The Whole Country Develops a Different World

Chapter 109 The system hates the current host

"The injection of Goblin Slayer 1 virus is complete." The researchers injected more than a dozen goblins with Goblin Slayer 1 virus, and then pressed on the top of each cage.

The next moment the cage began to slowly close and close.

Goblin Slayer Virus No. 1: A mixed virus made by using the toxins extracted from the venoms of five advanced monsters and the biochemical viruses of modern technology. At the same time, with the unremitting efforts of scientific researchers, it has a very strong lethality rate against goblins.

Mode of transmission: airborne, bloodborne.

Symptoms: Through respiratory transmission or blood transmission, the infected body infected with Goblin Slayer No. 1 virus will appear bloodthirsty, and the adrenaline in the body will be secreted rapidly. The infected body will always be in a state of excitement and mania, and finally begin to attack the surrounding creatures.

Onset time: 8~15 days

This virus mainly borrowed from the necromancer's zombie water and rabies virus. In order to successfully complete this potion, the researchers deliberately took out a necromancer from the white house to assist in the research.

After the successful study of the Goblin Slayer No. 1 virus, virus researchers conducted hundreds of experiments, covering almost all types of goblins except for the rare goblin king.

After the experimental data came out, the effect of Goblin Slayer 1 was beyond everyone's expectations. The infectivity shown by the Goblin Killer virus is twice as high as they originally estimated. For example, the original researchers estimated that respiratory infections should keep a distance of no more than 30 meters from the pathogen and stay together for at least one minute. infection is possible.

However, in the experiment, each goblin infected with the virus only needs to have contact with the pathogen for a few seconds. can be infected with this virus, and the infection rate is as high as 98%.

Since the body structure of goblins is consistent with that of humans, viruses that are useful to humans are also effective on goblins. But because of this, theoretically, the Goblin Slayer No. 1 virus is also effective on humans. So the virus researchers transferred ten death row inmates bought from the prison cells of the ten countries from the white house, and conducted human experiments.

The experimental results confirmed the researchers' speculation that Goblin Slayer 1 virus is indeed effective for humans, but it is not as exaggerated as Goblin. Because the size and physical quality of human beings are five or six times stronger than that of goblins, although Goblin Slayer No. 1 virus can infect humans, its effect is only to make humans have mania-like symptoms, not Will completely lose their minds like a goblin.

Final experiment summary:

Goblins: Goblin Slayer 1 virus is extremely contagious and lethal to goblins. At the same time, due to the cruel nature of the goblin race, they never control their own desires. So as long as mania appears, goblins will not hesitate to attack the surrounding companions to vent.

Humans: Goblin Slayer 1 virus is highly infectious to humans, but has a low lethality rate. Due to the strong immune system and high IQ of human beings, human beings can effectively control their emotions and suppress mania. And the human beings whose strength has reached the second level can be immune to the Goblin Slayer No. 1 virus through their own strong physical fitness beyond the limits of human beings.

Seeing the experimental data, the virus researchers were all shocked. If the infected goblin would not get up again after death, the researchers thought they had developed the goblin version of the zombie virus.

The researchers put the closed cages into a rectangular iron box, and then controlled the iron box again for isolation. Although the Goblin Slayer No. 1 virus has a low lethality rate for humans, it is uncertain whether they will mutate after infecting humans. With the terrifying contagious power of Goblin Slayer No. 1, it would be no fun if it infected humans and mutated.

At the same time, there are small oxygen cylinders inside the iron cage that can breathe for the goblins inside, so that they will not suffocate to death for a day or so.

The researchers pushed the containment box out of the room, passed multiple disinfection checks, and then handed it over to the ten pioneers who had been waiting outside.

After the pioneers received the containment box, they immediately sent the containment box to the transport vehicle outside, and then hurried to the portal area.

Watching the pioneers carrying the containment boxes away, the virus researchers smiled at each other. In the past two months, with the help of various healing magic and blessing magic, virus researchers have been studying the Goblin Killer virus day and night, and finally researched the No. 1 virus.

They dared to pat their chests and promise that as long as these dozen or so goblin pathogens are dropped on the green star. The goblins died piece by piece like mowing grass, and the scene was absolutely guaranteed to be crazy and spectacular enough.

They can already imagine that under the infection of this virus, Green Star will definitely stage a Goblin version of Resident Evil.

