The Whole Country Will Follow Me Out of the Galaxy

Chapter 107 Space folding technology and wormhole transition technology

The Earth’s scientific researchers have no idea what is happening to the strange data suddenly appearing in the Earth Observatory.

After initially ruling out the attack, everyone became extremely concerned about this and the matter.

Because the observatory exists to observe the cosmic sky, and to obtain data and information that may exist in the cosmic sky.

It seemed that they suddenly received a large amount of mysterious data information, which naturally made the researchers dare not neglect, and paid great attention to it, and immediately reported it layer by layer. Eventually, the news of the situation in the earth data center reached Zhang Chen.

Zhang Chen and a large number of scientific researchers rushed back to the earth at the first time, and went to the data center of the observatory to check the situation.

After Zhang Chen arrived at the data center, he found that the entire data center was extremely lively and talked a lot.

This made his eyes flashed with curiosity, and he vaguely heard words like information from alien civilizations.

He does not mean that.

Zhang Chen knows about alien civilization.

The alien civilization he knew existed 100%, and it was very possible to receive news of the alien civilization.

As for why the state of Kyushu had not heard of information about alien civilization in the previous life, Zhang Chen was not surprised. After all, these things are generally closed to the relevant personnel.

Moreover, the scientific and technological strength of Kyushu has been greatly improved. It is not incredible that information that could not be received in the previous life can be received now.

"Could it really be that you have received any news about alien civilization?"

Zhang Chen's eyes flashed with a light of "August Three Seven" doubts, and his heart moved slightly.

"Dr. Zhang Chen, you can count it!"

As soon as Zhang Chen appeared, he immediately attracted everyone's attention.The director of the data center quickly walked towards him, and said to him anxiously:

"Come and see what is going on, and see if you can figure out what these things are!"

"We suddenly received a huge amount of information. At first we thought it was an attack, but later this possibility was eliminated. Then after researching, we found that the data that seemed to be garbled and spam did not seem to be really spam.

The director of the data center is an old scholar in his fifties. At this time, there is a trace of anxiety on his face. He is very worried about what is wrong with the data center.

You must know that in the data center, there is a large amount of Kyushu country's data on star observation and research for many years. If it is lost, it is really too serious!

"Don't worry yet.

Seeing the anxious gaze of the old scholar, Zhang Chen comforted: "I will look at what is going on first, and then I can give you the answer to what is going on."

"Okay, please, Dr. Zhang Chen, now the other data in the data center can't be opened at all, and you can't do it if you want to back it up."

After always learning to listen to Zhang Chen's words, a look of expectation suddenly appeared on his face: "Dr. Zhang Chen, please come here and take a look."

Everyone immediately gave way to Zhang Chen.

He didn't say much, but quickly walked over.

At this moment, the computer screen is opening, and there are countless information data on it, which is flashing and flowing on the computer screen like a waterfall of water.

Zhang Chen's gaze narrowed slightly, and he started to stare at the data carefully.


Just as he stared at which data to see, his body suddenly shook slightly!In his mind, an electronic sound suddenly came: "Ding Dong! Incomplete cosmic singularity data has been found. May I now start to deduct and perfect the cosmic singularity data."

This is exactly the sound of Zhang Chen's system!

Zhang Chen's god-level scientist system allows Zhang Chen to immediately understand and learn all related technologies at the moment he sees any technological product.

When encountering an imperfect theory, the system can immediately begin to perfect it, and finally turn the imperfect theory into a complete and comprehensive mature technology theory.

Zhang Chen in his previous life relied on the system to completely copy and learn all the technologies Nibiru had seen in just ten years.

And now, Zhang Chen once again saw the incomplete scientific theory, and the system was immediately activated!

"Universe singularity data?! Is it the singularity data I think?"

Zhang Chen listened to the system prompts in his mind, and a shock of shock flashed in the depths of his eyes, feeling his heart twitching slightly at this moment!

"Ding Dong, yes the host. With this singularity data, you can gain insight into the mysteries of space in the universe, such as space wormholes, space folding, and space curvature transitions. ."


Listening to the sound of the system, Zhang Chen couldn't help but swallowed a mouthful of water, and his heart suddenly became hot!

Space Wormhole Technology!

Space folding technology!

Space curvature transition technology!

Oh My God!

These technologies are technologies that even Nibiru hasn't mastered!

If you really master these technologies, then this will become the first technology you have mastered that completely surpasses Nibirustar!

Before, whether it was a Star Destroyer or other technologies, they were all born out of Nibiru!

What can be said, none of them surpassed Nibiru Star's technological level!

But space technology is different!

Space technology will completely surpass Nibiru's technology!

"If you have mastered space technology, can create space wormholes, and make a transition in space-time curvature, then there will be a civilization in Kyushu that can surpass Nibiru!"

Zhang Chen's heart was a little excited at this moment: "This will greatly ensure the safety of Kyushu against the Nibiru Star civilization! If it does not work in the end, the space wormhole will open and you can easily retreat!

Zhang Chen is very clear that in the ten years of Kyushu, no matter how it develops, there will still be a lot of pressure on the distance of the Nibiru Star, and it is already very against the sky to be able to protect itself!

But if you have space technology, it's different!

Because this is equivalent to the Kyushu country having an asymmetric strike weapon!

Have your own advantage!

This is very, very important!

"Dingdong, does the host now deduce the perfect singularity data?'

The voice of the system rang in Zhang Chen's mind again.


Zhang Chen's heart was shocked, and he chose to start without hesitation.

