This crack that appeared at an unknown time was not caused by Xia Xuan, and his space portal was black, not as colorful as this strange crack. In addition, this strange crack is a full 2.984 billion kilometers away from the cloud star. How can he rush there to release the space portal at such a distance?

When this rift first spread in the academic world, Xia Xuan also got photos and reports about this rift. But at that time, he didn't put too much thought on this crack. This is mainly because the current technological level of the Edom Xia Empire can only observe this crack, and cannot measure any useful data.

The same is true for all countries in the world. They did discover this strange crack, but they were unable to take any practical actions, nor could they get anything useful from this crack. Faced with this situation, no matter how strange this crack is, it cannot make the countries of the world invest too much.

Moreover, there is an Eastern Xia Empire on Yunxing staring at them, so that all countries have no intention to study this crack vigorously.

But a strange signal suddenly came out of this crack, and the situation changed instantly. If there is another intelligent race or some kind of creature on the opposite side of the crack, the research value of this crack will increase countless times in an instant.

Now all the countries on Yunxing have begun to use various instruments to study this crack, and the key research is to decipher the meaning of this information. While all countries are studying the rift, no one is responding to the signals it sends.

For the so-called alien civilization, all countries in the world are fully vigilant. It can even be said that all countries directly treat this signaled civilization or creature as an enemy. If there is really an alien civilization coming to Yunxing, the first reaction of all countries on Yunxing is not to establish diplomacy or communication. Instead, consider if this alien civilization attacks humans, how will they fight back, and do they have the ability to fight back?

The second thing to do is to ensure whether your network has been controlled by alien civilizations, and at the same time set up wired communication to prevent the radio communication system from being interfered by alien civilizations. Humans will try to negotiate with alien civilizations only after taking all the preventive measures they can do.

Just like the "Future Universe" written by Emperor Xia Gong of the Great Xia Civilization, several guesses were given about the social structure of the universe.


First: the law of the dark forest of the universe. [Note: from the three bodies]

The universe is a dark forest. Every civilization is a hunter with a gun, sneaking in the forest like a ghost, gently pushing aside the branches blocking the way, trying not to let the footsteps make a sound, and even breathing must be careful: he must Be careful, because there are hunters who sneak like him everywhere in the forest. If he finds other life, there is only one thing he can do: shoot and destroy it. In this forest, hell is other people, an eternal threat, and any life that exposes its existence will be quickly wiped out.

Second: the orderly universe society.

The society of the future universe may also be an ordered society constructed by several super civilizations, and all civilizations develop and survive in the order established by these super civilizations. And these super civilizations will form three different camps, and all civilizations must join a certain camp.

These super civilizations have built a cosmic society full of order. At the same time, they are also restraining each other, competing with each other, and trying to surpass each other. At the same time, they will also join forces to cut off the upward path of other civilizations, making the growth of other civilizations stagnate at a certain stage, and unable to become civilizations of their magnitude

Third, there is no social universe in the wild.

The entire universe is still in a barbaric era, no civilization has established order, and all civilizations are exploring this vast and boundless universe independently. None of the civilizations even discovered their own existence. All civilizations just made guesses about the universe. It is very likely that there are intelligent civilizations like them somewhere in the universe. And when the civilization's exploration of the universe reaches a certain level, it is very likely that the two parties will meet at a certain time and discover the existence of the other party. The next way the two civilizations communicate is through war or peace, it all depends on the power gap between the two sides.

The universe is so big, full of wonders. The above three types of cosmic society are just my guesses, but no matter what type it is, please remember that human technology has not gone out of the planet. Don't try to reveal your position, even if it is a message from the other party, don't respond.

I am not sure how far human civilization will develop in the future? Will human civilization be destroyed by itself? Will human civilization encounter alien civilization? The only thing I am sure of is that being weak is the original sin. Don't try to speculate on alien civilization from a human point of view.

Sometimes, for alien civilizations, it may be their whim to destroy human beings, just like us humans accidentally trampled to death an ant.


The whole world has highly recognized the three viewpoints put forward in this book, and the conjectures of these three cosmic societies have also laid the foundation for all science fiction works on Yunxing. Whether it is film and television works, games or novels, anything related to the universe will more or less refer to the book "Future Universe".

"What is the system?" Xia Xuan asked, asking the system if he didn't understand, this is a good habit he has developed all along.

[Because the distance is too far, it has exceeded the detection range of the system, and the system does not know what the crack is]

"Don't you know?" Xia Xuan tapped the table with his index finger, and began to think about whether to change the next plan.

If the opposite side of this crack is really an alien civilization, the best result is that the other side, like human beings now, has no way of interstellar travel. In this case, we can consider conducting technical exchanges with this civilization and learning from each other.

If this civilization has entered the interstellar era, then it is necessary to carefully consider whether to communicate with this civilization.

