So what kind of terrifying level should the temperature of the laser body reach?

I am afraid that there is no substance in this world that can last more than ten seconds in front of this laser.

The sky was dark, and the sea of ​​flames in the city became the brightest place under this night sky.

After that, the flame in Godzilla's mouth gradually changed color, spewing out hot concrete like magma.

This magma-like concrete lasted for more than ten seconds.

Then it became a raging flame.

Godzilla breathed out thousands of blazing flames and turned into a monarch in flames.

There was no living creature around him.

And the once prosperous Baichuan City has also become a mourning city in the sea of ​​​​fire.

Tens of millions of human beings in the city were all turned into scorched earth and ashes.


"Global news, the first-level turmoil broke out in Yinghaiguo, and about 20 million people have been in the hands of gods and demons. This is a global grief scar."

"Global news, three of the four main cities of Yinghai Kingdom have been completely occupied. Godzilla and Orochimaru are currently confronting Baichuan City. What are they trying to do?"


In the military headquarters of Kyushu, Lu Yu walked around restlessly.

And there were dozens of Kyushu generals sitting in the room, and everyone looked confused and hesitant.

Marshal Xu Zhen couldn't stand it any longer. He patted the table and shouted: "Damn, you **** are talking. How can we support this support? How many troops are sent? How to fight? How to retreat? It's all a problem!"

Lu Yu smiled wryly and said, "Marshal, let me tell you that we simply don't go to support. After all, things can't be settled in our own family, so why go to muddy waters?"

"Damn, I don't want to go to support, but the United Nations has already issued a notice!" Marshal Xu Zhen threw out a stack of United Nations notice materials: "Now the whole world is organizing troops to support Yinghai, but I look at those devils. Your teeth are itching, if you guys make up your mind, I will go to the United Nations to make this board!"

"Even if the price is to be forcibly withdrawn from the United Nations and give up the position of permanent member, I will recognize it!"

In the notification materials of the United Nations, it is stated that the five permanent members must immediately and unconditionally support Ying Haiguo, otherwise the position of the permanent members will be forcibly deprived.

It is precisely because of this point that the generals are in a dilemma.

Many generals are descendants of their ancestors in the Anti-Japanese War, and they are unwilling to support Yinghai Kingdom in their hearts.

"Marshal, in fact, I don't think we need to care so much." Lu Yu gritted his teeth and said, "In fact, behind the United Nations, those world super families are behind the scenes. They just want to use war to gain greater benefits for themselves."

"As far as I know, one of the super families is already leading the development of lunar resources, and there are many multinational companies in the world that are controlled by this super family."

"Instead of letting us passively fall into the control of the United Nations, we should take the initiative to break free and provide the most meticulous protection for our 1.3 billion people!"

There was silence in the conference room for a long time, and finally Marshal Lin Jun stood up and sent someone the military record sheet of the Kyushu Kingdom.

There are ten piles of military record sheets, each of which is half the height of an adult. .

This military power record table is the top secret of Kyushu Kingdom, recording all the military armed forces of Kyushu Kingdom.

Even the entire research and development process of the Fuxi sky carrier has been recorded in detail.

"According to the survey and statistics of the Ministry of Information, the current military strength of our Kyushu country is comparable to the sum of the 18 developed countries including the Lion Country, Maozi Country, and Eagle Country!"

"Since we are already so strong, why should we be restrained by others everywhere!"

Marshal Lin Jun stood in front of the military record sheet and questioned all the generals and the two marshals.

The generals were silent.

The two marshals were also silent.

Lu Yu looked at Marshal Lin Jun. He saw this old man who was nearly 60 years old, and his eyes were shining brightly and brilliantly.

What is Marshal Lin Jun hoping for?

"I agree with Marshal Lin Jun's words, not to support Yinghaiguo, let the United Nations take the initiative to take our seat as a council member!"

Lu Yu was the first to express his stance.

In fact, he is not a saint, nor a great man, nor a good man.

You can't use your own country's military power to fill the abyss of Yinghai Kingdom.

Moreover, the mainstream weapons in the world today do not do much damage to Godzilla and Orochi.

Only with the use of 2 million tons of mid-level nuclear weapons, can the tenth-order gods and demons cause temporary damage.

This means that in order to stop Godzilla and Orochi, it is necessary to throw medium-level nuclear weapons on the mainland of Sakurakai.

And this, will Sakurakai agree?

How is this different from suicide?

Besides, even if Godzilla and Orochi were hurt, they would heal on their own with a little time.

Instead of making such unnecessary sacrifices, it is better to take advantage of the large-scale convergence of materials and resources in the new era.

"All generals, listen to me!" Lu Yu stood up and said, "Godzilla and Orochi were only born five days earlier, and the entire world space will undergo dramatic changes."

"The global land plates will be torn apart and the land in the oceans will rise."

"In other words, there will be even larger oceans and land in the world!"

"I have counted in my previous The land area in the new era occupies 54% of the world's total area!"

When the generals heard this number, there was an instant uproar.

The land area is 54%, what a joke, doesn't it mean that the land area will be more than double the current land area!

"By that time, the rising ocean and land will contain countless minerals and energy from ancient times!"

"There are also relics of civilization belonging to the ancient era of science and technology, and the level of human science and technology will advance by leaps and bounds. Entering the second-level civilization is not a dream!"

Lu Yu became more and more excited, and finally climbed directly onto the table.

"So I think we should build up our strength now?"

"Fight off the invasion of demons and monsters!"

"Prevent the invasion of gods and demons!"

"Destroy the Pacific Zerg!"

"Ready to conquer sea and land at any time!"

These four plans are what Lu Yu has been thinking about.

Each of them is adjusted according to the national power of Kyushu, which changes at any time.

The generals are also pondering these four plans, and many of them are puzzled by the second one.

If the tenth-order gods and demons were as terrifying as Godzilla, the Kyushu Kingdom would never be completely safe.

Now there are only three known tenth-order gods and demons, namely Chiyou, Nuwa and Fuxi.

If they massively destroy Kyushu's territory, how should they be prepared?

"About the tenth-order gods and demons, I understand most of their characteristics."

Lu Yu turned around and wrote two words on the blackboard.

"Second, the tenth-order gods and demons have self-awareness and territorial awareness. They will compete for a territory by themselves, and then stay in this territory and not go out."

"Second, there is an inexplicable hatred between many tenth-order gods and demons. In other words, most tenth-order gods and demons are lone wolves."

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