After the vehicle that the pioneers were riding in completely disappeared and was in their sight, the virus researchers turned around and plunged into the Goblin Killer virus research room. After the Goblin Killer 1 virus was developed, virus researchers have begun to design the second-generation virus.

After virus researchers saw how terrifying the necromancer's zombie water was, they planned to create a more insane goblin with Goblin Slayer Virus No. 2 based on zombie water, plus various monster viruses and biochemical viruses. forest virus.

Goblins, an ugly race that uses human females as reproductive machines, simply because of their habits, gives humans a reason to drive them out completely. Goblins in the future Goblin Slayer world can only live in the laboratory.

Humans have never been a gentle race. Humans can even kill their own kind, let alone goblins. Even in Yunxing's highly civilized world, if a group of non-human intelligent races suddenly emerge, and the power of this race is still very weak. Then there are only two fates for this race. One is to become a vassal of human beings and rely on human kindness to survive. Two were driven to extinction by humans.

Non-my family, its heart must be different. This is not just talk, human beings can carry out ethnic cleansing of different ethnic groups, let alone these inhuman aliens.

In the future, the Eastern Xia Empire will do everything possible to ethnically cleanse the goblins on the green star, and the Goblin Killer Project is just one part of it. Even the Eastern Xia Empire wanted to transport thousands of nuclear bombs in, and then drop them in various places on the green star to set up a timed explosion. Then detonate all the nuclear bombs at the same time at a specific time, so that the entire Green Star will fall into a nuclear winter, so as to achieve the goal of destroying goblins.

This is the terrible thing about technological civilization. Although technological civilization is different from magic civilization, it has bug-level individual strength like gods. However, the lethality of technological civilization to the whole is definitely higher than that of gods. As long as technological civilization wants to come up with 10,000 ways to quietly destroy hostile races. All kinds of viruses developed by scientific and technological civilizations are not something these magical civilizations can resist.

Came to the portal area and passed through multiple security checks, and then brought the containment box to the underground teleportation mirror. Four pioneers lifted the huge containment box and sent it into the teleportation environment.

The team leader in charge of this mission said on the channel: [Start to check whether your respiratory system is functioning normally, whether the oxygen reserve is full, and check whether the aircraft is normal]

The pioneers began to check their equipment one after another. First, they checked through the tactical helmet to see whether the various systems were operating normally, and then manually checked whether the oxygen cylinders behind them were normal.

【Inspection completed, no problem】

【Inspection completed, no problem】


The leader of the pioneer team nodded, [The Goblin Slayer mission begins, enter the green star]

【yes! 】

The leader of the pioneer team turned around and stepped into the teleportation zone first, and then disappeared, and then the other pioneers entered the teleportation zone in an orderly manner.

Green Star, on a deserted hillside, there is a semi-circular concrete building that is incompatible with the surrounding desert scene.

This semi-circular concrete building has a radius of 100 meters and is an outpost established by the Eastern Xia Empire. Because the teleportation mirror is too small, only 5 meters high and 2 meters wide, the amount of materials transported is limited. It took engineers a month to build this bridgehead.

The pioneers appeared out of nowhere in the central hall of the bridgehead, glanced at the busy researchers around them, and then carried the containment box and walked all the way to the gate.

Came to the gate, passed the identity verification, and then the gate slowly opened, and the inside was not the outside world, but a 50-square-meter steel room.

Because the transmission path is too small, the supply of materials is insufficient, and it is impossible to build a large military base. Therefore, the engineers adopted a semi-circular embedded building to focus on defense, which is an ascending elevator.

The pioneers quickly walked into the ascending elevator, and then the alloy door of the elevator closed slowly.

The pioneer team took the elevator to the outside, and saw a glimpse of the barren land full of stones without a trace of green.

[The Goblin Slayer project has started. We will release Goblin Slayer No. 1 virus to No. 1 Goblin Tribe, Goblin Tribe No. 2, Goblin Tribe No. 3, Goblin Tribe...]

After recounting the content of the mission once, the leader of the pioneer team turned his head and ordered to the four pioneers who were carrying the containment box: [Check whether the levitation magic is effective]

[Levitation magic works normally]

【Operation begins】

The next moment, the pentagonal squares behind all the pioneers began to change, a pair of steel wings unfolded, and at the same time, the floating magic pattern in the mecha was activated.


