The Whole Country Develops a Different World

Chapter 112 You Don't Have the Right to Choose

"Good... so amazing!" Iyeas wiped off the blood on his face with his hand, and stared blankly at the figure in the distance, which was entwined with strands of black air that symbolized death.

The same is true for the other members of Night Raider. When did the strength of Chitong become so terrifying? Hundreds of experimental subjects equivalent to elite soldiers died like this!

Even Najie Xitan, who has been with Chitong for the longest time, never imagined that Chitong's strength is so terrifying. When did she improve? !

On the hillside, the fashion doctor opened his mouth wide and watched the scene with a dull expression. The experimental body he had worked so hard to save for several years was gone! In particular, those few reformers cost him a lot of effort. This is his most satisfying fashion work. !

Even the body that can't even be pierced by Jassan's bullets was cut off by this woman!

The fashion doctor looked at the ghost-like figure entwined with black air below, which faintly overlapped with the figure of General Estes.

How can it be? This is just my illusion.

The Fashion Doctor shook his head again and again, and then restored his confident smile again, and said, "I just killed a few hundred experimental infantrymen, and I still have a few hundred more."

The next moment, experimental infantry sprang out from the surrounding forest, and surrounded the members of the night attack again.

Looking at these experimental infantry, Leonai showed a disdainful smile and said, "It's useless to have a few thousand more."

"Okay! Let's get rid of these perverts in one go!" Brand raised his spear and roared.


The next moment, except for Brand, who was dressed in a ghostly suit, all the other members of the night attack suddenly fell to the ground, even Chi Tong, who was standing on the other side of the battlefield, was no exception.


Brand looked at his companion in horror, "What's wrong with everyone?!"

"The body...suddenly loses strength." Leonai raised his head with difficulty.

And Leonai, who was the most physically fit, could barely move, and the others didn't even have the strength to raise their heads. For this situation, the experienced night raid members instantly thought of poison!

"They are poisoned, there is a kind of poison in the air." Susanoo stretched out his hand to help his master Najie Xitan up.

As a biological Teigu, as long as his core is not shattered, he will be fine if he is cut into 8 pieces, let alone poisoned.

"Doctor, except for the man in armor and the creature Tegu Susano, everyone else has been paralyzed by your special anesthetic and can't stand up." The modified human eye reported.

"Hehe, I knew for a long time that I couldn't beat them in a frontal battle against night raids, so I specially brought this special fashion anesthetic that I have prepared for more than a year. Although my special anesthetic was filtered by the armor-shaped Teigu Part of it didn't get it, but it's okay."

"Only him and that biological Teigu, it is impossible to withstand the attack of hundreds of experimental subjects."

The fashion doctor began to flush with excitement, he could already imagine how powerful and fashionable the reformed man would be if he brought back this group of night raiders!

"Although this is only my first trump card, judging from the current situation, the general has already won the night attack."


The fashion doctor's laughter resounded throughout the sky, and the experimental subjects below began to slowly approach the members of the night attack.

However, everyone didn't know that from the beginning of their battle to the present, someone had been watching them.

High in the sky, hundreds of pioneers quietly watched the battle below. Judging from this situation, it was still impossible to tell which side would win.

Although judging from the current situation, the night attack was hit by Dr. Fashion's special anesthetics, but the duration of these anesthetics was obviously not enough.

Chi Tong, who is the most powerful in the night attack, can barely stand up. I believe that following this trend, Dr. Fashion's anesthetic should lose its effect in 10 minutes.

At the same time, the pioneers had to admit that this doctor of fashion was indeed a talent, and he actually created an anesthetic that could instantly bring down high-level powerhouses. Especially from the knife just now, it can be seen that Chitong's strength has reached the top 4th level, and has even touched the threshold of the fifth level.

A strong person of this level can be paralyzed, one can imagine how terrifying this kind of anesthetic is.

[Mission starts, cancel levitation magic]

The next moment, all the pioneers began to fall rapidly, and at the same time, the steel wings on the back slowly moved upwards, aiming the jets upward. Immediately afterwards, a flame spurted out, and the huge thrust made the pioneer fall even faster.

[Activate the magic shield]


"Why is there a strange sound in the sky?" Dr. Fashion looked up to the sky, and saw a series of flaming meteors falling from the sky and hitting the forest heavily.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Meteors fell heavily on the ground, accompanied by waves of dust and vibrations.

