The Whole Country Will Follow Me Out of the Galaxy

Chapter 183 The momentum of thunder destroys Nibiru civilization

The expeditionary fleet of Kyushu suddenly descended on Nibiru.

The entire Nibiru star was immediately plunged into a huge shaking riot!

Looking at the huge fleet of Kyushu, looking at the three constant-star space battleships, the high level of Nibiru Star, their expressions changed greatly!

"Ready to defend!"

With Gu Qingyang's gaze, Ting stared at the fleet of the Kyushu Kingdom, suddenly recovered, and shouted loudly: "They are going to attack us!"

The fleet of the Kyushu Kingdom appeared in Nibiru, obviously not for sightseeing, and Gu Qingyang was extremely affirmed of this.

All of a sudden.

In the entire Nibiru Star, the sirens were one after another, and all combat troops immediately entered a state of combat.

Numerous weapons and firepower systems began to target the Kyushu fleet in outer space for the first time.

The Lunar Battleship of the Kyushu Kingdom Under the order of Zhang Chen, the battleship force of the Kyushu Kingdom has entered a state of combat.

"Report! The spaceship fleet is ready for battle!"

"The firepower system has been aimed at the main area of ​​Nibiru Star!"

"You can fire at any time!

A general of the Kyushu country appeared beside Zhang Chen and others, reporting loudly.

The head of Kyushu National Congress and others listened to the general's report, and their eyes flashed with a strong light.

"Fire immediately!"

Zhang Chen took a deep breath, a sharp light flashed in his eyes, and immediately ordered!

Following Zhang Chen's order, the three star 917-class space battleships of Kyushu State, as well as other warships of various types, immediately opened fire at the same time!


The main gun of the lunar battleship began to charge frantically, making a slight buzzing sound.

With a slight buzzing sound, on the main gun of the lunar battleship, a huge dark red attention suddenly broke out!


The dark red energy beam descended from the sky and headed directly towards the Nibiru Star Five Elements Mountain area!

Zhang Chen's target is precisely the gathering area of ​​the nobles of Nibiru Star!

The attack this time is a zone lock attack.

The reason for this.

Naturally because Zhang Chen didn't want to hurt the empress.

Through the spatial quantum portal ring, Zhang Chen can be sure that Her Majesty is not in the Five Elements Mountain area now!

Therefore, he had no psychological burden, so he let the space battleship Lunar destroy the Wuxing Mountain area!

Anti-matter weapons (ahdd), terrifying energy poured into the Five Elements Mountain area, and the entire Five Elements Mountain area of ​​Nibiru Star disappeared directly from the ground!

Only a huge pit with no bottom left!

at the same time.

The remaining battleships of Kyushu.

They also attacked the target area they locked in!

The other two constant-star space battleships are locked in the area where Nibiru star built the constant-star space battleship!

Nibiru's huge constant-star space battleship has also been locked!

Under the horrified eyes of countless Nibiru stars.

The constant-star space battleship they just built instantly turned into nothingness, as if it had never appeared before!

The constant-star space battleship construction factory below was also destroyed in an instant!

"Do not!"

Gu Qingyang and other senior officials of Nibiru star looked at Nibiru star's constant-star space battleship, and disappeared in an instant, and immediately let out a grieving roar.


His roar, the sound has not yet dissipated, and the attack of anti-matter energy weapons above the sky enveloped the area he was in!

As the attack of the anti-matter energy weapon fell, Gu Qingyang and many of Nibiru's high-level officials were instantly wiped out!

The star-rated space battleship of Kyushu Guoheng is an irresistible existence for Nibiru Star!

In a blink of an eye, countless important facilities and military bases of Nibiru were destroyed by Kyushu's constant star space battleship.

At this time, Nibiru's counterattack had already begun.

Countless ground weapons have begun a counterattack against the Kyushu Space Battleship Fleet.

"Fire! Fire at once! Destroy all the fleets of earth civilization for me!"

"Why haven't our planetary defense matrix activated yet?! Damn! Quickly activate the planetary defense matrix!"

"Sir, our planetary defense matrix has been destroyed by the stellar battleship of Kyushu!"

The entire Nibiru star was completely plunged into chaos under the sudden attack of Kyushu.

Screams and screams, roars and roars, one after another.

At this moment, Nibiru Star was completely plunged into chaos and fear!

The terrifying fighting power that erupted in the Kyushu Kingdom shocked countless Nibiru Stars!

They couldn't even dream that the attack on the earth civilization of the Kyushu Kingdom would come so suddenly and so terribly!

A large number of Nibiru star spacecraft fleet took off quickly and killed towards the fleet of Kyushu.

Countless ground weapon firepower systems went crazy, pouring firepower toward the Kyushu National Fleet.


Everything is in vain!

Facing the constant-star space battleship of Kyushu, the spaceship fleet of Nibiru became so fragile and vulnerable!

Every attack of the constant star space battleship will wipe out a large number of Nibiru star spacecraft!

The constant star space battleship of Kyushu is on top of Nibiru star.


No space battleship of the Nibiru star can resist the attack of the Kyushu Guoheng star space battleship!

"All-out attack!"

On the Moon, watching the Kyushu fleet attack like fire like tea, killing Nibiru star without any resistance, a flash of excitement flashed in his eyes, and loudly ordered: "Destroy Nibi in one fell swoop. Lu Xing!"

The huge fleet advantage made the people of Kyushu nation thoroughly excited!

Listening to Zhang Chen's order, I have already killed the red-eyed Kyushu fleet. I have increased my vitality and hunted the Nibiru star fleet wildly!

Three constant-star space battleships are the main force, opening the way in front, wherever they go, wherever they go!

No Nibiru star battleship can withstand the main artillery attack of a constant star space battleship!

On Nibiru Star, wars are in full swing, but all the more important Nibiru Star military bases have been destroyed by the fleet of the Kyushu Kingdom without hesitation!

The three constant-star space battleships of Kyushu are for Nibiru.

It's a dimensionality reduction blow!

Under the attack of dimensionality reduction, Nibiru Star has no resistance!

Slaughter on one side!

"In previous lives, that's how you treated earth civilization!"

Zhang Chen was standing in front of the Lunar spacecraft window, watching Nibiru star down by the Kyushu fleet crazily destroyed, his eyes flashed with icy light, and his heart was cold.

Zhang Chen returned his gaze and turned his head, as the fleet issued a new order: "Destroy all the resistance of Nibiru!

With the order of Zhang Chen, Kyushu's space fleet began a frantic hunt and cleared it out!

Star Nibiru fell into an endless panic, countless people of Nibiru star, under the frantic attack of Kyushu Kingdom, vanished in ashes!

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