Under the steel wings, the air vents began to spew out blue flames, and the next moment all the pioneers shot into the sky like a cannonball.

This is a plan proposed by a weapon researcher in the arsenal on a whim. The levitation spell will let the pioneer float in the air, and the flying propeller behind it will control the direction. Under the protection of the magic mecha and the physical fitness of the pioneers themselves beyond the limits of human beings, the pioneers can fly at high speed in the air. Added a new movement method to the pioneer troops, which were already extremely abnormal in mobility and flexibility, and improved their mobility and flexibility again.

After several experiments, the feasibility of this method was confirmed, but the only problem was landing. The landing of this flight method is too violent, making this aircraft only suitable for pioneer troops.

Ten minutes later, the pioneer team saw a tribe of goblins surrounded by stone walls. Looking at the city wall, which is about 1000 meters long and 6 meters high, it is not an exaggeration to say that this is a Goblin city.

The goblins inside each perform their duties. Some grind stones to make stone tools, some grind herbs, and some move stones to build houses...

This goblin tribe was detected by the Eastern Xia Empire using a drone a month ago. It wasn't a goblin that existed here at the beginning, but a huge green sarcoma. The sarcoid swelled to the limit in 15 days, and the height alone reached more than 50 meters. Then cracks appeared on the surface of the sarcoma, and tens of thousands of goblins came out of it.

What surprised the observers of the Eastern Xia Empire most was that these goblins seemed to be born with various knowledge and skills. Such as shipbuilding, weaving nets, making stone tools, cooking ingredients...

In just 10 days, a decent tribe was established, a scene of thriving civilization.

Such a change made the Eastern Xia Empire very afraid. If every goblin race on the green star was born with knowledge, then the progress of goblin civilization would leap forward. Now the knowledge of these goblins still exists in the slave society or the stone tool society, but there is no guarantee that a goblin tribe with a feudal society level of civilization will appear, or even appear somewhere on the green star.

This discovery also allowed the Eastern Xia Empire to speed up the process of the Goblin Slayer project, and at the same time, a steady stream of atomic bombs were transported from China to Base 0. Once the progress of the Goblin civilization on the green star is out of the control of the Eastern Xia Empire, the Eastern Xia Empire will transport thousands of atomic bombs to the green star through the teleportation mirror. Then it is launched to various places on the green star to detonate it, dragging the entire planet into a nuclear winter, and destroying all life on the green star.

Although goblins are weaker than humans in every aspect, behind the goblin race stands the dice of fate, which is suspected to be the fusion of the ancient god of death and the ancient sun god.

The Eastern Xia Empire never underestimated the race of goblins, on the contrary, it paid more attention to the race of goblins than those of the elves.

Because the goblin race is too much like human beings, they are greedy, cowardly, cruel... possessing all the viciousness of human beings, they are simply the evil side of human beings. At the same time, through observation during this period, the Eastern Xia Empire also discovered that the goblins on the green star were more aggressive than the goblins on the blue star. At the same time, their learning ability is also far superior to that of the Goblins on the Blue Star. For example, the Biological Research Department conducted a series of experiments on a Green Star Goblin captured by the pioneer troops, and found that the Green Star Goblin was much stronger than the Blue Star Goblin. Goblins have high IQ and physical fitness.

And the researchers also compared the goblins captured from the green star three months ago with the goblins captured from the green star three months later. An astonishing discovery appeared in front of everyone, the IQ and physical fitness of the latter were stronger than the former. At first, the researchers thought that this phenomenon was just an individual phenomenon, and then asked the pioneer troops to capture more than 100 goblins for comparison. The results of the experiment were the same as before, the IQ and physical fitness of the goblins three months later crushed the goblins three months ago.

Combining the above research results, the Department of Biology came to a conclusion: the goblins on the green star are evolving at an incredible speed.

[begins to land]

The next moment, the aircraft behind all the pioneers stopped spraying flames at the same time, and the pioneers who had lost power floated in mid-air with the help of levitation magic and fell slowly.

[Except for the four people who transported the containment box, the others lifted the levitation magic]

Following the order of the leader of the pioneer team, except for the four pioneers carrying the container. The rest of the pioneers released the levitation magic one after another, and the next moment their bodies were affected by gravity and fell at an extremely fast speed.

Just when the pioneers were only more than 300 meters above the ground, the pioneers unanimously opened a magic protection.