Such a big movement caused both the night raider and the experimental subjects of the Fashion Legion to turn their heads and look into the surrounding dust.

The next moment, people wearing silver-white armor and holding guns walked out of the dust. Seeing the equipment of these people, the members of the night raid were the first to recognize who was coming?

The assassination force of the Eastern Xia Empire.

The pioneers landed precisely around the battlefield, surrounded the experimental subjects, and formed another encirclement circle. The pioneer troops surrounded the fashion army, and the fashion army surrounded the night attack.

Before they could react, all the pioneers raised their pioneer rifles, aimed at the ghost-like experimental subject in front, and pulled the trigger.

Da da da da da da!

Countless bullets poured out, flying towards those experimental subjects.

The experimental body legion turned around and rushed towards the pioneers, but the moment their feet left the ground, their bodies began to be dismembered inch by inch.

In front of the large-caliber bullets, the bodies of the experimental subjects were instantly torn apart, with blood, stumps and broken arms, and bones splashing everywhere.

Da da da da!

Under the strafing of the pioneers, five or six hundred experimental subjects fell down one by one like wheat, and a more intense smell of blood permeated the forest.

And a small number of experimental subjects escaped the first round of strafing by relying on their own super speed, and then kept avoiding it with the help of trees and rock masses.

However, they only escaped the first wave of strafing. No matter how they dodged in front of the Blazers with night vision goggles, their positions could not be concealed.


The bullet directly pierced through the tree trunk, along with the head of the laboratory hiding behind the tree.

Of course, there are very few people who have successfully approached the Blazers.

Swish Swish Swish!

The two experimental subjects jumped up high, and rushed to the pioneer in front of them from the left and right sides respectively, and the dagger in their hands suddenly stabbed out.

Faced with this situation, instead of retreating, the Blazers stepped forward and punched.


The fist carried a strong wind, and hit the head of the experimental subject on the right side heavily, and the experimental subject's head exploded as if hit by a shell. All the red and white swayed in mid-air, and at the same time dyed the pioneer's fist red.

At this time, the experimental subject attacking from the left stabbed the dagger heavily on the pioneer's tactical helmet, and a crisp sound sounded the next moment.


The pioneer turned his head slowly, and looked coldly at the male experimental subject in a bikini in front of him. Stretch out your right hand, grab the experimental subject's head with one hand, and exert a little force on your palm.


The sound of bone shattering sounded, and the experimental subject began to struggle frantically. The dagger in his hand stabbed the pioneer's tactical helmet continuously, and the pioneer stepped up his strength again.


The experimental subject's head was crushed to pieces by the Pioneer. At this moment, the Pioneer's right hand was completely stained red with blood.

As the experimental subject was crushed to death by the pioneers, the gunshots around him gradually subsided, and the subduing of the gunfire also meant the death of these hundreds of experimental subjects.

Iyeas and Shayou, who were the weakest, swallowed their saliva looking at the pioneers around them. The two of them were a little scared by this group of mysterious people wearing strange armors.

Although the other members of the night attack were very calm on the surface, they were actually a little scared by this group of pioneers. In just one minute since this group of guys fell from the sky to now, six or seven hundred experimental subjects equivalent to elite soldiers have all died.

They also killed a lot in front of them, but the machine-like efficient killing of this group of pioneers really scared them.

If they killed the experimental subjects earlier, they were fighting against the enemy, then this group of pioneers killed the experimental subjects as butchers in the slaughterhouse, indifferent and efficient.

At this time, the fashion doctor on the hillside looked at the massacred fashion army below. He was taken aback for a moment, then his expression became extremely excited, and an abnormal flush appeared on his face.

"This is the fashion! This is the fashion I've been pursuing!" Dr. Fashion suddenly felt that his reformer was simply a bumpkin in front of these pioneers.

The slender armor made him feel a strange beauty. The powerful gun that could tear everything apart made him feel that fashionable men should use this kind of weapon.

At the same time, this group of people's machine-like efficient killing methods, as well as their iron-blooded, indifferent, and powerful aura, also fascinated Dr. Fashion.

"Doctor Fashion, hello, we are the pioneers of the Eastern Xia Empire." Wu Feng led ten pioneers and landed slowly from the sky, landing 5 meters away from Doctor Fashion.

