The Whole Country Follows Me Into the World of Gods and Demons

Chapter 101: Entering the North, see Ma Lan

"Whether it will help us fight the gods and demons together, or separate from us and become kings by ourselves, I can't say for sure."

Lu Yu was slightly taken aback.

Marshal Lin Jun... Is this to support yourself?

"Lu Yu, if I give you a rule and a bottom line, can you win the alien research project for the heavy army in the north?" Marshal Lin Jun continued: "I have a way to avoid war and let you get them through trading. The alien technology project, so can you develop a stronger weapon of war?"


Then Marshal Lin Jun left the military conference room, walked to his office alone, and dialed the radio communication of the heavy army in the north.

"I'm Lin Jun, and I will transfer your general Ma Chang."

After a long time, Ma Lan's rough voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Marshal Lin? Rare visitor, why did you think of calling me, a treacherous person?"

In the cold winter north, Ma Leng bit the fresh venison, and mocked mercilessly with a phone in one hand: "Is the military wanting to conquer me?"

"Stop talking nonsense, I'll give you a choice." Marshal Lin Jun said coldly, "Let's make a deal and use your alien base scientific research project."

"Okay, give me 100,000 tons of super energy."

"You know it's impossible."

"Haha, then what else can you do?" Ma Lan sneered indifferently: "Is it your mecha unit and the sky fleet? Or is it your genetic experiment results? Could it be yours? New weapons of war, right? If that's the case, don't talk about it. To be honest, I don't like it..."

"Give you a proper name and leave the Kyushu military."

Suddenly, Marshal Lin Jun threw out these words coldly, and there was no sound on the other end of the phone.

Marshal Lin Jun knew that Ma Lan had no sense of belonging to the Kyushu Kingdom since his uncle Wen Keji.

With a heavy army and an alien base in hand, Ma Lan's ambition and rebelliousness are huge, and the coming era of recovery of gods and demons.

Self-reliance as a king is what Ma Leng really needs.

It's just that he needs a rightful name, otherwise he will be charged with treason, so that the soldiers under his command will not agree.

"Marshal Lin, your condition is very attractive, but I want to know what you will do."

Ma Leng sat beside the stove, holding the venison, and fell into deep contemplation of weighing.

To be honest, at that moment he was moved.

So he also gave room for negotiation.

Marshal Lin Jun said with a blank face: "Issue a global announcement to declare that you Ma Lan is a general stationed in Kyushu. In special moments, you do not have to perform the duties of Kyushu citizens, and you have the right to form an army, a city, an administrative region, etc. by yourself."

Oh wow!

Ma Lan's eyes were straight, and there was a fiery look inside.

This condition seems very sincere.

Doesn't this mean that I, Ma Lan, also have the opportunity to form a kingdom of its own?

"Also, the soldiers under your command still retain Kyushu nationality."


"I agree!" Ma Lan immediately decided.

Originally, he was more worried that the soldiers under his command would oppose him collectively, but with the words of Marshal Lin Jun, this problem was solved without attacking.

"Okay, that's it."

After Marshal Lin Jun hung up the phone, he immediately arranged for the Kyushu Ministry of Foreign Affairs to announce the notice.

On September 30, 2045 AD, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kyushu State announced: From now on, Ma Lan, the general of the Kyushu military headquarters, will be a general stationed abroad, and a new right will be added while retaining his original rights. In case of special occasions, Ma Lan can form his own its military or administrative region.

This announcement caused a global uproar in an instant.

Anyone can guess that the Kyushu Kingdom is going to bring the end of the world to the table.

They are throwing potential, unsolvable problems out the door.

At this moment, the whole world is preparing for war, and we will welcome the day when the gods and demons recover together.

It's just that their military preparedness is ridiculous.

Even if Ma Leng led the heavy army out from the north, he could hang and beat a group in minutes.

Afterwards, Lu Yu personally led the team to the north.

In the north, where the cold and snow are flying, at a glance, there is only vastness and beauty.

This place is like a snow-capped mountain outside the world, which makes people feel peaceful.

Lu Yu grabbed a handful of snow, watched the snow melt, and said with a smile, "If there is no end of the world, this world will definitely continue to be beautiful."

If, there are too many ifs in the world.

Unfortunately, not everything is true.

The northern border will eventually be affected by the war.

Every inch of snow will bury loyalty and faith.

At the end of the world, no one can avoid it, and no one can be alone.

When he came to the north, Lu Yu did not immediately go to the heavy army in the north, but went to the second gene army first.

In the vast snowy days, the Gene Second Army carried out daily training as usual.

They're not five-kilometer cross-country, one-arm drawbars or something like that, though.

Instead, the attack training of the sword, the movement training, the dagger training, the sniper training, etc. are more suitable for the training of war.

"Chief, I've been waiting for you for a long time!"

Lin Chenxi, dressed in the robe of a major general, strode forward with a few guards.

Lu Yu returned a military salute and asked calmly, "Is Song Yi still back?"

"No, it's been 65 days since Lieutenant Song Yi disappeared!"

65 days, two months.

A living person just Lu Yu smiled reluctantly, no longer asked any more questions, and turned to check the training of the Second Gene Army.

Lin Chenxi kept her curiosity and followed behind Lu Yu.

When the soldiers of the Second Gene Army saw their commander following behind a young man, a thought popped into their hearts.

Has our final commander finally come to the north?

As a result, the soldiers trained harder.

"Continue to maintain the state of combat readiness. There may not be a major battle in the northern region for a while, but all preparations must be made."

Leaving some instructions, Lu Yu took the scientific research team to the heavy army in the north.

The heavy army in the north was at the top of the snow mountain, and the road to the snow mountain was difficult to walk, so Lin Chenxi specially arranged for a helicopter escort.

When I came to the top of the snow-capped mountain, the Amano was wide and wide, with a white awn.

Ma Lan was wearing a general's uniform, sitting casually on a snowy hill smoking a cigar, her red hair dancing wildly in the wind.

This man is wild.

This was Lu Yu's first impression of Ma Lan.

"The core figures of the Jiuzhou Military Department rewrite the direction of the Jiuzhou Kingdom with the power of youth." Ma Lan laughed wildly without caring: "To be honest, if you and I are friends, then I will follow you."

"You are like a torch, always leading the preparations for the end times."

"Unfortunately, your torch is going to burn my horse to death, otherwise, we will be very good friends."

As for Ma Leng's words, Lu Yu could only smile calmly, saying different, how could he do anything.

This man is to be king.

"I met Lu Yu for the first time."

Lu Yu stretched out his right hand and stopped quietly in front of Ma Lan.

Ma Lan is only 35 years old this year. He is in his prime. The era when he joined the army was even wilder. Once, he was a more famous young general than Lin Chenxi.

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