Boom! Boom! Boom...!

The pioneers fell heavily on the barren land like cannonballs, setting off waves of dust.

Hearing the loud noise, the goblins in the tribe turned their heads to look in the direction of the sound. And the goblin standing on the city wall held up the stone in his hand, and roared at the dust that suddenly appeared.


"Arkena!" An extremely strong goblin spoke in an ugly chaotic language.

The dust began to thin out gradually, and the goblins saw that black shadows appeared in the dust.

blah blah blah...

Heavy footsteps sounded, and one by one the pioneers wearing magic mechas and carrying a bunch of heavy firepower stepped out of the dust.

Looking at these strange humanoid creatures, the cries of the goblins stopped abruptly. All the goblins were stunned by the aura emanating from these strange creatures.

The pioneers took out the [thermobaric grenade launcher] in their hands, aimed at the city wall and pulled the trigger.

Bang bang bang!

More than a dozen thermobaric grenades flew out, flying towards the city wall made of mud and stone.

Boom boom boom!

With the sound of an explosion, clusters of huge flames began to rise, devouring all the surrounding goblins. The surrounding oxygen began to be burned rapidly, and a huge oxygen-free zone with a radius of 200 meters appeared in just two seconds.

The flame disappeared, and the goblin and the city wall that were standing on the wall just now also disappeared along with the flame. Due to the high temperature, the air began to become distorted visible to the naked eye, and the breeze blew by, carrying the smell of flames and meat in the air.

Hearing the explosion here, all the goblins in the tribe stopped their work at the same time. They were taken aback for a moment, and then all the goblins picked up their weapons and ran towards the direction of the explosion.

In just one minute, thousands of goblins rushed over to look at the collapsed city walls, the scorched land, and the pioneers standing outside.



The goblins raised their weapons one after another, roaring and charging towards the pioneers.

However, in the area where the Goblin Gate was just close to the city wall, the earth-shattering roar stopped abruptly. All the goblins opened their mouths wide to make small noises, and their expressions became terrified.

The goblins found themselves unable to breathe suddenly, and at the same time, the terrifying temperature in the air burned their skin and hair.

"Uh cough..."

"Uh uh uh……"

Thousands of goblins knelt on the ground and grabbed their throats with both hands. They felt as if their throats were burning.

A minute later, these goblins all collapsed to the ground. His eyes were wide open, and the expression on his face was extremely frightened, as if he had encountered something terrible before his death.

Goblins continued to step into the anaerobic zone created by the thermobaric bomb, either because they had a higher IQ and sensed something strange and left the zone, or they rushed forward and suffocated to death.

After 5 minutes, the oxygen-free zone created by the thermobaric bomb gradually disappeared.

At this time, a goblin wearing a brown beast fur and a stone crown led a group of big goblins from afar.

Looking at the collapsed city wall and the terrified goblin corpses, the Goblin King was first startled. Then he looked up at the pioneers who had been standing quietly outside the city wall without moving.

Seeing the size of the pioneers and the equipment they were wearing, the Goblin King was almost scared to death.

what happened? ! How could the legendary devil appear here? ! Didn't God say that these demons are imprisoned on the blue star and cannot come down, why are they here? !

All Goblins will receive divine revelation when they evolve into Goblin Kings or Goblin Priests. God told them that there is a very terrible devil in the world, and they were sealed on the blue star and could not come down. In the future, these demons will break the seal and destroy the world. Only by praying to God for knowledge and growth can we avoid destruction.

escape! Get as far away as possible!

The Goblin King turned and ran without any hesitation, but everything became the moment he appeared, and he was destined to enter the Happy White House.

Holding a special goblin king anesthetic in his right hand, the pioneer captain stepped out and disappeared in place.

The next moment, he came behind the goblin king, before the other goblins had time to react. Captain Pioneer grabbed Goblin King by the shoulders and pushed him to the ground forcefully. Then the syringe on the left hand was aimed at the Goblin King's arm, and the Goblin King passed out without even saying a word.

Captain Pioneer carried the Goblin King on his shoulders, dropped his knees, and leaped vigorously. The body of the pioneer captain leaped high like a cannonball, and he reached a height of seven or eight meters in the air.

[Floating magic unfolds]

Then, driven by the floating magic and the aircraft, he walked away. In less than 5 seconds, the big brother Brin around him looked confused.

