What happened to He Zhouzhou was soon known. Bai Luyao contacted He He and learned about the magical operation of He Zhouzhou's mother.

He choked back his mouth and said, "Do you really think she would do that?"


Bai Luyao thought so too.

And you don't have to think about it.

What's more, there is no actual proof that his mental power was destroyed. This can be regarded as just a misunderstanding, as long as he doesn't mention it himself, no one will know.

He didn't take this as a thing, he was really busy recently. However, He Zhouzhou's mother searched for him several times in succession, but no one was found.

It stopped Marshal He.

He comforted: "It's good that people are still alive, and you don't have to force too much."

However, He Zhouzhou's mother must not listen to these words. Her only hope now is that He He really has a way, how can she hear such words.

"It's true, that's not a misunderstanding."

Seeing that Old Marshal He obviously didn't believe it, she could only grit her teeth and threaten: "If he really doesn't care, I will really break the news on Xingxing. Anyway, my son is already like this, in the future There is no hope anymore, and no one should think about it better.”

Old Marshal He was so angry that his liver hurt, "You... If the He family is not good, are you better?"

"I'm already like this, how can I get better?" By this time, He Zhouzhou's mother seemed to have completely given up, "The big deal is that the fish will die and the net will be broken."

He Zhouzhou's mother did not stop her this time.

She waited and waited, and did not wait for He He to contact her. Gritting his teeth, he used the strategy he had prepared before, putting everything on the star network and relying on public opinion to force He He to save people.

Bai Luyao was still in class at the time, but she said it immediately, "What? Isn't that a misunderstanding? It's better to hope that He He can cure the damaged mental power. Count on me. To tell you the truth, I'm studying pharmacy recently, and you can wait for the good news of my success."

When he spoke, he immediately turned the topic to the other side.

"When the Bai family targeted Bai Luyao last time, he didn't bother to say a word. This time it was changed to He He, but he spoke up immediately. The relationship between the two can be seen. It's really good to come out, and Bai Luyao is also a really good friend."

"Speaking of the former Mrs. Bai's slapstick operation, I have to admit that this Mrs. He here is not much better than that one."

"Hahahahaha, last time I heard that Bai Luyao was reading pharmacy materials in class. I thought it was a rumor, but it turned out to be true."

"My God, you obviously have such a high talent in the mecha manufacturing department, but you don't continue your studies, why do you want to study pharmacy."

"Don't tell me, before the space button came out, no one thought that Bai Luyao would succeed! This time, maybe it will be true? If we don't see him, let us wait for news!"

"Hahahaha, to tell you the truth, I'm also studying pharmacy recently, do you want to wait for my good news?"

Under Bai Luyao's Xingbo, he lamented that he was a friend and said that he was acting a lot. But no one accused He He, because no one believed it was true.

"He He was only ten years old, was he ten years old? He Zhouzhou's mother wanted to say that a child less than ten years old was destroyed in spirit, and then he could heal himself? My God, this is enough for me to laugh for a year."

"Am I the only one who thinks this may be targeting the cactus again?"

Everyone immediately remembered that there had been no news about the cactus since it was exposed by the He family last time. But now... "This is to see that people are still alive and well, and they have successfully disappeared again in front of the Second Empire. Some people in the He family are unhappy, and are they going to force them out for a while?"

"Don't let anyone brush what was actually cured by a cactus back then, let them come out!"

"Even if it's a cactus, it's impossible, he's already so powerful, can he still be a master in pharmacy?"

"Cactus is the hero of the empire, well, if he really had this kind of technology, he must have come up with it long ago, and no one knows where it will be."

Bai Luyao looked at this one and liked it without blushing.

By the way, I opened Xingbo and looked at it in a wide range, and found that there are different voices, but they will soon be returned. As for the navy arranged by He Zhouzhou's mother, the focus is on He He's ruthlessness, regardless of his cousins.

However, everyone tacitly agrees that he has no such ability at all.

Everyone thinks this is just unreasonable, and there are basically no people who agree with it.

Some people even said, don't say they don't have this ability, even if they do, they must help you? You don't even think about what you've done. Others expressed that they wanted to report the matter. It turned out that the eldest and second eldest of the He family still had the intention of attacking children, which was simply maddening.

Over there, some reporters blocked He He and asked him this question.

He He smiled and said, "I also hope that the Empire has such technology."

After he finished speaking, he got on the aircraft.

This scene was quickly posted on the Star Network with an article. At such a time, regardless of personal grievances, the first thing that comes to mind is the imperial technology issue, and he wrote a large article eloquently.

The response on Xingwang is also very good, a lot of people are complimenting.

But she didn't come out to say that it was okay, as soon as she came out, she was immediately sprayed into a disgusting appearance.

Even in the He family army, some people who were handed out by the eldest and second child of the He family were greatly disappointed with their mother and son. Not to mention, now that He Zhouzhou's mental power has been destroyed, it is obviously no longer possible.

Because of this, hehe, a lot of things have gone smoothly recently.

The invisible difficulties encountered are much less.

After all, everyone wants their legion to get better and better, and He He has already shown his ability. The opposite of him is He Zhouzhou. Comparing the two with one another, many people have chosen to stand in line again.

At the same time, Bai Luyao's sentence pattern is also completely popular on the star network.

What's the truth, I'm working hard to take the exam for Imperial College Six recently, you can wait for the good news that I, He He, Bai Luyao and Zhou Xiaodao have become alumni. ' 'To be honest with you, I have been courting goodies at home recently, and you can wait for the good news that I have successfully transferred to Sixth Division. ' 'To tell you the truth, I'm losing weight recently, you can wait for the good news that I lose 50 pounds a month'.

And so on, a lot of the same sentence.

