimulate a weakened first-order protective force field, protecting your safety in all directions without dead ends.”

“This magic array protective force field can resist any magic and physical attack below 100 intensity.”

“After all, it is a stand-type defense, which offsets the attacking magic or physical attack by resisting the force of the stand.”

"Put it on, Green..."

"You can realize your dream: attack against the enemy's fireballs!"



Green laughed, his eyes lit up.

If this biological armor is really so powerful, what's the big deal about fireballs? It's just a small case.


Ox cleared his throat and continued:

"The connection of the six parts of this armor is completed by the magic black vine specially cultivated by the academy."

"Note, the magic black vine is alive!"

"It can switch back and forth between active and dormant states."

"When active, it needs plant activity stimulating potions to stimulate and replenish its activity, so that it can rest and replenish nutrition. At this time, it will take the initiative to detach from the six major parts, which is convenient for us to inspect and repair these six major parts."


"Generally speaking, if there is no damage, we need to do a comprehensive maintenance of the biological armor every four months, It takes 7 days. "

"If there is a battle, depending on the situation, shorten the maintenance interval appropriately, change it to once every two months or once a month."

"Experimenter Green, this maintenance is the main task of our logistics support team. The process is very cumbersome, and it consumes a lot of medicines and precious materials."

"When I just took over this biological armor last week, I had already carried out a comprehensive maintenance on the No. 8 armor with the team's mentors. I estimate that the material cost alone is thousands of magic stones."



Ox looked at Green's increasingly bright eyes, and the strong urge to take this awesome Plus biological armor for himself, and couldn't help reminding him.


"Don't even think about buying a biological armor."

"Even if you can afford it, you can't afford it after buying it..."

"Even my family can only afford the consumption of one armor, which is a big spender..."


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