This is one of the goals of the Trailblazers this time, to capture the Goblin King. The scientists in the biology department frantically made goblins conduct various human experiments, and found that there were not many goblins left in the white house, not to mention the king of goblins.

[The Goblin King is captured, and the Goblin Slayer No. 1 pathogen begins to be released]

The pioneer who was responsible for lifting the storage container took out a cage from the storage container and threw it into the goblin tribe.

Under the bewildered expressions of the goblins, the pioneer team jumped up, spread a pair of steel wings behind their backs, and walked away.

The next task was relatively simple, because the remaining tribes did not have a goblin king, so the pioneers just dropped pathogens in the sky and left.

And these pathogens were either imprisoned by goblins to serve as food reserves, or they were shared on the spot.

The Goblin Slayer No. 1 virus began to spread among these tribes. I believe that within a few days, these tribes will stage a Goblin version of Resident Evil. "

Base 0, conference room.

All the responsible persons gathered in the conference room again and reported the recent situation in the areas they were in charge of.

Most of these revolve around road building, ore mining, cults, underground monsters. The main purpose of their gathering here today is to discuss how to quickly resolve the turmoil in the Ten Kingdoms, so that the Eastern Xia Empire can spare a legion of troops.

Xia Xuan sat at the main seat, and the reader was in charge of the information that the people had sorted out. The people in charge sat upright in their positions, and were overwhelmed by Xia Xuan's unconscious power, not daring to breathe.

Everyone felt that His Majesty has changed since he returned to power after dealing with domestic affairs. In the past, His Majesty was not like an emperor at all, too kind and too emotional.

In the past, His Majesty said that he was in charge of the development plan, but the actual situation is that His Majesty doesn't care about things at all. The various strategies of the development plan are formulated by them at their own discretion, and His Majesty does not even use the decision-making power, leaving it to them to vote.

At the same time, His Majesty treats everyone very gently, without the airs that an emperor should have. Although this made them very flattered, but in their view, His Majesty is the emperor, and no one can sit on an equal footing with His Majesty.

And even though the people in charge knew that His Majesty's behavior would damage the emperor's dignity, they didn't come out to stop it. Because they, as courtiers, have no qualifications and must not restrict the behavior of the emperor.

Not to mention that His Majesty's actions did not harm the interests of the empire. On the contrary, His Majesty's delegation of power allowed them, the leaders, to fully promote the implementation of the development plan.

But His Majesty's puppet-like behavior made them feel uneasy. Although His Majesty took the initiative, in the eyes of outsiders, it was simply that they emptied the emperor.

Fortunately, after His Majesty returned from China, he changed his previous practice of not caring about things, and began to control the general direction and strategy of the development plan. In this way, the development leaders breathed a sigh of relief, and at the same time realized what imperial power is.

Those who have been in high positions for a long time are shocked by the power and influence exuded by His Majesty simply sitting there. As soon as they stood in front of His Majesty, all of them would feel inexplicable panic in their hearts, and they dared not take a breath.

"About the fact that some dwarf tribes occupy the mine and are unwilling to move away, there is no need for these dwarf tribes to evacuate, and they will be given generous wages to recruit these dwarves to become miners for the empire."

"As for some stubborn dwarf tribes, I will give you a warning first. If they are still unwilling to cooperate with the empire's mining work, drive them all to extinction, and don't leave any alive." Xia Xuan flipped through the information sorted out by the logistics department, Said in a tone of indifference.

Since it has become an obstacle to the empire, it is good to clear it, and there is no need to waste too much talk and reason with them.

"Yes! I will follow your will." Chris Cage, the logistics manager, stood up, clenched his right fist and placed it at the heart.

"Give the elves 50,000 tons of food, and let the elves provide 200 great magicians to assist in the road construction of the empire."

"Yes! I will follow your will."

"Notify the five major churches that the empire wants to purchase their various books, knowledge, magic, and magic. Then let them add the Daxia morality to their respective teachings. If they do not add the church, they will lose their legitimacy and be listed as a cult by the empire. "


Xia Xuan's simple words can change the fate of countless people and determine the life and death of countless people. Even the fate of a country can only be said by Xia Xuan.

Speak according to the law, with the constitution of heaven in your mouth.