"Xia Hun, start the underground city plan, gradually unseal the nuclear war shelters underground in major cities, and let the relevant departments make preparations." Xia Xuandao.

The next moment, a cold electronically synthesized female voice sounded: [Yes, I will follow your will]

Underground city plan: In order to prevent the nuclear attack of the enemy country, the entire Great Xia civilization will be completely out of order or even destroyed. Both the Eastern Xia Empire and the Southern Xia Democratic Republic have built a huge shelter that can accommodate tens of millions of people underground in major cities in the country. If there is a possibility of nuclear war breaking out between the country and other countries, the government will organize some people to enter it take refuge.

After 30 years of construction, all the underground cities were gradually completed. As the world returns to peace, these huge underground cities have gradually evolved into underground shopping streets. At the same time, the Eastern Xia Empire and the Southern Democratic Republic are still expanding the underground cities, until today the underground cities in major cities have a capacity of 30 million people.

Usually, part of these underground cities can be transformed into cheap rental houses, or used as shopping streets, and an area can be designated on the spot to build an underground transportation network. Even the Eastern Xia Empire planned to build an underground transportation network to connect all the underground cities. However, due to the huge workload of this project, and the fact that the Eastern Xia Empire has no way to easily solve the various harsh environments underground, this plan has been shelved.

During the war, the underground city will become a refuge for the people, and these people will enter the military control. All the people will temporarily enter collectivization in order for the country to win the war. These underground cities will become huge arsenals, from which soldiers and weapons are produced in a steady stream.

In just a few seconds, the major cities of the entire Eastern Xia Empire were in charge, and the relevant departments of the underground cities received orders.

After Xia Xuan dealt with this matter, he began to check the situation in the other world.

[Teigu Research Institute has produced the first batch of standard Teigu]

[Church of Knowledge changed its name to Church of Science]

[The brave man delivered the holy sword and holy man's armor to the Eastern Xia Empire. From the current situation, it seems that the brave man lost all his power in order to avoid the control of the dice of fate. 】

[After continuous research, the magical potion extracted from the blood of monsters will cause certain mental confusion, so it is not suitable to consume too much. 】

[The Association of Magicians began to try to create a high-latitude energy storage device by studying the Ice Knight of Esdeth. 】

[Tazmi and Chitong joined the God-making Project]


Half an hour later, Xia Xuan, who was dealing with various things in the other world, felt something in his heart, and slowly raised his head to look at the door.

At this time, a black-haired girl came in from outside. The girl was wearing a light yellow long dress, her facial features were very delicate, and there was a hint of indifference between her eyebrows and eyes. The girl's demeanor is full of royal luxury, and at the same time carries a hint of fierceness of a warrior.

The girl walked to the center of the hall, bowed her hands and saluted Xia Xuan, and said, "See Your Majesty."

Seeing the girl, Xia Xuan smiled slightly and said, "Excuse me."

As soon as the words came out, the girl immediately stood up straight, her attitude changed 360 degrees, and she said, "Xia Xuan, Mom and Dad asked you to go over and have lunch with them."

Seeing the change in the girl's attitude, Xia Xuan twitched the corners of his mouth, and said, "You girl, you still don't understand the rules. How many times have I said that you want to call me brother on weekdays."

This girl is called Xia Ling, Xia Xuan's younger sister, a martial arts madman. He has been obsessed with various martial arts since he was a child. He has learned no less than three kinds of martial arts at the age of 17 and is proficient in all of them.

In memory, the relationship between Xia Xuan and this younger sister showed two extremes. When he was young, Xia Ling was Xia Xuan's follower. No matter where he went, Xia Ling would follow him closely. The relationship can be said to be very good.

But when Xia Ling entered junior high school, everything changed. Xia Ling entered the rebellious period, and became impatient with Xia Xuan, his brother, and no longer followed Xia Xuan like before. Sometimes he becomes very childish because of some trivial things, and always has to go against Xia Xuan.

Hearing Xia Xuan's address, Xia Lingxiu frowned slightly, with a displeased expression, and said, "I'm almost 18 years old, don't call me a girl anymore."

Hearing this, Xia Xuan took a look at Xia Ling, and it was true that he was about 1.7 meters tall when he grew up.

Xia Ling took two steps back, his exquisite face showed a very obvious disgust, and said, "Disgusting."

"You will be sentenced for talking to me like this." Xia Xuan narrowed his eyes slightly, and he planned to scare this girl who was still in the rebellious stage.

"Xia Xuan, you told me to be disrespectful just now, you are not joking." Xia Ling said bluntly.

Seeing that there was no way to scare the girl, Xia Xuan waved his hands and said, "Go back and tell your parents first, and come over as soon as I finish dealing with some things."

Then he turned his gaze back to the virtual screen next to him, Xia Ling didn't say anything, and turned and left the hall.

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