"Ding Dong, the host has confirmed that the system has begun to deduce the perfect singularity data."

As Zhang Chen chose the start, the system immediately began to deduct the complete singularity data.

Boom one-

At the moment when the system started, Zhang Chen only felt a burst of light in his mind, which made his body tremble slightly, his eyes widened and his eyes were dead. Looking at the crazy flashing data on the computer screen.

"Dr. Zhang Chen?"

"Doctor, what's wrong with you? Are you uncomfortable?"

"Doctor? What's the matter with you? Don't scare us!"

Zhang Chen's body trembled slightly, and the expression on his face instantly turned red as he drank, and his eyes stared at the screen, making the scientific researchers around him shocked. , The commanded exclaimed.

They exclaimed nervously.

However, Zhang Chen of this matter has completely blocked all surrounding news.

At this time, in his mind, thousands of worlds are evolving!

A big universe appeared in his mind at this time!

Countless stars are being destroyed and reborn in this universe

He saw the Big Bang, the birth of various stars after the Big Bang, and then as the endless years passed, these stars began to age, degenerate, and finally turned into dust in the endless universe. He also saw black holes. When the black hole has swallowed the endless sun, moon and stars

In the process of the evolution of these stars, endless data were produced. These data are the data generated when these stars evolve, and these data are surging wildly in his mind.

At this moment, under the guidance of the system, his brain is madly deducing thinking, what data is thinking, and perfecting the singularity data sent by Nibiru.

The system is assisting him, the complete and complete singularity data is assisting him to understand the rules of space operation, and analyze the mystery of the unknown and mysterious science that ordinary people can't imagine.

As the endless data was calculated in Zhang Chen's mind, he quickly established a data model in his mind, and he is using these data models to verify the science and technology of the mysteries of space!

Zhang Chen was completely deposited in a state of thinking.

In this state, his whole person is as if he has been lost with the fixation technique.Except for his eyes moving and the expression on his face changing, everything else seems to be stiff!

The researchers in the data center looked at Zhang Chen's body shaking at first, and were shocked. They thought that Zhang Chen had some accident. Some people even immediately called Zhang Chen's private senior doctor to come.

Fortunately, the director of the data center stopped him.

At this time, the director of the data center was full of excitement and excitement.

"Don't speak out! Dr. Zhang Chen is in a state of deep thinking. He may have inspired inspiration after seeing these mysterious data! Don't make noise, so as not to interrupt Dr. Zhang Chen's thinking!"

Hearing this voice, everyone's spirits were shocked, and they immediately closed their mouths, each of them looked at Zhang Chen with shocked anticipation in their eyes.

Most of the people present are people engaged in scientific research. They all know very well how important inspiration is to scientific researchers!

It can even be said to be something that can't be met!

Sometimes a flash of inspiration may change the world completely!

For a character like Zhang Chen, his inspiration flashed, and it was even more amazing!

His inspiration flashes, and it can often directly change the entire era!

Gudong--Everyone watched Zhang Chen's "daze" state of staring at the data on the computer screen motionlessly. They all swallowed slightly, and their hearts were full of expectation and tension.

At this moment, even the sound of their own breathing was deliberately lowered, for fear of affecting Zhang Chen.

All of a sudden.

In the huge data center, apart from the sound of the cooling equipment, there is no other sound. Everyone is staring at Zhang Chen nervously.

They are all waiting for Zhang Chen to recover from his thinking state.

At the same time, they are also expecting that Zhang Chen can get good things from this aura thinking, so that the technology of Kyushu will explode!

Tick ​​Tick--

As time passed, everyone became more nervous and they were all staring at Zhang Chen closely. Some scientific researchers were so nervous that they were in the air-conditioned room, with sweat on their foreheads.


I saw Zhang Chen suddenly turned around and quickly walked towards a supercomputer not far away.

Zhang Chen did something suddenly, which shocked everyone.

However, before they could say anything, Zhang Chen sat in front of the supercomputer, opened the design software, and crackled on the keyboard in front of the computer.

Everyone looked at Zhang Chen's reaction, and everyone was very curious, and quickly walked behind him, wanting to be curious to see what Zhang Chen wanted to do when he fell on the ground. 3.3


After the old scholar of the data center saw what was on Zhang Chen's screen, his pupils suddenly shrank, his face showed an incredibly shocking color, and there was a stormy sea in his heart, and he subconsciously exclaimed!

"On the feasibility of space folding technology and space wormhole transition technology."

This is a headline he saw.

However, it was such a title that caused a stormy sea to be set off in his heart!

Space folding technology?!

Space wormhole jump technology?!

My goodness!

Dr. Zhang Chen has touched the mystery of space technology?!

Is he trying to create a space wormhole?!

The old scholar was shocked!

However, it was not just him who was shocked. At this moment, everyone who saw the title content on Zhang Chen's computer screen was shocked!

Zhang Chen is studying space technology!

This made them extremely shocked and unbelievable!

If you see this on the screens of other people's computers, everyone will not be shocked. The first thought in their minds is whether this guy is doing science fiction.

However, when this thing appeared on Zhang Chen's computer screen, the meaning it represented was completely different!

Others may be writing blindly or doing science fiction, but if this thing appears on Zhang Chen's computer, it will mean that this thing has a great probability of being realized!

Is Kyushu's science and technology reaching the point of opening a space wormhole?!

The scientific research scholars of Kyushu State behind Zhang Chen looked at each other one by one.

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