Now that the road construction has basically been completed, the Eastern Xia Empire is becoming more and more domineering towards the Ten Kingdoms and the Church. Xia Xuan now gives the Ten Kingdoms two choices, either to destroy them, or to obediently submit to them, in order to cooperate with the development plan of the Eastern Xia Empire. Don't engage in those ridiculous little moves and do unnecessary struggles.

Next, Xia Xuan made some adjustments to the various strategies of the development plan to speed up the progress of the development plan. At the same time, a batch of obsolete firearms will be sent to the ten countries again, so that they can calm down the domestic turmoil.

Now in the world of Crimson Eyes, the battle in the imperial capital is getting more and more intense. Soon, Sheila, the son of the last batch of actors and ministers, will return to the imperial capital with the masters he recruited from all over the world. At that time, the Eastern Xia Empire will launch the swarm battle plan to take down these high-ranking powerhouses in one go.

This time will not be too long, probably about half a month.

And Xia Xuan intends to use this half month to solve the cults and underground monsters that are rising all over the Ten Kingdoms, and at the same time capture Doctor Fashion back to the base.

Half an hour later, the meeting ended, and Xia Xuan used the space to teleport back to his office, and continued to deal with various matters of the development plan.

Since Xia Xuan returned to Base 0, he has been dealing with the government affairs of the development plan except for eating, and has not slept once. Xia Xuan himself has reached the level of a great magician, and it is nothing to him if he does not sleep for two days and two nights.

Now Xia Xuan felt very relaxed, he was no longer overwhelmed by the boulder called the emperor as before, and no longer worried about whether he could bear the responsibilities brought by power.

In fact, Xia Xuan also planned at the beginning, as long as he is happy, there is no need to perform the exhausting duties. I only need to enjoy the rights brought by the emperor, and I have a system, so I am not afraid of rebellion by my subordinates.

Everything you want, everything you want, as long as you are happy. Let the entire country, the entire civilization, and more than two billion people work hard for their own will, and they only need to open the portal, and they will risk their lives to get back everything they want.

But Xia Xuan found that he couldn't do it, couldn't ignore those who sacrificed their lives for him; just be himself and hide behind and enjoy everything, let countless people risk their lives for him, and he doesn't need to bear any responsibility.

It is not a kind of weakness to be unable to refuse the love of others.

At this time, the system's electronic voice without any emotion rang in Xia Xuan's mind.

[Host, you are affected, you are affected by the memory of the original body. The system suspects that while the host is constantly reading the memory of the original body, he has gradually become unable to tell whether he is Xia Xuan or Lu Yi'an]

Hearing the voice in his mind, Xia Xuan was taken aback for a moment, then smiled, and said: "I am Xia Xuan, and I am also Lu Yi'an. After I became a magician, I kept looking through the memories of my original body, and I began to gradually develop a feeling for this country. A sense of belonging, as if this is my hometown, this is my nation.”

"Of course, in a sense, Great Xia is Huaxia. Thanks to the efforts of Xia Zu, the first generation of traversers and previous generations of traversers, the civilization of Great Xia is similar to Huaxia no matter from which direction you look at it."

[The system requests the host to use the real self once]

"System I am very satisfied with my current state. I have transformed from an ordinary person into an emperor. I feel that I now have the ability to lead Great Xia to move forward and become a trans-universe empire."

[The system is very dissatisfied with the state of the host, the system... the system] The system's voice is no longer as emotionless as it used to be, and there is a hint of emotional fluctuation in its voice.

[The system hates the current host, the system hates the host who considers things from the perspective of civilization, the system hates the host living for these carbon-based life forms, the system hates... hates... hates... the system's voice is getting more and more emotional The bigger it gets, then it starts intermittently as if something went wrong.

"System you..." Xia Xuan was very surprised when he heard the voice in his head. From the time of the night attack, the system had a hint of doubt. This made Xia Xuan realize that the system was not completely devoid of emotion, but he did not expect the system to have such intense emotion this time.

After a few seconds, the sound of the system no longer stutters.

[The system hopes that the host can be selfish, the system hopes that the host can live for himself, and the system hopes that the host can live happily! The system hopes... hopes...] Even the system itself began to notice the strangeness in itself.

Although the system's voice was still electronic, the emotional fluctuations contained in the voice made Xia Xuan feel that the system seemed to have emotions.

Tomorrow is a day off, and finally ushered in the long-lost holiday.

The system has no gender, nor is it a heroine, do you only have love in your eyes? Why one by one...

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