Before the Doctor of Fashion could answer, Wu Feng continued indifferently: "Now, let the Doctor come with us. The Empire needs your knowledge, and you have no right to refuse."

"Hehehahaha! It's so fashionable!" The fashion doctor didn't pay any attention to Wu Feng's words, but let out a maniacal laugh.

"I'm going to take you all back to the lab and train them well."

The fashion doctor raised his hands and looked at the sky, shouting: "Today! I finally found out what is the real fashion! What is the real fashion!"

After finishing speaking, he looked at Kai Kai in front of him with unusually fiery eyes.

"Don't resist, I will bring you back to the lab intact, come and meet my second trump card!" Dr. Fashion took out a syringe, aimed it at his right hand, and prepared to stick it in.


A bullet flew in and directly knocked off Dr. Fashion's right hand, and the syringe fell to the ground along with his arm.

"Ahhhh...!" The fashion doctor held his left hand in pain, and blood continued to flow from the wound on his left hand.

"Hands! My hands!"

This isn't making a movie, and the Blazers don't wait for you to activate your trump card. If it weren't for the empire's need for the knowledge of fashion doctors, the pioneers have already sifted them into a sieve, and it is impossible to force so much against them.

"I've said it before, you don't have the right to choose." Wu Feng walked towards the fashion doctor step by step.

blah blah...

The footsteps and the sound of the exoskeleton armor were like a hammer, hitting their hearts one after another.

The trio of eye, ear, and nose investigators quickly stood in front of the doctor, assumed an attacking posture, and looked warily at the pioneer who was walking towards them.

"Now squat down with your head in your hands." Wu Feng ordered.

"You guys!" The reinvented man took two steps forward and shouted with determination, "As long as I'm here, you don't want to hurt the doctor..."


Before he could finish speaking, gunshots rang out again. The head with modified human eyes exploded instantly, and the entire skull was blown away. Bright red blood splashed onto the faces of the other two reformers.

Smelling the smell of blood in the air and the warm liquid on his cheeks, his face gradually turned pale.

"No...don't resist." The Fashion Doctor said with difficulty.

Although Dr. Fashion can act very crazy sometimes, as he is now alone in attacking the night raid base. But this does not mean that Dr. Fashion is stupid. On the contrary, when the crisis comes, he still knows how to read current affairs.

Ordered by Dr. Fashion, the modified human nose and ears squatted down with their heads in their hands.

Wu Feng led ten pioneers to the fashion doctor, just about to speak. At this time, the reformed human nose squatting on the ground put down his hands and suddenly raised his head, opening his mouth wide.

And the moment he raised his head, a pioneer stepped forward, raised his right foot and kicked him in the face. The modified human nose flew out and landed two meters away.

Before he could get up, one of the pioneers pointed his pioneer rifle at his head and pulled the trigger three times in a row.

bang bang bang!

The bullet came out of the chamber, directly smashing the head of the remodeled human nose that fell on the ground to pieces.

The fate of the modified human nose made the ears of the only surviving modified human tremble.

Even the dead modified human nose didn't expect that these people wearing strange armors would be so decisive, as long as there was a slight change in him, they would immediately launch a devastating attack.

But Wu Feng's expression didn't change at all, and he didn't even look at the modified nose. When he came to Dr. Fashion, he stretched out his right hand and placed it on his wound.

[Intermediate healing magic, cure]

The next moment, an emerald green light appeared on Wu Feng's hand, and the severed part of Dr. Fashion's left hand quickly healed. Although no palms grew again, at least the bleeding stopped.

Seeing that his wound had healed, Dr. Fashion looked up at Wu Feng in surprise, and asked, "Alchemy in the Western countries?"

Wu Feng didn't answer Dr. Fashion's question, but turned to the other pioneers and said, "Use the teleportation scroll to bring Dr. Fashion back to the portal, and escort him back to base 0."


One of the pioneers took out two simple brown-yellow papers and handed them to the fashion doctor and the modified ear respectively.

"Tear it apart."

The Doctor of Fashion and the Remodeled Human didn't say much, and reached out to tear up the teleportation scroll.


The next moment, a magic circle appeared under the ears of the fashion doctor and the reformer at the same time, and then they disappeared out of thin air.

Then the remaining 10 pioneers also took out the teleportation scroll and left with the teleportation scroll.

After seeing everyone leave, Wu Feng turned around and walked down the hillside, heading straight to attack everyone at night.

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