Someone is looking through the records, wondering if Bai Luyao is really researching. In the end, I didn't know this, but I was shocked when I saw it, it was really not in the skin, but really looking at the information of pharmacy.

"I no longer feel that low spirits are inferior to others by nature. Look at others, not to mention space technology, but also to study pharmacy across borders."

"My mother said to me today that it would be nice if I could have half of it."

"I'm more ashamed than Bai Luyao because of my mental power. I'm really ashamed, ashamed... not to mention, I'm going to study."

Comparatively speaking, He Zhouzhou's mother's self-righteous revelation did not splash at all.

A week later, it was almost forgotten.

Bai Luyao was picked up by Gu Chengchuan again. In fact, there is no more Bai Ruixuan's brain-dead fan who wants to treat him now, but this pick-up has become accustomed to it.

When Old Marshal Gu came back in the evening, he mentioned at the dinner table that he recently discovered a particularly famous expert in spiritual power.

After hearing the name, Bai Luyao searched with his brain and found that he was an old expert.

Famous and capable when she was young. After getting old and retiring, I like to play around, and my whereabouts have always been a mystery. And when Old Marshal Gu mentioned this, it was obvious that he meant it.

As expected, Old Marshal Gu immediately said: "Would you like to ask him to help take a look, even if it can't be completely solved, it would be good to relieve some."

Gu Chengchuan said: "No."

"No need for nothing." Old Marshal Gu looked distressed, "It is not taboo to practice medicine."

"And it's not that you don't know, the Zerg has been restless recently. It's very likely that you go, why, you still want to lie down and come back?"

Mrs. Gu immediately looked over with concern.

Bai Luyao also looked over, but with a look of schadenfreude.

Gu Chengchuan glared at him, stop making trouble!

"Yo, I haven't said it yet!" Bai Luyao continued to blink.

Gu Chengchuan nodded, "It's about your secret, you didn't say it, why should I say it first."

The two of them made eye contact without any obstacle, but Mrs. Gu didn't understand anything. Old Marshal Gu frowned even more, "What are you two looking at over there, you won't speak directly if you have something to say?"

Bai Luyao immediately turned to look at him, "Grandpa, I think, don't ask for a grandson like him who doesn't tell you anything!"

Gu Chengchuan: “…”

Marshal Gu was helpless, "What did he hide from me again?"

Bai Luyao raised his eyebrows and looked at Gu Chengchuan, "Be honest!"

After he finished speaking, he seemed to have nothing to do with him. He took a chopstick for braised pork and put it in his mouth with great joy. He was very happy to eat.

Gu Chengchuan had no choice but to say, "My mental power problem has been solved."

It really is a big deal.

Marshal Gu said to himself.

Then reacted suddenly, "What? When did it happen?"

Mrs. Gu also looked over with concern, her face was both unbelievable and extremely happy. He asked eagerly, "Really?"

Gu Chengchuan nodded, "It's been a while, and the last time I was in a coma was resolved."

The words have come here, and Gu Chengchuan will no longer hide it. Jiang Bai Luyao's mental power is not as low as the outside world thinks, and it is no less than his. Moreover, his mental strength is soft, and he explained in detail what happened to help him solve a big problem.

Old Marshal Gu is not stupid, he immediately reacted, "So he pressed you against the wall that day, wasn't he taking advantage of you?"

"What." Only then did Mrs. Gu know: "There is such a thing?"

However, at this time, this kind of thing is only a small matter. The question is, what were they doing at the time.

Gu Chengchuan admitted, "He was trying to manage my mental power for me."

Marshal Gu: "Nonsense!"

"It will start by pressing people directly against the wall like you did.

"And, and you don't even lock the door."

Fortunately, it was him who entered. Their family never meant to interfere with the personal feelings of their children and grandchildren. This needs to be changed. If you make a little noise at that time, or want to stop it, the consequences will be disastrous.

This is…

"It's so outrageous."

Gu Laoyuan is not too handsome, looking at them like a bear child who can't understand. Especially watching Gu Chengchuan, "I thought you were very stable and sensible."

Gu Chengchuan thought, what does this have to do with me, I was even more confused than you are now!

He looked at Bai Luyao, but saw that the culprit was eating happily, and when he saw him look over, he smiled at him, and the smile was so sweet that it was not surprising.

Marshal Gu who saw this scene: "..."

He calmed down a little and could guess that this was Bai Luyao's idea. But he can train Gu Chengchuan, but he can't say Bai Luyao. First, they are not his own grandsons, secondly, they have come up with space technology, which has greatly helped the empire and their family, and thirdly, it has been revealed that he has solved his grandson's mental power problem.

How to train such a person, Old Marshal Gu felt that his face was not that big, so he could only hold back abruptly.

Mrs. Gu was both happy and grateful, "My child, thank you very much, auntie, auntie..."

Old Marshal Gu couldn't help but look a little hot.

In recent years, the problem that has troubled them the most is just Gu Chengchuan's mental power problem. Now, it has been solved like this.

If he hadn't known about his grandson, he would have thought it was a joke to tease the old man.

Bai Luyao saw that Madam Gu was too excited, so he quickly said: "Auntie Gu, don't be too excited, it's fine as before. Look, I'm just afraid that your attitude towards me will change drastically. dare not say."

Gu Chengchuan squinted at him, do you believe this false?

Bai Luyao bared his teeth at him, no, come and coax him!

What else can Admiral Gu say!

Mrs. Gu was mentioned by him like this, and it was hard to say anything. I just thought in my heart that I must treat this child better in the future.

Marshal Gu's reaction was that after eating, he called Gu Chengchuan to the study and asked seriously:

"What is your relationship now?"

"When are you going to marry someone?"

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