The Whole Country Follows Me Into the World of Gods and Demons

Chapter 98: Population Distribution Migration Program

Lu Yu was too lazy to talk to Pei Junfeng, so he turned to check the genetic experiment data of the three of Han Fengzhen.

Pei Junfeng opened his mouth and wanted to speak, but was pulled down by Chu Yunzhong beside him.

"Don't talk about it." Chu Yunzhong said.

"Okay, the sword **** speaks, and the little one does it."

Chu Yunzhong: "..."

After reading the genetic experiment data of the three of Han Fengzhen, Lu Yu gradually had thoughts on the future development route of the God and Demon Army.

Originally, there were 120 people in the God-Devil Army, so Lu Yu planned to make a group plan.

Now it seems that there are three groups of three, divided into forty groups.

Han Fengzhen, Lin Du and Ji Daonian can just form a team.

This also allows them to grow up faster.

Later, Lu Yu made this grouping plan a reality at a later meeting of the gods and demons.

"Old Hantou, we and Lin Du are in the first group!" Ji Daonian said indifferently: "I hope that you will not interfere with me when you two compete in the future."

Han Fengzhen smiled indifferently: "Old man, I never fight fiercely."

Lin Du calmly said: "I hope you don't poison me into a corpse when I practice kendo."

Ji Daonian walked away indifferently, Han Fengzhen hugged his head and walked away indifferently, and Lin Du walked to his sword practice field.

Looking at this scene, Lu Yu said helplessly, "These three are all lone wolves. It's a bit difficult to integrate them into a seamless combination."

"It's okay, as soon as you go to the battlefield in a few days, you will become more pro-brother than your own brothers." Pei Junfeng laughed.

This time, Lu Yu came to the gods and demons to plan the gods and demons so that everyone could play their best combat power in cooperation.

Lone wolf on the battlefield, the probability of surviving is not high.

"Fifteen days from now, the era of recovery of gods and demons will come." Lu Yu said to himself: "In Miaojiang, there is the devil **** Chiyou and his six sons."

"In the South China Sea, there are deep sea dragons and new dragons."

"In the Kunlun Mountains, Nuwa Fuxi and Qilin."

"In the Western Desert, there are bloodthirsty exiles from Genting Tiangong."

"There are also other parts of the country. There are at least twenty or thirty gods and demons of the tenth order, and there are at least more than one thousand orders from the tenth to the fifth order. Below the fifth order, it is impossible to count..."

Lu Yu dialed the phone number of the Kyushu National Department, made an appointment with the other party for the afternoon meeting, and then rushed to the National Department with Pei Junfeng and Chu Yunzhong.

From the helicopter, through the windows, the ground is full of swarms of transport vehicles.

At a glance, it stretches across the entire national road, at least dozens of miles.

In addition to the large-scale transportation in this place, at this moment, the national highways across the country are densely packed with transportation vehicles.

In these transport vehicles, not soldiers, but the people of Kyushu.

In Kyushu, a large-scale mobilization of residential areas is underway.

Because, the areas that Lu Yu just mentioned will be reduced to purgatory in 15 days.

And the hundreds of millions of people in those areas need Jiuzhou Kingdom to force them to evacuate.


In the Kyushu National Department, a group of national members in the conference room were arguing with blushing faces. One said a suggestion, and the other immediately opposed it. In short, these big bosses in the past have lost their airs at this moment.

"The East China Sea is already heavily loaded with people! The 380 million people are concentrated in the East China Sea area. Are you trying to blow up our East China Sea area!"

"What are you yelling about? Your east coast defense line has been completely built, so you should protect more people. What's wrong with 380 million? I think it should be given to 400 million people in the East China Sea!"

"Why don't you open your mouth and say nothing? You only have 250 million people in the southern desert area. Are you watching the fun and don't think it's a big deal?"

"Our southern desert is only 720,000 square kilometers, which is only more than half of your East China Sea area. Also, what kind of **** is your southeastern region holding there?"

"Are you looking for a fight? We originally had more than 100 million people in the southeastern region, but now we have 200 million people allocated. If we don't speak out, will there be someone to speak up for us?"


Right now, the most noisy are the national members of the East China Sea, Southeast and Mobei regions.

You scold me, I scold you, and I can't stop.

Because in the national population distribution and migration plan, these three regions have allocated a total of more than 800 million people, accounting for two-thirds of the country's total population.

This means that this will bring unprecedented pressures to the three regions.

The members of the national ministry in other regions watched this scene quietly with their teacups in their hands.

A member of the national ministry in the northern region also sighed: "The East China Sea, the Southeast and the South Desert are all connected one by one, so why bother to fight for it?"


The twenty or so national members of the East China Sea, the Southeast and the South Desert all turned their heads and looked at him with fiery eyes.

"Old Chen, your northern region covers an area of ​​more than 1.5 million square kilometers, but only 80 million people are allocated. I think you must allocate at least 300 million people!"

"Yes, I'm going to apply for the Minister, and we will allocate 50 million people in our East China Sea to your northern I should also allocate 50 million people in the southeast region!"

"This matter, I also scored 20 million in the southern desert area!"

Hearing these words, the members of the national army in the northern region can bear it. At this time, who wants to be embarrassed?

No, what's the use of asking for a face!

In the conference room, the quarrel grew louder.

When Lu Yu was still a few hundred meters away from the conference room, the quarrel broke through his eardrums.

"Stop arguing, uncles and aunts, stop arguing."

Lu Yu walked into the conference room, bowed to the group of bigwigs who could be his parents, and persuaded: "Everyone is a member of the national army, and they are all people who think about the people of Kyushu. Don't be hurt."

Lu Yu's status was special, and this group of national members had to calm down a little.

However, the members of the National People's Ministry in the East China Sea were still trying to speak with red eyes. Lu Yu quickly walked up to him and persuaded him, "Uncle An, I know that this time you have been assigned 380 million people in the East China Sea, and the pressure is so overwhelming that it is almost unbearable. But I will let the areas with few people allocated to transfer some supplies to you."

"Don't worry, this distribution plan was arrived at after joint discussions between the Ministry of the Army, the Ministry of Finance and other departments, and there is absolutely no hint of favoritism."

"Everyone also knows that the distribution of people in the northern region and the Beihai region is low because of the living environment, natural resources, material reserves, security situation, military strength, and large number of demons in these regions."

"So when the national security is in danger, we all need to advance and retreat together."

The mouths of the members of the National Ministry of the East China Sea moved slightly, and it seemed that they were still dissatisfied.

Seeing this, Lu Yu sighed in his heart, and then took out the pure red Kyushu Army token.

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